Plesiosaur The Carracosta - Tumblr Posts

Time for more art! Here's a shot of my Pokemon team from Pokemon Black, gathered together in the Savanna Biome of Unova's Blueberry Academy Terarium! From left to right we have:
Smugleaf the Serperior ♂ (Hardy, quick to flee)
Red the Victini (Sassy, strong willed)
Falkner the Unfezant ♂ (Rash, hates to lose)
Chuck the Sawk ♂ (Jolly, good perseverance)
Murkrok the Krookodile ♀ (Adamant, thoroughly cunning)
Plesiosaur the Carracosta ♀ (Serious, alert to sounds)
If you're wondering why Red's got a scarf on, that's a bit of a headcanon thing—he's skilled with electronics, so a while after the events of my Pokemon Black file, he found himself teaching at Blueberry Academy as a Mechanical Engineering teacher! Man, I can't wait to share more about my personal PokeCanon... when I get the chance to, of course.

And as a bonus, here's the only two Unova team members that can actually be here in-game. Yes, I am miffed that, at a minimum, Victini wasn't included in the Indigo Disk update, why do you ask? I mean, at least we can get Meloetta, but still

Breaching the waves of an ancient ocean!