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23 posts
Rules and such

- Lucifer x Son reader. (Angst)
-Lucifer x Son reader 2 (Angst)
-Lucifer x imp s/o head-canons (fluff)
-Lucifer x reader that’s dating Charlie. (Light angst)
-Lucifer x figure skater s/o (fluff)
-Sub Lucifer x Reader (Suggestive)

-Alastor x imp s/o head-canons (fluff)

-Charlie x reader. Forgotten on anniversary (angst)
- Charlie x reader. Forgotten on anniversary II
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More Posts from Debonairprincesposts
Sup y’all! Kinda new on this platform. Just looking to chill and browse around here. Might do some random posts here and there. Might sometimes take requests idk. I just write what comes to mind really. Do share your ideas though! So, yeah! Pleasure to be here! (Requests closed)
Here’s a master list of my stories if y’all r interested. Have fun! 🙃
Genshin Impact master list

Y’all can show your love and support by buying me a kofi (。•̀ᴗ-)✧ !
Ciao for now! ✌️
hi!! idk if requests are open, but ill just leave this here in case they are.
can I request lucifer and alastor (separate plz) with an imp s/o? just general headcanons :)
General head-canons of Lucifer and Alastor with an imp s/o.
Not a problem Anon! I take requests at random. But here are the head-canons u requested! Hope they’re to your liking.
Enjoy! (。•̀ᴗ-)✧

▫️ Lucifer is the type of person who would literally do anything you asked and get it done as fast as he could.
Let’s say that you came home from work and you’re tired, hungry, and completely drained.
You didn’t even have time to say anything
The moment he takes in your disheveled state, he would immediately scoop you up in his arms, put you in your pajamas, make you your favorite food then lets you eat it on the couch with your favorite tv show on, then proceed to put your legs on his lap to massage your feet and ask how your day went.
Totally empathizes with you when you complain about how your boss was a total jerk.
Asks if you need him to “talk” with your boss real quick.
Obviously you say no.
Is definitely the type to make short jokes
Even if he isn’t that much taller than you
He’s excited to finally have someone shorter than him, leave him be!
While you’re trying to reach something off a high shelf or something, he would definitely be like, “Need help, my love?” While smirking and looking all smug.
Tries to reach for it but he’s too short
Ends up using his magic to get it
When he hands it to you all embarrassed cuz he couldn’t reach it himself, you just smirk in amusement and kiss him on the cheek, “Thanks, love.”
Doesn’t matter how long you guys have been together, he still blushes at the pet names.
He calls you “My love” “Little Duckling” “Honey”
You call him “Darling” “love” “Luci”
Thinks you give the best cuddles.
Like, you’re definitely the perfect size for him for him to just scoop up and put you on his lap. Loves nuzzling his face at the back of your neck when he does.
Leaves a few kisses there too.
Absolutely loves it when you cup his face and just litter the entirety of it with kisses.
Blushes and smiles like a lovesick fool each and every time.
Fiddles with your tail when you sit on his lap.
Lets you pet his wings when you’re upset
Loves being big spoon because it makes him feel like he can protect you cuz of how small you are.
Sometimes when he went to sleep early and you had to stay up late to finish some work, he’d get a nightmare and go to your office wearing his duck pajamas with a blanket around his shoulders while holding a pillow with his hair looking disheveled. He’d stand infront of the door and keep looking at you with cute puppy eyes, all big and glistening, filled with tears until you get off your desk and lead him back to the bedroom to cuddle his nightmares away.
Appreciates it every time.
Makes sure you know it through mumbles in between kisses he leaves on your hand when you spoon him.
Loves being spooned after nightmares
Just very grateful he has you in his life now. He just loves you so much.

He would quite literally kill for you
Seems to be obsessed with you on an unhealthy level
But you love it and think it’s cute so you don’t care. Plus, he’d never hurt you.
He loves you too much to even think of hurting you
He made a deal with you to make sure he never could
Absolutely hates physical contact
But if it’s you then he doesn’t mind :)
Makes you jambalaya during the time he knows you would arrive home.
Massages your shoulders while you eat and asks about your day
Despises your boss for causing you stress
The only reason he hasn’t killed him yet is because you said no
He’d never disobey you
Your word is basically law
If you’re upset, he’d take you to his room, lay your head on his lap, rubs you head and horns, and sing for you
If that’s not enough, he’d lay his head on your lap instead and lets you play with his ears
You find that they’re very fluffy
You let him know that
One time while you guys were out, a bullet almost hit you.
He killed the sinner responsible immediately
Always made sure he was out with you from then on
Doesn’t matter what you’re doing. He’s going with you
Loves to make you flustered with all his nice fancy pet names. Loves to call you “Darling” “Dear” “Little Doe”
Your pet names for him are “Al” “Sweetie” “love”
Loves playing with your tail when you sit on his lap.
Would literally do anything you ask
He loves you that much

I think I went a bit overboard. I enjoyed writing this tho! And I hope you enjoyed reading it too ∠(ᐛ 」∠)
Thank you anon for this wonderful request! I hope it was up to your standards :)
Anyway! Stay healthy and hydrated y’all
Bye Babes!

You answered my question perfectly and I'll be sure to request more Lucifer in the future (love our short king). But this time I'd like to request Charlie x reader angst if that's okay (totally not inspired by your last request 😅 and sorry it's a bit long).
Reader planning an evening out for their 1 year anniversary (with help and ideas from Lucifer), based on when she's supposed to be back. It's not until later on in the evening the reader finds out she's forgotten/changed her mind and gone for an evening out with Vaggie instead. Reader leaves a crumbled note on top of a bouquet of flowers and a new dress/suit they had brought just for her and that evening. Note is your typical breaking up and leaving, with the reader leaving the hotel to try and not be found and blocking her number.
Omg anon! I have no idea where you keep getting these ideas from! They’re absolutely *Chef's kiss*
I also just love how the reader and Lucifer are basically just bonding over Charlie. And I don't mind how long your messages are! I just love reading you guys' thoughts.
Anyway! Here is the angst you requested! Hope you like it :)
Enjoy (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
Charlie x Reader

You were filled with anticipation for today, a mix of excitement and nervousness. After all, it's your and Charlie's one-year anniversary! Your desire is to ensure that the day is flawlessly wonderful! You plan on buying her a gift and giving it to her during dinner.
One small issue tho-
You have no idea what to get her.
Maybe you could ask someone? Someone who's known Charlie for a very long time. Someone like maybe-
Surely he'd know! He is her father after all. Surely he wouldn’t mind you calling about a matter such as this, right?
In slight anxiety, you pick up your phone to dial in Lucifer’s number. He gave it to you once Charlie revealed you two’s relationship to him. Saying to call him should you need anything cuz you are his ‘future Child-in-law’. You just hope he’s free enough to answer his phone.
He picks up on the third ring, “Hey kid! How are you doing these days?”
“Hello sir! I just uhm- kinda need your help with something.”
“Of course! Whatever you need, dear! What’s up?”
“Sooo- today is Charlie and I’s 1 year anniversary and I don’t know what to get her. I plan on buying her a gift and taking her out for dinner, but I have no idea what I’m supposed to get her. Do you perhaps have any ideas?”
Lucifer let out a gasp, “Totally! Maybe you can buy her new suit? She loves those.”
That’s brilliant! How come you didn’t think of that before!
“That’s a marvelous idea, sir! Thank you for your help!”
“Always happy to help, dear! Have fun with your anniversary!”
You both bid each other goodbye and hang up.
Okay! Time to go shopping!
You spent three hours trying to find the perfect suit. And it was absolutely beautiful. It should fit Charlie like a glove. She’ll absolutely love it. Now! All that needs to be done is give her this suit to wear and take her out for dinner! You try to give her call, but it went straight to voicemail mail. Worry fills your heart. It’s getting closer and closer to the time of the reservation and she’s still out of sight.
It’s getting pretty late, you’ll miss your reservation if you don’t leave now.
You go down to the lobby, maybe someone knows where she is. You see Husk and Angel Dust at the bar. Maybe they know.
“Hey guys! Have you seen Charlie? I haven’t seen her since this morning.”
“Haven’t seen her either, toots. Why? You need her for something?” Angel Dust turns to you as soon as you get closer.
“I’m taking her out for dinner, but she won’t return any of my calls.”
“She’s been out with Vaggie since this morning. Hasn’t been back since.” Says Husk before taking a swig of his bottle.
“I-I see. Thank you.”
Husk and Angel shoot either other a worried glance as you left. You were a pretty good friend to them. They didn’t like seeing you upset. But they figured it’s best they give you some space.
Another hour passed. You had completely missed your reservation. Being by yourself for a bit gave you time to reflect on your time with Charlie. It made you realize that this wasn’t the first time she’s done this. It always felt like you were a second priority to her. Every time you’d want to spend some time with her, she’d always make excuses about how she already made plans with Vaggie. And you know what? You’re done. If she wants to hang out with Vaggie so bad then you won’t stop her.
In your fit of heartbreak, you write a letter. The letter’s contents are that of a break up. Explaining how you’re done with her. How you’re done with always being second place. How you’re always second priority. You spent three freaking hours picking out a suit for her just for her not to show up.
After finishing up the letter, it being all crumbled from how hard you were gripping it and being stained with your tears, you take the bouquet of flowers you were going to give her and leave it on her bed next to her suit.
This is goodbye.
You start packing your bags. You weren’t going to stay with someone who never cared for you as much as you cared for them. When you’re done, you leave your phone behind. You’ll make sure to buy a new one with a new number and everything.
You exit through the fire escape and never look back.
And just like that, you’re gone.

Another request fulfilled!!! Finally! I was struggling with how I’m supposed to write this, but I think I made a decent piece. Hope you like it anon! Hopefully it’s up to your standards! Sorry it took me so long to write this. Anyway!
Stay healthy and hydrated!
Bye babes! ∠(ᐛ 」∠)
do you take Angst requests for other hazbin Characters or is it just Lucifer? Loved the last angst you posted
I could write for other characters too, but I’m more familiar with Lucifer than the others.
Lucifer is like- so babygirl omg
Hope that answers your question, babe!
Keep healthy and stay hydrated! (☞ ͡ ͡° ͜ ʖ ͡ ͡°)☞
∠(ᐛ 」∠)

Your answer to my Charlie angst was amazing, I wasn't sure which way I wanted it to go but I loved what you did. Any chance for part two? See if we can forgive her 😅

(I took some inspiration from some of y'alls ideas in my asks. Thank you for that.)
Forgotten II

It felt oddly quiet when Charlie arrived back at the hotel. Like there was something missing.
"Is something the matter, Charlie?" Vaggie asked, noticing Charlie's expression.
"I don't know, something feels off," Charlie replied. There was something that was supposed to happen today. But she couldn't put her finger on it.
While she was deep in thought, she flinched when her phone started to ring.
Why was her Dad calling?
As she picked up the phone, she heard her Dad's eager voice, "Sooooo? How was your anniversary dinner? Did you like it? I mean- of course you did. I helped organize it, after all."
"Anniversary dinner?" What anniversary dinner. She only had went out with Vaggie, and she didn't-...
"Why do you sound so confused? Weren't you out with (Name) just now?"
"No?! I was out with Vaggie all afternoon! I didn't know that today was our anniversary!" Charlie exclaimed, panic clear in her voice.
"Charlie....," That's the most disappointed Lucifer has ever sounded to Charlie. "Where is (Name)? You need to go find them and apologize immediately. They've been planning this for months! You have to make it up to them somehow."
Lucifer had a point. Charlie needed to find (Name) and apologize at all costs!
"I will, Dad. Don't worry," Charlie said as she hung up the phone.
Immediately running up the stairs towards their shared room, calling out (Name)'s name.
As she looked around the room, she spots a letter among a few other things on her bed. Picking up the letter, she read its contents.
(Name) left? Forever?! How can this be?
Charlie immediately called her father again, and started to tell him everything.
Lucifer was conflicted. He loved his daughter. Of course he would, he’s her father. But she can do really stupid things at times. He wants to comfort her even though she’s in the wrong. (Name) has come to him with their issues of how Charlie was being neglectful, and inattentive. He advised (Name) to talk to Charlie about it. But it seems to have been a fruitless endeavor. Charlie persisted with her less than stellar behavior, and it seems to have been their relationship’s undoing. He doesn’t blame (Name) for leaving. They confided in him with such thoughts. If (Name) was going to leave then he wasn’t going to stop them. He just hopes that they keep in contact with him. He really liked them. They were like a bff he never had. Truly an unfortunate thing to have happened.
(Name) decided that staying in the Pride Ring where Charlie lived was too much. So, (Name) had decided to go see some old friends in the Lust Ring, and see if they would let them work at their company. Namely, Asmodeus and Fizz. They know the reason why (Name) decided to come back. (Name) already sent them a message previously to let them know of their arrival and their reasons to leaving the Pride Ring.
Asmodeus obviously didn't mind, "Of course, bestie! What are friends for?! Been a while since we've seen each other anyway. Isn't that right, Froggy?"
"Totally! Ooooooh we can have sleep overs like we used to! Oh! And pillow fights! I missed those!"
(Name) chuckled. They really missed those guys.
Fast forward a few days, (Name) gets a visitor at their office.
Knock knock
"Come in!"
The unknown visitor steps through the door to reveal themselves.
"Charlie." (Name) says, tone cold. "What do you want?"
Charlie flinched at (Name)'s tone of voice.
"I'm here to apologize. For the way that I treated you. I know I had forgotten and unintentionally ignored you sometimes, but it wasn't my intention! I swear! I'll do anything you say! Just, come back with me?" Charlie exclaimed, with tears running down her face, "please?"
(Name) looked at Charlie with indifference. (Name) is already comfortable with their new life here. They weren’t going to leave that for anyone else ever again.
"Is that all? If it is, then please leave my office. I have much work to get done."
(Name)'s response broke Charlie's heart.
"I see." Charlie whispered is despair. She was too late. As she turned to leave, she looked back one last time, "For what it's worth, I'm really sorry."
"I know," (Name) said, already viewing their documents that they needed to finish.
Charlie, seeing as (Name) was busy, closed the door as she left.
Seems she wasn't able to convince (Name) to go back with her. Even through all the trouble she put her father through to help her find (Name). It was all in vain in the end it seems.
At least (Name) seems happy here.
Even though (Name) left, them and Lucifer still send each other memes and silly pics ((Name) memorized his number). No break up with Charlie is ever gonna stop (Name)’s friendship with their friendly neighborhood King of Hell.

Thanks y’all for waiting for this part 2! Was racking my brain to try to complete it. I’d like to thank some of you in my asks, I used some of y’all’s ideas and managed to incorporate some of it in this story, and came to my rescue.
(Please nobody ask for part 3. Idk what I’m supposed to do after this.)
Ne ways!
Lots of love to everyone out there!
Till next time babes!
And as always, stay healthy and keep hydrated!!
-DebonairPrince ∠(ᐛ 」∠)