delirious-desbear - this is an ex-parrot
this is an ex-parrot

she/her • minor • many interests, too little time

27 posts

Delirious-desbear - This Is An Ex-parrot - Tumblr Blog

6 months ago

burning text gif maker

heart locket gif maker

minecraft advancement maker

minecraft logo font text generator w/assorted textures and pride flags

windows error message maker (win1.0-win11)

FromSoftware image macro generator (elden ring Noun Verbed text)

image to 3d effect gif

vaporwave image generator

microsoft wordart maker (REALLY annoying to use on mobile)

you're welcome

6 months ago

“ummmmm ur bra strap is showing :/ ”

7 months ago

this!! harm reduction is harm reduction is harm reduction!!

i would rather incrementally make things better than wait my whole life for a political messiah to wave their hand and make the united states a utopia.

Sorry For Resorting To A Meme About This But People Are Making Me Mad

sorry for resorting to a meme about this but people are making me mad 👍

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7 months ago

Don't kill yourself, please.

If you’re suffering from depression and are looking for a sign to not go through with ending your life, this is it. This is the sign. We care.

If you see this on your dash, reblog it. You could save a life.

7 months ago

it’s hard these days to remain apolitical. mostly because things i never thought would be political are.

i want children to stop being bombed

i want access to life changing healthcare no matter my zip code

i want school lunch to be free

i want people to marry who they want

i want people in search of a better life to come where i live and find it

i want trans women to be respected and use a public toilet when needed

i want prisons to rehabilitate, not just punish

i want more clean energy and with that clean energy, more jobs

i want busses and bus stops

i want higher education to not be so ridiculously expensive

but there are people out there, who live in my country, in my state, in my city, hell, in my zip code, who not only vehemently disagree with me, but who actively support political violence and would squash me for the chance to march around charlottesville all over again. and that thought terrifies me.

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8 months ago
OG: Https:// !!!!!

OG: !!!!!

8 months ago
Perfect New Meme Template Just Dropped

perfect new meme template just dropped

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9 months ago
9 months ago



I have made you a chart. A very simple chart.

People say "You have to draw the line somewhere, and Biden has crossed it-" and my response is "Trump has crossed way more lines than Biden".

These categories are based off of actual policy enacted by both of these men while they were in office.

If the ONLY LINE YOU CARE ABOUT is line 12, you have an incredible amount of privilege, AND YOU DO NOT CARE ABOUT PALESTINIANS. You obviously have nothing to fear from a Trump presidency, and you do not give a fuck if a ceasefire actually occurs. You are obviously fine if your queer, disabled, and marginalized loved ones are hurt. You clearly don't care about the status of American democracy, which Trump has openly stated he plans to destroy on day 1 he is in office.

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9 months ago

luckyprincessblog/emmily kimesis rajaab/Marystella Majuma Rajaab is a documented scammer profiting off of the genocide. they are not diabetic and they are not palestinian. search the other names they go by on here: leila rajab, remmy cheptau, tasneem r'm, leila mohammed rajab, tasneem remmy rajaab, valentine rajaab, wafula valentine, salima abdallah, tasneem abdalah, Tasneem Majuma, Magandalina Auma, taheera abdallah, Dorine nanjala, dorine rajaab, Jastus Kimanzi, daisy akinyi, daisy rahaab, taheera mohammed, Mutsui Martin Mohamed, merrine sussy rahah, merrine atieno, merrine rahah, Sussy Wamela, Beatrice Akoth Oduor, Nakhumicha Ruth

here’s the source of one of the images they’re using as proof of their condition

would you mind deleting their scam from your blog, or clearly labeling it as a scam so it doesn't spread to others? in the future, please remember to search the username/paypal account name/text used by the people asking for money in your inbox

please familiarize yourself with the posts of some current scammers while they are still under these usernames: atomicsmart, smwitais, agneskebwariii, beatriceegiveer, luckyprincessblog, mallycahblog, palewolfkittyhaks, dhrogou, luckieangelali, chieffurygiver, weepingtyrantmaker, burningvoidbird, tacofriends

i really recommend looking at their pinned posts in order to better recognize scams, not just using this list as a blocklist, because once they are terminated they each will immediately remake their scams under a new username

already deleted.

i had no clue and i didn’t check it out as thoroughly as i typically do. i want to blame it on late-night decision making, but they caught me at the end of the day when i was nearly burnt out and really needed to connect with my own humanity.

thank you so much.

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9 months ago
9 months ago

Latest reblog reminds me of how much it pisses me the fuck off how every queer person alive has to adapt to the usamerican style of queerness lest we get shunned by the community for being too different. I bring this up a lot but bro that time I got death threats for having ele/dele in my bio bc "by using neopronouns I was making a mockery of REAL trans people" when those are literally just my pronouns in my native language, and when I said that I got hit w the "well you're on the internet so speak english" I HATE GRINGOS I HATE GRINGOS I HATE GRINGOS

9 months ago

genuinely this website is horrible. every few days they totally nuke another random popular trans girl who has never ever broken a rule, and everybody but trans girls shut up about it and forgets immediately. like HELLO???? Charlottan was banned for literally NO REASON why am i not seeing hammer car explosion 2??? why are the majority of TME people just ignoring that trans girls are absolutely being specifically targeted for removal with no excuse??? does nobody else care any more????

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1 year ago

i swear i’m just a girl.

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1 year ago

i try and stray away from politics, but my existence is political, so i can’t not reblog this

If you’re living in the US and reading this right now, I need you to know that if republicans take over office this next election, human rights are as good as dead.

The Heritage Foundation, a major Republican think tank, has published a 1,000 page document detailing how they want conservatives to take over the government and what they think should be done as soon as they’re in office. It is, in a nutshell, a call for fascism.

If you’re trans, know that one of the things it includes is basically banning trans people from having our existence acknowledged and it’s worded in a way where you could reasonably understand it to mean that being trans and going out in public is enough to get you put in jail for exposing minors to porn.

If you’re an immigrant, sanctuary cities are also going to be dead under this plan as district attorneys who don’t enforce the federal laws they plan to implement will be charged with crimes as well and they’re banking on them not being willing to pay the fines they’d be charged with in order to protect you.

If you care about climate change and safety regulations, kiss the regulations goodbye and prepare to watch the environment slowly get destroyed.

Here’s a link to the video I watched on this

Here’s a PBS article on it

Here’s where you can read the whole thing if you’re so inclined

1 year ago

the scariest thought i have is the fact that there might be closeted members in state and national legislature (in America. i’m American. it’s all fun and games here) who are inflicting/enacting or watching their co-workers inflict/enact anti-trans, and on a more fundamental level, anti-lgtbq legislation. how crazy is that?

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1 year ago
This Map Is The Most Up To Date Version As Of 3-4-2023 And Takes Into Account All Recent Movement On
This Map Is The Most Up To Date Version As Of 3-4-2023 And Takes Into Account All Recent Movement On

This map is the most up to date version as of 3-4-2023 and takes into account all recent movement on anti-trans legislation

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2 years ago

okay but seriously. do you guys believe in ghosts

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2 years ago

i love everything about this tbh because who doesn’t love a large collection of himbos?

Best Of The Richmond AFC Himbos!Bonus:
Best Of The Richmond AFC Himbos!Bonus:
Best Of The Richmond AFC Himbos!Bonus:
Best Of The Richmond AFC Himbos!Bonus:
Best Of The Richmond AFC Himbos!Bonus:
Best Of The Richmond AFC Himbos!Bonus:
Best Of The Richmond AFC Himbos!Bonus:
Best Of The Richmond AFC Himbos!Bonus:
Best Of The Richmond AFC Himbos!Bonus:
Best Of The Richmond AFC Himbos!Bonus:

Best of the Richmond AFC Himbos! Bonus:


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2 years ago

everyday i wake up and i appreciate women like the baby gay i am

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2 years ago

cinder: *sobbing* what are you doing in my house? what are you doing in my house?

thorne: i want waffle fries

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2 years ago

monty python ahead of its time

Wake Up Babe, The Holy Hand Grenade Of Antioch Was Just Confirmed Historically Accurate

Wake up babe, the holy hand grenade of Antioch was just confirmed historically accurate

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2 years ago

welcome. reblogs and original content soon to come.