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you wanna take this outside bro???? you wanna watch the stars with me bro????? confess our feelings under the moon bro?????

My whole queer experience has been ✨denial✨
it doesnt matter what all of the intricacies of your identity are, if lesbian resonates with you, if lesbianism is where you find your home, your a lesbian through and through. you can have the most complex, confusing, or even "contradicting" gender and/or orientation, and youre still just as valid as any other lesbian! you dont need to worry about how others perceive you, or how others try to define words for the whole community, because they dont have an actual say in how you can identify or how anyone can use a word (bc words arent static and dont mean just one thing all the time and everywhere).
all queer labels can be open and fluid! all of them are available to the messy, complex existences so many of us fall into! just because we dont fall into cookie cutter molds that society wants of us, doesnt mean we dont exist, that we have to force ourselves to fit them- we deserve to exist in our own way and be our incredible, unique selves 💖
heres to every lesbian with complex identities, i love you and im here for you! 🌙🌙🌸

oh my god will it fucking kill you to say “they”