Giant!deceit - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago

Title Game

I've seen this around Tumblr but idk who started it (If anyone knows please tell me so I can give credit)

But give me a title and I'll give you a summary / mini fic of what I think the story it! I'll give you my take on it!

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5 years ago

Hey! I just read your story with Virgil shrinking and Roman getting his "revenge" and I loved it. I seen you were looking for writing prompts, not sure how specific you want me to be but what if Dee and Remus are villains and Virgil is their tiny. The others think that Virgil is being mistreated when they spot him with Dee during a raid and try to save him. In reality Virgil is like a son to Dee and Remus and is completely spoiled.

Son of the Wicked

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5 years ago

Fairly Small Love (4)

Characters: Snake, Virgil, Patton, Logan, Roman ________________________________________________________________

Virgil hesitated, biting his lip. “What if you trap me too? What if you’re secretly fae and you’re trying to trap me.”

Snake sighed, shaking his head. “I know that it might seem iffy and a bit cruel but even if I was a fae and I promised you my true name, You would have the same control over me as I would you. I’ll go first if that will make you feel better.”

“Yeah, you go first.” No fae was stupid enough to give him their full name, and Virgil wasn’t getting stuck again.

“Fine, My name is Declyn Mora Knight, but you can call me Dee.”

Virgil relaxed, slumping against Dee’s fingers. “Oh thank god….My name is-”

“Virgil Ann Storm, what do you think you are doing?” Patton asked, causing Virgil to go white. “And Declyn Mora Knight?” Patton purred, grinning.

Dee went pale, feeling sick. He wasn’t specific in giving only Virgil his name, he had allowed himself to be distracted by all of the spirits whispering in his ear. He wasn’t specific, meaning anyone…..anything listening, had access to his name now.

“Declyn Mora Knight, give me Virgil, now,” Patton ordered, giggling when Virgil was set delicately into his hands. “Good boy, now, Declyn Mora Knight, hold still.”

Dee wanted to move, he wanted to run away. But he couldn’t. “P-Please Pat don’t do thi-” He cut off when he slowly started to get smaller. He was frozen stiff until Patton scooped up his tiny body.

“You can move Declyn Mora Knight,” Patton cooed, giggling brightly. He got another one! He was so happy! He went back to the fairy ring, ignoring Virgil’s harsh sobs and Declyn’s horrified silence as he traveled home.

He opened the box, dropping Virgil onto the floor and carefully setting Dee down. “Oh Logan! Roman! I’m home!” he chirped, patting their heads. He giggled when they didn’t pull away, too frozen in shock to even care. “I brought you both a new friend! And I brought Virgil home!”

He watched them, ignoring how Virgil laid on the floor unmoving. He even ignored the red liquid pouring out of the tiny purple body. “I gotta go prepare snacks and goodies! Oh this is exciting!$” He chirped, slamming the lid back on the box and disappearing from sight.






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5 years ago

Mini Requests!

So, to get back into the spirit of writing, I’ll be doing mini requests! They are gonna be super short, only a few paragraphs max, but I’m doing requests again! You send me sentence prompts (two sentences max per request please) and the characters you want (max 4 ) & if you want it to be romantic leave the ship name also! I know a lot of people have really good, detailed requests that I’ve been working on, but I’ve lost a lot of motivation due to recent events. But don’t worry, I’m going to get them finished as soon as possible. Feel free to choose the characters, sizes [g/t], ship, and if you wanna go ahead and ask for fluff or angst.

ex 1) “It Doesn’t have to be this way.” With Roman & Deceit [Rociet]

ex 2) “It doesn’t have to be this way.” Roman and Deceit

ex 3) “It doesn’t have to be this way.” tiny! Roman & giant! deceit! [Roceit Fluff]

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5 years ago

Cuddles Now (Rociet)

Roman was laying on the couch in his home, scrolling through channels on his TV and trying to find a good movie to watch. Cinderella? Seen it. Toy Story 3? I’d rather not cry. Oh, maybe Monsters Inc. since it’s been awhile since I’ve seen it. Yeah, Monsters Inc.

He turned on the movie and leaned back, a soft smile on his face. He hummed softly, before he heard his roof being pulled off slowly. He looked up, only for his view to be consumed by a massive hand.

He squeaked and tried to get away, but he was plucked off the couch and trapped in a massive fist. He looked up to only be met with his giant friend, Dee. He wiggled and squirmed, watching as Dee carefully put his roof back on.

“Dee! What are you doing!? We were supposed to meet tomorrow!” He squeaked, holding onto Dee when the giant stood up, heading back into the woods where he lived.

“Cuddles, now,” He demanded, nuzzling Roman against his cheek. His English was still a bit sloppy after about a month of them hanging out. Ever since Roman got lost in the woods and Dee helped him they had an uneasy friendship, meeting at least once a week for Dee’s English lessons.

“Dee come on! I was watching a movie!” He whined, watching them approaching Dee’s cave.

“Cuddles,” Dee repeated, shaking his head. “No mooo veeeee,” He groaned, curling up in his nest of blankets and mattresses. He held Roman closer to his chest, a content purr rumbling in his chest.

Roman squirmed and wiggled to try and get away, giving up soon when he realized there would be no escape for him. “Did you need cuddles that bad? Couldn’t you wait until tomorrow?”

Dee growled quietly, continuing to nuzzle Roman against his cheek. Roman took that as a no and fell silent, listening to Dee until the giant fell asleep. The purring and growling died down, Dee’s breathing ruffling his hair like a light wind, something Roman had to get used to ever since Dee decided the human made a good teddy bear while he slept.

He stayed put though, figuring he could since he would be with Dee all day tomorrow as well. At least it’s warm….maybe I should figure out a way to keep a TV here so I can watch movies. Yeah, I’ll look into that. He closed his eyes and let himself drift off, the soft breaths being a comfort to him as he slept. He was safe, Dee was safe and would protect him.

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4 years ago

I need to stop asking questions. (Deceit, Virgil, & Remus)

In the darker side of the mindscape, it was quiet. Too quiet. Even with the other two dark sides being about as tall as his thumb, it was still eerily silent. He slowly stood up from the couch, walking around with his eyes on the ground. Where are they? Why is it so damn quiet, it’s never this quiet. At that moment, there was a loud crash coming from the kitchen and Dee ran in, groaning at what he saw. “Of course you two did this.”

Sitting on the counter was Virgil and Remus, covered in cookie crumbs from the cookies Dee had baked the other day. The cookie jar was in ruins on the floor along with random cookie crumbs and chocolate chips. They look up at him, Remus grinning brightly and Virgil looking like a deer in headlights.

“What on Earth did you two do!?” Dee asked, summoning a broom and dustpan, bending down onto the floor to sweep up the glass shards and cookie crumbs.

“We got cookies!” Remus chirped, shoving a massive chocolate chip in his face.

“Sorry Dee. We….kinda made a mess,” Virgil mumbled, ducking his head as he slowly ate a smaller crumb. “Don’t be mad.”

“I….I’m not mad,” he informed after a moment, waving away the mess. “But I want to know why you did this. You could of just asked me for help, you know that, right?”

“We wanted to do it ourselves!” Remus piped up, getting chocolate all over his face. 

Dee groaned, reaching out and plucking both of them up, cleaning up the counters. “ I need to stop asking questions. Come on, you both need a bath.”

“No way!” Remus whined, squirming and trying to get away, while Virgil sat calmly in Dee’s hand.

“Remus, calm down now,” Dee ordered, pushing the dark creativity down. “Just accept the bath and I’ll make more cookies afterwards, deal?”

Remus took a moment, a long, long moment, before grinning. “Deal! But they better be extra extra extra good!”

Dee chuckled, ruffling his hair. “Of course Remus, I’ll make them extra good for you.”

“No! They have to be extra extra extra good! Come on, super duper good!”

“Fine, they will be extra extra extra good, I promise.”

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