Infinitesimal Sides - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago


Okay so this day 11 of @hiddendreamer67 October prompts but I really liked the idea and I had to finish it even though I didn’t have any time to do it on the actual day. I’m very bad at following daily prompts but please take this.

Also my first post on my new Tumblr blog! Yay!

Words: 1171

Warnings: Unsympathetic Patton, (brief) non-consensual kiss, Panic

Sand crunched softly under Virgil’s feet as he occasionally tossed stones into the rolling waves of the ocean, focused more on the water than what was around him. It wasn’t until he heard a small squeal coming from his left that he looked over and saw two kids crouched over a tide pool, one in green swim trunks and the other in red.

“Come on! Catch it!” the one in green exclaimed and shoved his brother’s shoulder, water dripped from his curls that were pointed in every direction and soaked band-aids were peeling off his skin, revealing scraps and scabs. The one in red had his hair pushed back out of his face and even from where he was standing Virgil could see the large freckles covering a good portion of his skin; he was pushing a plastic pail through the water, obviously trying to get something in it. 

Virgil rolled his eyes and chucked one of the smaller pebbles in his hand at the kid with the pail, “Hey! Leave the poor thing alone!”

The kid yelped as the pebble hit him and looked over his shoulder, eyes widening at being caught by an adult. Virgil tossed another, which bounced harmlessly against the green one’s head. “It’s an attack!” he shouted and he grabbed his brother’s arm and hauled him away, causing him to drop the pail as he did.

Virgil smirked at his accomplishment before taking careful strides closer to the pool, making sure to not accidentally step on anything. He bent over to pick up the pail, dumping the rest of the water back into the pool.

“Thank you!” a voice chirped from below. Virgil’s feet slipped out from under him as he jumped, making a startled screech. There was a soft giggle before the voice continued, “Oops! Sorry, kiddo, didn’t mean to scare you so badly.”

Virgil looked down into the pool for the first time. There, with his arms crossed over the stone edge, was a tiny merman. “Holy shit..”

“Not everyday you see one of me, huh?” He giggled again. Water splashed softly as his cerulean tail swished absentmindedly, “You really helped me though, getting rid of those little rascals, I’d be in some pretty hot water without you.”

Virgil was frozen for a moment as his brain processed the new sight before he finally processed the words and snorted, “Was that a pun?”

“You know it” The merman answered with a wink, “And for your troubles, can I give you a thank-you kiss?”

“Uh.. sure?” Virgil replied. He twisted and lowered himself down to lay on his stomach, his head dipped down and resting on his crossed arms for the merman to reach. 

He expected the merman to jump up and give him a quick peck on the cheek, instead he popped up and pressed his lips against his. Virgil lifted away immediately, cringing and wiping the water off his mouth.

“What was that for-” he exclaimed before cutting off as his eyes landed on the merman. He had taken to sitting on the edge of the tidepool, his tail flicking the water gently as the scales faded away and he was slowly growing in size. Virgil was so captivated with the merman transforming in front of him he didn’t realize his own diminishing size till his jacket hood fell over his head heavily. He yelped as his heart beat rapidly against his chest and his now rapid breath wasn’t taking in any oxygen. He tried to scramble out from under the heavy material but his legs weren’t cooperating like they should, leaving him flailing and grasping to pull himself forward

It wasn’t until a giant hand reached in and pulled him out, only to deposit him in the small tidepool- which was now as big as an above ground pool- that he realized his lack of breath was due to new gills along his sides and his movement was restricted due to the brand new glittering tail that started at his hips and frilled out like a beta fish. He stopped breathing all together as he watched the purple tail move as he twitched the muscles were his legs used to be. 

A giggle above him drew his attention away from his new features as he looked up to see the smiling face of the merman. Well, the ex-merman, “Aw, you’re a little cutie!”

Virgil opened and closed his mouth lamely, trying to think of something- anything to say. He watched the man grab up his swim trunks and slip them over himself clumsily with the new legs, then pull on his shirt and tie his jacket around his shoulders. 

The ex-merman stood up and Virgil began to panic again, jerkily swimming to the surface, “Wait! Don’t-”

He was cut off by a laugh, “Don’t worry kiddo, I’m not gonna leave you here.” He picked up the red pail and Virgil went white as he backed away from the edge. The ex-merman dipped the pail in the water and Virgil tried to move out of the way but he was scooped up easily. “Good thing they dropped this, huh? Wouldn’t have been much fun to try to get you out of here without it; ‘would have been better than being a seagull snack though.”

As the pail moved Virgil found himself being easily thrown around in the water and he thunked against the plastic walls more than once. He whimpered and it took a moment for him to right himself and find the top again, swimming up to the edge. He barely had time to grab the edge of pail before it was swung as they started walking along the beach. He swallowed and looked up at the man, who was looking cheerily ahead; he did glance at Virgil every so often and would smile down at him like this was the most normal thing in the world.

As they came closer to the docks Patton’s face lit up with recognition and he started in a sprint forward; Virgil slipping and flailing back into the pail, “Logan!”

It was a few moments before the shaking stopped and a conversation started above as Virgil tried to hold in his lunch. “It’s good to see you as well Patton, I see you found someone to switch with.”

“I did! Look!” The pail was thrusted up and Virgil tumbled a moment. “He’s so precious like this! I can’t believe I was this small.”

Logan chuckled, “Yes, now let’s get going and start accustoming you to human life.” Virgil managed to once again pop his head out of the water, “What-? What about me?”

“Don’t worry, you’ll adjust to your new life as well,” Logan answered in a reassuring tone.

“That’s not-!” Virgil shouted but Patton caught him off by tapping his head. 

“Shush kiddo, you’ll be fine!” He pushed him back into the pail as he started to follow Logan off the beach. Virgil sunk to the bottom of the pail and didn’t come back up.

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5 years ago

Oh my gods this is so adorable! I didn't think LAMP could get any cuter but it did Oh my freaking god I love your art!

Possibly a cute LAMP idea but Patton wears skirts and things a lot cause he thinks they're adorable, and convinces Roman to try. Virgil decides to try it too cause "Hey, it will make Patton super duper happy!" So he puts one on too. Logan is the only one still wearing pants but he is amused by the whole thing, taking photos of them (Since Roman and Patton both asked him to)

Possibly A Cute LAMP Idea But Patton Wears Skirts And Things A Lot Cause He Thinks They're Adorable,
Possibly A Cute LAMP Idea But Patton Wears Skirts And Things A Lot Cause He Thinks They're Adorable,

thats s o CUTE FUCK-

ok ok what if patton was a giant and he only wore skirts because its easier to make them than trousers and the others wanted to do something cute for him and all of them have a skirt day! patton cried the entire day of happiness for his cute lil bfs

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5 years ago

For the title game: Sealed Dreams

“Let me out of here Virgil! Right now!” Roman demanded, glaring at the giant side. “I swear I’m going to hit you!”“Yeah sure you are, King Midget. Just relax, it could be worse. And I’m only gonna keep you in here for the next,” he paused to look at his clock on the wall, arms spinning wildly and leaving the time unreadable to anyone but Virgil. “Seven hours, so chill the fuck out.”

Roman groaned loudly, laying back. “Just let me go! I hate this and this is inhumane!” He insisted, trying to plead his case.

“We aren’t humans,” Virgil remarked, grinning. “And Logan said I gotta keep you here until Thomas is done with his tests, so here you will stay.”

“But why!? I wasn’t doing anything! I was just-”

“Making Thomas think of songs, creative ideas, new musicals that are coming out, the next video project he wanted to work on,” Virgil cut him off, smirking at him. “And that is a big no no right now, since these tests are important to Thomas. So you will sit down and shut up until it’s over.” He wrapped his hand around the jar, giving it a small shake, only enough to knock the prince on his butt. “So chill out, and shut up.”

Roman glared at Virgil, yelping when he fell on his backside. He didn’t comment though, crossing his arms over his chest an falling silent. He was so going to get Virgil back once the seven hours was up.

[If you guys wanna request anything else, check out the title game and send your asks to @destinys-dragon ]

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4 years ago

I need to stop asking questions. (Deceit, Virgil, & Remus)

In the darker side of the mindscape, it was quiet. Too quiet. Even with the other two dark sides being about as tall as his thumb, it was still eerily silent. He slowly stood up from the couch, walking around with his eyes on the ground. Where are they? Why is it so damn quiet, it’s never this quiet. At that moment, there was a loud crash coming from the kitchen and Dee ran in, groaning at what he saw. “Of course you two did this.”

Sitting on the counter was Virgil and Remus, covered in cookie crumbs from the cookies Dee had baked the other day. The cookie jar was in ruins on the floor along with random cookie crumbs and chocolate chips. They look up at him, Remus grinning brightly and Virgil looking like a deer in headlights.

“What on Earth did you two do!?” Dee asked, summoning a broom and dustpan, bending down onto the floor to sweep up the glass shards and cookie crumbs.

“We got cookies!” Remus chirped, shoving a massive chocolate chip in his face.

“Sorry Dee. We….kinda made a mess,” Virgil mumbled, ducking his head as he slowly ate a smaller crumb. “Don’t be mad.”

“I….I’m not mad,” he informed after a moment, waving away the mess. “But I want to know why you did this. You could of just asked me for help, you know that, right?”

“We wanted to do it ourselves!” Remus piped up, getting chocolate all over his face. 

Dee groaned, reaching out and plucking both of them up, cleaning up the counters. “ I need to stop asking questions. Come on, you both need a bath.”

“No way!” Remus whined, squirming and trying to get away, while Virgil sat calmly in Dee’s hand.

“Remus, calm down now,” Dee ordered, pushing the dark creativity down. “Just accept the bath and I’ll make more cookies afterwards, deal?”

Remus took a moment, a long, long moment, before grinning. “Deal! But they better be extra extra extra good!”

Dee chuckled, ruffling his hair. “Of course Remus, I’ll make them extra good for you.”

“No! They have to be extra extra extra good! Come on, super duper good!”

“Fine, they will be extra extra extra good, I promise.”

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4 years ago

Fake title: Size magic

“Patton this is a really, really bad idea,” Roman informed, glancing between the other sides, who were all gathered in the common room for a meeting.

“But Roman~ I wanna try it come on!” Patton pleaded, looking at Roman with a pitiful gaze. “Please?”

“I agree with Roman, it’s not safe, especially since none of us, but him, know magic. I vote no,” Virgil called, leaning back against the beanbag that was his chair.

Logan took a moment, glancing at Virgil. “It might be beneficial to learn magic, especially since, as Roman says, we all have the potential to use it. I vote yes.”

Dee, who was taking up the window seal, pushed down the Yes button without a single word, going back to his sunbathing.

Remus  grinned and used his morning star to slam down the Yes button, giggling when it broke. “I can teach you so much! Like how to shove your foot up your own-”

“Okay! Okay!” Roman called, waving his hand. “Stop, we don’t need to know more!” He pushed the No button, as did Virgil, who was scrolling through his phone.

Patton grinned and pushed the Yes button. That made the vote four to two, meaning that- “Yay! We are gonna learn magic!” Patton chirped, causing a bright blue light to fill the entire room. When it cleared, everyone was gone.

He paled, looking around in horror. “G-guys, where did you go?” He asked, before he heard a loud cough coming from the table. He looked around, his eyes widening when he saw all of the other sides, standing there, miniaturized. “Oh dear.”

Virgil was clinging to Logan, who was running him through his breathing exercises. Dee was leaning onto Remus, his body shaking with soft shivers, as they had the air conditioning on, making the room feel freezing.

“I think,” Roman called, trying to get Patton’s attention. “That you need more practice. The good news, is that I can teach you....the bad news, is that we are stuck like this until you learn how to reverse this.”“WHAT?!” the other miniature sides, minus Logan, shrieked, their eyes widening and looking like they were about to freak out once more.

Patton felt terrible, but he had a job to do. “Let’s start now....since we don’t have anything else to do, right?” He had to save them and get them back to normal, and he wasn’t giving up until he saved his friends from their tiny problem.

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4 years ago

Mini March May

Hey, do you want more Sanders Sides g/t content?

Would you like to make more Sanders Sides content?

Well have I got an event for you! Welcome to Mini March Mayhem, an event for writing/drawing some sweet Sanders Sides giant/tiny content in the month of March.

The Rules for Writers:

Entries that we can take have to have a minimum of 5k words, but can exceed that number. Entries should be focused on one story idea. Submissions are limited to fics that are

- Made up of one shots centered around the same idea.

- Multiple chapters for the same story.

- One very long 5k fic.

If you are writing a multiple chapter fic that is not made up of individual one shots, all chapters must be submitted at once and must have an ending included. You can submit multiple stories after completing the first one if you want to.

The other entries do not need to follow the same format as your previous entries. (ie you can have a multiple chapter fic, and then do a really big one shot) But all stories must be at minimum 5k words, be one idea, and be completed stories with an ending. 

The Rules for Artists:

Entries that we can take have to be

-Drawn on Unlined paper or digital equivalent

-Must be fully colored or shaded lineart

-Must have some type of background [Simple color or complex background]

Beta Reading

If you ask for a beta reader, you must have your email, tumblr username, Summary of your fic, and a Warnings list sent out. The warnings list must contain what triggers are in the book currently, and triggers that will be added to then piece as you finish writing.

If you wish to be a beta reader you will be asked by an event moderator if you will be given a summary of the fic and a list of warnings for what triggers are in said fic. If you wish to proceed with the reading after making it through the summary and warnings list, your email will be given to the writer and they will share the fic to you via google docs.

Submissions are due March 14th and will be posted from the 14th - 21st. There will be another check in where you will pick which dates you would like to post. The google form for Mini March Mayhem must be completed by February 21st and no applications will be accepted after that point.

If there are any questions, please send them as asks [Anon asks are welcome as well] or Direct messages sent to @mini-march-mayhem or at @destinys-dragon. Asks about this event sent to personal Tumblrs will not be answered. You may also reach me at with your questions or concerns.

Sign up here! 

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