Giant!patton - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago

Fairly Small Love (1)

Characters: Virgil, Patton, ???

Prompt: Anonymous


“Come on, pretty Ann, come with me,” Patton cooed, his bright blue eyes glowing with an unnatural light. “Please come with me today, dear Anxiety.”

Anxiety flushed shaking his head. He played with the silver bracelet wrapped around his wrist, preventing the fairy from touching him and potentially causing him harm. It was his only protection against the fae, save for the fact that it still didn’t know his name. “Sorry Pat, I can’t. You know that I can’t leave the village, I have responsibilities.”

“But why!? What’s more important than me Ann?!” Patton whined, flopping along a toadstool. He used the nickname that his human preferred, since he gave Patton the fake name Anxiety. “Ann please!?”

“I can’t Patton. I have stuff to do...Like work and school.”

Patton huffed, crossing his arms over his chest, “That’s boring! The fairy village is so much fun! We have parties all the time and food and games and fun! No one works because everyone loves what they do!”

“That is still work Pat,” Anxiety laughed breathlessly, slowly pondering the idea. Maybe paying a small visit would be nice. But I wouldn’t be able to go home…...And Patton wouldn’t let me come home.

“Not if everyone Likes it! Cause then it’s fun stuffs!”

He does have a point. “Yeah I guess so…..Maybe the fairy world isn’t so bad,” Virgil hummed, shrugging.

“Does that mean you’ll come with me!?”


Patton let out a loud cry, burying his face into his arms. “Why Why Why?! I want you to come with me!” He sobbed out, crystal clear tears falling down his cheeks. “Why won’t you come with me?!”

Anxiety cringed, sighing. “I do want to come with you but I don’t want to get trapped there,” He explained, pinching the bridge of his nose. I can’t believe I actually considered it.

“I can bring you back!” Patton cried out, looking up. “I promise to bring you back!”

Anxiety tensed, before shaking his head. “No...My answer is no Patton.” And with that he stepped out of the circle and left. He heard Patton screaming and crying out for him, but he couldn’t turn around. If he did, he feared he would dive into the fae’s arms and his name would end up spilling from his lips.

Patton waited for Anxiety to come back. He watched as the leaves began to color and fall. His cool blue eyes saw the colder, fluffy snow fall and cover his circle from view.

Patton studied the patterns of every snowflake that passed by him, noting their gorgeous patterns. Not as pretty as my Anxiety! He let out a small huff, pushing the one he had been studying away.

When the snow melted and spring appeared, is when he saw Anxiety return. He was tending to the flowers that bloomed around his ring, when a familiar person appeared from out behind the treeline.

He went to call out to Anxiety, but before he could Anxiety collapsed right in the middle of Patton’s ring. “H-Help I….help me,” He coughed weakly, curling up.

Patton flinched, flying down and hesitating to touch Anxiety. That’s when he realized Virgil didn’t have his silver band on. I can touch him...I can hold him. He landed on top of the human’s nose, purring contently when he didn’t get burned.

“V-Virgil Ann Storm….My name,” He whimpered, willingly signing himself over to Patton. “P-Please...Help me.”

“Don’t worry,” Patton cooed, nuzzling into Virgil’s cheek. “I will take great care of you.” He felt Virgil slowly getting smaller underneath him, cooing. “My precious human, Virgil Ann Storm. You’re mine.”

Virgil’s heart shuddered in fear but he himself felt satisfied with his decision. He felt Patton lift him into his arms, nuzzling against him.

“My human, all mine. You’re mine Virgil Ann Storm, Mine,” he cooed, his teeth and ears slowly growing longer. His eyes grew brighter and his nails grew sharper. His wings grew longer and the previously rounded edges grew sharper and jagged. “Mine.”

Virgil’s body grew even smaller, Patton’s hands scooping him up the second he was small enough. When he went to respond or scream or something, his head started to grow fuzzy. A moment later, his vision went dark. He could have been out cold for hours, days, he had no clue. But when he did awake, he noticed that it was mostly dark in this room. Only a soft candle light was being used as a source of light, leaving a majority of the room encased in darkness.

Where am I…..What happened to me? Where is Patton? There was no one else in the room, not even Patton. Or at least that is what he thought. Patton wasn’t in the room with him, but that didn’t mean he was alone.

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5 years ago

Title Game

I've seen this around Tumblr but idk who started it (If anyone knows please tell me so I can give credit)

But give me a title and I'll give you a summary / mini fic of what I think the story it! I'll give you my take on it!

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5 years ago

Fairly Small Love (2)

Characters: Virgil, Roman, Logan, Patton

After his fuzzy haze started to clear, he noticed two moving blobs around him. People. Theses were people. The first one he noticed was the bright red one that stood in front of his face.

“Hey! He’s awake,” The red one called, causing a dark blue blob to appear next to the red one.

“It seems Patton knocked him unconscious like he had done to us,” the dark blue one explained, causing Virgil to groan and try to sit up.

His vision cleared slowly and he looked around to see the two blobs around him. They both had varying looks of relief and pity, but he felt sick. Patton wasn’t one of them.

The Red Blob he saw was wear a see through white crop top. Virgil would have flushed and admired the strong muscles that Red had, had he not been trying to assess the situation he was in. Along with the crop top, Red was wearing bright red booty shorts. The main thing he noticed was the bright blue shackle wrapped around his ankle.

He tensed, knowing the only person who wore light blue. Patton? I…..but why? This can’t be because of him!

The other person in the room was Blue. He wasn’t Patton blue, but he was a dark blue. Blue had a pair of glasses, making his cold face look even colder. He wore a white button up with dark blue vest. He had on a matching blue tie and dark black pants. Instead of a shackle Blue had on a silver ring on his finger with a big, light blue jewel in the center.

Virgil felt his skin grow cold as he looked between the ring and the shackle, touching around his body. That’s when he noticed he wasn’t in the same clothes as before.

He looked down at himself, looking at the oversized purple hoodie he wore. Along with that he had on a pair of black jeans. He reached around his neck, feeling a cool, slim metal adoring his neck. He tensed, running his fingers over a smooth stone surface, knowing it to be the same blue gem the other two had.

“I….a….who?” Virgil squeaked out, staring at both of them. When Red stepped forward he flinched, causing the brightly colored male to step back

“Hey, are you alright? Oh I um…...I’m not gonna hurt you. My name is Roman and the guy with the glasses is Logan” He explained, grinning.

“Greetings,” Logan said simply, focusing on examining Virgil for injuries. He reached out to touch Virgil, pulling away when the purple male tensed.

Virgil cringed, shakily standing up off the….bed. He was on some kind of bed. “I’m Virgil. Where….where are we?”

“We are in-”

“Aww you’re awake,” Patton cooed, ripping off the roof and peering down at all of them. He was enormous, even his fingers which gripped onto the sides of the room were easily bigger than them.

Virgil tensed, his entire body shaking. “Patton!? Patton what in the world have you do-”

“Silence, Virgil Ann Storm,” Patton ordered, causing Virgil’s mouth to slam shut and his throat to close up. When Virgil was silenced he grinned. “I’m so glad you’re awake! I was hoping you wouldn’t be asleep for long and you weren’t! Only a few days!”

A Few days?! What does he mean!? Virgil wanted to ask, but he was unable to get a word out.

Roman’s heated gaze turned to Patton. “Patton that’s cruel! Why are you being mean to him!?”

“Don’t raise your voice to me, Roman Alexander Prince.”

Roman went to scream but his voice wasn’t able to go above his normal speaking volume. “Patton you are scaring him. You need to stop this, this is unnecessarily cruel.”

“No it’s not! He was being bad! Silence Roman Alexander Prince!”

“I believe you are the only one being bad, Patton,” Logan huffed, rolling his eyes.

“Silence Logan Alvis Sharp,” Patton dismissed what Logan said entirely, silencing the last of the miniature humans in his care. “Good, now I came to tell you all that I found a new special one, and I’m going to try and bring him home today? Aren’t you all excited?”

He looked at all of the shocked faces of the tiny humans below him, before he shut the lid to their box, going to find his new human. His new human had the cutest nickname ever, Snake. He was so perfect and soon, he would be all Patton’s.






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5 years ago

Ask Blogs are a GO!

I just wanna let you all know that I have made offical ask blogs for both stories! feel free to sends asks and things and the characters / me will answer them!

@my-rotten-witch : For a story about Familiar! Roman who seeks revenge on his shrunken Master Witch! Virgil

@fairly-small-love :For a story about Fae! Patton who likes to take the pretty people home to fairly world and keeps them as his tiny humans!

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5 years ago

Asks are Open!

Alrighty, after some technical diffuculties (Aka Me being a big goofball) Asks are now open! Feel free to ask whatever you want and direct your question / response to me / a character! The blogs are:

@my-rotten-witch with TShrunken Witch! Virgil and his vengeful Familiar! Roman


@fairly-small-love with fae! Patton and his little treasures tiny! Virgil, tiny! Roman, tiny! Logan, and the mysterious Snake!

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5 years ago

Hey! I just read your story with Virgil shrinking and Roman getting his "revenge" and I loved it. I seen you were looking for writing prompts, not sure how specific you want me to be but what if Dee and Remus are villains and Virgil is their tiny. The others think that Virgil is being mistreated when they spot him with Dee during a raid and try to save him. In reality Virgil is like a son to Dee and Remus and is completely spoiled.

Son of the Wicked

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5 years ago

Love the rotten witch story! Saw you were looking for requests, so here’s another one: fairy prince Patton falls in love with a human and tries to convince said human to let Patton shrink him down and live in fairy land

I liked this prompt so much! Thank you!

Fairly Small Love

Part 2!

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5 years ago

Fairly Small Love (4)

Characters: Snake, Virgil, Patton, Logan, Roman ________________________________________________________________

Virgil hesitated, biting his lip. “What if you trap me too? What if you’re secretly fae and you’re trying to trap me.”

Snake sighed, shaking his head. “I know that it might seem iffy and a bit cruel but even if I was a fae and I promised you my true name, You would have the same control over me as I would you. I’ll go first if that will make you feel better.”

“Yeah, you go first.” No fae was stupid enough to give him their full name, and Virgil wasn’t getting stuck again.

“Fine, My name is Declyn Mora Knight, but you can call me Dee.”

Virgil relaxed, slumping against Dee’s fingers. “Oh thank god….My name is-”

“Virgil Ann Storm, what do you think you are doing?” Patton asked, causing Virgil to go white. “And Declyn Mora Knight?” Patton purred, grinning.

Dee went pale, feeling sick. He wasn’t specific in giving only Virgil his name, he had allowed himself to be distracted by all of the spirits whispering in his ear. He wasn’t specific, meaning anyone…..anything listening, had access to his name now.

“Declyn Mora Knight, give me Virgil, now,” Patton ordered, giggling when Virgil was set delicately into his hands. “Good boy, now, Declyn Mora Knight, hold still.”

Dee wanted to move, he wanted to run away. But he couldn’t. “P-Please Pat don’t do thi-” He cut off when he slowly started to get smaller. He was frozen stiff until Patton scooped up his tiny body.

“You can move Declyn Mora Knight,” Patton cooed, giggling brightly. He got another one! He was so happy! He went back to the fairy ring, ignoring Virgil’s harsh sobs and Declyn’s horrified silence as he traveled home.

He opened the box, dropping Virgil onto the floor and carefully setting Dee down. “Oh Logan! Roman! I’m home!” he chirped, patting their heads. He giggled when they didn’t pull away, too frozen in shock to even care. “I brought you both a new friend! And I brought Virgil home!”

He watched them, ignoring how Virgil laid on the floor unmoving. He even ignored the red liquid pouring out of the tiny purple body. “I gotta go prepare snacks and goodies! Oh this is exciting!$” He chirped, slamming the lid back on the box and disappearing from sight.






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5 years ago

Fairly Small Love (5)

Characters Patton, Virgil, Roman, Logan, Dee


“My Name?” Patton asked, biting his lip.”

“Yes I….I really want to marry you,” Dee mumbled, his cheeks flushed red. “I really want you as my husband but I…...I want to know your true name.”

“Okay I… true name is Prince Morality of the Sun Isles,” he mumbled, flushing. “Will you marry me now?”

“Prince Morality of the Sun Isles, you will grow me back to normal right now,” a voice cut through, causing Dee to cheer.

“Virgil!” Dee cried out, his face bright.

Patton tried to resist, but he was forced to set Dee down, and grow Virgil to his normal height. Virgil grinned when the other three cheered for him, especially Roman, who had tears shining in his eyes. He was free, they were all free.

“Morality, return them to their proper sizes,” he added, sighing in relief when everyone was slowly grown to their normal height. He took a step back, looking at the tall and intimidating forms of Roman and Logan.

He didn’t even have a second to react before he was enveloped into a giant hug by Roman, being lifted off his feet. “T-thank you….thank you so much! G-gods please……..oh my god I’m free….we are free.”

Logan was more composed, but even he had tears shining in his eyes. He wiped his eyes, relaxing. Now was not the time to get emotional.

Patton whined loudly, wanting to shrink them all again. “N-No! I-I command you to stop this Virgi-”

“Morality you are forbidden from saying any of our full names!” Dee cried out quickly, effectively shutting Patton up. “Now Morality….you shrink.” Dee commanded, watching as the fairy slowly grew smaller until he was barely bigger than Dee’s thumb.

Roman bent down, grabbing Patton in a tight fist. “Now, what should we do about this…..pest?” he asked, cringing in disgust. He felt the shackle on his leg pop off, glancing at Virgil and Logan to see the collar and watch break off them.

“I have plans,” Logan mumbled, glaring. “I have a ton of plans, but I am open to suggestions from everyone.”

“D-Dee why?” Patton whimpered, wincing when his wings got caught in the now massive fingers. “You said you loved me.”

“I lied, you twat,” Dee huffed, chuckling. “And I’m glad you’re so naive, stupid fae. You all have a weakness....morons, the lot of you.”

Patton wilted, his heart breaking. He thought Dee loved him! he thought they all loved him. They have to love him, right?

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5 years ago


Okay so this day 11 of @hiddendreamer67 October prompts but I really liked the idea and I had to finish it even though I didn’t have any time to do it on the actual day. I’m very bad at following daily prompts but please take this.

Also my first post on my new Tumblr blog! Yay!

Words: 1171

Warnings: Unsympathetic Patton, (brief) non-consensual kiss, Panic

Sand crunched softly under Virgil’s feet as he occasionally tossed stones into the rolling waves of the ocean, focused more on the water than what was around him. It wasn’t until he heard a small squeal coming from his left that he looked over and saw two kids crouched over a tide pool, one in green swim trunks and the other in red.

“Come on! Catch it!” the one in green exclaimed and shoved his brother’s shoulder, water dripped from his curls that were pointed in every direction and soaked band-aids were peeling off his skin, revealing scraps and scabs. The one in red had his hair pushed back out of his face and even from where he was standing Virgil could see the large freckles covering a good portion of his skin; he was pushing a plastic pail through the water, obviously trying to get something in it. 

Virgil rolled his eyes and chucked one of the smaller pebbles in his hand at the kid with the pail, “Hey! Leave the poor thing alone!”

The kid yelped as the pebble hit him and looked over his shoulder, eyes widening at being caught by an adult. Virgil tossed another, which bounced harmlessly against the green one’s head. “It’s an attack!” he shouted and he grabbed his brother’s arm and hauled him away, causing him to drop the pail as he did.

Virgil smirked at his accomplishment before taking careful strides closer to the pool, making sure to not accidentally step on anything. He bent over to pick up the pail, dumping the rest of the water back into the pool.

“Thank you!” a voice chirped from below. Virgil’s feet slipped out from under him as he jumped, making a startled screech. There was a soft giggle before the voice continued, “Oops! Sorry, kiddo, didn’t mean to scare you so badly.”

Virgil looked down into the pool for the first time. There, with his arms crossed over the stone edge, was a tiny merman. “Holy shit..”

“Not everyday you see one of me, huh?” He giggled again. Water splashed softly as his cerulean tail swished absentmindedly, “You really helped me though, getting rid of those little rascals, I’d be in some pretty hot water without you.”

Virgil was frozen for a moment as his brain processed the new sight before he finally processed the words and snorted, “Was that a pun?”

“You know it” The merman answered with a wink, “And for your troubles, can I give you a thank-you kiss?”

“Uh.. sure?” Virgil replied. He twisted and lowered himself down to lay on his stomach, his head dipped down and resting on his crossed arms for the merman to reach. 

He expected the merman to jump up and give him a quick peck on the cheek, instead he popped up and pressed his lips against his. Virgil lifted away immediately, cringing and wiping the water off his mouth.

“What was that for-” he exclaimed before cutting off as his eyes landed on the merman. He had taken to sitting on the edge of the tidepool, his tail flicking the water gently as the scales faded away and he was slowly growing in size. Virgil was so captivated with the merman transforming in front of him he didn’t realize his own diminishing size till his jacket hood fell over his head heavily. He yelped as his heart beat rapidly against his chest and his now rapid breath wasn’t taking in any oxygen. He tried to scramble out from under the heavy material but his legs weren’t cooperating like they should, leaving him flailing and grasping to pull himself forward

It wasn’t until a giant hand reached in and pulled him out, only to deposit him in the small tidepool- which was now as big as an above ground pool- that he realized his lack of breath was due to new gills along his sides and his movement was restricted due to the brand new glittering tail that started at his hips and frilled out like a beta fish. He stopped breathing all together as he watched the purple tail move as he twitched the muscles were his legs used to be. 

A giggle above him drew his attention away from his new features as he looked up to see the smiling face of the merman. Well, the ex-merman, “Aw, you’re a little cutie!”

Virgil opened and closed his mouth lamely, trying to think of something- anything to say. He watched the man grab up his swim trunks and slip them over himself clumsily with the new legs, then pull on his shirt and tie his jacket around his shoulders. 

The ex-merman stood up and Virgil began to panic again, jerkily swimming to the surface, “Wait! Don’t-”

He was cut off by a laugh, “Don’t worry kiddo, I’m not gonna leave you here.” He picked up the red pail and Virgil went white as he backed away from the edge. The ex-merman dipped the pail in the water and Virgil tried to move out of the way but he was scooped up easily. “Good thing they dropped this, huh? Wouldn’t have been much fun to try to get you out of here without it; ‘would have been better than being a seagull snack though.”

As the pail moved Virgil found himself being easily thrown around in the water and he thunked against the plastic walls more than once. He whimpered and it took a moment for him to right himself and find the top again, swimming up to the edge. He barely had time to grab the edge of pail before it was swung as they started walking along the beach. He swallowed and looked up at the man, who was looking cheerily ahead; he did glance at Virgil every so often and would smile down at him like this was the most normal thing in the world.

As they came closer to the docks Patton’s face lit up with recognition and he started in a sprint forward; Virgil slipping and flailing back into the pail, “Logan!”

It was a few moments before the shaking stopped and a conversation started above as Virgil tried to hold in his lunch. “It’s good to see you as well Patton, I see you found someone to switch with.”

“I did! Look!” The pail was thrusted up and Virgil tumbled a moment. “He’s so precious like this! I can’t believe I was this small.”

Logan chuckled, “Yes, now let’s get going and start accustoming you to human life.” Virgil managed to once again pop his head out of the water, “What-? What about me?”

“Don’t worry, you’ll adjust to your new life as well,” Logan answered in a reassuring tone.

“That’s not-!” Virgil shouted but Patton caught him off by tapping his head. 

“Shush kiddo, you’ll be fine!” He pushed him back into the pail as he started to follow Logan off the beach. Virgil sunk to the bottom of the pail and didn’t come back up.

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5 years ago

Oh my gods this is so adorable! I didn't think LAMP could get any cuter but it did Oh my freaking god I love your art!

Possibly a cute LAMP idea but Patton wears skirts and things a lot cause he thinks they're adorable, and convinces Roman to try. Virgil decides to try it too cause "Hey, it will make Patton super duper happy!" So he puts one on too. Logan is the only one still wearing pants but he is amused by the whole thing, taking photos of them (Since Roman and Patton both asked him to)

Possibly A Cute LAMP Idea But Patton Wears Skirts And Things A Lot Cause He Thinks They're Adorable,
Possibly A Cute LAMP Idea But Patton Wears Skirts And Things A Lot Cause He Thinks They're Adorable,

thats s o CUTE FUCK-

ok ok what if patton was a giant and he only wore skirts because its easier to make them than trousers and the others wanted to do something cute for him and all of them have a skirt day! patton cried the entire day of happiness for his cute lil bfs

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4 years ago

Fake title: Size magic

“Patton this is a really, really bad idea,” Roman informed, glancing between the other sides, who were all gathered in the common room for a meeting.

“But Roman~ I wanna try it come on!” Patton pleaded, looking at Roman with a pitiful gaze. “Please?”

“I agree with Roman, it’s not safe, especially since none of us, but him, know magic. I vote no,” Virgil called, leaning back against the beanbag that was his chair.

Logan took a moment, glancing at Virgil. “It might be beneficial to learn magic, especially since, as Roman says, we all have the potential to use it. I vote yes.”

Dee, who was taking up the window seal, pushed down the Yes button without a single word, going back to his sunbathing.

Remus  grinned and used his morning star to slam down the Yes button, giggling when it broke. “I can teach you so much! Like how to shove your foot up your own-”

“Okay! Okay!” Roman called, waving his hand. “Stop, we don’t need to know more!” He pushed the No button, as did Virgil, who was scrolling through his phone.

Patton grinned and pushed the Yes button. That made the vote four to two, meaning that- “Yay! We are gonna learn magic!” Patton chirped, causing a bright blue light to fill the entire room. When it cleared, everyone was gone.

He paled, looking around in horror. “G-guys, where did you go?” He asked, before he heard a loud cough coming from the table. He looked around, his eyes widening when he saw all of the other sides, standing there, miniaturized. “Oh dear.”

Virgil was clinging to Logan, who was running him through his breathing exercises. Dee was leaning onto Remus, his body shaking with soft shivers, as they had the air conditioning on, making the room feel freezing.

“I think,” Roman called, trying to get Patton’s attention. “That you need more practice. The good news, is that I can teach you....the bad news, is that we are stuck like this until you learn how to reverse this.”“WHAT?!” the other miniature sides, minus Logan, shrieked, their eyes widening and looking like they were about to freak out once more.

Patton felt terrible, but he had a job to do. “Let’s start now....since we don’t have anything else to do, right?” He had to save them and get them back to normal, and he wasn’t giving up until he saved his friends from their tiny problem.

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4 years ago

Fake title: my itty-bitty lover

Virgil looked over at Patton, smiling as he sat on a shelf, dangling his legs over the edge. “You know, you won’t be able to have a second cookie tonight if you don’t make any, right?”

“But I wanna cuddle instead,” Patton insisted, reaching up to scoop Virgil into his hands. Normally, Virgil would slide right into his hands and curl into Patton’s fingers, but today he scooted back.

“Pat, you know you’re gonna regret it later when you want cookies. Come on, all you need to do is pop them in the oven and then we can cuddle while they cook, okay?” Virgil offered, grinning at him.

Patton thought it over for a minute, before he grinned brightly. “Yeah you are right! I’m gonna make the cookies and then we are gonna cuddle with a movie tonight!” He got his apron on, handing Virgil his own. Patton never really let Virgil help him since he could get hurt easily, but it was nice to talk and work as a team.

“Now you’re talking Patty. You can pick the movie if you put chocolate chips in the cookies,” he teased, putting on his purple apron, one that matched with Patton’s. It was dorky and not really his style, but it made his love happy.

“Deal! Can we watch Frozen again?”

“Of course Pat, we can watch whatever you want.”

He glanced away to glance at the rope he had hanging beside him, squeaking when Patton scooped him up. He went to protest, before a pair of lips was brushed over his face. He instantly went red, covering his face. “Pat~ god you’re too sweet sometimes!”

“I just wanted a kiss, and I’m not talking about the Hershey kind,” Patton informed, giggling as he pecked the top of Virgil’s head, before setting his little lover on the counter, bouncing over to the fridge.

Virgil shook his head, watching Patton walk around to gather the ingredients, babbling to himself about what he needed and how many he was going to make. Virgil felt his heart thump and he realized this is where he was meant to be. From their very rocky start in the beginning to their slow crawl towards becoming boyfriends, he knew he wouldn’t have it any other way.

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