dilftesbiggestfan - Laurence is gay
Laurence is gay

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Dilftesbiggestfan - Laurence Is Gay - Tumblr Blog

11 months ago

I mean Mystreet Laurance was the soccer captain at school.

So Mystreet Laurance would still be quite strong.

I see ur point and canonically ur right 100% I just don’t hc him as the sporty type that much I think he grew out of it after Highschool but he’s still pretty strong MCD Laurence would still I think wipe the floor with him he’s significantly stronger for manyyy reasons

at least in my opinion

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11 months ago
11 months ago

MCD Laurence is much bigger and way more muscular than MYS Laurence who doesn’t have much muscle on him

does that make sense?

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11 months ago

Hot take because of the recent discussion

Travis’s creepy behaviour in mystreet isn’t Dante’s fault because you guys seem to forget mystreet season 1 and both first seasons of diaries were released before Phoenix drop high, Dante wasn’t a playboy nor creepy then or in the entirety of mystreet but Travis still was creepy and invasive to Katelyn, suddenly pdh came and Dante was a playboy and I genuinely think Jess did this so she can pin it on him 💀 but it still didn’t work cause even then Travis never was an innocent little bean to begin with his father is an even bigger creep in mystreet if anything his behavior can be traced back to Terry not Dan, I’m not excusing or defending Dante’s behavior in Phoenix drop high cause I don’t like him in that series or anyone for that matter in PDH cause they all sucked. But why else would she make him like that suddenly? He was alright in mystreet season 1 and the entirety of Diaries. If she wanted to show us where Travis’s behavior came from she could’ve just put Terry on screen. Also Travis in mystreet is an adult. He’s responsible for his own actions he’s like 20 something canonically

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11 months ago

Can’t believe I have to say this but if you wanna make a female aphmau character Muslim and make her wear a hijab/abaya please do it properly, don’t be like other artists who make a character wear a hijab then make them show off their bodies and make them wear immodest clothing. It’s extremely offensive to Muslims and the religion itself, also offensive to Arabs and Middle Easterners. What’s the point of wearing a hijab if you’re not being modest? THINK SMARTY THINK!

You can’t draw her with a hijab then with her in a crop top and showing off her legs fuckass

(Also kinda unrelated but we need more Middle Eastern representation over here give me Syrian, Turkish, Saudi, Kurdish, Iraqi, etc.. characters)

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11 months ago

No cause it’s so offensive to not defend your close friend who you know did nothing wrong WHILE on vacation that THEY took you to.

Why didn’t Garroth, Travis, and Nana jump in and say anything? Didn’t Garroth literally just mention a few episodes ago that Dante hasn’t dated anyone since Nana in Highschool? And Nana confirmed it by punching him, fully debunking the cheater propaganda and then Jess remembered that and showed us that he in fact didn’t cheat contradicting herself again for the 200th time. nah cause they were so fake to Dante I can’t believe he took them to a one week 5 star cruise afterwards none of them deserved it he’s better than me fr most annoying part of that season was when aphmau came in with her 4 foot self involving herself in something that had nothing to do w her and talking about some “where’s Dante I gotta teach him a lesson1!1!1 🤬” girl you barely reach his kneecap he can literally pick u up and throw you out of a window sit down you have much more important struggles to worry about like how your boyfriend can’t be around kids and how you almost dated your half brother. Now be grateful you’re even here in love love paradise mrs grown woman who swims with toddlers in the kiddies pool and Nicole.. you also grow up you’re crying childishly cause he doesn’t date you 💀 it’s not the end of world seriously get over it y’all never were and never will be a thing leave that man aloneeee there are many fish in the sea go date Katelyn instead if you want one with blue hair so badly

As usual Zane and Lucinda were the only reasonable, logical and smart two to not involve themselves in this mess

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11 months ago

me personally I wouldn’t survive a minute with him he’s too gorgeous 😭

I’m 20 years old and making fan animatics of my old OTP from middle school. Life is crazy. Anyways.

11 months ago



I’m 20 years old and making fan animatics of my old OTP from middle school. Life is crazy. Anyways.

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11 months ago
1 year ago

conversations between friends


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1 year ago

Jeffante hear me out

gorgeous 30 year old Malewife single dilf x gorgeous 30 year old Malewife single dilf

it’s perfect!

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1 year ago
1 year ago
They Werent Fighting Over Aphmau, They Were In Denial. WAKE UP!!

They weren’t fighting over aphmau, they were in denial. WAKE UP!!

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1 year ago

OMG A HIT POST! ty guys

Brendan is who people think Dante is (Mystreet)

Brendan two timed Nana and Lucinda, helped her out only because he had interest in getting with her and dating her, and only started working at the beach so he can see her in a bathing suit, he objectified her and was a creep.

Meanwhile Dante canonically hasn’t been on a date since Highschool most likely since Nana, genuinely enjoyed spending time with Nana, comforted her after seeing her cry and offered to help her rebuild the house after it burned down, even offering her a place to stay, in love love paradise he was eating brunch with her and Lucinda and just hanging out as friends, helped her set decorations up, without the intent of wanting to date her or objectifying her, he just enjoyed spending time with her cause he genuinely liked her as a person. :)

1 year ago

Brendan is who people think Dante is (Mystreet)

Brendan two timed Nana and Lucinda, helped her out only because he had interest in getting with her and dating her, and only started working at the beach so he can see her in a bathing suit, he objectified her and was a creep.

Meanwhile Dante canonically hasn’t been on a date since Highschool most likely since Nana, genuinely enjoyed spending time with Nana, comforted her after seeing her cry and offered to help her rebuild the house after it burned down, even offering her a place to stay, in love love paradise he was eating brunch with her and Lucinda and just hanging out as friends, helped her set decorations up, without the intent of wanting to date her or objectifying her, he just enjoyed spending time with her cause he genuinely liked her as a person. :)

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1 year ago

oh she got crusheddd 😭

Drew The Blocks Againso Sorry

drew the blocks again…so sorry

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1 year ago

coolest Travis design i ever saw

My Danvis Mystreet Designs... The Dante Drawing Is Actually From Like 2 Years Ago But My Design Of Him
My Danvis Mystreet Designs... The Dante Drawing Is Actually From Like 2 Years Ago But My Design Of Him

my danvis mystreet designs... the dante drawing is actually from like 2 years ago but my design of him is basically the same now LOL and i dont like any recent drawings of him. also my travis is very recent like ltierally yesterday WAHTEVR i just figured id share hi aphblr hope u like them

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1 year ago

Twink/Twunk Laurence and Bear Garroth truthers wya??

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1 year ago

father is mothering

What I Had Left HereI Just Held It TightSo Someone With Your EyesMight Come In Time

What I had left here I just held it tight So someone with your eyes Might come in time

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1 year ago


His chest is literally her pillow every night I love married couples

my moot @biiven0m drew the Nana looking up panel go follow them on Instagram

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