Mystreet - Tumblr Posts

6 years ago
Heres A Blaniel Image I Just Did! I Really Like ItI FUCKING LOVE DANIELS LEGS

Here’s a blaniel image I just did! I really like it  I FUCKING LOVE DANIELS LEGS

 I worked really hard on this so I hope you like it! 

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7 months ago
Redraw From Love Love Paradise!

Redraw from love love paradise!

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7 months ago

decided to draw all of my favorite guys (not gene) again

i mean hes better in mystreet but everywhere else he sucks

Decided To Draw All Of My Favorite Guys (not Gene) Again


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7 months ago
Garrance Selfie To Make Up For My Last Post
Garrance Selfie To Make Up For My Last Post
Garrance Selfie To Make Up For My Last Post

Garrance selfie to make up for my last post ★

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2 years ago

Trying so hard to push the transfem zenix agender so hard can anyone hear me??

Trying So Hard To Push The Transfem Zenix Agender So Hard Can Anyone Hear Me??

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7 months ago
"C'mon Tumblr, You Can Do It, Upload Without Reducing Quality!"Little Zane Swagging His Way To The Top

"C'mon tumblr, You can do it, Upload without reducing quality!" Little Zane swagging his way to the top :D

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1 year ago

Hear me out....hear me out....

The first (and half of the second) season of MCD is too character driven with too slow of a plot.

But the later seasons of Mystreet are not character driven enough, too plot focused with way too fast of a plot.

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11 months ago

Hey has the news of the Cryptic YouTube Post reached here yet cuz I'm going insane

Jess did a weird re-introduction and then said she has a big project FROM THE PAST coming. Which like. Can only be a roleplay. I'm so normal about this guys SO NORMAL

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11 months ago

I just came to a angst realization....

(Thank you to @shirazens for allowing me to use their comment)

I literally just came to this conclusion in a comment threat under my "Aaron Needs Friends" post with @shirazens .

In summary Aarmau comes off as unnatural

I think the main issue is how rushed and force the relationship was in the series, and the fact that it change key elements in the story to make a place for itself.

The Aarmau agenda also had to down other characters to build itself up, which sucks. A lot of character assassination stem from Aarmau. Including the way Aphmau interacts with her support. But I'd like to focus on how unnatural (and frankly problematic) this relationship comes across if you actually pay attention to how they interact with eachother.

And their relationship is certainly off.


THIS is why I've always disliked his character, he felt so disconnected.

also he continues to constantly mourn his past wife WHILE getting closer to aphmau which feels like to me he was just using her if that makes sense?

Their relationahip has always come across as strange.

In my former post I address a portion of this problem with Aaron not having any relationships outside of Aphmau. It is odd.

Aaron- despite being so closed off and mysterious and (quite rude in some instances), CONTINUED to follow her group around for months...but NEVER take an interest in ANYONE??? Except Aph. That is mad weird. If you like her so much to risk your life for her consistently why avoid her Support System so adamantly???

It makes the relationship seem very strange. Almost like Aaron is isolating Aphmau from her friends when building their relationship. They only really talked about his trauma or her stress-

Aaron and Aphmau are TRAUMA BONDING...

It hit me like a train! It isn't romance, it isn't a love story. It is codependency!

Aph ONLY goes to Aaron when she is stressed about her responsibilities. "Because he understands". And in turn Aaron's only personality trait is trauma- and he only really opens up to (or talks at all) to Aphmau. Think about it, this man is FOLLOWING her- for seemingly NO REASON by time the Post-Irene-Dimension arc roles around! "Having nothing" isn't really a logical reason anymore. He had NO motive to be present. He's made no connections, no character growth, no earthly ties, so WHY are you following the 🎆"magical friendship woman"🎆 if you don't want to make friends???

And I think this is great writing potential. This makes sense for the storyline in season two, as Aph was extremely overwhelmed, and the steaks had just risen from village quarrels to Armageddon. And I definitely can see where @shirazens was going with the how Aaron saw Aphmau, as a stand in or familiarity to his wife, or that he was using Aphmau to get a semblance of his late wife, Lily.

Personally I'm not amongst the re-write clan of aph-fans, (I prefer to progess with the shit show we were given). But this is a juicy narrative to explore for both, especially if you don't want to throw out Aarmau all together.

If you want to get angsty, you could argue that Aaron being so distant to Aph's support group was to isolate her from them. Again, this fits, and I am well aware Jesson did not intend this BUT Aphmau DID become a lot more distant to her companions for Aaron's sake. She became dismissive of their concerns, argued with their suspicions, and lowkey berated them because "she trusted him" and expected everyone to follow suit (fr a lot of them were so real for that, homie was acting up- ahem- Laurence- ahem- Katelyn). She put Aaron on a pedestal out of nowhere, and vouched for him undeservingly. You could argue that this was a result of isolating her, you could argue that this was just Aph blindness to Aaron's faults.

And this also really REALLY fits well with the Irene VS Shad motif and how that entire mess went down between them. I can totally see those two being codepent with one another as well with their similar struggles and pain. I can see them relying on one another too heavily. I can see that leading to suck strong feelings of betrayal. Especially if Shad was as isolated as Aaron. In fact I'd say Irene and Shad damn near prove this idea.

Fun right?

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10 months ago

Flabbergasted....and 🎆Amazed🎆

an hour of my life I'll never get back

I have no idea how mystreet nicole looks so she's mcd;-;

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9 months ago

Okay but CAN WE TALK ABOUT THIS PLEASE!!! I have been obsessing over the episode since 2016!!! It is the most random unexplained scene in perhaps all of MCD history.

I thought this was a forgotten plot line, but wait- this same creature and weird realm thing also show up in the final episodes for MYSTREET SEASON 6!

You're telling me that some random shadow-creature-thing from all the way back in season 1, around 2015-ish, is never mentioned again after that episode in it's original series. BUT RETURNS in Mystreet season 6, four years later, in what is canonally either an alternative universe or like 1000 years later....and just for sh!ts and giggles???


why does no one talk about the shadow thing in The Baby Showers PT. 3??????

probably one of the few times this show actually made me want to cry (during my current rewatch and during past ones) was that persons whole dialogue

anyway that’s all i’ll be thinking about for awhile :(((((

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9 months ago

I have some pent-up mommy-issues with that series fr.

I resent how everything got dumbed down bit by bit to accommodate for the growing (maybe-maybe not-predatory) brain-rot era taking over Minecraft content.

How every character slowly burned into a parody of themselves with one-note personalities and no depth at all. How the plot got more extreme but somehow more shallow. How every feeling, every character, every storyline had to be spoon-fed to the audience in palatable market-sized doses.

I can't help but feel insulted by that.

I know Jess' audience has always been young, and that her content of course has to accommodate that, but young DOES NOT equal dumb. Kids deserve complexities in their stories just as much as adults, IF NOT MORE SO. Stories have given kids a space to be entertained and be exposed to complicated situation for generations. They deserve the same dignity in the stories they consume as we do!

Heck, WE were kids when Diaries Dropped!

Even though I enjoyed Mystreet as it was coming out too, it always felt like a placeholder- a seat warmer to Diaries.

As a kid I remember specifically how "Emerald Secret" felt like the answer to my prayers and a slap in the face at the same time. There was a notable tone shift when that dropped. It felt like it was trying to be Diaries. And they are just not the same.

Diaries is an entire immersive world lore and world-specific characteristics.

Mystreet is whatever the Heck Jess says it is.

Mystreet lives in a vacuum and things just simply don't exist until Aphmau touches it.

(Like Kim, where did she come from)?

Mystreet, after "Emeral Secret" felt like it was chasing after the greatness of the sister-series, while still carrying the Mystreet-Hype audience. But that kind of storytelling didn't really fit with the easy-going world she had made around Mystreet.

Mystreet was just not ready for that kind of shift at the time, characters were one-trick-ponies, drama was in all honesty not-that-deep, there were no villains to slay, no battles to win. But it happened anyway. And it was a mess. A lot of things had to be shoved in suddenly without warning to raise the stakes and further the plot.

Now that isn't to say that because of the nature of the world-building in Mystreet that bigger plots than- say a furniture store- were not possible. Werewolf racism, complex, engaging and fits in the universe. That Ro'Meave vs Lycan family stuff was kinda juicy. Gene if we actually treat that seriously. Even some Magical Lucinda shenanigans are engaging and fit smoothly within the story provided.

But Emerald was a HIT! Regardless. You can say what you want about Jessica, but I do believe that she is a fantastic storyteller. Maybe not a good storywriter, but a good storyteller. I think of her as D&D adapting Game of Thrones vs GRRM who wrote the books. She understands pacing well enough and knows what fans want most importantly.

Unfortunately, with Emerald being a HIT that kind of set that awkward-messy-dramacore as the standard for future content. As long as its EXTREME and there is a whole lot of SUFFERING that means its very good (very much like Game of Thrones actually).

In summary the parody became a parody of itself again and again until we got Cocomelon-Core "Today On My Minecraft Server, Pregnant Mod!!!"

I am about to say something controversial, please don’t come for me!!

I really really resent Mystreet.

Now listen, I don’t hate it per say… But the fact that Mystreet came out after MCD, using MCD characters and was only meant to be like a funny modern au and then turned into all THAT honestly makes me really sad.

Just that fact that it got SO much more popular, to the point that some Mystreet fan don’t even know the source material is really disheartening to me.

I know how silly this sounds, I mean even I watched Mystreet growing up and enjoyed it, and it helped Jess get even more popular. Like, I know it’s not that deep..

But now that Aphmau’s back and talking about how she’ll be bringing an old series back.. Realistically I know it’ll probably be season whatever of Mystreet. I mean, that would be the logical move right? Bring back the most popular series. And I mean, that’s what everyone’s begging her to do right? But I honestly wish she’d listen to the four of us MCD fans and continue the series that made our childhood and left that empty hole in my soul.

Does anyone else feel like that? Just me..?

I just really hate how Mystreet overtook MCD

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4 years ago

Mcd au where Aphmau used to be Irene’s sword. After becoming sentient, Irene gave her a choice of staying with her, keeping her powers and conscious but loosing all human emotions, or try to get reborn as a human, loosing her memories as well as any and all of her powers, permanently (there’s a high chance of failure, which would cause her to fade out of existence entirely)

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1 year ago
Aph Doodle

aph doodle <33

an old aphmau fan but new to aphblr haii

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2 years ago

She was literally my childhood 😭

Does like

Anyone remember Aphmau?

Minecraft Diaries? Mystreet? My Inner Demons? Void Paradox?

Just me?

Kay well i go redeem it now.

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2 years ago
What I Think Nana Or KC Would Look Like In Middle School. Also Sorry If Her Nose Looks Weird

What I think Nana or KC would look like in middle school. Also sorry if her nose looks weird

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1 year ago
My Danvis Mystreet Designs... The Dante Drawing Is Actually From Like 2 Years Ago But My Design Of Him
My Danvis Mystreet Designs... The Dante Drawing Is Actually From Like 2 Years Ago But My Design Of Him

my danvis mystreet designs... the dante drawing is actually from like 2 years ago but my design of him is basically the same now LOL and i dont like any recent drawings of him. also my travis is very recent like ltierally yesterday WAHTEVR i just figured id share hi aphblr hope u like them

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