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Disasterstans - Andi - Tumblr Blog
what if i block every person that i see campaigning for or speculating that Buck and Eddie will kiss at the bachelor party bc that enforces the truly horrible bi stereotype that bisexual people, like myself, are more likely to cheat? what if I did that 🤨?
OMG this has to be the best explanation I've seen 😮💨😮💨
There’s something about Eddie saying he’s a nester yet being completely incapable of doing such nesting with any of the women we’ve ever seen him with. Shannon was not only his wife, but Chris’ mother, and yet he didn’t feel ready to let her see their son once she came back… I’d even be willing to say he convinced himself into redoing his life with her because it made sense, and not because he was in love with her (again). Ana, however lovely she was, was also very clearly the product of Eddie putting Chris first. We see this when he has The Conversation with Buck: “Chris loves her”, “is that enough?” and soon we find out it isn’t. “We became a ready made family, and I’m not ready for that”. Finally we have Marisol, who he shoved inside his house only to kick out a few days later. But then… cut to Buck and Chris playing video games together, and doing some sort of scrapbook thing for Christmas, and visiting Santa, and going to the zoo. Cut to Buck picking Chris up from school, and being the first person Chris calls when Eddie breaks down (and goes to when he’s mad at his dad). Cut to homemade meals and difficult talks at any of their kitchens, and carrying each other physically and emotionally through the worse possible times. Cut to “there’s no one I trust with my son more than you,” and “this changes nothing between us.” Yeah,,, Eddie can’t nest with the women we’ve seen him with, because he already nested with Buck.
How I felt after seeing (and hearing) about Eddie's relationship with his homophobic babysitter:

Tommy and Eddie: *exist*
Buck and I:

Rewatching S1 knowing that Buck is Bi is so fun. 😂 Cause, every time he appears on my screen, I can't help but think 'do you know you like to kiss boys??'
But can you imagine if Buck had been bi from the beginning🤣🤣 he would have been an even bigger menace in S1. That boy would be limping in late for his shift, wearing some other dude's shirt, with lipstick smudges on his neck (and don't even let me start with the hickeys!)😂😂
buck really allied so close to the sun he became bisexual
I am a DIE-HARD BUDDIE SHIPPER!!! in my mind they've been married for 4 years, but anyone with eyes can see that BuckTommy/Kinkley😂 are sort of cute together, and while yes I think Tommy isn't Buck's forever (that's Eddie's job! Thank You!) I still think they should have some time together and be happy during that time, it doesn't mean I hate Buddie, or I'm jumping ship, it just means I think they're great for now. I think it's more genuine for Buck to explore his bisexuality with Tommy before he ends up with Eddie (he deserves to be taken care of for once), but I also just think Tommy would be a good fucking boyfriend to Buck and that's enough. I think 911 is one of the first fandoms I've been in where shipping the same character with different people is an act of treason, like it's normal everywhere else😂😂. Also are we forgetting that when Mr. Eddie 'panic attack(anxiety and overthinking extrodinaire)' Diaz has his queer awakening someone will need to anchor him. So since Eddie will probably have his realisation with Buck.....
Buck needs to already have some things figured out before he gets with Eddie, so that when Mr. Edmundo 'Catholic Guilt' Diaz kisses a boy and likes it, Buck can ground him.
If they're both having their queer freakout (for lack of a better word) at the same time, it'll take away from the foundation of their relationship and it might bring doubt or issues down the line, because they're both rookies when it comes to queer relationships so...
You don't have to like Tommy, but if nothing else appreciate what his service now will do for Buddie's relationship in the future. 😂
Also HOT TAKE! but I think they'd make a cute throuple😂 just saying...👀

🤣🤣 911 twitter will kill me one day 🤣🤣
The fact that I can actually imagine this as canon 🤣🤣🤣
eddie making buck chris’ legal guardian if he dies is still so funny to me years later because like. bro if this was for normal reasons you would have picked someone with less than a 70% chance of being taken the fuck out right there with you
To Buck, Christopher always talks about Tommy.
To Tommy, Christopher always talks about Buck.
But he's not talking about Maisol to anybody.
I can’t believe other buddie shippers are made about BuckTommy like do we all not want to see Buck get absolutely wrecked by a man who can pick him up and throw him around? Eddie’s time will come let Buck railed babes

i just wanna pour one out for all the bi girlies (gn) because i Know y’all have been Through it at times in this fandom, and this means the world to all of us… but i know it’s extra special for you.
i love you… oliver loves you.
y’all made it l!!

This is not the face of someone more interested in the person on the other end of the phone. 😒😒
This is the face of the person who's thirsty for attention from the guy he's looking at.😂😂
The thing is I actually like BuckTommy? Kinkley?? (whatever), I think it's cute, I love that Buck didn't just immediately dive into Eddie... I think Tommy and Buck are the right move right now.
But Buck...😒. Really?? You weren't looking for Tommy's attention. Just bffr, you wanted EDDIE'S ATTENTION. Like come on, even Tommy could see that 😂
Final Post (I think😅)
But the way Eddie is so uninterested in his OWN girlfriend and his OWN relationship is so funny to me, cause how is it that he's never asked anyone to watch Chris so he can take Marisol out, but he asked Marisol to watch Chris TWICE in ONE WEEK so he could go out with Tommy (Eddie, honey your gay is showing)
Eddie, when he's told to spend time with his girlfriend:

Unrelated but can we talk about how Bobby ate DOWN! his 2 minutes of screen time🤭
The minute he saw Harry, he was like 🤨🤨 'sum'n ain't right here.'
Harry opened his mouth and said ONE sentence, and Bobby clocked that he was hiding something immediately 😂
And sure enough cause 10 minutes later he exposed Harry😂
Bobby really said

The whole episode I was kinda confused, cause even before we saw Eddie and Tommy hang out Buck was already with Tommy.
So I was like 🤨🤔
But the synopsis said 'Buck grows envious of Eddie, so NATURALLY I assumed they meant Tommy's the problem...cause that's how Buck was acting.😒😒
Then we get the last minute Uno Reverse scene in the loft....
BUCK @ TOMMY: trying to get your attention has been kinda exhausting 😅

That one kiss had Buck's brain short-circuiting..and I understand why 🤷🏽🤷🏽
The fucking eye contact
The fucking chin grab
The fucking confidence
The fucking swagger
So 😅 I would like to rescind some of this statement.... cause after watching 7x04...
I STAND CORRECTED 😂 and I'm not even mad about it.
Buck is into Tommy.
Tommy is barely interested in Buck.
Tommy is into Eddie.
Eddie's excited to have a new friend. (Can Buck come too? 😀😀core)
Buck feels like Eddie is cheating on him.
Interesting 🤔🤔