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Creative freedom in the 911 fandom will get you sniped on sight by a Madney blog.
omg so true about the 911 thing!! don’t they get exhausted?? I’m certainly exhausted by seeing them blast fics they don’t agree with continuously
I can honestly say its reached the point where if I see a discourse post about 911's fans and fan content, I know its a Madney blog before I even look at the URL.
Its perfectly fine to generally disagree with what someone has written, or to dislike what they have written. But the solution to that is to simply move on and not read it. Everyone would happier that way.
Fanfiction is like food. Its personal. Everyone has different tastes. If someone is eating food or making food you don't like, you are under no obligation to eat it and you certainly have no right to demand that they stop cooking/eating.
No but everything you said about that part of the 911 fandom is true. My friend had a very bad breakdown due to how they (and anonymous others after then) treated her for the past year. Diagnosed with depression and anxiety and everything. (Im saying this with her permission, obv.) All of it could have been avoided by people just blocking and moving on, instead of attacking and inciting discourse because of a difference of opinion of one scene. Etiquette just thrown out the window…
Unfortunately, its something I've noticed is heavily prevalent in fandoms where the source material is based on reality and realism. The majority of fans are incredibly rigid in how they interact with the source material and how they police other people's interactions and interpretations.
I can understand how fans of a mixed couple and a POC character would feel protective over preserving the canon state of the relationship and characterisations, but when it comes at the expense of the well-being of actual people, that's where I draw the line.
Witch-hunting users, creating "private" servers to trash authors, inciting harassment and witch-hunting online are all behaviors I've seen and I've seen prominently. And I'm not saying they're the only culprits within the fandom, but there is definitely a significant amount of them partaking.
Its unfortunate because honestly, if they didn't try to burn everything they dictated unworthy, people would be a lot more willing to just leave them alone. There wouldn't be half the spite-written fics and retaliations. Its an endless cycle.
Fandom racism happens because people are racist. The whole "oh but you were mean to me so I have to be mean to an entire marginalized group" like no. You're just racist
We're not discussing racism or retaliatory racism. I'm assuming you're referencing my recent Madney posts, so I'll clarify.
I'm talking about re-imaginings of canon events within the show that explore different takes and perspectives. Madney fans in particular seem to have an automatic habit of going for the jugular of any author who doesn't strictly present Chimney/Maddie/Madney exactly as seen in the show, often with wild accusations that have left permanent scars in the fandom.
When I say that creative liberty and freedom will get you sniped by Madney fans, I am quite obviously not talking about actual racism and scenarios such as the fallout from last year when a handful of racists were using fanfiction in order to perpetuate racism.
I'm talking about exploration of alternate canon. You can devise scenarios that aren't in the favor of a character without it having ill-intent. You can villainise a character for the narrative without it coming from hate.
For example; I adore Buck. He's my boy. My little sunshine idiot. I've also written fanfiction where he's a ruthless killer that does unspeakable things simply for the thrill of it. Does that mean I hate him? No. He's the villain, but that's the whole purpose of the story. To explore that alternate narrative of what Buck would be if he wasn't the Buck in the show.
I'm not stating he behaves this way in the show. I'm not using the narrative as an excuse to attack who he is, his skin color, ect.
But that's an understanding that I've noticed a lot of Madney fans are unwilling to accept. And not even when its exclusively relevant to Chimney and Maddie, either.
What I referred to in my last post about spite fic was additional fanfiction written on top of existing fanfiction out of spite for hate posts about the existing fanfiction. For example;
Let's say you write watersports. Someone who is not a fan of watersports comments on your work and tells you its disgusting and you should delete it. Instead, you write another fic about watersports.
Likewise, that's exactly what we've seen happen multiple times in the 911 fandom over various scenes and canon events. There's always a witch hunt through recent fanfiction after something happens in an episode, which spirals into a tangled mess of spite fics and 100+ posts of people arguing.
People who want to explore canon material outside of canon aren't going to let the people who believe in rigid canon chokehold them or throw around biased accusations.
My point is; sometimes you simply have to understand that there will always be fanfiction you dislike or disagree with, and that its not healthy to spend your time actively witch-hunting authors and dumping constant shit all over any type of content you don't agree with.
If an author sees someone falsely accusing them of hate, bigotry, ect, they're going to defend themselves. And then it devolves into a public argument that drags people in like a vortex and ruins everything. It keeps happening in the 911 fandom in a vicious cycle that, for a while actually, killed off a lot of the fan count. I know a vast amount of blogs that stepped away from the fandom because people, mostly Madney-based blogs, just couldn't let go or leave people alone.
If your blog is mostly just you shitting all over anything and everything that other people make in your fandom, ask yourself why you're even active in the fandom space in the first place. If you're truly not happy, maybe its time to look elsewhere, or maybe its time to start utilizing the tools provided to ensure you're tailoring your fandom experience to the things you do want to see.
No im not “grieving” Buddie, do you know how amazing it is to have queer/bisexual men representation in today’s media? Do you know how important it is for all of the community and the younger people watching this? This is a huge milestone and Buck’s sexuality is valid outside of any type of ship. Today we celebrate.
No im not “grieving” Buddie, do you know how amazing it is to have queer/bisexual men representation in today’s media? Do you know how important it is for all of the community and the younger people watching this? This is a huge milestone and Buck’s sexuality is valid outside of any type of ship. Today we celebrate.
Right cause I heard it and I was like...👀👀

“Both like watching half naked men pummel each other” EXCUSE ME??
OMG this has to be the best explanation I've seen 😮💨😮💨
There’s something about Eddie saying he’s a nester yet being completely incapable of doing such nesting with any of the women we’ve ever seen him with. Shannon was not only his wife, but Chris’ mother, and yet he didn’t feel ready to let her see their son once she came back… I’d even be willing to say he convinced himself into redoing his life with her because it made sense, and not because he was in love with her (again). Ana, however lovely she was, was also very clearly the product of Eddie putting Chris first. We see this when he has The Conversation with Buck: “Chris loves her”, “is that enough?” and soon we find out it isn’t. “We became a ready made family, and I’m not ready for that”. Finally we have Marisol, who he shoved inside his house only to kick out a few days later. But then… cut to Buck and Chris playing video games together, and doing some sort of scrapbook thing for Christmas, and visiting Santa, and going to the zoo. Cut to Buck picking Chris up from school, and being the first person Chris calls when Eddie breaks down (and goes to when he’s mad at his dad). Cut to homemade meals and difficult talks at any of their kitchens, and carrying each other physically and emotionally through the worse possible times. Cut to “there’s no one I trust with my son more than you,” and “this changes nothing between us.” Yeah,,, Eddie can’t nest with the women we’ve seen him with, because he already nested with Buck.
I sat there absolutely FLABBERGASTED thinking he was screwing Shannon doppelgänger😂😂
ABC watching me through my screen and laughing at my fucking reactions of the Eddie and Shannon throwback knowing damn well I thought he was cheating