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7x10 Speculations
So, today we got stills (x) and I have some theories. It’s going to be multiples theories at once, so buckle up.
First, I think the episode will pick on the same night when Athena’s house burns.
The dinner date – The aftermath of the Kim/Shannon situation
I think Buck’s night starts by him cooking dinner for his dinner date with Tommy. Tommy wouldn’t be here maybe because he’s still on shift. Then, he receives a phone call by Eddie who is losing his shit after the Kim/Shannon incident. Buck talks with Eddie who explains to him everything. Maybe Eddie will explain that Chris has locked himself in his room and both Kim and Marisol broke up with him. Then, the Diaz Parents are here. Why are they are? Same reason that Abuela was there for the wedding, YOLO. Maybe the Diaz parents are there to visits family, don’t forget that Tia Pepa also lives in LA. I think they invite themselves or Chris called them since he knew they were coming. But I think they invite themselves and they feel that something is fishy. Just after they arrive, Buck gets a phone call from Tommy and is happily leaving. Then the Diaz parents look at Eddie who has no one in his corner. Eddie explains the situation and even shows them the photo.
Buck then has his date with Tommy and everything seems to go well. Either during dinner or after, Buck gets a phone call telling him that Bobby and Athena are in the hospital. Tommy goes with him; Lou has been seen wearing the same clothes that he is during the dinner dates.
The Madney – Henren scene:
From interview, we have seen JLH wearing the same outfits that she’s wearing on the still and on that same interview, Aisha was wearing the same outfit that she’s wearing on the hospital stills. It seems to be a happy scene full of smile and sunshine. We know that’s not going to last. JLH had said either in interview or in a story that Chimney and Maddie will do something romantic for a couple. My guess is that after the Mara situation, Chim and Maddie invites the Wilson at their home and try to find a solution. There’s a theory that’s roaming around and I agree with that theory. I also think that the solution find would be Chimney and Maddie proposing to become Mara’s foster family until she gets permanently placed at the Wilson’s. Will they succeed on the episode? Not likely. The episode seem packed but I think they will be one step closer and that will set their storyline for S8. Then either Chim or Hen gets a phone call.
The hospital:
I think Chim and Hen would arrive alone and first. Upon seeing that neither Buck nor Eddie are there, I think they will call them and ask them to come. Then, the four of them are. Athena wakes up and asks for Bobby. Bobby is not doing well because well the guy is on a ventilator. So, not fun. Then the chief comes and informs them of Bobby’s retirement. Which is why they are shocked. I also think that Gerrard might replace them, we saw the actor on set. I have another theory so more on that later.
The day after: I think most of the episode will be spend during the morning after and I have multiple points.
The 118 will stay all night and the scene with Chief Simpson might be the day after.
All the 118 have a moment with Bobby. Eddie has one and will pray using the Bible gave him.
Hen might leave first, maybe to confront the congresswoman or to have a meeting with Dedra. She will then call Chim to explain the situation.
Buck and Eddie will go home and change. The next day, Eddie will have a talk with Christopher who will say that he’ll leave with his grandparents. Eddie will not take the news well and will have a talk with his dad. Since the previous season, Ramon became more and more supportive of Eddie so I think he will try to recomfort Eddie by telling that Christopher leaving for the summer might be a good thing. If one of the Diaz parents will attack Eddie, it would be Helena.
Before Chris leaves, Buck goes to say goodbye to Chris. Before leaving, Eddie and Chris will have a heart to heart and maybe Chris will tell that he’s mad at his dad and leave without forgiving him.
Athena will leave the hospital and goes to Amir. She feels that something else happen in the desert will find a photo that would prove that. She goes to Amir to asks for question. But then, the troubles come. I think that the Cartel are the one that burned Athena’s house. They have the resources. Also it won’t be the congresswoman; Bobby has no tied to her son’s death. Hen was in charge that night. Not Bobby. Bobby was away.
What about Gerrard?
The fact that he was bought from the flashback is interesting. The guy will for sure come back in S8. I think he will replace Bobby as captain. Gerrard is just one lucky son of a bitch.
Why wouldn’t it be one of the 118? Let me explain
We know for Chim that he doesn’t want to be captain. The guy had the job and prayed the Lord for Bobby to come back.
I think Eddie doesn’t want to be captain. He seems content in his position and might not want to be captain.
Buck is not ready to be Captain. Buck is the one that is more captain material. He was shown to have leadership skills. But he also lacks rigor and discipline. He would be a great captain, could even be better than Bobby. But now is too early and he still has a hot head temperament.
But then why not Hen? She was acting Captain twice while Bobby was gone, one in S6 when Bobby was in Florida because Athena’s dad had a heart-attack, once in S7 when Bobby was on a cruise. So, if Hen had been already been acting Captain twice, why not a third time? Two possibilities:
One. The chief refuses because of disciplinary reasons. She might got a medal because of the cruise ship situation. She still disobeyed orders. She might not be awarded because of that.
Two. The congresswoman. I don’t think we will see the last of her in S7. She is razor focus on ruining Hen’s life and she pulled out the Mara situation pretty easily. Who said that she doesn’t have another card in her hand?
Right cause I heard it and I was like...👀👀

“Both like watching half naked men pummel each other” EXCUSE ME??
Live reaction to watching Buck kiss Tommy (even though I've been screaming BI BUCK for 5 seasons):

OMG this has to be the best explanation I've seen 😮💨😮💨
There’s something about Eddie saying he’s a nester yet being completely incapable of doing such nesting with any of the women we’ve ever seen him with. Shannon was not only his wife, but Chris’ mother, and yet he didn’t feel ready to let her see their son once she came back… I’d even be willing to say he convinced himself into redoing his life with her because it made sense, and not because he was in love with her (again). Ana, however lovely she was, was also very clearly the product of Eddie putting Chris first. We see this when he has The Conversation with Buck: “Chris loves her”, “is that enough?” and soon we find out it isn’t. “We became a ready made family, and I’m not ready for that”. Finally we have Marisol, who he shoved inside his house only to kick out a few days later. But then… cut to Buck and Chris playing video games together, and doing some sort of scrapbook thing for Christmas, and visiting Santa, and going to the zoo. Cut to Buck picking Chris up from school, and being the first person Chris calls when Eddie breaks down (and goes to when he’s mad at his dad). Cut to homemade meals and difficult talks at any of their kitchens, and carrying each other physically and emotionally through the worse possible times. Cut to “there’s no one I trust with my son more than you,” and “this changes nothing between us.” Yeah,,, Eddie can’t nest with the women we’ve seen him with, because he already nested with Buck.
I sat there absolutely FLABBERGASTED thinking he was screwing Shannon doppelgänger😂😂
ABC watching me through my screen and laughing at my fucking reactions of the Eddie and Shannon throwback knowing damn well I thought he was cheating