My Two Cents - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

Look, I know I’m a small fish in a very large pond, but I’m gonna piggyback off of my betters here and just agree with all that stuff up above. Stop shaming people for their ships. Ship and let ship. It’s not hard. Don’t go into other ships’ tags and be assholes to people. That makes you a troll and a bully. It’s fine to have squicks or even hard nos when it comes to shipping. It’s not okay to attack other people for liking something you don’t. Stop it. There are real people behind these screens. You’re hurting real people when you call them disgusting for reading fiction. 

It’s not up to you to decide whether or not it’s okay for someone else to find something enjoyable if they’re not hurting anyone else. You don’t know the whys behind someone shipping a particular thing or enjoying reading a certain trope or kink. Maybe it’s their way of processing and/or coping with trauma. Maybe they find the dynamics interesting. Perhaps they just like it. No particular reason why. It doesn’t matter. They don’t have to justify their ships, same way you don’t have to justify yours. The difference is they’re not going into your tags, your posts, your fics, or your art and leaving hateful remarks. 

Isn’t there enough hate out in the real world? Why are we bringing it into fandom, too? Hell, the HP fandom in particular already has enough battles to fight with a transphobic creator and quite a few problematic issues in canon, including but not limited to: racism, homophobia, misogyny, and glorified slavery. So please, think before you type. Don’t like? Don’t read. Realize the difference between fiction and reality, and understand that shipping something does not equate to automatically endorsing it in the real world.

And in closing, if you disagree feel free to unfollow me, block me, whatever. I won’t miss antis, and I’m not interested in arguing with haters. One would think we in fandom would know better than this. That having to often justify our love of fandom to begin with, we might be just a bit more compassionate to each other. It’s always disappointing to see ship hate or shaming going on, and it makes me tired. We need to do better, folks. Be kind to each other. It matters, and it can make all the difference in the world.

Look. I don’t usually take part into complicated fandom conversations. I don’t like the drama, I don’t like the hate and asks that come after one does and I don’t feel comfortable with people taking my words and twisting them into meaning I didn’t mean (it has happened before). BUT.

I cannot stay silent anymore. I just can’t. I just saw someone in the fandom that I appreciated and admired for their talent shaming people for what they ship and…. lately it’s happening so fucking often.

I’ll take this opportunity to make a general statement: if you shame people for what they ship, unfollow me. I’m a Harry/Teddy shipper, Draco/Teddy shipper, hell I also ship Harry/Teddy/Draco as a threesome, I’ve read and loved The Evil Devil Child and the Perfect Gift by who_la_hoop which has double incest, both Draco/Scorpius and Harry/Albus Severus and enjoyed it a big deal.

I get it’s not for everyone. That’s valid and everyone has the right to ship and like whoever they want to. But just as you have the right not to like these ships, me and everyone else has the right to like them. WE DO KNOW that they’re not real people, shipping them doesn’t mean we would be incestuous in real life OR that we’re evil.

That’s what had pained me when I got that anon hate about me liking Harry/Teddy: that they said I’m disgusting. How can you throw a personal insult, a personal judgement on me based on what, a fandom ship I like reading and writing about?!

I’m finally taking a position, and writing a post about it, because I’m DEAD SICK of the vibes going around lately in fandom. About how we’re ready to judge and shame people for the ships they like or the kinks they have or like reading about.

God knows how much I suffered because I like Daddy kink as well. People are so ready to judge.

Can we understand, for once, that this is a fictional place? That we’re here to evade reality for a moment, to give a chance to our imagination to run free, to feel free for once?




And for the love of God, if you’re antis or have a problem with what I’m saying, UNFOLLOW me.

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4 years ago

SnK 131

Quick spew of my thoughts.

This chapter was exactly what I thought it would be from the spoilers- one that shows the reality of the atrocities Eren has unleashed, and the emotional state of those living in it. The awful death of those two boys, Eren and his chaotic mental state, and the moment he has with Armin really set the tone so well for the worldbuilding Yams has created. It was powerful and emotional and so well done.

We see Erens mindset in the way we haven’t for so long. We’ve been wondering what he’s been thinking, how he’s really feeling about killing so many, and now we see- He’s stuck in that childish mindset chasing that feeling of “freedom” he idealized in his mind in his youth. Realizing the reality and his fantasy are so far separated from one another has essentially driven him to a state of madness, where he accepts that what he’s doing could be the only possible solution. And yes, he does clearly feel guilt and some part of him recognizing it’s wrong (the apology to Ramsay) but the guilt of his actions is still not enough to crack that thick mindset he has.

I believe the only one now that’s could ever possibly reach Eren with any impact would be Armin. He’s the only one Eren called to through the paths in that moment of bliss & “freedom” he was experiencing. Armin was the one to put the fantasy of the outside world into his head- so Armin is the key to all of this. And that brings me to what may be one of my favorite moments thus far in the manga: Armin face to face with the bird.

SnK 131

Two consistent images have been constant through the story- birds & flowers. Right from the very first panel, down to the survey corps logo, they have been the symbol of freedom. And now Armin is face to face with that. It’s clearly so intentional and symbolic and I couldn’t help but take a moment when I saw it and let it soak in. I personally read it as Armin facing the reality of this all and the fantasy of freedom they held on to for so long. He does still have that hope (the last words of the chap saying so), but can by no means dream of a world he once did ever again.

This chapter got to my emotions. Most do since I’ve been so invested in this story for so long.... but man. Those brothers. The hopeless people in their final moments. Child Eren.

Incredible. As always, can’t wait for more. And how I tend to end most long posts nowadays- my apologies if this reads a bit weird or isn’t explained well, I like just summing up my first quick thoughts. Feel free to talk about it with me! AoT is forever a favorite topic.

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I have a theory that Marxism and Nietzscheism is the result of the Individual and the Collective being torn asunder from the abolishment of the Monarchy which kept both in check.

Without a 3rd side ordained by God, it leads to a vicious cycle

which leads to my theory that The Trinity also is a damning refutation of Dualism because of its fatal flaw to make one the measure of all things and the other evil without something higher than themselves to keep them in check because its something and someone bigger than themselves taking into account what the other side won’t touch even with a ten-foot pole

And as a result, both sides as much as they hate each other will put up with each other and even make deals with each other under the table if it means going after something they both hate even more

I call it "The Demonic Duality"

I think CS Lewis came to a similar conclusion

I'm something of an integralist

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2 years ago

Was it really worth it?

Was It Really Worth It?

Dear Tumblr Diary

Was it really worth it? I have to say that yes! I know everyone and their mothers are talking about the slap that was seen around the world. Being that I’m more of a will smith fan. Than I am of Jada pinker and or Chris Rock. I have to say this to me, was seen a long time ago. Not Will Smith going up on stage SLAPPING the living shit out of Chris Rock. But! Will Smith standing up for himself as a person. I say person rather than man. Because in my eye’s your gender, sex (Identity) in that aspect has nothing to do with standing your ground and demanding your respect. Over the years I have seen how many people, celebrities or those who frequent them. Try and emasculate him, provoke him or taunt in one way or another. I’m not a person who’s big on pop culture or whats in the happening now. As an outlier, when things are big. Big enough to catch my attention. I give it!

Over the years, This red table from his wife, daughter and mother in law has come up. And other aspects of there lives have come into the public eye. Which in a patriarchal society, has made will smith seem like too much of a passive guy. "Seem" being the operative word here! I’ve always liked will smith because of his down to earth humor and relatability. I too, am his completion. And goofy like him too. I guess like most fans I have attached aspects of my identity to him and his success. I think thats why most people go really hard for there Idol. Or a celebrity that makes them feel.

I too know the ways of suffering in silence. I know how it feels to bite your tongue. And keep a pretty smilie face on for optics. It has to be hard for him in ways that we could and or only imagine. I do not have children and nor am I married to a woman who’s free to spill the beans about our personal matters. Now! Small disclaimer! (I don’t know shit about there personal lives) He for all intensive purposes can be just as guilty as her with having entanglements. BUt! The reason for this post is to share why I agree wit this, "SLAPPING" of the rock. The Chris rock, you see from other sources and even from both of their statements on social media they have Identified each other as friends. But! Would a friend constantly poke fun of you. Especially with a room full of people he could have chosen to poke fun at.

Almost every time I have seen Will smith in the media before this incident, It was deeply heart felt. When listing to him, either podcasters talk about him or when on YouTube videos of his being shown. It seemed to me there was always more behind that mans eyes. I believe, he felt that he could not choose wisely. I may be wrong. Fuck I am wrong because with everyone getting a divorce. He could HAVE left her! Or her leave him!? But they choose to stay together.

Was the joke a really bad joke no! But! When sources on TV and other social media outlets confirm that Jada has a medical condition. It makes it all the worse. Will smith on hot97 and other platforms is always in someone’s mouth. And who knows what was said between the couple about her condition. NOt!!!!! to mention as a gay man! My hair is everything to me. I like how it’s an extension of myself expression and Identity. So I can totally see this being that for any women. Especially a celebrity. I share in her pain in knowing that something thats out of her control is happening to her body. How she has to change her thoughts. Not to mention, her self perception is going to be a real eye opener for her.

She has brought up time before that she & Tupac have been in love. She to me has not gotten over that. Has not moved on or even properly grieved his death. I again can relate to wanting to love someone and it being snatched from you. Taken with out notice. Only to deal with the remains. It’s nothing you can do but! Deal!

Maybe these scenarios, are what we’re running in the thoughts of Will Smith. How he’s always shrugging things off. Letting things go. Being passive about the amount of disrespect that thrown him. There’s always the straw that breaks the camel’s back. And talking about backs. The way the internet has show support! I have to say is funny, But! Fucked up. I myself had to take a MOMENT and realize I too play in to his man’s mental help.

This persons feelings are being disregarded! When people are constantly checking him about how he should behave and not how it’s ok to be. To just be. He’s a mentor, father, probably someone’s brother or cousin. He’s a husband. All titles, many people on this planet can relate to. Was rock wrong? I’m still indifferent about it because the statement says He did not know. And being that they are celebrities. He has his brand to run. And they have their own to run as well. As the women around always say “ MInd the business that pays you” and well, In Chris rocks case, It didn’t pay that well on stage. But!!!!! I have to say that he did handle that very well. Even when Will smith kept it going from his seat! He kept his composure.

I’m from the hood. So! For me one smack ain’t gonna kill no body. It night get you knocked out. But, It ain’t gonna kill no one. I

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I didn’t forget I just went: mmh but this has a lot of angst potential, and that can be brushed off as fluttering around despite being broken.

Plus my personal idea of the broken wings hc stems more so from Orbo’s willingness to threaten Scarab’s limbs rather than solely bc they rnt shown.

Fanon brainrot has made everyone here collectively forget that Scarab canonically has wings that he uses. We can hear them flutter we just don't see them. The object permanence is on the floor!!! /lh

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1 year ago

I’m going to go out on a limb here and do a little theorizing.

Just like the reference to the real life Project Paperclip, with recruiting scientists that were part of Nazi Germany, we are seeing a reference to how medical knowledge obtained by the Nazis and Japanese through torture and brutal experiments to prisoners of war and captured civilians was later used by the Allies as the information was useful.

Most of our knowledge and understanding of hypothermia and the treatments for the different stages of hypothermia comes from these inhumane experiments.

The NR is making use of technology and techniques that the Empire can be seen a couple of different ways.

One: them trying to repurpose it to help people who might benefit from it in some way and have the best intentions.

Two: this is a situation the right hand doesn’t know what the left hand is doing.

Three: Mon Mothma signed off on this under false pretenses and because this is all happening on Coruscant and the NR is seated somewhere else it’s harder to make sure that nothing nefarious is going on.

Four: Mon Mothma was railroaded/pressured into it.

Five: a combo of all above.

As for giving the former Imperials numbers could go one of two ways.

One: make it harder for the remnants of the Empire to find them and attempt to either recruit them or kill them; or maybe even prevent vengeful people from killing them over what they did in the name of the Empire.

Two: it would hopefully prevent certain Imperials from finding each other and starting something by recruiting Imperials who might be swayed to their side,

This then could loop back to employing machines like the Mind Flayer as the NR now has the means to completely erase someone’s mind if they feel that one of the Imperials in the Amnesty Program might be trouble.

It might also a case of there being too many fires to put out that no one who cares enough about the former Imperials is asking enough questions about it or they don’t have the energy to ask/fight.

So chance in Mandalorian we got to see how corrupt and shitty the New Republic is. Will any aspects of that be present in Queens or Sands to help explain Leia's bitterness of how the future turned out?

I frankly don't know what I'm going to do with what we learned in the Mandalorian about how the New Republic worked. I mean, seriously???? The New Republic took their names and replaced it with numbers. WHAT THE FUCK!!!

Are the writers of this show aware that democracies can fall without becoming a fascist state? That, narratively speaking, there were other options? That you can show a government that is weak, but not evil? It's shitting writing and infuriating.

As if Leia wouldn't resign immediately over something like that. Like Mon, who is the HEAD of the New Republic at this point, would sign off on something like this. Even for Imperials. HOLY SHIT!!

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