Hey there! Looking to Ask Questions to Toriel, Murder, Horror, Killer or Nightmare? Looking to Adopt? Looking to see horrible sketches and amazing commissions? You came to the right place! / 20+ Year Old Shop Runner
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Time To Sing Christmas Carols~
Time to sing Christmas Carols~
*Deme and Toriel gasp, eyes sparkling while a certain someone else perks up too*
Deme and Toriel: You’re right!
*Both females happily sparkle as they try out a few tunes with the others looking to them*
Joy to the world-
Killer: that owner’s dead!
I killed them in their bed!
*Both of them stop and everyone stares at Killer as he merely grins and winks, Deme and Toriel switching tactics*
Both: Deck the halls with boughs of holly, Falalalalalalala!
Tis the season to be-
Killer: Folly, Falalalalalalalala,
Bring your fists into a knife fight, Falalalalalalalala!
*Murder face palms as Killer tries to wreck every song the girls sing, hitting a snag when they hit Rudolph the Red nosed Reindeer, so they got to sing that to the end at the very end without Killer interrupting though he tried to think of something the whole time, he was drawing a blank*
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More Posts from Dotchi13
I don't think Frisk would mind getting some extra sans bitties with Toriel when she arrives... hint hint nudge nudge...
Dotchi: Hopefully not, though if the bitties just up and left as it is now, there would be quite a bit of legal trouble, seeing as like every other adoptee, Owner has the legal documents for the Sans’ stating that they own them, but we’ll see how this goes.
*gives you snowflake ornaments for the tree* Is it snowing where you bitties are?
*Murder takes the snowflake ornaments with Toriel gasping softly at how pretty they were and how they sparkled, Murder hanging them up as he answers*
Murder: it wouldn’t be snowing here if it weren’t for deme, apparently she knows an ethereal asgore, a bitty sky god, and called in a few favors so that we have snow in this neighborhood, every other place is just raining.
*Gives the bitties some frosting, sprinkles, candy, and gingerbread* Who can make the best gingerbread house?
*All the bitties split into groups which were forced to be mixed so that Nightmare and Killer actually participated.
The teams are: Nightmare and Toriel, Killer and Murder, Flames and Horror, and last but not least Deme and Void.
The battle starts and the bitties start building and frosting.
Nightmare and Toriel put forth a valiant effort, though instead of frosting Nightmare used his goop to make the gringerbread house stick together when the frosting got too frustrating, Toriel giving the house homey little touches to make it look like a cozy place, Nightmare carelessly tossing sprinkles on it to give it some color as in the end it looked like a witch’s house poorly disguised to look like a delicious gingerbread home because of the unsettling black tar holding it together.
Killer did not want to do this, until Murder allowed Killer to have half of the house to frost whatever he wanted on it, to which he frosted on a huge bloody massacre on it, and by the end of it Deme’s owner had to get them more red food coloring from their own kitchen because the bitty kitchen was lacking now. Murder himself used a lot of red and green frosting a child with red eyes being dead and a floating Papyrus head with a scarf and gloves harmlessly waving to whoever looked into the gingerbread home.
Flames and Horror deck out everything with the candy, making the most appetizing-looking home as they shingle the roof with Hershey’s tiles, lining the home’s borders in kisses and the walk-way with gum drops, painting the walkway with frosting and tiling the pathway with sprinkles, Flames using his abilities to melt candy canes, taking two of them and creating a small Charlie Brown Christmas tree entirely out of peppermint with small pitiful branches and at the end is a red M&M substituting as the ornament that caused the little tree to bend, there being plenty more done to it, but that was just the start, by the end it was a candy wonderland that could give cavities to anyone.
Deme and Void create a very cozy home with spun sugar windows lined with red licorice frosted to beauty with fragments of the insides of butterfingers making a sheer pathway. Not only was it cute and cozy with a lot of green in it, but Void actually went and wired the house to turn the lights on and off with the roof edges being lined in tiny little Christmas lights that blinked on and off after flicking it on.
Everyone obviously put forth their best effort*
*Gives Killer party poppers and eggs full of confetti*
Killer: oh hell yeah.
*He then takes the eggs and with a little help with his magic, throws one at everyone in the room, Murder shattering the egg with a bone before it touched him so confetti spilled over him, Horror screaming when Killer scored the egg right into the gash in his head, shattering it inside and causing confetti to spill out of his sockets and teeth.
Nightmare and Deme caught theirs, Deme throwing it back at him and beaning Killer in the chest, covering him in the confetti while Nightmare surrounded his in magic and cracked it over the tree, decorating it more as Flames launched himself and snatched the eggs headed for him and Void out of the air, adding it with Nightmare’s as the last one smashed at Toriel’s front, but she merely smiled*
Toriel: It’s nice to see Killer having fun.
*Killer then took the poppers to use when everyone wasn’t on guard, he really likes the gifts*
Are you guys gonna watch any horror movies? My family always watches scary movies on the holidays ^^
*Nightmare and Killer look to Deme and Flames with wide eyes in pleading*
Deme: I don’t know…
Toriel: Please Deme? Murder and Horror can watch it with them.
*The ethereal bitty sighs*
Deme: Alright, just after bedtime, Void gets really scared by Horror movies and they are not to my taste either.
Flames, would wish to join them?
*Flames shrugs before giving a thumbs up and it seems to be in agreement that there will be horror movie watching after hours*