Hey there! Looking to Ask Questions to Toriel, Murder, Horror, Killer or Nightmare? Looking to Adopt? Looking to see horrible sketches and amazing commissions? You came to the right place! / 20+ Year Old Shop Runner
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What Presents Would The Bitties Enjoy?
What presents would the bitties enjoy?
Killer: something sharp like a glass shard or a bitty dagger, some candy might be appreciated though.
Toriel: Anything that you put your thought into is cherished by me, though maybe some bitty playing cards or yarn or fabric so I can keep contributing?
Murder: more drawing materials, i’m runnin’ out of pencil and i’ve been outta red anything for a while, which makes it hard to draw blood and my brother.
Nightmare: nightmare fuel, or… you know, tori’s right, anything that shows you care at all.
Horror: food, food, some clothes and more food, no joke.
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More Posts from Dotchi13
!Senorita Toriel yo soy a ci a ci! LOL I thought I was the only one to think of that especially with all the drama that had happen to the bitties. Too many things just keep happening to them. Oh and before I forget I LOVE the fanart of your story they are so beautiful! Oh I do have a question for you: what made you want to write this soriel story? What inspired you? Oh one more thing: *brings out cookies for every one* !bone appetite amigos y amiga! *terrible cliche pun I know...*
*All the bitties laugh at your pun with the cookies, Killer being the first one to chomp down as Toriel gives you a warm smile and a nod*
Dotchi: Things are a bit dramatic aren’t they? Well that’s a story, good drama, and not only that but the next chapter is planned to be a settled one as everyone copes with the loss of one of the group while Killer tries to gain emotional footing.
And I think so too! The fanart is all so beautiful and cute, but the one I have to say gives me the most warmth is from @wingdingsbeyondthefourthwall, I didn’t commission them like the others, never talked to them before, and yet they surprised me with a gorgeous piece of artwork for Killer, and I cried and smiled almost for a full hour, squealing to my sister about how I had actual fanart from someone and couldn’t help but admire at how absolutely on point and amazing it was.
If anyone has any fanart for this story I plead for you to step forward, I will love ever single thing you all come up with, my heart and it’s heartsona nearly bursts with love every time I see people admiring my work or drawing inspiration from it, gives me that lovely chemical called serotonin every time.
And What inspired me to make this fic? What made me want to write it?
Well first off, I love Soriel, and I really wanted to continue writing stories about the pairing, but because I am a crack shipper I wanted to shake it up a bit, so I thought why not make a reverse harem story with Toriel and all the Bad Sans’? But I quickly scrapped that Idea after the Second Chapter, because I had a feeling Horror should fall in love with someone else, then I realized that I couldn’t see Killer in a romantic relationship with anyone and made him canonically aromantic, nothing in particular inspired me to write the story other than the Bittybones AU and the questions of How Toriel could become part of such a group and what things she should have on her when she meets them.
In the end, I did it because I wanted to, because I see people going crazy on the AUs, but I want to see someone go crazy on the pairings, so I decided to take that step myself with this story.
If anyone else does so, I would love to see your stories as well! :D
Oh really horror where would you kiss her? *wiggled eyebrows*
Horror: some of you are real dirty sinners aren’tcha? fine by me, i just can’t wait until i have the opportunity to give her back a morning kiss right in between those cute horns of hers.
she always wakes up before me and whenever i go to breakfast she does this thing where she kisses me right at the top of my head while I’m dozing at the table, i doubt i’ll ever wake up early enough for that, but i look forward to the strange cosmic event that will get me there.
Horror and Deme sitting in a tree K I S S I N G!!! * Runs away*
*Murder recognizes you and tries to run after you while Horror blinks a couple of times, his axe across his shoulders with his hands hooked on it*
Horror: why would it have to be in a tree? i’d kiss her anywhere.
*He grins and winks his empty eye socket*
XD omg that anon pft
*Murder blanches, thinking of the baby bitty anons and the kiss-teasing anon*
Murder: which ones?