double-banana - The banana has been DOUBLED!
The banana has been DOUBLED!

OH HI! This is double-banana and this my sfw art tumblr ! | Birthday on April 17th| ✡️ | She/Her | SFW Twittwer @banana_double NSFW Twittwer @RabbitCat18

264 posts

Guess Who Is Playing Spore Again And Is In Love With The Gooplet?

Guess Who Is Playing Spore Again And Is In Love With The Gooplet?

Guess who is playing Spore again and is in love with the Gooplet? 

  • yuval00
    yuval00 liked this · 7 years ago

More Posts from Double-banana

7 years ago
Knight Kara At Your Service

“Knight Kara at your service”

I got this idea during my trip in spain. I'm glad I got a change to draw it (and to finish it) unlike most of the ideas I've had during the trip. I'm so satisfied from the result. I've recorded some parts of the drawing process so I might post a speedpaint over here.

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7 years ago
A Little Doodle For Anassignment Fordesigning Class. It Was In The Opening Frame For Thepresentation.

A little doodle for an assignment for designing class. It was in the opening frame for the presentation.

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7 years ago

I don't usually speak about politics and so over here but since I've seen someone who brought this subject up I'll write my opinion on this. Having a baby is easier than ordering a pizza. I have never heard of someone who ordered a pizza by accident. If straight people would have to be "tested" the same way gay people do before adoptions (or before giving birth) not many people would have babies. Not to mention that the children that need to be adopted are a result of straight couples. Sometimes straight couples keep the babies despite they are ready for having on. When a gay couple wants to have a baby it's because they are ready for raising a child and not because of an accident or because of pressure. Nowadays and back then children have always found a way to mock others. If the government will prevent from all of the people that their children might be mocked for their parents no one will have children. ודרך אגב זאת הייתה רק העתירה של המדינה לבג״ץ זה עוד לא החוק.

Our government has decided that single-sex couples can’t adopt children. Claiming that its difficult enough to raise children as it is, so to put “irregularities” on top of it– it makes no sense! way too hard!

we’re good enough to pay taxes and to serve in the army, but to adopt a child? No no no- we’re too unusual for that

And I’m not kidding, that was their excuse… we’re just too odd and it’ll be too hard to raise a child like that

what a bunch of bullshit

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7 years ago
Kara Le Grande

Kara Le Grande 

I realized who Goopy Le Grande reminds me of... I mean he’s blue with thick eyebrows who loves himself. I can’t unsee it... 

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7 years ago
My Art Summary For This Year!

My art summary for this year!

Let’s hope next year summary will be as creative (and complete because I know I won’t have lots for free time this year) as this one.

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