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Astro 101
Lesson IV, Part 1, Post XXVI

Seventh House
Sun in seventh house nurtures their identity through their interaction with those around them. Their esteem rising with positive outcomes of others and drops with negative outcomes. Your spouse may be kind and extroverted.
Moon in seventh depends upon their relationships with others to feel emotional secure and validated. Your spouse may be changeable and nurturing.
Mercury in seventh needs to communicate with others and spends a lot of their intellectual capacity thinking of others. There sprouse may be a traveler or scholar.
Venus in seventh house has favorable and fortunate rapport with others. Marriage is likely and usually brings happiness and success.
Mars in seventh house has very dynamic relations with others and is often a point of focus for the person. They can be positive or negative depending on aspect.
Jupiter in seventh is usually a very positive placement. Relationships with others usually aid your in personal growth and financial success.
Saturn in seventh may indicate some kind of responsibility bestowed upon you through your relationship. Marriage here could indicate delays in partnership of age gap between the couple.
Uranus in seventh house may indicate relationships that come and go. Personal space is usually important to this person. If married you may have met your spouse in an usual way.
Neptune in seventh can indicate idealism in partnerships and putting people on a peddlestool. Some may get taken advantage of, some may care for a sick spouse, others may devote themselves to a high power.
Pluto in seventh has transformative relationships with others. Relationships are intense and sometimes volatile. Power play may creep into the relationship.
Eighth House
Sun in the eighth house is likely to find focus in spiritual matters. They are likely to inherit through partnership.
Moon in the Eighth have a keen intuition and comfortablility around death and transformation. Any inheritance should be handled carefully.
Mercury in eighth house have a natural talent for handling ing money and valuables. You may inherit from siblings or neighbors. You are spiritually minded.
Venus in Eighth house usually gains through marriage or acquires income from others.
Mars in eighth house is usually highly focused on shared resources. This can can be a positive aspect for careers involved with financial contracts but difficult for personal resources.
Jupiter in the Eighth house has a deep seeded interests in occult, religion and reincarnation. Marriage is usually beneficial. Long life is more likely.
Saturn in eighth may indicate financial strife or responsibility for others. Inheritance may come late in life.
Uranus in eighth may result in unpredictable windfalls if money. Money gained here may be acquired in an unprecedented way. Some spiritual interest is likely.
Neptune in eighth house is a highly spiritual or psyhic person. Money earned or in debt to such person is at risk of significant loss.
Pluto in eighth house may involve from resourced passed to them through other or spouse. Near death experiences are possible with this placement or a reinvention of self after trauma. Some becomes spiritual healers.
Ninth House
Sun in Ninth house are familiar with foreign affairs. Travel brings them fortune and happiness. Some may find themselves involved with publishing or law.
Moon in Ninth house finds security and fulfillment in their religious background or study. Travel is likely.
Mercury in ninth house thrive in theoretical study whether it’s current affairs, law, or philosophy. You have a lust for travel and need for freedom.
Venus in Ninth house tend to have s taste for the romantic arts. You may earn your living through religion or foreign study or writing. Your partner may be of a culture different than yours or from a foreign land or higher education.
Mars in Ninth are travellers and may try to implement their thirst through their work.
Jupiter in ninth has a thirst for knowledge and benefits from higher education. A scholarly or religious profession is more likely here.
Saturn in ninth tend to be devoted to religious or moral study. They may get stuck having to relearn the same lessons over and over on to old age.
Uranus in ninth house tend to adapt their own religious or moral beliefs that are misunderstood by others. Travel interest is likely.
Neptune in ninth tend to be very spiritual and psychic individuals. Followers of eastern philosophy, medicine, and spiritual healers.
Pluto in the Ninth tends to rely on their moral and spiritual beliefs to regenerate and transform themselves.
Tenth House
Sun in tenth house often find themselves in the spotlight due to their professional talent or status. This placement is often an indication of worldly success or achievement. These sun’d are prideful because they know they have something to offer.
Moon in tenth can be creative and passionate about their careers. Their careers will likely go through many changes.
Mercury in tenth has a variety of interests and ambitions. They are likely to be seen changing their careers or juggling multiple jobs at once. Treveling for work is a possibility with this placement. Their mind is always on their goals.
Venus in tenth usually finds success in what they do. This is an excellent placement for artists, poets, or finance professionals. Their work brings them a great deal of happiness.
Mars in tenth has abundant energy and drive. Often times their so focused on doing better and achieving more that they sometimes forget the motivation behind following their goals.
Jupiter in tenth often finds success and happiness in their careers. This placement achieves what it sets out to do. Careers involving laws and ethics do well here.
Saturn in tenth can work either for or against the individual. When expressed in a healthy way Saturn gives the ability to remain persistent until ones dreams are realised. On the other hand it can also delay success and keep the individual from trolling grasping the importance of ones power.
Uranus in tenth may have very bizarre ideas of success and achievement. The may change goals rather suddenly. This is a good placement for metaphysical work.
Neptune in tenth can also work for or against the individual. This can be a placement for individuals with a higher calling. On the other hand Neptune can also cloud ones mind and focus so that goals are never realised.
Pluto in tenth will find themselves transformed or rebirth through the service the provide others. These can be very power individuals that will likely go through a career hardship before seeing the benefits of this placement.
Eleventh House
sun in eleventh house gains through friendships and group participation. Friends are dependable and help you achieve your goals
Moon in eleventh house acquires many friends but you tend to only allow fee in your small circle. Your friendships may go through many changes and may be linked to your family or mother.
Mercury in eleventh is quite popular, their friendships are full of energy. They are likely to enjoy group activity that involves stimulating talk and debate.
Venus in eleventh treasures their friendships and sharing their values and interests with those in their life. Friends may bring your financial gain in some way.
Mars in the eleventh loves meeting people and making friends. They are often the unofficial leaders to those around d them turn to for support. In some cases Mars here can turn the other way and repel friendships with their aura of authority.
Jupiter in eleventh is very fortunate with friendships. It’s important to them to bond with those that have the same values and beliefs they do. They also may develop an interest in law and politics.
Saturn in eleventh is likely to have few close friends that last a life time. Friendships may be older or help the individual in their careers. Life lessons are often taught through friendships.
Uranus in eleventh tend to make friendships for any all occasions. They can often what other people have to offer and are drawn to eccentrics.
Neptune in eleventh can form spiritual bonds with those around them. They are attracted to the poets and mystics of society. Though sometimes with Neptune friendship can be deceiving and those with this placement are advised to make sure friendships are pure.
Pluto in eleventh have very strong karmic ties with those they let into their lives. The friendships the Pluto person makes can transform them for better or worse.
Twelfth House
Sun in Twelfth house struggles to understand themselves early in life. Possibly due to issues with the father figure. They may try on different personas until they come into their own. They are usually well liked among peers.
Moon in Twelfth is deeply intuitive and may struggle differentiating themselves from others. Childhood trauma or issues with the mother is likely.
Mercury in Twelfth are usually very enept with psychology and the spiritual sides to life. However, verbal or written communication may be stifled here.
Venus in Twelfth tend to enter difficult relationships unconsciously that may have to be hidden or repressed in some way. If positively aspected venus in Twelfth can find romance when they surrender to their higher self. Here romantic love follows self love.
Mars in Twelfth may struggle expressing their anger and aggression and need to find healthy outlets to do so or their anger can have physical manifestations.
Jupiter in Twelfth may be blessed with some kind of karmic debt owed to them. Jupiter here tends to be well versed in the metaphysical.
Saturn in Twelfth tends to struggle with a karmic lesson they must learn that they perhaps have avoided in a past life. Achievement or recognition for any hard work tends to be difficult here.
Uranus in Twelfth are very in touch with the needs of the generation of their peers. Uranus here is often restricted in some way. They may find it challenging to express their uniqueness.
Neptune in Twelfth tend to carry psychic or healing energy within them. This can lead to creative outlets and talents. Those not in touch with their psychic side man see it manifest through physical ailments.
Pluto in Twelfth house has the ability to transform any personal setbacks or self undoing through sheer willpower as long as they ate conscious to it and avoid digging their heals deeper.
sensory issues be like *turns up phone brightness to hear better* *turns off light to see better* *socks don’t have to match but they MUST be the same length and texture* *washes hands out of no where because they don’t feel clean* *oversensitive to one sense but undersensitive to another, related sense* *unlocks phone to concentrate*

Doctor Freeman… in case, you haven’t already noticed, I’m weird. I’m a… “weirdo”. I do, not… “fit in”, and I have no desires to *sharp inhale* “fit in”. Say, have you ever… seen me, without this ridiculous briefcase? *Chuckle* Mmm. That is… weird.

been feeling the autistic robot mood really hard lately