dragonrose15-blog - knitting, geek stuff, fashion and more
knitting, geek stuff, fashion and more

17 posts

Dragonrose15-blog - Knitting, Geek Stuff, Fashion And More - Tumblr Blog

6 years ago
To All The Boys Ive Loved Before (2018)Dir. Susan Johnson
To All The Boys Ive Loved Before (2018)Dir. Susan Johnson
To All The Boys Ive Loved Before (2018)Dir. Susan Johnson
To All The Boys Ive Loved Before (2018)Dir. Susan Johnson
To All The Boys Ive Loved Before (2018)Dir. Susan Johnson

To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before (2018) Dir. Susan Johnson

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7 years ago


last two letters of your first name

middle two letters of your last name

first two letters of your mother’s name

last letter of your father’s name

mine would be Urlelan. Reblog and tag this with yours!

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8 years ago
The Above Video Titled The Unequal Opportunity Race Was Screened As Part Of A Schoolwide Black History
The Above Video Titled The Unequal Opportunity Race Was Screened As Part Of A Schoolwide Black History
The Above Video Titled The Unequal Opportunity Race Was Screened As Part Of A Schoolwide Black History
The Above Video Titled The Unequal Opportunity Race Was Screened As Part Of A Schoolwide Black History
The Above Video Titled The Unequal Opportunity Race Was Screened As Part Of A Schoolwide Black History
The Above Video Titled The Unequal Opportunity Race Was Screened As Part Of A Schoolwide Black History
The Above Video Titled The Unequal Opportunity Race Was Screened As Part Of A Schoolwide Black History
The Above Video Titled The Unequal Opportunity Race Was Screened As Part Of A Schoolwide Black History
The Above Video Titled The Unequal Opportunity Race Was Screened As Part Of A Schoolwide Black History
The Above Video Titled The Unequal Opportunity Race Was Screened As Part Of A Schoolwide Black History

The above video titled “The Unequal Opportunity Race” was screened as part of a schoolwide Black History Month program at Glen Allen High School in Glen Allen, Virginia. Some parents apparently weren’t thrilled about that. One local grandparent had two words for what this video was pushing on white kids.

8 years ago
Want Free Yarn (and Who Doesnt)? Well, Here Is Your Chance, Because Lion Brand Is Having A Tumblr Giveaway!

Want free yarn (and who doesn’t)? Well, here is your chance, because Lion Brand is having a Tumblr giveaway! The prize: $50 in yarn from lionbrand.com

The rules: 

-You must be following us (@lionbrandyarn) on Tumblr.

-Open to residents of the US and Canada.

-Likes and reblogs both count as entries.

-You may reblog more than once, but don’t spam your followers. It’s rude.

-No giveaway-only blogs.

-We will use a random number generator to determine the winner. The contest will end on Friday, February 3. The winner will be notified via Tumblr message. If the winner does not respond within 48 hours, another will be selected and contacted using the same methods.

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8 years ago
Jealous John From Asib - Requested By Rka @rainlock
Jealous John From Asib - Requested By Rka @rainlock
Jealous John From Asib - Requested By Rka @rainlock
Jealous John From Asib - Requested By Rka @rainlock
Jealous John From Asib - Requested By Rka @rainlock
Jealous John From Asib - Requested By Rka @rainlock
Jealous John From Asib - Requested By Rka @rainlock
Jealous John From Asib - Requested By Rka @rainlock
Jealous John From Asib - Requested By Rka @rainlock
Jealous John From Asib - Requested By Rka @rainlock

jealous john from asib - requested by réka @rainlock

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8 years ago
8 years ago
8 years ago


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8 years ago

The “Watson Family” Portrait

Okay, so I talked about this in this post here, but I’m going to expand upon it because why not.

So this pic:

TheWatson Family Portrait


Legit has all the No-No’s of Family portrait photography.

I used to work at Sears Portrait Studio during the Christmas season, and our biggest clients were family portraits, especially baby and newborn photos.



TheWatson Family Portrait


TheWatson Family Portrait


TheWatson Family Portrait


Noticing a trend?

Parents are happy and beautiful.

Colours are light and airy.


When you’re taking a baby photo, you want the baby to be the prominent character in the photo. You want to make the family attractive and soft and loving. And you always try to maintain a triangle formation:

TheWatson Family Portrait

This keeps the image balanced and attractive.

Here are the huge flaws I see on this pic from a photography standpoint:

The triangle does exist barely on this promo pic, but traditionally, you try to keep the baby’s face close to the family or the central point, not so face away from the parents that it looks like they will be poisoned from it. Plus, the parents aren’t supposed to look so distant from the baby, like, AT ALL. One or the other usually should be looking at the baby to “include it” into the photo. Neither John nor Mary are doing this.

While I won’t argue that Mary and John aren’t attractive, they also look like they’re assassins (oh wait…). For a family photo portrait this is UNATTRACTIVE. Send this to your family in Christmas cards and people will question your family life.

IT’S DARK AS FUCK. In portrait photography, we always tried to choose backgrounds that complemented the clothing the couple / family has chosen to wear. YOU DO NOT WANT TO WASH OUT THE FAMILY. Putting a couple wearing black on a black background, with lighting that makes them look like their going to a funeral, well, that’s a big no no. If the family DID want a background that possibly would wash them out, we always added accenting things to the set to help bring out the family, like flowers, sheer linens, and blankets. 

The parents should never look this uncomfortable; we always told the parents to relax and look natural. John looks like he has a gun on him and that he’s going to drop the baby the second the photo is done.

ALSO: YOU NEVER MAKE THE MOTHER LOOK THIS BAD. Your goal is to make the mother look like the mother of the year – soft, loving, BEAUTIFUL. Not like a deadly assassin (*coughs*).

And here’s the biggest thing: YOU NEVER HIDE THE BABY’S FACE. NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER!!!!!!!!!!111 Regardless of how many people are in the photo, the baby is ALWAYS the central character – the family is in for photoshoots BECAUSE the baby is the new addition, and they want to show it to the world. Ergo, you make sure the baby’s face is seen, and out of blankets and carriers and carseats – we had ways to make babies sit up if they couldn’t. And if the parents wanted to hold the baby, we had them hold the baby like the above family photos. You don’t fucking hide the baby in unattractive blankets and have the parent holding the baby look stiff as hell. 

So yeah, from a professional standpoint, this is a TERRIBLE family photo, and the fact that people are already calling it “beautiful” and “so lovely” worries the fuck out of me. If these people got a photo like this in their Christmas cards from their friends, suddenly questions would be raised, that I don’t doubt.

So. They are not happy. This is the biggest red herring photo. It’s fake. And the fact that they’re not showing the baby’s face is SCREAMING FAKE to me.

Alright, now that I got that out of the way, here’s some meta on the photo:

As I pointed out above, John and Mary are excluding the baby completely from this photo – they don’t look at it, they don’t appear to love it, and they absolutely look like they don’t want anything to do with it. 

Both Mary and John look DECEPTIVE AS FUCK. John has a sly look on him, and Mary looks like she’ll gut John the second he turns away. This is far from a “happy” family.

Mary looks shockingly like Sherlock to the point where she’s wearing her hair longer like his, wearing an outfit like his, AND has her cheekbones accentuated AND her neck looking more elongated is what caught my eye right away. She is absolutely trying to replace Sherlock in John’s life. This has me thinking that she will try to kill Sherlock once and for all. She’s in a similar pose to one Sherlock would make. SHE KNOWS WHAT JOHN LIKES, and she’s desperately trying to keep John tied to her while also trying to delete Sherlock out of the picture. In fact, I daresay that they are trying to subconsciously make people unsettled by her wearing Sherlock’s clothes. Like it’s WRONG that she’s standing there and not Sherlock. ALSO an alternative: they’re showing that people will accept them as a “happy couple” if it’s John and Mary, but cry out “bromance” if it’s John and Sherlock. They’re literally doing that fandom meme where “replace Sherlock with a woman and it’s romantic”, those trolls.

ALSO: Mary is so desperate to tie herself to John that she adds “Mary” to the baby’s name, a name that already has ties to a Victorian poet who wrote about not good things. Don’t get me started on the baby’s initials.

John looks AWKWARD AS FUCK. Honestly, he looks like Mary has a gun to him or something. John isn’t leaning into Mary much, and his face looks SO FAKE. Like everything about this pic.

I am still not over that they are NOT showing the baby’s face. Everything surrounding this baby is screaming fake.

Anyway, I am not worried at ALL about this photo. This is a red herring. They are using this ridiculous promotional scam to draw people into the series so that EVERYONE will WATCH the first episode. They want more than the 12.7 million viewers they had for TEH. 

Why, oh why, would they do this? Why do they want everyone to watch their show?

Guys, I really do think canon Johnlock is happening in episode one. As I always suspected, I think episode one will contain a confession.

The fact that the Daily Mail was shunned from the T6T’s screening.

The baby never showing its face and all the main promotional things never showing or mentioning the baby.

THE TITLE OF THE EPISODE and the implications of “Thatcher”.

The fact that they actually put “I love you” in the trailer (it’s not a spoiler if it’s shown – what is a bigger spoiler than this? A kiss and confession one on one with John and Sherlock).

These are all clues to it.

The other two episodes are going to focus on the consequences of their decisions. The audience will keep watching to see if it will fail or succeed. This will be the hook. And it will be ground breaking because it DOES SUCCEED. They survive. Just the two of them against the rest of the world.

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8 years ago
I Would Like To Remind You That Canada Also Had Segregation. Viola Desmond Was A Black Canadian Businesswoman

I would like to remind you that Canada also had segregation. Viola Desmond was a Black Canadian businesswoman and civil rights activist who fought it by refusing to leave a whites-only area at a movie theater in New Glasgow in the province of Nova Scotia, Canada. Today she became the first Canadian woman to appear on a banknote. I’m extremely happy that Black women get the recognition they deserve!


8 years ago


Thanks for existing

8 years ago
Hey Friends! Its That Time Again!

Hey friends! It’s that time again!

To say thank you to all my followers and also (early?) happy holidays, I’m doing another giveaway! Unfortunately, money isn’t flowing fantastically, so I’m giving away something that’s been sitting unloved in my stash for a while!

So this time around, I’ll be giving away 3 skeins of Cascade 220. The 3 skeins pictured are the 3 I will be sending you!

To enter, all you need to do is:

make sure you’re following me

like for 1 entry

reblog for 1 more entry, you can reblog more for more entries, but please no giveaway blogs and don’t spam it

And lastly some important technical need-to-know about the giveaway:

the giveaway ends December 1st, 2016

this giveaway is open internationally! (Shipping from the US)

if you are under 18, please make sure everything is a-okay with your parents about giving me your address

I’ll give the winner 24 hours to respond to me, I’ll pick another winner if I don’t get a response, I’ll announce the winner after I get a response

I am in no way affiliated with Cascade Yarns

8 years ago
@HamiltonMusical: Tonight, VP-Elect Mike Pence Attended #HamiltonBway. After The Show, @BrandonVDixon
@HamiltonMusical: Tonight, VP-Elect Mike Pence Attended #HamiltonBway. After The Show, @BrandonVDixon
@HamiltonMusical: Tonight, VP-Elect Mike Pence Attended #HamiltonBway. After The Show, @BrandonVDixon
@HamiltonMusical: Tonight, VP-Elect Mike Pence Attended #HamiltonBway. After The Show, @BrandonVDixon
@HamiltonMusical: Tonight, VP-Elect Mike Pence Attended #HamiltonBway. After The Show, @BrandonVDixon
@HamiltonMusical: Tonight, VP-Elect Mike Pence Attended #HamiltonBway. After The Show, @BrandonVDixon
@HamiltonMusical: Tonight, VP-Elect Mike Pence Attended #HamiltonBway. After The Show, @BrandonVDixon

@HamiltonMusical: Tonight, VP-Elect Mike Pence attended #HamiltonBway. After the show, @BrandonVDixon delivered the following statement on behalf of the show.

8 years ago
Twitter Deleted Her Thread.Reblog To Save It. #Love It!
Twitter Deleted Her Thread.Reblog To Save It. #Love It!
Twitter Deleted Her Thread.Reblog To Save It. #Love It!
Twitter Deleted Her Thread.Reblog To Save It. #Love It!
Twitter Deleted Her Thread.Reblog To Save It. #Love It!
Twitter Deleted Her Thread.Reblog To Save It. #Love It!
Twitter Deleted Her Thread.Reblog To Save It. #Love It!
Twitter Deleted Her Thread.Reblog To Save It. #Love It!
Twitter Deleted Her Thread.Reblog To Save It. #Love It!
Twitter Deleted Her Thread.Reblog To Save It. #Love It!
Twitter Deleted Her Thread.Reblog To Save It. #Love It!
Twitter Deleted Her Thread.Reblog To Save It. #Love It!
Twitter Deleted Her Thread.Reblog To Save It. #Love It!
Twitter Deleted Her Thread.Reblog To Save It. #Love It!
Twitter Deleted Her Thread.Reblog To Save It. #Love It!
Twitter Deleted Her Thread.Reblog To Save It. #Love It!

Twitter deleted her thread. Reblog to save it. #Love it!

8 years ago
‘Captain America’: Why Chris Evans Is the Anxious Avenger
'Captain America: Civil War' star Chris Evans plays an iconic superhero and is a bona fide MCU MVP — so why is he the anxious Avenger?

Great interview 

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8 years ago


Lord of Scoundrels Read-Along!

Finally I get up to posting this official announcement! We are indeed, my friends, reading Loretta Chase’s Lord of Scoundrels very soon! I’m so glad so many of you expressed interest in doing this, because I’ve seriously needed an excuse to finally get to this classic of historical romance. 

After some thought, I think it’s best if we simply read the book and concentrate conversation to one weekend. This weekend will be November 19–20, which gives you a little under a month to find a copy and read it, as from the posting of this announcement. I think this time I will come up with some questions, put them in a post, and we’ll see where we go from there! I also encourage you to post pictures of your editions!

Signing up is not required, anyone is free to jump in and comment, whether you’ve read it before, re-read it now, or reading for the first time! Our tag is going to be simply ‘#lord of scoundrels read along’. If you’re undecided about the book, here is a synopsis:

They call him many names, but Angelic is not one of them…

Sebastian Ballister, the notorious Marquess of Dain, is a big, bad, and dangerous to know. No respectable woman would have anything to do with the “Bane and Blight of the Ballisters” – and he wants nothing to do with respectable women. He’s determined to continue doing what he does best – sin and sin again – and all that’s going swimmingly, thank you… until the day a shop door opens and she walks in.

She’s too intelligent to fall for the worst man in the world…

Jessica Trent is a determined young woman, and she’s going to drag her imbecile brother off the road to ruin, no matter what it takes. If saving him – and with him, her family and future – means taking on the devil himself, she won’t back down. The trouble is, the devil in question is so shockingly irresistible, and the person who needs to most saving is – herself!

8 years ago

Reblog if you're a Star Trek fan (any and all series and movies) and you're female.

I want to see how many of us there are :)