So Beautiful - Tumblr Posts

the only truth that i can see, spectre has come for me +++++

Taking some time to appreciate the lovely weather
ok no. i just watched black widow and it is a BEAUTY! i recommend it.
the after credits. it made my cry and sob and die. also who the fack does this valentina woman think she is, like no sorry, pls watch endgame to get the facts right woman. it ainet that hard but you will cry sooooo...
ANYway i hope y'all have a great day while i cry myself to sleep
i love my neighborhood so dearly bc ive known these people my whole life and we’re all family!! so i know that whenever i lock my car (i have to lock it five times, and it beeps every time) i know theyre not annoyed about it because they know that it means i’m home and safe :] anywhere else im worried about disturbing others but when i’m home i know that if anyone notices the “HONK HONK HONK HONK HONK”, they’ll feel good knowing im safe at home

OMFG ! I’m totally IN LOVE with!

Elizabeth Taylor wearing an Edith Head designed dress in A Place in the Sun, 1951.
The dress had six layers of white net over a pale mint green taffeta , studded with single velvet violets, and a bodice covered in white velvet violets with green centers. It caused a sensation among prom-going young ladies that year. Manufacturers recognized the fact and had copies of the gowns ready for purchase in stores at the time of the film’s release.

Phia Saban as Helaena Targaryen in House of the Dragon 2.08

Finally picked Secret History back up last week and finished it 😔 Henry Winter my beloved

"It’s finished, it’s done. You can’t take loved away.”
- Tamsyn Muir, Nona the Ninth
💝 Thank you for 1k. Special thanks to my lovely friend @sessjudoodles for helping sketch the line work for the Albertaceretops :)

Harv doodle for "inktober" except I'm drawing a random townie every day of the month

Gotta be annoying with Mingqian because I'm obsessed 😭 wanted to try to make manga panels for them 🌸🌸

Oxford, Oxfordshire by Alixe Lay

By: Ana

Let’s celebrate the Lady in Red on Phyllis Friday

Let's dream a little on Phyllis Friday...
#phyllis Logan #amazing woman # I adore her