So Beautiful - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago
The Only Truth That I Can See, Spectre Has Come For Me +++++

the only truth that i can see, spectre has come for me +++++

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10 months ago

Slimane going a capella 🥹

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ok no. i just watched black widow and it is a BEAUTY! i recommend it.



the after credits. it made my cry and sob and die. also who the fack does this valentina woman think she is, like no sorry, pls watch endgame to get the facts right woman. it ainet that hard but you will cry sooooo...

ANYway i hope y'all have a great day while i cry myself to sleep

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2 years ago
I Did The Thing Now Too :)

i did the thing now too :)

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1 year ago

i love my neighborhood so dearly bc ive known these people my whole life and we’re all family!! so i know that whenever i lock my car (i have to lock it five times, and it beeps every time) i know theyre not annoyed about it because they know that it means i’m home and safe :] anywhere else im worried about disturbing others but when i’m home i know that if anyone notices the “HONK HONK HONK HONK HONK”, they’ll feel good knowing im safe at home

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3 years ago

OMFG ! I’m totally IN LOVE with!

Elizabeth Taylor Wearing An Edith Head Designed Dress In A Place In The Sun, 1951.
Elizabeth Taylor Wearing An Edith Head Designed Dress In A Place In The Sun, 1951.
Elizabeth Taylor Wearing An Edith Head Designed Dress In A Place In The Sun, 1951.
Elizabeth Taylor Wearing An Edith Head Designed Dress In A Place In The Sun, 1951.

Elizabeth Taylor wearing an Edith Head designed dress in A Place in the Sun, 1951.

The dress had six layers of white net over a pale mint green taffeta , studded with single velvet violets, and a bodice covered in white velvet violets with green centers. It caused a sensation among prom-going young ladies that year. Manufacturers recognized the fact and had copies of the gowns ready for purchase in stores at the time of the film’s release.

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7 months ago
Phia Saban As Helaena Targaryen In House Of The Dragon 2.08
Phia Saban As Helaena Targaryen In House Of The Dragon 2.08

Phia Saban as Helaena Targaryen in House of the Dragon 2.08

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1 year ago
Finally Picked Secret History Back Up Last Week And Finished It Henry Winter My Beloved

Finally picked Secret History back up last week and finished it 😔 Henry Winter my beloved 

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1 year ago
A digital illustration depicting a prehistoric creature from the precambrian period called a pikaia. It is an aquatic animal with a long slender body and pronged head with two protrusions at the end, resembling a slug. It floats gently in an ocean void, with a few small bubbles framing it. There is a small text bubble at the bottom corner of the illustration which reads "I love you."
A digital illustration of a table setting viewed from above. There is a plate being set out in front of the viewer by someone with dark skin and reddish arm hair. The plate contains two eggs and a few slices of fruit, placed in such a way that resembles a smiling face. There are two cups on the table, one with water, and another with coffee. There is an ash tray full of cigarette butts, a pair of glasses, three multicolored hair elastics and several notes and papers strewn across the table. The plate is being set on top of a children's illustration, drawn in crayon. It seems to depict a crude sketch of a saber toothed cat. There is text in the corner of the illustration which reads "I love you."
A digital illustration depicting an Albertaceretops and its young walking together in a grassy field. The larger animal is a darker brown with gradiants of cream on its underbelly, and striping on its back, face and tail. It has some facial scarring and is missing the end of one of its horns. It's young is about a third of its size, with a paler taupe color palette and less pronounced facial tusks and horns. There is a speech bubble at the bottom corner which reads "I love you."
A digital illustration depicting a little brown haired boy snugged up in bed with his grandmother. They are reading the children's book "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" together, while the dim light from an old fashioned lamp illuminates the corner of a bedroom. The little boy is holding a barbie doll in one hand as he looks down at the pages. His grandmother is a round-faced woman with golden hoop earrings, pink nailpolish and a distinct blueish facial tattoo on her lips and chin. (This is called a moko kauae, a traditional Māori tattoo for women) Both characters have a medium brown skin tone. There is text on the bottom corner of the image that reads "I love you."
A digital illustration of a beach scene. The sky is a sickly color of blue, tinged with smog. There is a blue orb in the sky which obscures the natural light. In the foreground there is a character from the locked tomb series - a six legged white dog named noodle. He is looking at the viewer playfully. There is text on the image which reads "I love you."
A digital illustration set in a dark glittering cave. There are strings of glow worm egg trails that glow an eerie turquoise. The foreground of the image depicts a lazily outstretched hand with a tiny glow worm on the end of the persons finger. The figure has a medium skin tone, chipped fingernails, and a rosary of bones wrapped around their wrist. They are wearing a sparkling white cloak that hangs off their forearm. There is text on the bottom corner of the illustration that reads "I love you."
A digital illustration depicting three jellyfish, floating in a blue void. The jellyfish are a combination of blues and pinks, surrounded by bubbles. There is text on the image which reads "I love you."
A digital illustration featuring a character from The Locked Tomb Series. Paul stands with their naked back to the viewer. Their eyes are obscured, and their body is smoking. There is text on the image which reads "I love you."
A digital illustration depicting a creature from the early Eocene called Archicebus achilles. It is a small primate with a hunched back, large round eyes and distinct, long digits on its hands and feet. It is coiled on a treebranch, shaded from a rainstorm. There is text on the image which reads "I love you."
A digital illustration depicting a scene described in The Locked Tomb Series. A little girl in skull facepaint looks down toward the viewer with an expression of shock. She is wearing a black robe adorned with fragments of bone. She is leaning over a stone slab, looking down. The image is framed as if the viewer is looking up from a resting position below her. There is blood under the little girls fingernails. There is a speech bubble in the corner of the drawing which reads "I love you."
A black image with the text "I..."
A digital illustration depicting two characters from The Locked Tomb Series. Kiriona, covered in blood, looks desperately at Ianthe who is feircly focused and looking down at the viewer. The image is distorted, as though the viewer is dizzy and unable to focus. There is text which reads the word "still"
A digital illustration depicting a hand reaching out to stroke the face of a woman. The hand is battered and bloody, and the thumb leaves a smear of blood on the woman lips. The woman's eyes are obscured, her face is pale and cracked, with ice dusting her features. She is haloed by a large swath of blonde hair. Her neck is manacled. The image is distorted like the one above it, as though the viewer can't focus well. There is text on the bottom corner which reads "love y-"
A black image.
A digital illustration depicting Nona from The Locked Tomb Series. She is standing against a background of pale pinks and oranges, illuminated by yellow light. She is turned toward the viewer with her braids billowing in the breeze. She is saying, "I love you."

"It’s finished, it’s done. You can’t take loved away.”

- Tamsyn Muir, Nona the Ninth

💝 Thank you for 1k. Special thanks to my lovely friend @sessjudoodles for helping sketch the line work for the Albertaceretops :)

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2 years ago
Gotta Be Annoying With Mingqian Because I'm Obsessed Wanted To Try To Make Manga Panels For Them

Gotta be annoying with Mingqian because I'm obsessed 😭 wanted to try to make manga panels for them 🌸🌸

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4 years ago
Lets Celebrate The Lady In Red On Phyllis Friday
Lets Celebrate The Lady In Red On Phyllis Friday
Lets Celebrate The Lady In Red On Phyllis Friday
Lets Celebrate The Lady In Red On Phyllis Friday

Let’s celebrate the Lady in Red on Phyllis Friday

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4 years ago
Let's Dream A Little On Phyllis Friday...

Let's dream a little on Phyllis Friday...

#phyllis Logan #amazing woman # I adore her

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