4 posts
Pokemon XD AU Idea
Pokemon XD AU idea
That one bogus rumor about Pokemon XD claims that Wes was supposed to be the villain of XD (Thank you “Did Yuo Know Gaming”).
But Pokemon Colosseum had a Wes imposter (Cipher Peon Fein, according to the wiki).
So what if Cipher had waited until Wes & Rui left the region then used Fein/a Wes imposter act as the head of Cipher to besmirch his name?
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[May or may not have been writing a little something based off that... An AU where after he dies from Muscular Dystrophy. (The timeline is vastly different here. And cherry picking things that are and aren't canon)
Long story short, he essentially goes vengeful netherborn ghost on South Park. And since he's got eldritch blood (and I like the idea of him being stupidly overpowered) he essientally burns the town to the ground. Full on Godzilla levels of destruction.
Sprinkling in a bit of the memory alteration that after South Park is destroyed, any and all records and memory of the town are GONE. Mostly. People will have vivid nightmares of the event from time to time, and the ruins remain abandoned and forgotten. Even Kenny can't remember it very well. Like his mind (or his powers) are shielding him, trying to keep the burden of guilt from him.]
Since Kenny apparently has a ghost form do you think he's ever or could somehow wind up as a vengeful form of his ghost self? Ha like maybe sometimes the nature of how he last died just made him so angry his normally passive ghost self temporarily took the form of a poltergeist or some other variant of angry spirit ghost?
I love this so much.
I’ve been replaying Nexomon Extinction, and one thought has dominated the others:

how do I write about narrative foils who, by definition, can’t be narrative foils because they don’t exist within the same franchise, but are nonetheless the mirror to each other’s characters?

Both bridges, both kings, they determine the fate of both man and ‘mon,
but whereas one is raised to burn that bridge, having been exposed to the plight of Pokemon at a disproportionate scale and thus coming to the conclusion that separation equals his friends’ salvation,

the other is born to build it, having lived amongst humans, loved as a human, and yet, as it turns out, being a Tyrant — humanity’s enemy — all along. But still, he loves them. But still, he’ll dare to coexist with them.

Both bridges, both kings, but they were raised for different things.
This helped me realize why I prefer this site over the other social media sites.
I love Tumblr because every time I've tried venting about ableism on another site, people have treated me like I'M the problem. Their suggestions are always like "have you considered that maybe you're overreacting? You need to change your attitude" when I ask for advice on how to get people to stop treating me like body horror. Meanwhile, if I mention it on Tumblr, everyone is immediately like

[ID: A screenshot from the movie Shrek where a woman is shouting "the chair! give him the chair!" /End ID]