Pokemon Colosseum - Tumblr Posts

This is my Pokémon fan project Pokémon XD eclipse. It will act as a sequel to Pokémon XD. I will post the plot for it shortly
In Pokémon XD we were introduced to the sun and moon shards that can evolve eevee into espeon or umbreon but they were never given a design that I know of so I made some and a new light shard that can evolve eevee into sylveon

Link to my project’s official server https://discord.gg/SVK5hXEW
Meet Pokémon snagger Carlin the hero of Pokémon XD Eclipse

The new Shadow Forms for Espeon and Umbreon

The official insta for Pokémon XD eclipse
Some Pokédex lore for my shadow starters.

Wes in Pokémon XD eclipse. He is now the leader of a rebellion that the player would join
New server link https://discord.gg/TaJahSqD

Wes from Pokemon Colosseum

Hi, good morning. Uhhhh. Pokemon men who are married and divorced ten times over in my brain.

low quality jailshipping to manifest orre remakes/ports in pokemon day announcements

Oodles and oodles of Pokemon
Pokemon XD AU idea
That one bogus rumor about Pokemon XD claims that Wes was supposed to be the villain of XD (Thank you “Did Yuo Know Gaming”).
But Pokemon Colosseum had a Wes imposter (Cipher Peon Fein, according to the wiki).
So what if Cipher had waited until Wes & Rui left the region then used Fein/a Wes imposter act as the head of Cipher to besmirch his name?

I finally jumped on the trend too, this has been in my head for days lmao

Seeing others have some fun throwing Pokemon characters they love/that deserve more love into Hisui is fun, so now Wes from Pokemon Colosseum gets his go in the past Some notes below!
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