dumbistsmartass - Dumbist Smartass
Dumbist Smartass

He/Him, the blog is the 10 circle of hell. Horror and Horror/comedy art blog: https://www.tumblr.com/smartistdumbass

852 posts

Dumbistsmartass - Dumbist Smartass - Tumblr Blog

5 months ago

The things achievable in scratch are legitimately insane

please learn how to code

like, if you're bored today, and not doing anything,

learn a little bit of coding please

5 months ago

Ha ha… WHAT?

when i was a kid i used to pray to god every night that he would “create an invisible hole somewhere”. to me an “invisible hole” was a deep pit that would look like regular ground until you stepped on it, at which point you would presumably fall to your death - an illusory floor. it was very important to me that it was just at some random location, because it had to trap a person i didn’t know and would never meet, though in my attempt to actualize my prayer through whatever focus my 4 year old brain could muster up i did start to imagine the future victim’s face as they met their sudden demise. i was not motivated by any potential personal gain, i simply wanted to test god’s power.

5 months ago
dumbistsmartass - Dumbist Smartass
5 months ago
They'll Fund A Genocide And Let Their Poor Regions Be Destroyed. Don't Fucking Forgive Them For That.
They'll Fund A Genocide And Let Their Poor Regions Be Destroyed. Don't Fucking Forgive Them For That.
They'll Fund A Genocide And Let Their Poor Regions Be Destroyed. Don't Fucking Forgive Them For That.
They'll Fund A Genocide And Let Their Poor Regions Be Destroyed. Don't Fucking Forgive Them For That.
They'll Fund A Genocide And Let Their Poor Regions Be Destroyed. Don't Fucking Forgive Them For That.

they'll fund a genocide and let their poor regions be destroyed. don't fucking forgive them for that.

my hometown is completely gone from what pictures i can find of it, i have not heard from my family (including aunts, uncles, parents, one sibling, and a grandparent), and the infrastructure in the mountain communities is wiped out. i cannot stress how catastrophic this is, or how difficult it will be for these communities to build back. i am angry, and scared, and heartbroken by everything that's happened.

and our government is spending it's money to fund a genocide.

free palestine, and don't be complicit. realize that this is not something happening that doesn't affect you--although it shouldn't take this to care about the deaths of thousands of people anyway.

5 months ago

got chased by a skeleton but when they caught me they just gave me a kiss and hug. turns out it was an xoskeleton.

5 months ago

When I was a kid one of my moms would call her period "moon time" or "her monthlies" or shit like that and my other mom straight up stealthed it, but when I'm a dad I think I'm gonna go straight down the middle and call it Werewolf Week. Like sorry kids, dad can't roughouse right now, it's Werewolf Week

5 months ago

the options are highlighted like this since i know a lot of people tend to misclick on polls

please reblog for sample size!

5 months ago

Here are some silly little things I made by rotoscoping my Candle World pilgrim over cat memes

Here Are Some Silly Little Things I Made By Rotoscoping My Candle World Pilgrim Over Cat Memes
Here Are Some Silly Little Things I Made By Rotoscoping My Candle World Pilgrim Over Cat Memes
Here Are Some Silly Little Things I Made By Rotoscoping My Candle World Pilgrim Over Cat Memes
Here Are Some Silly Little Things I Made By Rotoscoping My Candle World Pilgrim Over Cat Memes
Here Are Some Silly Little Things I Made By Rotoscoping My Candle World Pilgrim Over Cat Memes
Here Are Some Silly Little Things I Made By Rotoscoping My Candle World Pilgrim Over Cat Memes
Here Are Some Silly Little Things I Made By Rotoscoping My Candle World Pilgrim Over Cat Memes
Here Are Some Silly Little Things I Made By Rotoscoping My Candle World Pilgrim Over Cat Memes
Here Are Some Silly Little Things I Made By Rotoscoping My Candle World Pilgrim Over Cat Memes
Here Are Some Silly Little Things I Made By Rotoscoping My Candle World Pilgrim Over Cat Memes

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5 months ago
Its Time Travel, Im Sure Of It!

It‘s time travel, I‘m sure of it!

5 months ago

Actual interaction I just had at the airport:

Passenger: I don't see why WE have to check our bags, even though WE followed the rules and OTHERS didn't.

Airline Guy: "Hello folks I'll collect your bags"

Passenger: "you BETTER not lose them"

Airline Guy: "We are gonna throw them right inna ocean."

5 months ago
dumbistsmartass - Dumbist Smartass
dumbistsmartass - Dumbist Smartass
5 months ago
What Would You Price This Lovely Kitty Kat At?

What would you price this lovely kitty kat at?

Lovely little kitty kat got the most stylish of boots prepared! Absolutely dashing! A full $28.85 for this kitty!

5 months ago
dumbistsmartass - Dumbist Smartass
5 months ago


5 months ago

If this had different proportions I’d think it’s one of those really artistic full arts and I love it

Inktober Except I Just Randomly Generate A Ghost Pokmon Every Day, Day 2: Trevenant.

Inktober except I just randomly generate a ghost Pokémon every day, Day 2: Trevenant.

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5 months ago
dumbistsmartass - Dumbist Smartass
5 months ago
me delightedly holding a red potion in my wizard robe and fox ears. it's difficult to tell but there is edible red glitter shimmering in the vial

I think this might be my favorite picture of myself in the whole world

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5 months ago

Dear @i-am-a-fish

I've seen you over things like Pinterest and you're truly such a nice person, trying to make everyone's days a little better :D

Dear @i-am-a-fish

As a thank you, I bring you hot chocolate :D

[If you don't like hot chocolate I can find you something else! ^^]

Take care of yourself :]

a goldfish with a kitten-like mouth, happily holding a mug of hot cocoa. the cocoa has whipped cream, marshmallows, and a brown powder on top (the powder is likely nutmeg, at least I hope it is because nutmeg is incredible on cocoa)

YOU ARE VERY KIND, thank you very much for the kind words and thank you for the cocoa!!!!!

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5 months ago

Really tho anyone not choosing shapeshifter is a fool, you can be everything else from this poll.

You can also become your true gender

Or a become shambling mass of abstract form outside your friends house and chant about their sins

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5 months ago

Ever since like 2018 I’ve been threatening my friends by just saying “January 30th 2025” and now that date is actually approaching and IDK what to do

feels so wrong that itll be 2025 soon. fake year. science fiction year

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5 months ago

You ever look at something and your only response is incoherent vocal noises?

No fucking way I found my little rubber fetus

5 months ago
dumbistsmartass - Dumbist Smartass
5 months ago

whatever man. check this out 👇🏽

Whatever Man. Check This Out
Whatever Man. Check This Out
5 months ago

got called into the living room because "they're talking about something you'll like on tv" and it was a documentary about arsenic poisoning