eirlyssa - Eirlyssa

Writing, creativity, plenty of issues. Likes Tony Stark a lot. Commonly nicknamed either Eir or Lys. You can find my fics on Ao3 as well.

396 posts

I'm Gonna Need About 10000 More Words Of The Unconscious Fill. Like.. What The Hell Happens When Bucky

I'm gonna need about 10000 more words of the unconscious fill. Like.. what the hell happens when Bucky wakes up?

Thank you so much for your message! I’m really glad to hear that you liked it ^_^

As for what happens, well… Bucky is Not Amused. Tony needed him, and he couldn’t be there for him like he’d promised because they’d made him unable to? Yeah, he gets rather pissed off. And maybe Natasha isn’t the only one off to decimate them (because Clint has hot chocolate, and Pepper and Rhodey have companionship, and Bucky really doesn’t need all that long to wreak utter destruction upon those that have angered him).

Edit: might add on more later, not sure yet though. Though clearly Bucky’s reaction is something that would be a good addition ^_^

  • botineh
    botineh liked this · 5 years ago

More Posts from Eirlyssa

5 years ago

Whumptober day 15 - Scars

My fifteenth fill for @whumptober2019​, involving the Avengers acting as a (dysfunctional) family and having a game night like no other. Also available on Ao3.

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It happened because of Bucky, to be honest. Bucky, his laundry list of issues, and his insecurities about his arm and (possibly even more so) the scarring around his shoulder.

His knock-off serum had taken care of all of his other scars, but this one was so bad, as well as constantly agitated by the metal arm, that it simply didn't heal. And it had become more than obvious that it was a source of discomfort for him, in a team that seemed relatively flawless.

Of course, Steve's serum meant that he had no scars to show. Natasha's knock-off of a knock-off meant that only the bad ones remained, which was why she had about three scars overall, and by now they all knew about them. Thor, as an Asgardian with a golden apple in him to keep him fit and flawless, had no true scars either. Bruce had lost all of his scars when he got the Hulk and, since he pretty much transformed the moment he got injured (or right before), gained no new ones either.

That still left three human members on the team, though. And together, they'd come up with a 'game' of sorts.

JARVIS had scanned all of their bodies for scars. They were allowed to take ones out of the equation that they didn't want to discuss, and Tony's Arc Reactor and its scarring were obvious and well-known enough that it was immediately disqualified. But other than that, there was a complete registry of their scars.

All of the others then got to see the registry and images of the particular scars, upon which they placed their bets. They guessed whether it was an accidental or violent cause for one point. Then there was a more specific cause that, if they got it right, counted for two points. Finally, they could guess a more complete backstory for it that could earn them three points if they got it correct, though everyone estimated that would be fairly rare, considering all of their lives.

Because he had the least scars, they'd started with Sam. Out of them all, he'd lived the most regular life so far, meaning it wasn't the most interesting round. Natasha, who was extremely good at guessing logical causes of injuries, beat all of them. It wasn't the most exciting round, but it was a good way of getting into the game, and it was obvious to see that Bucky was starting to relax a bit.

Then there was Clint, who had some interesting scars. Hilariously enough, Tony actually got the most points during this round because he'd guessed the most ridiculous backstories. And because this was Clint, they often turned out to be correct, to the amused horror of the others.

Finally, it was Tony's turn, and the others quickly found out that his scars were a bit of a minefield. The one that looked distinctly like a bullet wound had been caused by an engineering accident. The weirdly shaped one that everyone had guessed had been an engineering accident because what else could it be? had turned out to be from when he was kidnapped as a teenager and they'd tried to get information about SI from him.

He was telling them about one of his bigger scars, one that honestly looked like he'd been stabbed somehow, but which was apparently the result of one of his and Rhodey's adventures at MIT. Honestly, after this entire game, all of the other Avengers were more than convinced that, however well Rhodes pretended to be the one in possession of the single brain cell the two shared, there was no way either of them had more than half a brain cell during their entire time at MIT, and that half brain cell was used to pass their classes and nothing more.

Suddenly, just as Tony was detailing how they'd thought blowing up their experiment would somehow prove their theory, the unexpected happened. Hoped for, of course, but the sudden sound of Bucky's laughter still managed to surprise them all in the best way.

Tony grinned, though he didn't stop retelling the story. And if he added a few embellishments, well, who would blame him? If it made Bucky laugh like that, he'd make up a comedy routine if he had to. There'd been more than enough sadness in the guy's life - he deserved to be smiling.

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5 years ago

Just look at how cute they are!!! :D

Day 2 Of Buckytober: Jack-O-Lantern!

Day 2 of Buckytober: Jack-O-Lantern!


I totally didn't draw pumpkins an' come up with cute puns an' shit an' forget that the prompt wasn't, in fact, "Pumpkins," but rather jack-o-lanterns; then hadta add that pumpkin face last minute? Nope, not I. Rip to whomstever the fuck that was, but I'm better. 🤔🙃

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5 years ago

Whumptober day 5 - Gunpoint

My somewhat more angsty fill for the fifth day of @whumptober2019​, also available on Ao3.

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It all went south far quicker than anyone saw coming.

One moment, they were dancing and chatting with various people of varying levels of interest. The next, someone had crashed through the door, pulled out a gun, and shot one of the speakers, yelling for silence.

"Get people out of here," Tony softly whispered to Pepper, who had been his dance partner. Subtly, he maneuvered himself so even if the guy started randomly shooting, he'd be hit before she was.


"Don't worry," he told her, knowing it would be completely useless. And from the look on her face, she knew he knew.

He couldn't just let this guy start hurting people, though. Especially since these people were civilians, and he'd never been great at standing by.

As Pepper carefully started maneuvering people towards the doors leading to the terrace outside, trying to make sure the shooter didn't notice, Tony moved himself in his general direction. Whoever he was, he was looking through around searchingly, obviously looking for someone.

"Where is Fujikawa!?" he called out, and the threatening tone of his voice made it clear this was the person he was here to find.

Before anyone else could say anything - since Tony was pretty sure Rumiko Fujikawa was one of the people Pepper was currently trying to usher out of the room as quickly as possible and her father had not been on the guest list for tonight - he broke through the crowd.

"Afraid Ms. Fujikawa couldn't make it tonight. Would you like to leave a message?" He kept his tone as easygoing as possible.

Predictably, the gun was immediately aimed at him. The look in the guy’s eyes worried Tony - if he had to guess, he’d say this guy felt like he had nothing to lose. And often, those people were the most dangerous.

“Where is she?” he hissed out.

Little by little, Tony got closer to the guy, blocking as much of the room from his sight as possible. “Like I said, she couldn’t make it tonight.”

“You’re lying,” he screamed, and he fired a shot at the ceiling before aiming his gun straight at Tony once more. “I know she’s here. Now where. Is. She!?”

“Not. Here.” The longer he could keep this guy focused on him, the more time the police or, hopefully, the rest of the Avengers had to get there. Mentally, Tony noted to himself that he should really get working on getting himself into a suit someway quicker than bringing the suitcase version, or at least a way to bring some part of the suit with him.

He saw the moment the guy made his decision - the way his eyes went flat and cold, rather than the manic look that had been in them. Still, there wasn’t anything he could do, not unless he wanted to risk everyone standing behind him. Despite the way he’d slowly been moving closer, he was nowhere near close enough to keep the guy from pulling the trigger, let alone getting the gun off him.

So he couldn’t say he was surprised when the guy fired at him, and he couldn’t help but brace himself for the impact. Not that it ever helped.

Steve's shield came flying past the exact moment Tony felt the bullet hit him.

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5 years ago

Whumptober day 9 - Shackled

My ninth fill for @whumptober2019​, keeping with the AUs and going supernatural for it. Also available on Ao3.

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The illegal trade of supernatural creatures had been becoming more popular lately. Tony had been aware of it, of course, and had tried his best to help prevent it as much as possible.

And now here he was, chained up along with an entire room full of cages filled with other creatures.

He hated himself.

All of them were here because of him, suffering, because of him. And while Tony felt like he deserved to be here because of that, none of them did.

It had sounded so reasonable when Obie had suggested it. A way for creatures to look normal, to be able to walk the streets with everyone else without receiving any weird looks from humans. To be free.

While Tony had gotten very good at his humanoid transformation, he would admit that there was no way to pretend to be completely ‘normal’, and it did sound good. So he’d looked into it, and had eventually been able to invent a metal that made supernatural creatures human, for all intents and purposes. They lost anything that made them inherently supernatural - including strength and gifts.

He’d thought it brilliant. Finally, there was a way for all of them to blend in without trouble. It didn’t matter what the metal was shaped like - rings, necklaces, bracelets… There had even been a few belly rings and earrings.

This… was not what he’d had in mind when making it.

But it was his fault, there was no doubt about it. The shackles on his wrists, as well as those of every other person in the room, made that more than clear.

There was no way of telling what kinds of creatures they all were - with the shackles, they all looked like regular humans, and had the same amount of strength. And Tony was the one responsible for it.

As tempting as it was, though, he wouldn’t bow his head, wouldn’t give in to despair and self-hatred. Instead, he’d get them all out of here, and then he would undo all of it even if it cost him his life. He’d get Obie, he’d undo his inventions, he’d make things right.

For now, though, he needed to free them all.

There wasn’t a lot to work with, and he didn’t have any of his usual draconic abilities. For years, he’d wondered if Howard had been right, and all of his so-called genius was just part of his supernatural heritage. Now, that heritage forcibly locked away behind his own invention, he knew for certain that he hadn’t been - it was all part of Tony himself.

“What are you doing?” the person in the cell next to him asked as he started to fiddle with his cuffs and the few things he’d managed to gather up over his time as a captive.

“Getting out,” he muttered, focusing mostly on what he was doing.

It appeared that their conversation had drawn the attention of others as well, because Tony was becoming increasingly aware of the eyes aimed at him. “Don’t you think we’ve tried?” another asked, doubtful.

Most of them had been here far longer than Tony had been, he was aware. Three weeks might have seemed like a long time, but they hadn’t yet brought in anyone else. He knew, from overhearing them, that they were gearing up for a big auction sometime soon. It had probably been the reason Obie had wanted to get rid of him now, so he’d be as far away as possible as soon as possible.

Too bad Obie had underestimated him severely.

The cuffs hissed as he poured the compound on them, heating up to a temperature that was painful on Tony’s currently human skin. As soon as they were off, though, no burn would remain, and so he could suffer through it.

“Did you just…?” he heard a murmur from one of the others.

He gritted his teeth, paying them no attention. Only a little more and he’d be out, and there would be no way for them to capture him ever again. The only reason Obie had managed this time was the fact that Tony himself had put on the necklace first, locking away the draconic powers that would allow him to resist any metal being placed on him without his consent. He would not be making that mistake again.

With a final, agonizing burn, the cuffs fell off.

Tony grinned, baring his fangs. He was only barely humanoid anymore, covered in red and gold scales and with his tail and wings both out.

They would suffer.

“Wait, please don’t leave us here!” he could hear some of the others calling out as he easily broke through his cell - he might have been weak as a human, but the bars were no match for draconic strength.

Although he knew they wouldn’t believe it, he tried to assure them all with an “I’ll be right back, don’t worry”. That was alright, though. They didn’t need to believe him. They would see. And once he was done with the people that had trapped all of them, he would be back and able to take the time to set them all free, without being interrupted.

He would make this right.

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5 years ago

hey i was just going through your 2018 bingo fills, and j was wondering- and i truly mean this out of curiosity not compatively- your writing doesn't tend to always reflect well on Steve. Not that that's a bad thing, everyone has preferences obviously, but I was just wondering if there was a specific reason for that?? Like one specific reason why you don't like Steve's character or if he's just a convenient "bad guy"??

First of all, I just opened my inbox and saw your list of reviews and oh wow thank you that was amazing to find!


Second, Steve… He’s tricky for me, to be honest. I like the idea of him, the way he was intended to be - good, and just, and willing to fight what’s wrong. And in some stories, that’s what I focus on.

But a lot of the time, I look at the decisions the MCU had him make, the bad decisions, and the way he’s still framed as being what he was intended to be. He faces few, if any, true consequences for his actions. And after all of those decisions, he’s still there, righteous and stubborn and determined to think the best hands are his own, and that just about makes me scream.

Some of the time, he’s a convenient obstacle, because it’s very easy to imagine that righteousness going wrong the way I feel it did in canon. And some of the time, it’s that frustration with him that shines through.

I like what Steve was supposed to be, but I think Marvel did him wrong. And sometimes I use that characterization rather than the one they’d intended, because I want to work through that frustration or because I need someone to be the obstacle. And as much as I don’t like him, even in those cases, he’s a convenient obstacle exactly because he means well. He adds some conflict into a story, but in most of the stories where he is, he’s called out on it and tries to do better instead.

I hope this answered your question :) And thank you, so much, for reading and reviewing and being interested. You honestly made my day!

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