emojellyace08 - yourlocalemo🖤💀🥀

writes fanfiction, posts artwork, likes pop-punk/rock music ⚠️TRIGGER WARNING⚠️: GORE AND NSFW don't click if sensitive; (Fandoms that I write for: (mostly Lookism), HxH, Creepypasta, Deathnote) Daniel Park simp :)I do music, art, and writing

116 posts

Just A Little Too Tight, Ft.! Jay Hong (Lookism)

Just a little too tight, ft.! Jay Hong (Lookism)

'Genre: smut/lemon🍋 Slight warning: penetration, oral sex (female receiving) squirting!/cum shot!/unprotected sex! public sex! virginity lost! (with consent, bleeding). (mentions of slang terms of male and female genitalia). CHARACTERS ARE AGED UP! (reader is female). summary: Being a shy person, you're not very social with new and unfamiliar people. (well at least sometimes you're trying to). Unexpectedly, you and the "Prince of Fashion Department" became close friends and study buddies. Asking Jay for help for your assignment, you both went to a boutique store and guess what happens next ;).

Just A Little Too Tight, Ft.! Jay Hong (Lookism)
Just A Little Too Tight, Ft.! Jay Hong (Lookism)

Ever since you've transferred to J High, you're happy-go-lucky persona have turned into a closed shell. You're used to hanging out with your most-trusted friends a lot of the time. So when your parent/s have to move out of town because of their business, you're also need to move with them. You protest a lot that you can take care of yourself but since your family often worry a lot when it comes to your safety and they would treat you like a baby and even spoil you a lot. But despite of some issues affecting your daily life, you're actually grown and matured into a responsible child (well at least most of the time). You have a good social life and made some friends and you're a good student in terms of academics and values. Even though for some people this can be an example of a "perfect life", you still can't help but to feel lonely because of your strict parents forcing you to shape and mold this "good girl persona" out of you. You always think of getting a break and unleash your "inner animal" out of you and go wild sometimes like drinking and getting wasted on a local bar or you trying to get a date. So moving into a new city have really affected your mental health and triggered your anxiety in making new friends.

It was 6 am when your alarm started ringing, your warm and comfy sleep getting disturbed. While you ignore the loud noise on your phone, you tried to go back to napping but your realization that it's the first day of high school and the sound of the unstopping alarm made you pissed off before grabbing your device and turning it off. You stayed in your bed for a while contemplating your thoughts on how things will flow, hoping that it won't turn bad as it seemed. You groaned and slowly got up on your bed and preparing yourself on your first day of school.

You got out of your house wearing the traditional J-High uniform while your hair is combed properly and carried some of your extra notebooks on your hands. You waited outside for your personal service and after a few minutes, a familiar f/c car drove into your street before stopping on your gate. "Ready Ms. Y/N?" your personal driver greeted you with a warm smile before returning his sweet gesture and smiling back at him, telling him that you're ready well obviously you're lying.

You got inside of your car, tidied up your skirt and placed your personal belongings gently on the extra space on the comfortable seats before closing the door. You remained silent for the rest of the car ride and you kept your focus on the window, admiring the buildings and the trees that the car passed by while the sun shine brightly in the sky. After for a few minutes, your driver tried to initiate the conversation. "Are you feeling well Ms. Y/N?" he humbly asked as you looked at him while he was focused driving, "I don't really know. It's really weird to be attending into a new school." your pessimist thinking started showing and your driver took noticed of this, chuckling lightly at your statement. Not intending to make fun of you, he cleared his throat and advised that you're just feeling new about the move and you're still adjusting in the new environment that you're surrounded to. "Y'know Y/N, I promise that things will be okay for you. You're a good person and who knows, you may see your future in this big city." "Eh! C-C'mon quit it!" you immediately blushed and yelped with a slightly frustrated reaction, his eyes widened as he meant it as something on your future being positive and happy in the harsh world that we're living in, and not something about your love life. Him realizing that you took it in that understanding, he laughed more with him obviously just teasing you. "I know ma'am, I'm just trying to make you laugh." you immediately silenced and relaxed while looking back at him smiling. Well at least there's someone who can cheer you up a bit you thought.

Minutes passed and you arrived at the big, academic building. Your driver told you that he'll pick you up at the end of the school day and your parent/s texted them to look on you. You reassured him that you'll be fine and you won't cause trouble which he smiled back at you, knowing that he trusts you fully by heart more than your parent/s will ever be. You stepped out of the car, hair flowing in the wind while inhaling and exhaling deeply. Hoping that this school year won't be bad as you initially thought. Walking in the building, you see lots of unfamiliar faces. They would look at you and gossip how good looking you are. You being really uncomfortable with the unwanted attention, you rushed deep inside the building not knowing where you are going. Not focusing on the hallway, you bumped into someone tall, muscular and a pale skinned boy making you winced in pain as your carried notebooks fell on your hands. New school, new life they said.

"Ah! So-Sorry! I didn't mean to-" you tried to apologized before the raven-haired boy apologized too and bending down and helping you picked up your notebooks. He introduced himself as Daniel Park as you tell him your name too. "Fashion Department too?" he asked while giving you your notebooks which you gladly accepted and answered politely that you're also in the same class as him. You asked if he knows the way to your classroom but as a transfer student too, he's also not familiar with the building structure as you apologized for the inconvenience as he shook his hands reassuring you that it's alright for you to ask him even if he doesn't know how to answer your concerns (which he thought he hoped he would). You and Daniel remained chatting before being approached by a man looking like his early 40's approaching both of you if you are the new students for the Fashion Dept. and replying yes with a positive reaction. The teacher took noticed of this and greeted both of you with a gentle smile, mostly hyping up Daniel for his "good-looks" but he can't blame his self though. Daniel looked like those K-Pop stars on the television and dramas and you see him as a pleasant person to interact.

Making your way into the class, the teacher introduced you and Daniel in the class. Girls have hearts on their eyes seeing the angelic features of Danny and boys drooling at the sight of you making you and Daniel slightly uncomfortable yet feeling appreciated. Daniel initiated that you start your introduction first. Not wanting to argue and disappoint him, you cleared your throat as sweat tickled down your face and introduced yourself. "I-I'm L/N Y/N nice to meet you guys". You tried to cheer up the weird atmosphere lingering as more girls whispered and complimented your "beautiful features" and the guys in the back already planning to ask you out for a date. Most people in the room commented about you except for the two boys who didn't deal much about it. At the back, a black-haired male with fixed hair just scoffed and looked outside the window, murmuring underneath his breath that Mira or someone which you didn't know looks so much better than you. You cringed at his remark, not because you're offended but mostly because it's the first day of school and you already felt that there are definitely some people who will be hard to deal with. But the one that stood out to you the most is a blonde boy whose hair covers his eyes, only showing his nose and rosy lips. He was staring at you (if he even got eyes) until both of you finally exchanged eye contact which shocked your senses. This remained for a few second before he finally broke the weird "staring contest" and him staring at the clean and clear window, not saying anything about it. You felt yourself blushing and focused on the mysterious male that you didn't realized that Daniel's finally done speaking and the girls' loud squealing didn't bother your eardrums until the teacher told both of you to sit down on your perspective seats. Snapping at your own thoughts, you were signed to sit with the blondy himself which made you surprised and thinking on what a coincidence this is. Daniel is now seatmates with the male with some gel on his hair. You can see the handsome male gulping harshly and being extremely nervous. Does he and the other guy have some beef? You shook your head not trying to get on anyone's business before approaching your chair as the blond boy stared at you more. You returned the attention at the male with a cheeky smile on your lips, obviously you trying to ease the tension between both of you. "Hi I'm Y/N nice to meet you." You happily greeted your seatmate but what's weird is that he doesn't talk (literally). Instead he looks at you with a slight confusion on his face before looking back at the window which leaves you wondering on what's his deal and why he's acting like that. Is he really that shy that even a single hello won't leave on his mouth? "Jay is just like that newbie. He doesn't really talk so get used to it" a boy replied to you while fixing his rimmed glasses. "Oh, I see" you replied back with a hint of disappointment in your voice before sinking back to your thoughts and sitting on the wooden chair. "So his name his Jay huh? What a really quiet guy." You thought at the back of your mind as you turned your attention back in class, trying to understand the lesson while Jay resting his hand on his face just stares at the beautiful scenery of leaves falling out of the big trees on a warm sunny day.

Hours passed and the bell rang loudly signaling that it's time for lunch. Before getting up, you are approached by a female with a thick amount of make-up on her face while wearing a big smile on her face. "Hi! I'm Zoe, wanna hang out in the canteen?" she asked with an energetic mood and you not wanting to be rude, you gladly and nervously accepted her offer. You and Zoe made your way to the canteen and oh boy, it's a whole big mess. There's bullies who beat the hell out of the guy and ordered the "ugly-ones" to get their food instead of doing it themselves. Which Zoe warned that you should never enter their territory and break the commotion or else "you'll get the taste of your own medicine". While she introduced the others to you when you're both in line for getting your lunch like Zack Lee who's the "professional boxer", Vin Jin and his little minions being one of the most notorious bullies at school and many more students with their "outstanding" personalities, one of them stood out to you the most and you can't help to ask her about Jay. Ever since you stepped your feet in that classroom, everybody fawned over you except him who just stared at you and him not starting any conversation bothered you a bit and making you also curious about him. It's not that you want to force yourself into others who's also uncomfortable with attention and cross that boundary called privacy, but you guess that his closeted personality is what makes you interested in him.

"Oh, Jae-Yol? oppa? Whew, he's a really hard guy to get in touch with". she stated looking a bit disappointed since she couldn't really ask for his number once while picking some tteokboki and placing it on her tray. "Why is it so?" you asked while getting some rice for your tray too while slightly looking at her concerned. "He is a really, I mean REALLY quiet guy. His looks are wasted for nothing if he would never interact with a girl even once! And besides you never get to see his eyes. I also heard that he's a child of a rich person so... It's a win! But he just y'know, he just never opens his mouth". she remarked while getting more food as you did the same, processing your thoughts on about what she gave some information to you. You're debating on the back of your mind if he might have family issues or social problems making him the way he is or if he's just really like that. "Is he really like that?" you asked curiously before Zoe answered your question. " Yeah. He's so hard to catch on" she paused for a second before talking to you again. Oh~~~ you like him right?!" she teased before you look back at her with a tint of red on your cheeks. "What! Hell no! It's the first day of school and why would I get a crush on a guy that fast!" you defended yourself while she still teased you like saying that she can get his number for you which you hissed back at her saying that you don't need it making her laugh while you're getting red like a tomato. As you bicker with the girl, you didn't even noticed that there's a familiar blonde head that's listening to your conversation just a little miles away while eating his lunch.

After a whole boring hours of fashion history and measurements which doesn't make a lots of sense to you, you're all dismissed and it's time to go home. And despite being the first day, there are already some homework that are assigned to you that are required to finish it the next day. You sighed in disappointment knowing that you can feel your burnout from the stress that you're feeling right now. As everybody gets and lifts up their backpacks, you remained in your seat leaning down on your study table, head down on the wooden surface with your pen and paper right all over your face before you felt a tap on your shoulder. You groaned as you looked up at someone who's offering you something. You saw a familiar face. Jay was just offering you a pack of tissue. "Oh. Hi, but what are those for?" you curiously asked him even though you know that he won't answer your question verbally. He pointed on his head and traced it down to his face, you find it really hot that he did that, not comprehending on what he's trying to say. You realized that he's trying to tell you that you're sweating. Looking shocked on what you thought about instead of paying attention, you shook your head and looked back at your homework which is a bit stained from your liquids as you get flustered violently. How the hell did you just embarrassed yourself to him. Not looking back at Jay, you picked some pieces of tissue with shaky hands and thanking him for it but he still hands you the whole pack. Him hinting that it's okay for you to take all of it. "Wait, you're giving it all to me?" he nods slowly as you gently get it from his hands. Yours making contact with his as you feel the sexual tension rising from the both of you. You quickly let go of his hands as you thanked him again for the tissue and he just rubbed his neck, you slowly glimpsing that he has a small smile forming on his lips. He's probably not bad as you seemed he is at first. You fixed your stuff and as you were going to exit the classroom, he held your hand as he was trying to say something. "What's the matter?" you shyly asked before he got his phone on his pocket and typed something on his notepad app. After for a few minutes trying to find his words (no pun intended), he finally showed you on what's written on his phone. You leaning in, you read the words out loud saying the following. "I can help you with the homework". Your eyes widened as you thought that he's also an observative person as he quickly noticed you getting troubled in the assignment. "Sure! You wanna meet up in my house?" You asked him curiously hoping that he would accept your request and he nods again in approval as you smiled brightly and exchanged contact numbers and thanked him for the offer to help as you walk out of the room with him (you really need that number though, so denial at first huh?).

And that's how you and Jay became study buddies and friends. Months passed by, whenever there are quizzes, activities, and exams coming you and Jay and sometimes Daniel including his friends Jiho and Duke will be meeting at a special place like a cafe or even in your house for studying and hoping all of you will pass. Most of your classmates were shocked that Jay is finally socializing at least with someone like you and Daniel and the fact that you can understand him even when he's not saying anything. Jay mostly shows this soft side with the two of you. But what's the most obvious change in Jay is that he's finally have a courage to talk to a girl which makes your classmates laugh out loud that even your classmates shipped you and him. But you're embarrassed by this, you reassuring that you and him are just friends making your classmates raise their eyebrows. But really? he treats you snacks and lunch every single day even if you have your own allowance, he takes you out on random days (just the two of you), and always spend time in you even with no reasons or even if it's not the time for you to have a study session. You thought Zoe and the other girls were "delusional" for thinking that he likes you in that way and you should ask him out for a proper date. But since you're afraid of rejection, you won't make the first move to confess your real feelings for him.

Months to years passed by, there are many dramas happening in your school, student fights with more homework piling, and also your relationship with Jay slowly processed and bloomed like a flower. You and Jay get to know each other. On what's your favorite color, your favorite food, yet alone each others' birthday and celebrate it with your other peers each year. Your happy that you have a "friend" on your side. But as more time you spend with each other, the more your feelings for him developed. You found out about each others weaknesses and you didn't judge each other about it. As much you want to confess to him, your insecurities get in the way and the fear of rejection and loosing a friend gets in your way on voicing out on how you really feel about him. You went from the shy freshman student from a senior now graduating. Your homework gets a little bit challenging particularly this specific assignment about dressing semi-formally for the prom that will be organized by the Architecture Department. Your task is just simple yet you all need to be creative. While the Baking Department was to prepare the sweets and other food, the Vocal and Dance Department is to prepare the special performances and handle the audio system, and the Beauty Department is to fix the guests make-up, you and you're classmates task is to organize the dress code for the other guests to follow to. All of you should buy clothes or make a slideshow of some dresses, tuxes and other accessories and make a presentation to the teacher before he approves it for the event. Instead of making a slideshow since you have lots of money, you decided to buy some clothes for the activity. You also planned to style it up a bit but since you're not confident about your fashion taste, you decided to ask some help from the "Prince of the Fashion Department", Jay himself. You texted him if he can help you with it and he quickly replied saying where can you both meet up. You decided to ask him if you can shop with him in this new boutique store in the city at the new mall which he gladly agreed to.

It's 2pm and you made your way to the mall in your car. "I'll pick you up at 5:30." your driver reminded you. "Please pick me up at 6:30, if that's fine." You humbly requested with closed hands as he sighs deeply. "Y'know your parents are strict especially when it comes to your curfews right?" he gently replied as you had that "puppy eyes", begging him to give you more extra time. Sighing once again, he agrees to your request. "6:30 it is. No extensions." "No extensions" you replied back as he smiled. You got out of the car shutting the car door gently as your driver rolled down the car window. "Enjoy." he replied once again as he rolled up his car windows and drove away. Watching the f/c move away slowly getting out of your sight. "Where is Jay now? He said he's on his way now". you thought to yourself as you feel getting impatient as you wait for him, you sure are so excited to see him. Minutes passed as a familiar car made it's way on the entrance as it's stop right in front of you. A familiar blonde head got out of the car wearing a white Gucci t-shirt and dark blue pants with a smile on his fair and smooth face as you waved back at him acknowledging his presence. An old man also advised your friend to take care of himself before driving off. Being stuck in that familiar and slightly weird atmosphere lingering between you which happens all the time, you decided to break the silence as always. "You wanna come in that new fast food chain? I heard their food tastes so good". You asked him out and he nodded in agreement as you heard his stomach grumble as a sign he didn't take his lunch at home before going outside, making you chuckle at the cute action as he blushed violently.

You spend some time eating in random food stops at the mall and walking around for a bit, admiring the new shops and products that are now open to shop on. After getting some rest for a while, you and Jay now went on the department store to shop on some jewelries as you also suggested if chokers can be paired with dresses with he kind of agreed with (he probably means that it depends on the style of the dress) as he did the same looking for good pair of earrings for his self probably. Hours passed on spending your money on food and on your assignment that you didn't keep track of the time passing by. "Oh wait, It's almost 6! We gotta pick some clothes first 'cause my service will be downstairs at 6:30". You explained to the blonde male nodding once again as he understands that your parents are really strict when it comes to hang outs especially in public places like this (you talked about some certain part of your life to him opening up on your insecurities about yourself when you have study sessions at each others house/apartment which he comforts you for since he understand how you feel).

Both of you went inside on the newly opened boutique store. The store has a really warm and cozy atmosphere with the yellow lights that lighten up the place. The shelves were made of fresh wood and is filed with lots of beautiful designer-bags. The place was also filled with the craft of the creative, various and complex designs of dresses, skirts, blouses and other form of clothing you can name. "Wow it looks so pretty here!" you remarked as you feel being free for the first time, your eyes shining like the little stars in the nighttime as your cheeks flushed deep pink like a newly bloomed rose. Jay smiled on your reaction thinking it was really cute and it's the first time that he saw you really happy and satisfied. Shopping with your parent/s is definitely not fun as they always pick the clothes for you instead of you choosing instead from the different options of clothes that you have to pick.

You continued to look around for clothes feeling amazed as Jay followed you and stayed on your side before being approached by a sales lady wearing her cream colored uniform and her hair tied in a bun. "Hello ma'am, how can I help you?" she asked politely with a smile plastered on her bright red lips before you turned to look at her and blushed a bit, thinking your amusement is childish. "Um-Hi. I just wondered if you have both clothing for men and women?" you asked shyly as she asked back if it's a pairing of tuxes and dresses for you and Jay attending a wedding lmao. "Oh, no no no! just uh- it's just for a event on our school that will be held next week." you shook your hands as you assured her. "Oh I see, my apologies. Is it for a prom? formal or semi formal?" she asked curiously as you answered her politely that the dress code will be semi-formal as Jay stood silently at your side trying to understand your conversation with the lady. The female lead both of you to the semi-formal section as your eyes sparkled more as you went through to look for the clothes that you thought suits you the best as Jay did the same. You selected some dresses with Jay helping you on what he personally thinks suits you the best before going on the fitting room as Jay did the same but in a different cubicle. Minutes passed as Jay is done fitting all the clothes he picked, all of the tuxes, pants and suits him perfectly (as it should). He got out of the other fitting room as he was approached by the sales lady if he can pay for the clothes now, which he shook his hand in disagreement as he waits for you to get finished. As more minutes passed, he remained waiting for you until he knocked on the cubicle door that you're in which make you yelp in surprise.

"Oh-Jay is that you?" you asked as he didn't respond verbally which always happen. You're glad that there's a space on the bottom of the door which you can look down as you see a familiar white sneakers on the floor as you sighed that it's really is Jay and not some random creep. "Jay can you help me? I think this dress is too tight." you explained to him as you approached the door knob and unlocked it and opened the door and you see the familiar blondie. He looked shocked to see what you're wearing. A black spaghetti strap dress which perfectly wraps around your body size, exposing your tits and cleavage while the short length of the dress shows off your thighs and legs. Jay tries not to look on your parts while he tries not to blush at the sight, feeling warmth slowly spread against his body. "Can you help me take it off? The strap is too tight, if you mind." you innocently requested as Jay nodded harshly, trying to show courage. You have trust issues with these things with other people even with the sales lady since you're really shy about your body. But since you trust Jay, you didn't see anything perverted anything about this.

You turn you back to him as you face the cubicle with the mirror seeing you and Jay's reflection. Jay's shaky hands made its way to your shoulder straps, trying not to touch your bare skin and creep you out. His shaky hands adjusted the dress's straps as he breathe in and out gently trying not to panic, trying to think that nothing is wrong. It's completely normal and he also fixed his younger sister's clothes when she needs help, so why is he feeling nervous? You stared at each other's reflection as you wonder why Jay's face is red. Is he not feeling well? Did you made him uncomfortable?

After he fixed the straps, he quickly put his hands on his pockets. Fidgeting and playing with the pant's fabric as he quickly looked down trying not to avoid eye contact with you. You worried about Jay, you leaned on his face asking him if he's fine while brushing his hair against his eyes. This made him panic deep inside more as your braless chest is exposed all over in his face. You didn't even noticed that your face is too close against his. And that's when the most unexpected thing happened. He first wondered why you turned completely silent as your eyes keep looking down and why your cheeks were just red as a tomato like his before and as he looked down at what or where you at looking at, he noticed his "little" pet getting excited. He finally understood what is happening. You see his dick getting hard poking his denim pants. This made him terrified and embarrassed. He didn't mean to look at you that way as you unintentionally asked for help while looking sexy! "So-Sorry Jay! I didn't mean to!" You yelped covering your eyes as he quickly looked away as you did the same. Jay just wants to disappear and make his way to heaven as get away from this accident. But not being able to control his horniness at the same time, he gently grabbed your face as you see him parting his lips as he wants to say something. But him not being able to verbally express his love to you, he gently pecked your lips as you remained frozen processing what is happening until you finally understand what is going on, you decided to finally kiss him back.

"Jay, I-" you whimpered against his soft lips as he kisses you again, this time finally inserting his tongue against your mouth as both of you went inside the cubicle, him pinning you against the wall. Your tongues fought for dominance but Jay being obviously stronger than you, was able to take over you as you slowly gave in. Your tongue making contact with his as he continued to fuck your mouth make your thighs sweat and your pussy twitch. You never felt this way before neither touch yourself, Jay is the only person to make you feel this certain way that you don't understand. But none of that matters now, what matters is you felt safe around him that's why you let him kiss you. You feeling that you're loosing air, you broke the kiss as a trail of saliva formed between your warm tongues as Jay looks at you with a lustful expression. Brushing his nose against yours as if he's trying to tell you something, you asked if it's okay if you and him can kiss more, him nodding as he gave you consent. But before doing so, he noticed that the door is open. Not wanting to get caught, he made his way to close the door as he did silently and locking it. This made you blush even harder as you can feel your heart pumping louder in every beat. "Is this really happening now?" you thought to yourself but there's no turning back now. You've been hiding your feelings since the first day of school and it's the time to express to him on how much you like him. He made his way to you as you remained standing at the wall. He kept looking at your eyes (well you can feel it) as if he wants to ask you something. "Jay, it's fine. You can kiss me more." you whispered on his ear not wanting to expose yourself to the sales ladies as he locks his lips again against yours, you and him repeating the same lewd actions using your mouths. After some minutes of making out, breaking the kiss his lips slowly made his way on your neck giving it wet, pampered pecks as his hands hold your waist gently and you biting your knuckle trying to limit your noises. "Jay..." you moaned his name as his cock twitches more, wanting his dick deep inside you but he chooses to take his time with you not caring about each other's curfew. Him finding that sensitive spot that he's looking for underneath your ears making you yelp as he gently sucked on the soft skin. Him making hickies and love bites where it won't be noticeable. Your body has its own movements as you bucked your hips on his length as he gritted his teeth trying not to make any noise.

"Ha~" you moaned more as his lips moved lower reaching your cleavage as he gently kissed it. Him looking back at you for consent, you smiled as a sign that it's okay for him to take your clothes off. Him taking off the straps on your shoulders as you felt the dress fell off from your body down to the wooden floor, exposing your perky and soft tits and your f/c panties with a wet patch forming which makes Jay's cock getting more aroused. Jay continued to kiss on your cleavage before looking back at you asking for consent again for him to kiss your breasts which you smiled and telling him it's okay. Staring at your breasts again, he started to kiss on the plump skin which makes you moan and call for him name softly as he continued to plant hickies on your sensitive skin. His tongue now makes direct contact on your hard nipple as he swirls his wet muscle against your aroused bud as he squeezes your other breast which makes you cover your mouth as you moan more underneath your hand. "Jay, Ah..." you continued to call for him as Jay continued to make the same action on your other breast before making his way to your stomach leaving trails of kisses on your body before facing your most delicate area. Looking back at you again he asks for consent as you approved for his request to pleasure you. Jay pulled down your underwear letting it fall down your legs, you sighing as the cold air made contact with your wet pussy. You're blushing about the fact that your first time is going to happen on a public place. Topics about sex enough is alone to make you flustered, yet alone doing the act especially with someone who you really trust. You were lost on your own thoughts that you almost moaned so loud when Jay's tongue finally made contact on your vulva. "Oh! Jay~" you whined as he licked a stripe on your slick tasting your sweet liquids forming on your private area. Jay continued to give kitty licks on your pussy as you continued to moan for his name before hearing a knock on the door.

"Ma'am are you alright there? do you need help?" you heard a familiar and sweet voice coming from the outside. "Oh-Uh-No! I-I'm alright here." you nervously replied hoping that she won't look down and notice the two set of feet on the same cubicle and get caught having sex. "Are u sure Ma'am?" "Ye-Yeah! I'll be there." You replied back hoping that she would go away and luckily she did. Waiting for the sales lady to be far enough from the dressing room, sighing you and Jay both smiled thinking both of you were lucky for not getting caught doing the deed. "I'll be more quiet. I'm sorry." you shyly apologized with Jay shook his head in disapproving signing that it's alright. Going back to action, he continued to lick and slurp on your cunt which makes your eyes roll back at the back of head getting lost from the feeling of warmness and pleasure just from his tongue. The blonde started sucking on your swollen clit making your eyes widen from the stimulation. Covering your mouth from making more suspicious noise. Jay continued eating you out like a hungry wolf who hadn't got his meal for years. The blonde continued to repeat the same motions over and over, his tongue would swipe and lick your entrance teasing you more and coming back to your clit just to suck it making you want to moan louder as you hoped that no one will hear you. Jay did this for minutes making you see dancing stars before you felt his tongue entered inside you. "Hmph!" you moaned while covering your mouth as his wet muscle make contact with your tight walls. Jay continued to suck on your entrance as his tongue flickered and tickled your insides. His tongue continued to make swirls and circles and as he kept sucking and licking you outside and inside. You felt a weird feeling building on your stomach as Jay continued to eat you out. "Ja-Jay I-I think I'm gonna- Oh!" you called for him again as he felt your insides squeeze his tongue and felt liquids coming out from your hole. He continued to fuck you with his mouth as you experienced your first ever orgasm. As you finished cumming, he pulled out his tongue from your pussy as he tasted your liquids dripping out of your hole.

Him getting up with glossy and wet face, he pulled you for another kiss as you taste yourself from his mouth. You continued to make out as you unbuttoned his pants, him not flinching is a sign that it's okay for you to undress him letting his pants fall on the floor and removing his boxers next. Breaking the kiss, Jay's veiny cock started poking your sensitive clit hinting if he can take your virginity and be inside you. "Do you want to do it?" you nervously asked him as he nodded while cupping your cheeks. "Just be gentle, it my fi-first." you stuttered as you began feeling nervous hoping that it won't hurt. Jay noticed your nervous reaction about this as he cupped your cheeks more and making more eye contact. It's like he's saying that both of you don't have to have sex if you're feeling uncomfortable. You reassured him that you're alright about this and you wanted your first time to be with him. He paused for a while before finally understanding that you trust him enough and whole hearted for him to be your first, he smiled at this as he gave you another peck, this time on the cheek as you chuckled as he's finally going to express on how he likes you too spoiler oops.

You positioned yourself, hands on the wall and on all fours exposing your pussy making the blondie's cock grow bigger more getting excited. Jay sighing, he pumped his cock as precum starting to build on his tip before pushing it inside you. Your senses were in shock as his thickness occupied your tight cunt, making you scrunch your face as you felt a mixture of pain and pleasure down to your core. "Jay... it hurts" you whined softly as you try to restrain your voice. You don't want to hear the sales lady you whimpering in pain, she might think that you're in trouble and need help! Jay took his attention at you're feelings as he's about to pull out, not wanting to hurt you even if it's unintentional. You felt Jay pull out his cock on your tight cunt, he watched your cunt is bleeding as your hole spill blood staining his cock. He gently grabbed your face making you face him a little bit as you see his lips form a frown. "Jay it's okay... Wait, am I bleeding?" You asked him as you see drops of red liquid stain the floor. You not wanting to stain the unbought black dress and pay more, you sighed as you kicked off the piece of clothing even if your cunt is literally feeling and screaming in pain right now as your thighs and legs shook in sync making it hard to balance yourself especially when you're standing. You guessed that Jay is too big for you.

"Jay, please put it again". you begged for him as he frowns more worried if you felt forced to do this just because he got horny from the sight of you wearing a very appealing dress. You asked him back if he wants to stop too as he shook his head. He wants to do it with you obviously, if his cock didn't got up he's obviously not going to panic that bad. He positioned his self, inhaling and exhaling deeply as he pushed his member again this time being more gentle. You sighed as you felt his cock fill up your virgin walls as he bends down to give kisses on your shoulders, comforting and distracting you from the pain and uneasiness that you're experiencing right now. Minutes passed as you finally told him that he can move slowly. He slowly trusted in and out of you. Despite the gentle force, you can feel his tip poke and hit your sweet spots as you moaned quietly feeling that familiar mixture of both of that positive and negative feeling that your pussy is receiving.

After a few moments of adjustments, Jay slowly but surely picked up the pace of his movements making you yelp and moan, not in pain this time but in pleasure. "Ja-Jay!~" you moaned trying to be silent as Jay continued to fuck your insides. Your slapping bodies continued to make that lewd noise that can be probably heard outside but neither of the staffs makes its way to ask you if you are done fitting your clothes. They probably don't give a fuck anymore as they probably know that you and Jay were doing something suspicious anyways.

"Hmph, Fu-Fuck! Ah~" you whined as his tip is now hitting your cervix over and over again making your legs shake much than before. You and Jay continued to fuck like animals in heat while lewd noises coming from your filthy mouth and the contact of his pelvis and your ass fills the cubicle. His big cock hitting your special parts makes you feel that familiar ball of heat that's about to release again. "Jay I think I'm going to- Hah Fuck!" you called for his name as you felt your release made its way out of your pussy as Jay continued to pump his dick in and out while his body starts to sweat from all the effort he's putting in just to make you cum. He felt your insides squeeze him even tighter than before as he tilt his head back, thinking to himself that this is feels so much better than fisting himself when he's thinking about you, feeling his own orgasm coming soon. Gently getting your hands that are pinned over to the wall he continued his horny puppy dog pace gripping into your hands tightly, completely making your pussy feel so good as you felt your once virgin area completely fucked by his big boner. After a few more hard core thrusts, Jay quickly pulled out of your cunt as you whined from the feeling of emptiness on your pussy and he came on your now swollen vulva and clit. Pumping more of his liquids as he achieves his mind blowing orgasm that even his own hands can't achieve when he masturbates.

You and Jay remained in your position panting for air before you face his handsome face and asked him if he's feeling well. He nodded with a smile as he tucked your hair behind your ear and giving you a sweet peck on the lips for reassurance as you did the same, returning the lovable action. You and Jay just made love.

You and Jay got cleaned up and dressed (luckily you bought packs of wipes, dependable for really important matters ;). You checked the place first before you signaled him to get out with you not realizing that there's CCTV filming you ehem, him carrying the clothes you picked for the event. You and him made your ways in the counter to pay for your stuff. The cashier noticed your blushing face and shaky legs, asking you if you felt sick but you shook your head saying that you're fine. Jay paid for your stuff even if you insisted that you can pay it yourself (this happens always). Carrying your personal belongings as your blondie helped you, you and your Jay made your ways out of the boutique and the mall at exactly in time, not caring if the CCTV filmed the whole commotion you did in the dressing room.

"That was fun." you exclaimed as you enjoyed your day being in Jay's side as he felt the same smiling back at you and leaning down to give you a proper kiss as you kissed him back. Just in time, your service made it's way to you to take you home. "Ms. Y/N." Your driver called your name as you laughed at his silly voice as Jay smiled seeing you smiling genuinely makes him happy enough and makes his day even better. "Jay are you sure that you'll wait your service here?" you asked him as he nodded and kissed your cheek in reassurance making you flustered and your service makes an "oh" reaction. Making your way into the car, Jay being a gentleman opened the door for you and helped your carry your shopping bags and other stuff. "Texts?" you asked him as he nodded once again and you tell him to take care and stay safe, waving your hand goodbye as Jay imitated you giving you farewells before your driver pulled off.

"Wow, Ms. Y/N I didn't know you got yourself a boyfriend now." he chuckled lightly at your flustered reaction, telling him that he can't tell this to your parent/s. Him not wanting to take away your trust, he reassured you that he won't spill the tea, making you smile back at him. The entire car ride was quiet before you heard a notification on your phone inside your bag. Being curious, you took your phone and opened your contact app as you see that it's just Jay. You opened and message and read it in your head. "Did you got home?" he asked as you replied back that you're still on the car as you asked him the same question and he replied with the same answer. He also asked you if you and him can go to a date. "You wanna meet up for a date at the mall again and have some dinner?" he asked you. You and Jay are becoming a thing now! "Sure! what time?" you messaged and he quickly replied back stating the time at date. You also suggested if he can come over your house tomorrow and he replied with a yes and ending his message with a positive note. 'Good night love you. Get home safe." he sent the sweet message as you smiled reading the message and replying back at him with a the same message. You finally found your someone, someone who is named Hong Jayeol. And someone that you can love for the rest of your life as Jay thought the same while leaning on the car window watching the lights complimented with the dark hues of the purple and dark blue sky slowly turning into a black color as the sun sank in the beautiful horizon.

A/N: (feel free to request some Lookism related one shots with your favorite characters! female or male is fine. But I don't do character x character though.)

I might probably write a Park Junggun or Zack Lee smut x female reader after this lol good night

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More Posts from Emojellyace08

1 year ago

So I was watching some drama about how woman is described today in this days by some trans people and how do they "define or express gender."

When the word "female" comes into your mind, what do you think of?

According to Google:



of or denoting the sex that can bear offspring or produce eggs, distinguished biologically by the production of gametes (ova) that can be fertilized by male gametes.

And I agree to this fact. Based on my understanding, a female is a person that is biologically born with a vagina. As a woman, you have the ability to produce egg cells, menstruate every month, have the ability to get pregnant by your eggs being fertilized by a biological male, and menopause at an old age because a real woman have a uterus and a vagina. (and a biologically born female who is not able to menstruate and be pregnant is an infertile woman).

As a part of the "LGBTQ+" community, I just never understand how some people this days describe the word "female" or the other word "woman" especially the trans community. Other trans associate woman for being an expression or gender identity than sticking to the facts, the BIOLOGY of what a real woman is.

Matt Walsh STUMPS Trans-Activist On What A Woman Is
Matt Walsh joined the Dr. Phil show to debate a trans-activist on gender and gets stumped on the simple question: What Is A Woman?

So trans-woman are a "woman"? Even though they are biologically born male? They don't understand womanhood is. There is totally nothing wrong with being a transgender person. But the fact that they would not set boundaries from these political and controversial topics just made me loose my nuts. I would not have a problem if they identify themselves as trans-woman. But if we women call them out for their crap, we will be called "cis-woman" or a "transphobic bigot" for it. What the fuck even is a cis-woman? Another "gender identity" or "pronoun" for them to make them look superior or prove their beliefs to other people? It's bullshit.

Women Are Envious of Trans Women???
Watch more BlazeTV here: https://bit.ly/3EVRJHP► Subscribe to BlazeTV YouTube! https://bit.ly/2KJHuwu► Join BlazeTV! https://get.blazetv.com

If you watched the video, this MAN flexes how he has four girlfriends, I repeat FOUR GIRLFRIENDS and describes as a "trans-gender lesbian". It's not being a lesbian, it's being a CREEP, A STRAIGHT CREEP. If you want a clarification on what does lesbian mean:

LESBIAN: Usually refers to a woman who has a romantic and/or sexual orientation toward women (based on Google).

See? lesbian is a term for biological woman being emotionally or sexually attracted with the same sex, a biological woman too. And gay is a biological man emotionally or sexually attracted with the same sex, a biological man.

As a bisexual woman, I am attracted to the same sexes (female and male). But since the TQ+ made things complicated, more pronouns (they/them) and gender fluidity and with this non-binary crap, I start to question if I am really bi or not. If I found out that I am going to make out with a "woman" with a penis, I'll be turned off. Why? Because I am attracted to a biological woman and biological man. Not someone who is completely delusional who identifies as a "woman" who is actually a biological man. It's creepy for me, especially if they're not going to tell the truth. The same applies to the lesbians, gays and even the straight people! Even a gay Youtuber admitted that he will be even turned off if he liked someone who is identified as a "man" even though SHE has a vagina.

Another example is a "trans woman" forcing to use the public women restrooms.

"Trans Woman" Kicked Out Of Bathroom And Loses It
Subscribe to this podcast for more anti-woke content: https://www.youtube.com/theblairewhiteproject

Now you know why we separate men and women's restrooms in public places? It's to avoid predators who are just roaming around in near sight. And these delusional group of people will go to "their assigned restroom" especially someone who identifies as "trans-woman" who will go to woman's restrooms. Imagine a dressed up man going into the girl's washroom and you're a woman seeing this dude in your private space? Even myself will get creeped out, especially the children and biological woman who will feel vulnerable over a guy who is dressed as a girl. I used to ignore this stuff and used to believe that trans women should use the women's restroom but in the end of the day, they are still a biological male. I'm not implying that all trans people are perverts in general. But to avoid issues most of them should've just follow the rules right? For them to use the restroom that identifies their biological sex to avoid misunderstanding.

Another example is how they flex and show how they "menstruate" each month. If someone is born male, how do you have the ability to menstruate?

Trans "Women" Can't Have Periods. PERIOD.
#shorts #TheCommentsSection #BrettCooper #DailyWire #Reaction #React #Politics #Culture #Entertainment #TikTok #lgtbq #trans #woke #women #w

Sure, cutting off your penis with surgeries and taking pills can now make you look like a girl, but the fact that they lie to themselves for the fact that they are slowly destroying their body with pills and chemicals and "misunderstand" this for periods. Can you blame us for bleeding? We don't own womanhood, WE, BIOLOGICAL WOMAN HAVE IT NATURALLY. People who de-transitioned talks about how their surgeries negatively affected their physical but also mental health. Why is no one talking about this? I'm not saying that transitioning is bad, what I mean is it can change your lifestyle so you can think about it first before having one.

Detransitioner Chloe Cole On DEVASTATING Effects of Transgender Surgery
Speaking at the YAF Reagan Ranch High School Conference, Chloe Cole shares her story of getting "Gender Affirming Care" which entailed getti

Also kids are getting involved with this topics. LET KIDS BE KIDS. Some families are turning their kids trans or non-binary for what? To prove their ideology to their kids and the whole world that they're right? Teachers promoting different "pronouns" to kids for what? To be called how a "nice" person they are? Kids getting involved with drag queens adult stuff? Doesn't really matter what pronouns you preferred to use rather than your personality and how you mingle with society? It's CRAP. PEOPLE ARE JUST FOCUSING ON GENDER IDENTITY NOW AND IT SUCKS. Taking your kids into pride parades while there are people in floats and the streets almost naked is good? Teaching your kids to be a drag queen and use makeup and wear skimpy outfits and teaching your kids how to twerk is amazing? Empowering? It's not just right. Pride went to empowering the LGBT community that marrying the same sex is nothing wrong into strip clubs but in the streets with people even children holding up rainbow flags.

Sure drag is art, but it's only for adults. Other people should not involve children into topics like this. It's like exposing your child into the BDSM and porn industry. Does it really matter to celebrate on who you slept with? It's just inappropriate.

Gender confusion in public schools!
#genderidentity #wokeness #protectchildren
That was a close one #shorts
protect trans kids #shorts #sacconejolys #trans #lgbt

Making their own kid trans is EXPLOTATION. THIS GUY RIGHT HERE DESERVES TO BE IN JAIL. A kid will find out their own gender identity at the right age and time, don't let your own parent MANIPULATE YOU INTO THINKING AND DECIDING ON WHO YOU REALLY ARE. THIS IS GROOMING. He's literally using his OWN CHILD FOR CLOUT. D.I.S.G.U.S.T.I.N.G.. A kid isn't even allowed to drink alcohol, smoke or vape, have sex, even let alone get a permanent tattoo. But now we can turn your kids into drags and forcing them to be trans and chop off your body parts and get surgeries? It's not right!

As someone who experienced "gender-dysphoria" and I used to identify as non-binary even though it just never felt right. And it affected how I socialized with other people too. It's a serious problem, not to be celebrated. When other people use the "wrong pronouns" to non-binary people, THEY WILL LOOSE THEIR SHIT. Really narcissistic, it scares me.

Okay, if you keep pushing on what you referred to instead of facing reality, fine. WE WON'T REFER TO YOU.

So I Was Watching Some Drama About How Woman Is Described Today In This Days By Some Trans People And

meanwhile if you compare to this amazing trans here:

"Trans Women Are Women", But There's More To It.
Subscribe to this podcast for more anti-woke content: https://www.youtube.com/theblairewhiteproject

See, Blair White as a transgender woman identifies herself as a man transitioning. This gave me faith that not all trans are delulus. She's just a normal person with great values. I used female pronouns when talking about her but still acknowledge her for being a biological man (not that I want to be praised). I hope more trans people are like this, just positive and happy without acting like a narcissist. (If you want to show support more, subscribe on the Youtuber's channel that are in the video links above :).

Conclusion: A trans person is trans. A trans woman is a man transitioning into a woman. That's what trans woman is. But a trans woman will never be a biological woman, because what is the reason of your transitioning if you classify or identify yourself as a biological man? Same applies to trans man. Kids should be kids. It's normal if they start feeling attracted to the same or both sex or they begin to question their gender identity. What they need are understanding and mature parents to properly explain to them on how these things actually work and that what matters is that they properly socialize with society. Time will come for them to properly transition and bloom into a beautiful flower. Your gender identity or sexuality is millions far away as you as a whole. What matters is you have great values and you properly contribute to the society.

As a bisexual person, does my sexuality matter more than my personality and talents? Does my attraction with the both sexes matter much more than my abilities and what I can do as a human? I am a tomboy girl, but still identifies as a woman. If a boy likes Barbie's, he can still be identified as a boy without being called transgender or non-binary. In the right age, they will identify on what they want to be called without the adults forcing them on what they should be.

The LGB are different with the TQ+ honestly. LGB are straight forward and still faces biology. If you're a man who likes penis, then you're gay. Same applies with lesbians and a bisexual woman/man. While TQ+ focuses on identity, demanding on other people on what they should be referred to instead in shutting your mouth up and enjoy your privileges' in life. Some of them are ruining grammar and vocabulary just because on what they want to refer to making things really complicated. It's like they're erasing the gay, bi and lesbian gals. If a biological woman likes a "woman" who has a penis, she's lesbian? I don't know I'm just really confused...

It's batshit crazy. I'm not saying that being trans is bad. There is nothing completely wrong with that. But if you were planning to get surgery, think about it first because it can completely change your life. I'm also not being transphobic. There are trans people there like Blair that is actually nice and respectful to other people. I just hope that the majority of the trans and non binary people will act more mature and just enjoy life!

If the part of the TQ+ keeps acting like this, I won't be a part and support the LGBTQ+ community even though I identify as bisexual if the part of the TQ+ will be problematic like this. Imagine the kids and teenagers being brainwashed from these groomers. Disappointing.

(Whew, that's a long ass rant. I want to add more but I'm afraid that the whole community will kick my ass and will team up to Tumblr ban my acc. which hopefully not :).

Tags :
1 year ago

I'm kneeling right now frrr (I'm an approved Daniel Park simp)

This Is Everything I Live For.
This Is Everything I Live For.

this is everything I live for.

Tags :
1 year ago
Who's Your Favorite Creepypasta?
Who's Your Favorite Creepypasta?
Who's Your Favorite Creepypasta?
Who's Your Favorite Creepypasta?
Who's Your Favorite Creepypasta?
Who's Your Favorite Creepypasta?
Who's Your Favorite Creepypasta?
Who's Your Favorite Creepypasta?
Who's Your Favorite Creepypasta?

Who's your favorite creepypasta?

(you may saw the Jeff the Killer one lol this is my 2nd acc so I'm not stealing art)

Tags :
1 year ago

Goo: What is a potato called if it has a penis?

Gun and Y/N: What?

Goo: A DICKtator *insert maniacally wheezing*

Y/N: *laughs maniacally back after 10 seconds*

Gun (unamused): Geez, your sense of humor is so boring

Goo: Yeah, just like you especially when we're in the bed

Y/N: *still laughing* um wait wtf

Tags :
1 year ago

The Tumblr writing community is dying.


It’s something I’ve noticed over the past two years of using this site. It was gradual, imperceptible at first, something that most would brush off as a silly concern, or fault Tumblr algorithm for. While it’s true that Tumblr’s engine leaves a lot to be desired, I’ve noticed that even popular blogs have started to dwindle in terms of interaction or motivation. There could be a lot of reasons for this, but the biggest two I’ve noticed, experienced myself, and asked fellow writers about is this: (1) content being stolen, and (2) lack of feedback or interaction. I’ve never seen any logical person defend content being stolen, so I want to address point 2 instead.

Lack of feedback and interaction. I’m not saying this on my behalf so much as I’m saying this for friends and smaller blogs who have lost motivation to write. I was looking at my yandere writing blogs list the other day and noticed that a good majority of them no longer write. I usually update the list every few months, and by that point, more and more writers have stopped writing entirely. This isn’t a problem confined solely to the yandere fandom; in fact, there’s less writing blogs in general these days, especially ones that are active. I used to run a very popular BNHA blog with some friends, but that dissolved after our content was stolen and our followers stopped interacting as much. Out of our 8,500 followers, we hardly got 0.015% notes (~128 notes) on an average post. Tumblr is to blame for the lack of eyes seeing our posts, for sure, but that also means that at least 128 people saw one post and didn’t leave a comment or ask. We were considered a big blog; imagine what it’s like on a small blog.

My friend recently made a post that summed this up perfectly: 

“I’ve seen people say “Be grateful that people even lurk on your page.” and, while I get the message they’re trying to say, it’s more dismissive and hurtful in my opinion. Like you’re saying, “Oh your writing is mediocre, you should be grateful people even LOOK at it.”

Me personally? I’ve heard the argument that AO3 is a better place to post fanfics, and while that might be true, I’ve had friends experience firsthand the lack of interaction there too. I’ve heard the argument that interacting with some writers is intimidating (me included). I’ve heard that argument that followers might be too shy to interact. I’ve heard the argument that writers should write for themselves and not for views / likes / reblogs / etc, and while that’s ideal, it’s not sustainable for everyone. What works for one writer won’t work for another, but you know what will? Interaction.

That comment or ask that took you 2 seconds to write? We remember it. That reblog with the compliments in the tags? We remember it. Every single ‘named’ anon we get (heart anon, sunflower anon, etc)? We remember them. And the best part is? It’s actually easier to do these things on Tumblr since you have the option to send anonymous asks or make a sideblog specifically for reblogs! Trust me, whether the lack of interaction is the cause of a lack of motivation or what have you, every writer appreciates feedback (don’t be shy to offer some critique or compliments) or even a simple keyboard smash with some emojis. Even sitting down for 5 min a day per week to comment on your favorite writers’ new pieces makes a huge difference. Personally, since Tumblr’s activity feed is beyond terrible and I have over 1,500 posts, I don’t always see new reblogs or comments on my content; asks though? Always see those, can never go wrong with those. If you don’t want to reblog or leave a comment, then you can never go wrong with an anonymous ask. 

As my wise friend says: writing is an art, and in order to improve that art, we need other people’s eyes to see what we don’t.


For the sake of every writer (past, present, and future) on this platform, please share this post.