Protect Children - Tumblr Posts
So I was watching some drama about how woman is described today in this days by some trans people and how do they "define or express gender."
When the word "female" comes into your mind, what do you think of?
According to Google:
of or denoting the sex that can bear offspring or produce eggs, distinguished biologically by the production of gametes (ova) that can be fertilized by male gametes.
And I agree to this fact. Based on my understanding, a female is a person that is biologically born with a vagina. As a woman, you have the ability to produce egg cells, menstruate every month, have the ability to get pregnant by your eggs being fertilized by a biological male, and menopause at an old age because a real woman have a uterus and a vagina. (and a biologically born female who is not able to menstruate and be pregnant is an infertile woman).
As a part of the "LGBTQ+" community, I just never understand how some people this days describe the word "female" or the other word "woman" especially the trans community. Other trans associate woman for being an expression or gender identity than sticking to the facts, the BIOLOGY of what a real woman is.
So trans-woman are a "woman"? Even though they are biologically born male? They don't understand womanhood is. There is totally nothing wrong with being a transgender person. But the fact that they would not set boundaries from these political and controversial topics just made me loose my nuts. I would not have a problem if they identify themselves as trans-woman. But if we women call them out for their crap, we will be called "cis-woman" or a "transphobic bigot" for it. What the fuck even is a cis-woman? Another "gender identity" or "pronoun" for them to make them look superior or prove their beliefs to other people? It's bullshit.
If you watched the video, this MAN flexes how he has four girlfriends, I repeat FOUR GIRLFRIENDS and describes as a "trans-gender lesbian". It's not being a lesbian, it's being a CREEP, A STRAIGHT CREEP. If you want a clarification on what does lesbian mean:
LESBIAN: Usually refers to a woman who has a romantic and/or sexual orientation toward women (based on Google).
See? lesbian is a term for biological woman being emotionally or sexually attracted with the same sex, a biological woman too. And gay is a biological man emotionally or sexually attracted with the same sex, a biological man.
As a bisexual woman, I am attracted to the same sexes (female and male). But since the TQ+ made things complicated, more pronouns (they/them) and gender fluidity and with this non-binary crap, I start to question if I am really bi or not. If I found out that I am going to make out with a "woman" with a penis, I'll be turned off. Why? Because I am attracted to a biological woman and biological man. Not someone who is completely delusional who identifies as a "woman" who is actually a biological man. It's creepy for me, especially if they're not going to tell the truth. The same applies to the lesbians, gays and even the straight people! Even a gay Youtuber admitted that he will be even turned off if he liked someone who is identified as a "man" even though SHE has a vagina.
Another example is a "trans woman" forcing to use the public women restrooms.
Now you know why we separate men and women's restrooms in public places? It's to avoid predators who are just roaming around in near sight. And these delusional group of people will go to "their assigned restroom" especially someone who identifies as "trans-woman" who will go to woman's restrooms. Imagine a dressed up man going into the girl's washroom and you're a woman seeing this dude in your private space? Even myself will get creeped out, especially the children and biological woman who will feel vulnerable over a guy who is dressed as a girl. I used to ignore this stuff and used to believe that trans women should use the women's restroom but in the end of the day, they are still a biological male. I'm not implying that all trans people are perverts in general. But to avoid issues most of them should've just follow the rules right? For them to use the restroom that identifies their biological sex to avoid misunderstanding.
Another example is how they flex and show how they "menstruate" each month. If someone is born male, how do you have the ability to menstruate?
Sure, cutting off your penis with surgeries and taking pills can now make you look like a girl, but the fact that they lie to themselves for the fact that they are slowly destroying their body with pills and chemicals and "misunderstand" this for periods. Can you blame us for bleeding? We don't own womanhood, WE, BIOLOGICAL WOMAN HAVE IT NATURALLY. People who de-transitioned talks about how their surgeries negatively affected their physical but also mental health. Why is no one talking about this? I'm not saying that transitioning is bad, what I mean is it can change your lifestyle so you can think about it first before having one.
Also kids are getting involved with this topics. LET KIDS BE KIDS. Some families are turning their kids trans or non-binary for what? To prove their ideology to their kids and the whole world that they're right? Teachers promoting different "pronouns" to kids for what? To be called how a "nice" person they are? Kids getting involved with drag queens adult stuff? Doesn't really matter what pronouns you preferred to use rather than your personality and how you mingle with society? It's CRAP. PEOPLE ARE JUST FOCUSING ON GENDER IDENTITY NOW AND IT SUCKS. Taking your kids into pride parades while there are people in floats and the streets almost naked is good? Teaching your kids to be a drag queen and use makeup and wear skimpy outfits and teaching your kids how to twerk is amazing? Empowering? It's not just right. Pride went to empowering the LGBT community that marrying the same sex is nothing wrong into strip clubs but in the streets with people even children holding up rainbow flags.
Sure drag is art, but it's only for adults. Other people should not involve children into topics like this. It's like exposing your child into the BDSM and porn industry. Does it really matter to celebrate on who you slept with? It's just inappropriate.
Making their own kid trans is EXPLOTATION. THIS GUY RIGHT HERE DESERVES TO BE IN JAIL. A kid will find out their own gender identity at the right age and time, don't let your own parent MANIPULATE YOU INTO THINKING AND DECIDING ON WHO YOU REALLY ARE. THIS IS GROOMING. He's literally using his OWN CHILD FOR CLOUT. D.I.S.G.U.S.T.I.N.G.. A kid isn't even allowed to drink alcohol, smoke or vape, have sex, even let alone get a permanent tattoo. But now we can turn your kids into drags and forcing them to be trans and chop off your body parts and get surgeries? It's not right!
As someone who experienced "gender-dysphoria" and I used to identify as non-binary even though it just never felt right. And it affected how I socialized with other people too. It's a serious problem, not to be celebrated. When other people use the "wrong pronouns" to non-binary people, THEY WILL LOOSE THEIR SHIT. Really narcissistic, it scares me.
Okay, if you keep pushing on what you referred to instead of facing reality, fine. WE WON'T REFER TO YOU.
meanwhile if you compare to this amazing trans here:
See, Blair White as a transgender woman identifies herself as a man transitioning. This gave me faith that not all trans are delulus. She's just a normal person with great values. I used female pronouns when talking about her but still acknowledge her for being a biological man (not that I want to be praised). I hope more trans people are like this, just positive and happy without acting like a narcissist. (If you want to show support more, subscribe on the Youtuber's channel that are in the video links above :).
Conclusion: A trans person is trans. A trans woman is a man transitioning into a woman. That's what trans woman is. But a trans woman will never be a biological woman, because what is the reason of your transitioning if you classify or identify yourself as a biological man? Same applies to trans man. Kids should be kids. It's normal if they start feeling attracted to the same or both sex or they begin to question their gender identity. What they need are understanding and mature parents to properly explain to them on how these things actually work and that what matters is that they properly socialize with society. Time will come for them to properly transition and bloom into a beautiful flower. Your gender identity or sexuality is millions far away as you as a whole. What matters is you have great values and you properly contribute to the society.
As a bisexual person, does my sexuality matter more than my personality and talents? Does my attraction with the both sexes matter much more than my abilities and what I can do as a human? I am a tomboy girl, but still identifies as a woman. If a boy likes Barbie's, he can still be identified as a boy without being called transgender or non-binary. In the right age, they will identify on what they want to be called without the adults forcing them on what they should be.
The LGB are different with the TQ+ honestly. LGB are straight forward and still faces biology. If you're a man who likes penis, then you're gay. Same applies with lesbians and a bisexual woman/man. While TQ+ focuses on identity, demanding on other people on what they should be referred to instead in shutting your mouth up and enjoy your privileges' in life. Some of them are ruining grammar and vocabulary just because on what they want to refer to making things really complicated. It's like they're erasing the gay, bi and lesbian gals. If a biological woman likes a "woman" who has a penis, she's lesbian? I don't know I'm just really confused...
It's batshit crazy. I'm not saying that being trans is bad. There is nothing completely wrong with that. But if you were planning to get surgery, think about it first because it can completely change your life. I'm also not being transphobic. There are trans people there like Blair that is actually nice and respectful to other people. I just hope that the majority of the trans and non binary people will act more mature and just enjoy life!
If the part of the TQ+ keeps acting like this, I won't be a part and support the LGBTQ+ community even though I identify as bisexual if the part of the TQ+ will be problematic like this. Imagine the kids and teenagers being brainwashed from these groomers. Disappointing.
(Whew, that's a long ass rant. I want to add more but I'm afraid that the whole community will kick my ass and will team up to Tumblr ban my acc. which hopefully not :).
Yet they’re “pro life”
I'm gonna assume most of these moids are from the US. If so can somebody PLEASE put up a petition to get these monsters behind bars? If I don't see any I'll do it myself.
Wow guys, men sexualizing and objectifying women sure is empowering! Just look at these if you don’t believe me!
TW: Rape, abuse, femicide, torture, pedophelia, racism and slurs, etc.
TW: Rape, dismemberment, femicide, racism, slurs, abuse, incest, pedophelia
Some of these subs and images have tens of thousands of subscribers and likes. This is not an isolated incident. I have thousands more of these screenshots, but I’m limited to ten on tumblr. Keep telling me how being the object and target of men’s sexual desires is empowering, how porn and BDSM aren’t directly related to misogyny and male violence against women.
Wanting to look at childism posts on Tumblr just for the poster to have TERFs kys and talking about how we need to lower the age of consent 😭
@radfemsiren did you not read it correctly? OP simply asked a question, there's no reason to get mad over this. As someone who's also been through abuse I can verify that the view of the general group in which a person is abused you may become distorted. If we want women and girls to join our community then we have to be ready to answer their questions. Trust me no feminist is for child abuse, were against misogyny no matter what they did. Prison is well deserved.
hi i love your content 🦚🦚🦚 i just wanted to ask since your blog name is "Liberate women and children" and its that does Radical Feminism include ALL women? Im asking this because im trying to get into it but i have been a victim of child abuse at the hands of my mother and so i wanted to know if it ncludes child abusers too, id like to know, tysm!! 🫶
Omg ur mom abused you? Well I guess patriarchy and female oppression don’t exist anymore , you got me 😔
Please let all other middle eastern women know too, sound the alarm! Afghani woman, Iranian women, Yemeni women… the oppressive regimes and systemic violence is over! Yay!! ☺️
The tags are everything I know. I am sharing this with every single one to try and spread the word.