Tim Masky - Tumblr Posts

Awww ♡-♡
Tiffany Wright Cool♥️♥️♥️
Tiffany Wright,Tim Wight GenderBend Video ^^
5th and 6th pictures belong to her. :)
Uuu Masky/Tim Cool ♡-♡

Uuuu Masky/Timothy Perfect ♡♡♡

♡♡♡ ♡♡♡ ♡♡♡ ♡♡♡ ♡♡♡ ♡♡♡
Ow...Toby :/

Hahahahaha Masky Hoodie and Toby Super Market Trip

Hoodie:Agh Toby -_-
Masky (İnner Voice):If you'd at least made me comfortable here and left the car, my arms are about to break!
Agh Toby!

Oh come on Masky.
Leave Toby alone so he can enjoy a waffle.
(But as if Masky was right too, right?)

Yooooo first post because I’ve been really interested in Marble Hornets let’s gooo

idk, I was boring and I think this will be funny
Y/N: "S.M.O.G.!"
Toby *In the middle of a dangerous stunt*: "What does that mean?!"
Masky, *walking in*: "SWEET MOTHER OF GOD!"
Toby, *now understanding*: "Ohhh..." *Proceeds to ignore and does the stunt.*
Hoodie, *Walking in*: "S.M.O.G.!"
Toby: "Fuck."
Toby: When I have kids, I can't have them calling me daddy. That word has been over sexualized so much; it would creep me out.
Y/N: *Blushes.* 'He wants kids?'
Tim: First of all, ain't nobody calling you daddy, Toby. Second of all, who would have kids with you?
Y/N: *Blushes even more.*
Tim: ...First of all, ain't nobody calling you daddy, Toby.
Y/N: *Covers her face in her hands.*
Tim: I'm leaving now.

Well, I'm not the moon, I'm not even a star
But awake at night I'll be singing to the birds

@marsopadraws 's template

no im not cropping it

everyone hates jeff
tim/masky hates brian and blames him for jays death by freeing him and essentially setting it in stone that he dies. brain doesn't like toby but toby is blissfully unaware and brian doesnt really know why

molly and ej are both technically demons created by rage and hes one of very few men she doesnt hate
everyone loves kate

slender doesnt fucking care

BEN doesnt like clowns. neither does sally. jack and jill dont like kids. clocky and LJ have beef.

molly is surrounded by women, two big toby ships, jack sort of likes jeff just not when hes the way he is
the girlies win fuck men actually

Lj and jill dont really like eachother, sometimes liu and jane like eachother, dina and nina dont really know how to feel about eachother, molly hates tech because BEN keeps bothering her because jeff deliberately leaves his phone places
slender doesnt really like jeff but hes efficient

Itim/masky and hoody/brian know everything about eachother, same for LJ and jill
molly and ej on the man hating murder spree
dina and molly are both "JUDGEMENT BE UPON YE" and you die
okay thats all byyeeee

Original: @creeps-and-pasta
holy shit is that!!!! a!!! creppypasta!!!! art!?? yes it is finally!!! i remembered i had a canvas with those sketches, didn't had much ideas what to draw, but then creepypasta happened of course i need to draw some shit about creepypasta
so, we have two old sketches of ticcy toby, tim masky and hoody kinda remade sketch of laughting jack and a new one with two jane's
idk which jane is more important to community so i decided to draw two of them
thats all i guess lol

this edible ain’t shi