for example: whatever you post if you end up here this is mostly a reblog blog bc I don't make my own content
64 posts
Ewmoodboardblorbo - I Like Things - Tumblr Blog
this is, honest to god, one of the funniest ads ive seen in a long time.

hello lesbians and bisexuals in my phone i think you may appreciate this one
someone please take me on bookstore dates, and talk with me about books, and our futures and aspirations, and then at the end we exchange our favorite books with each other, and drive home listening to music.

This wonβt make your blog look ugly. How could you not reblog this? REBLOGGING THIS COULD SAVE A LIFE!!!

all my advice about using real athletes to learn drawing bodies beyond hard abs, and my particular pref being wrestlers, also applies to women btw. you can draw women who r strong and not an hourglass shape. fucking do it.

kris statlander, rhea ripley (look at her SHAPE), willow nightingale, ruby soho, these r just four off the top of my head that have obvious musculature and different body types. skye blue and julia hart have more slim cheerleader style bodies as well, i REALLY wanted to put emi sakura who is fucking STOUT (adoring) in this post but i couldn't find a good demonstrative pic, the list goes on
Humans are obsessed with escapism - through movies, books, music, arts, daydreams.
Our souls really weren't made for this world.
I was just saying this in another reblog. Like actually tho. Life is gonna go on.
It's your choice whether you move with it or stay behind

reblog if you're tired of all the spambots on this hellsite (derogatory)

Hey you, youβre finally awake. You were trying to cross the border right? Walked right into that Imperial ambush same as us and that thief over there.
reblog for something t4t to happen to you this summer.
Should go without saying but never date a cop and christ never marry one. Rule of thumb if he's legally untouchable he's ethically unfuckable. You don't like that cop, you like buff men in tight clothing. I can show you more of those, better ones. Take my hand.