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More Posts from Exrankluck
Double Session Ecstasy ☆ Re-o-do VS Momochi Translation

disclaimer: this is 95% AI-generated transcription and translation, some things might be inaccurate or awkward.
【ディア❤ヴォーカリスト】 ダブルセッションエクスタシー 「レオードVSモモチ編」 / Double Session Ecstasy [RE-O-DO VS Momochi Arc]
00:01.786 --> 00:10.786
Yes, yes, this is the photo shoot venue for Veronica. Please don't push, everyone.
00:10.786 --> 00:14.786
Okay, next person please.
00:15.226 --> 00:22.528
Sorry for making you wait so long - eh?! I'm glad you came.
00:22.528 --> 00:33.728
I wouldn't forget about you. You've always come to my lives since the very beginning, and you're such a cute girl, ehehe.
00:33.728 --> 00:40.328
To be honest, I secretly hoped you would come.
00:40.328 --> 00:46.168
It's true. Come here quickly, let's take a photo together.
00:47.168 --> 00:53.488
Huh? What's with this distance? Are you feeling shy?
00:53.488 --> 00:59.248
Last time we took a photo, we were much closer, remember?
00:59.848 --> 01:09.368
Of course, I remember. I told you earlier, didn't I? So, come on.
01:09.368 --> 01:15.568
Hmm, so what should we do today? Do you have any pose requests?
01:15.712 --> 01:40.712
Let me see. I'll decide. Hmmm, a normal pose is boring, right? Last time.. I think we took a photo with me patting your head. Mm, how about holding you? I mean, just put you on my lap.
01:41.728 --> 01:48.728
You're so shy. Come on, come here.
01:48.728 --> 02:00.728
Hey, just so you know, I don't do this with just anyone. You're special.
02:00.728 --> 02:10.640
Look, it seems like everyone is jealous of you. How do you feel?
02:10.640 --> 02:17.640
Okay, let's take a picture like this. Look at the camera. Smile~
02:17.640 --> 02:20.640
Okay, thank you.
02:20.640 --> 02:28.640
Phew, doing this calms me down, so I might not want to talk yet.
02:28.640 --> 02:36.640
Maybe I should just take you home with me like this?
02:36.954 --> 02:41.954
Huh? Do you think I'm teasing you?
02:41.954 --> 02:46.954
I might be serious, you know.
02:46.954 --> 02:54.954
Hey, do you have any plans after this? If you want to...
02:54.954 --> 02:58.954
Oh - plans...
02:58.954 --> 03:00.752
03:00.752 --> 03:09.752
I see. Well, that's too bad, but let's do it another time. Please continue to support me.
03:10.752 --> 03:15.552
Okay, sorry to keep you waiting. Let's move on to the next person.
03:16.432 --> 03:20.112
Hey, aren't you that girl I see often at live shows? The Lumière photo shoot is about to start. Hey, it's you - the top fan! We've been looking for you. Come on, hurry up. The staff said the number one fan is missing.
03:20.112 --> 03:27.952
mmc: Wait, wait, hold on a minute! You're a fan of Veronica, or rather, me, right? Why do you have the Lumière's top fan badge?
03:27.968 --> 03:37.968
Reo: Oi, Momochi, don't give my fan a hard time. Speak up.
03:58.248 --> 04:04.248
mmc: Hah-?! No, no, it's not what you think, Reo-kun. This girl is one of our Veronica fans to begin with.
Reo: - Oh, she's being called. Come on, hurry up.
04:04.248 --> 04:08.248
mmc: Oi, wait! That girl is mine -
04:14.248 --> 04:19.248
mmc: Oh... never mind. I was surprised when you suddenly appeared, Reo.
04:19.248 --> 04:22.248
Okay, next girl, come over here.
04:27.898 --> 04:32.298
Come on, hurry up and get in.
04:33.858 --> 04:36.778
Oh, we talked with the members and decided to do a different kind of photo shoot today. We set up curtains like this, and we'll take selfies together.
04:36.778 --> 04:45.578
Of course, we won't have any staff with us. It's a photo shoot just for the two of us. Other bands aren't doing it, so it should be new and fun. Yosh, let's start taking photos right away.
05:00.560 --> 05:02.560
Hey, come closer over here.
05:05.560 --> 05:07.560
What's that? You won't fit in the frame that way.
05:08.560 --> 05:10.560
Come on, lean towards me more.
05:16.560 --> 05:17.560
That's it.
05:18.560 --> 05:22.560
Hey, make sure to look into the lens over there.
05:23.560 --> 05:24.560
05:25.232 --> 05:32.872
Move a little closer to me. Yeah, that's it. Like you're being held on my shoulder.
05:32.872 --> 05:37.392
Ah, that's nice. Okay, let's go.
05:40.752 --> 05:44.832
Hey, do you have something on your face?
05:44.832 --> 05:52.632
Oh, hey, stay still. Don't move. Okay?
05:53.210 --> 05:56.210
Look, there's a leaf stuck on you.
05:57.210 --> 06:05.210
Why are you so tense? You didn't think you were going to be attacked, did you?
06:07.210 --> 06:14.210
I don't know about other bands, but Lumiere doesn't mess with Minettes and others, so don't worry.
06:07.210 --> 06:14.210
But, well, if you personally like them, that's a different story.
06:23.032 --> 06:29.032
Alright, let's take the picture. What pose should we do? Is this good?
06:32.032 --> 06:35.032
Huh? A heart? How do I do that?
06:37.032 --> 06:47.032
Oh, I see. Got it. Alright, you should put out one hand too. Like this, how's that?
06:47.032 --> 06:52.032
06:52.256 --> 06:54.256
06:54.256 --> 06:57.256
Huh, isn't it good?
06:57.256 --> 07:00.256
Look, see?
07:02.256 --> 07:06.256
What, nothing looks weird.
07:07.256 --> 07:11.256
It’s okay, you look cute enough.
07:11.256 --> 07:14.256
If you really want to, we can take it again.
07:16.256 --> 07:17.256
Don't worry about it.
07:17.872 --> 07:26.552
I know you're always supporting us, and you even lined up early this morning. I'll give you some extra (fan) service for that.
07:26.552 --> 07:29.032
Or maybe...
07:29.152 --> 07:34.632
I could give you an even more special service.
07:35.312 --> 07:39.312
Hey, do you have any plans after this?
07:39.312 --> 07:44.160
Actually, I've been wanting to talk to you for a while.
07:44.160 --> 07:45.160
So it's good -
07:45.160 --> 07:52.160
mmc: Hey, how long are you going to keep doing this? I have something I want to ask you, so come with me quickly.
07:52.160 --> 07:54.160
Reo: Wha... Momochi?
07:55.160 --> 08:01.160
Reo: Hey, we're in the middle of a fan event right now. Don't get in the way.
08:01.160 --> 08:06.160
Reo: Besides, isn't Veronica in the middle of the event too? What are you doing, ignoring your fans?
08:06.160 --> 08:07.160
Reo: Jeez.
08:07.872 --> 08:14.872
Reo: You're going to get scolded by Panda.
mmc: Ehehe, Reo-kun is the same, ignoring all the fans except for that one.
08:14.872 --> 08:21.872
mmc: But really, you borrowed someone else's band's fan just like that, can't you lecture them properly?
08:22.608 --> 08:27.488
mmc: By the way, what have you been staring blankly at since earlier?
08:27.488 --> 08:35.408
mmc: Weren't you following Veronica from the beginning? Why did you switch to Lumiere? I'm so shocked.
08:37.408 --> 08:41.488
Reo: Hey, didn't I tell you not to say weird things to my fans?
08:41.488 --> 08:43.488
Reo: Let go!
08:43.968 --> 08:50.128
Reo: This person is one of the fans who has been supporting us since Lumiere was formed. You have no right to say anything to them.
08:50.128 --> 08:53.728
mmc: What? Since the formation...
08:53.728 --> 08:56.928
mmc: Huh!? What's that!?
08:56.928 --> 09:01.128
mmc: Are you saying you've been two-timing us all along? Two-timing...
09:01.128 --> 09:05.768
Reo: Hey, Momochi, that's not cool!
09:10.432 --> 09:15.192
mmc: That's what two-timing means!
09:15.192 --> 09:22.552
mmc: Anyways, saying things like “I support both of them!” is the least trustworthy thing a fan can say!
09:22.552 --> 09:29.632
mmc: …A~h, I'm really disappointed in you.
09:29.744 --> 09:46.744
mmc: But you know what, I can forgive you just this once ♡ Cut ties with Lumiere right now and declare that you'll support Veronica from now on.
09:47.104 --> 09:56.104
mmc: How about it? It's easy, right? Come on, swear it. Right now. Come on!!
09:56.104 --> 10:05.104
Reo: Hey, Momochi, if you had been listening quietly since earlier, are you stupid? There's no way this person will stop being my fan.
10:05.104 --> 10:14.104
Reo: This person has been supporting us since our indie days, they are a passionate Minette. They are different from Veronica's flimsy fans.
10:14.104 --> 10:15.104
mmc: Wait a minute.
10:15.312 --> 10:19.312
mmc: Hey, don't make fun of my cheers.
10:19.312 --> 10:24.312
mmc: Anyways, what's so great about Lumiere?
10:24.312 --> 10:26.312
mmc: I don't get it at all.
10:26.312 --> 10:33.312
Reo: Ha! Someone as low-level as you could never understand our music.
10:33.312 --> 10:36.312
Reo: Right? You think the same, don't you?
10:36.312 --> 10:39.312
Reo: Come on, say it.
10:39.312 --> 10:44.312
Reo: Tell me how awesome and insane the music of Lumiere, the one you're supporting, is.
10:46.266 --> 10:51.766
Reo: Right? I knew you'd get it! Keep supporting Lumiere from now on! Seriously! I'm counting on you!
l10:51.766 --> 10:55.766
mmc: Hey, you just kissed, didn't you!? On the cheek!!
10:55.766 --> 11:11.728
Reo: So what? A kiss is just a form of greeting overseas.
11:11.728 --> 11:17.048
mmc: Ah, I can't handle this. It's too much for fan service.
11:17.048 --> 11:19.368
mmc: I'll tell the president later.
11:19.368 --> 11:24.008
Reo: Fine, do whatever you want. That panda doesn't scare me at all.
11:24.008 --> 11:31.368
mmc: Whatever, I don't care what happens.
11:31.368 --> 11:36.648
mmc: But seriously, you don't understand anything.
11:36.648 --> 11:43.648
mmc: When it comes to singing, I'm definitely better than Reo-o-do, and when it comes to kissing, I'm better too.
11:50.168 --> 11:52.488
Reo: Wha- !! M-Momochi…
11:52.488 --> 11:56.968
Reo: No way, Momochi, don't mess around. You're being too excessive with fan service.
11:56.968 --> 12:02.288
mmc: And besides, you did it to me first, so I just did it back.
11:56.968 --> 12:02.288
mmc: Don't forget that she is also a fan of Veronica~
12:07.328 --> 12:12.848
Reo: Hey, you better back off from Veronica right now, or Momochi will eat you alive.
12:12.848 --> 12:20.168
mmc: But it was Reo-o-do who made the first move, wasn't it? Just leave him alone.
12:20.168 --> 12:23.528
mmc: Come here with me instead.
12:23.824 --> 12:26.824
mmc: It's useless to keep quiet like that, you know?Until we hear a clear answer from you, neither I nor Reo-o-do will be satisfied.
12:26.824 --> 12:30.824
Reo: That's right.
12:30.824 --> 12:33.824
mmc: If we don't hear a clear answer from you, both I and Reo-do-o won't be convinced.
12:33.824 --> 12:35.824
Reo: That's true.
12:35.824 --> 12:38.824
Reo: Come on, you know the answer yourself, don't you? Then say it already.
12:38.824 --> 12:40.824
Reo + mmc: Which one did you choose?

( ◜‿◝ )♡

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