The Untamed | Word of Honor | KinnPorsche | 4 Minutes | The Glory | Beyond Evil
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Do you ever see discourse and it's a handful of assholes and a whole lot of people who are just angry at one another because they don't even stop to realize they're having two different conversations
men should be sluttier and more vulnerable
You agree. Reblog.

Hanguang Jun must have been very nice to you.

He's so gorgeous
if I put my pretentious literary criticism hat on, Tonkla is The Lover archetype. The Lover is motivated by a need for emotional and phsyical intimacy. The shadow or dark side of The Lover is manipulation, the use of seduction.
But Win sees Tonkla as The Innocent archetype. Someone pure, optimistic. In literature, The Innocent's role is usually to face a loss of their innocence and, in the end, maintain their sense of optimism about the world. When Win starts to say he wants Tonkla to still believe there are good cops, it's partially bullshit but is probably also how he's rationalizing what he's doing for himself. And I think it's reflective of how he sees Tonkla.
Win understands his role as The Hero, someone who is going to save the day through his courage and integrity against the corruption in the police force. He thinks Tonkla is going to rely on him to make things right.
But that's not Tonkla's story. Win doesn't know that because he doesn't really know him. Tonkla isn't an innocent who needs his faith restored through the actions of this one good cop. And it leads to disaster.
I've also been seeing people say win loved tonkla, which I think is furthest from the truth. Infatuated and slightly obsessed yes but love I highly doubt it. And also I've seen people say tonkla stopped loving korn based on the scene where korn came to his house after God knows how long and because of how he told him all the things he did during their last scene before their deaths, which is something I also highly doubt.
If you wouldn't mind I would like to see your thoughts on this :)
I think you're right that it is more about infatuation and obsession for Win. Win is so difficult because we don't see any of his motivations directly. We have to read into what we do see, which is just an instant interest in Tonkla and an attraction to him. Maybe he thinks it's love or care, but he doesn't even really know Tonkla.
I think it's something that is very open to interpretation, and people can decide what they think about it.
But to me Win's attachment to Tonkla feels very objectifying. Not just in a sexual way, but in that Tonkla is more of an object than a person to Win. Like, Win is supposed to be a principled cop who actually believes in justice. He thinks of himself that way. And Tonkla, who is a sad, pretty man being wronged by the justice system, is more like a symbol or representative of the victim he feels he's protecting or working for.
As for Tonkla's feelings for Korn, they were together for years. I think it took a lot of strength for him to tell Korn to leave, to set some of his own boundaries around how Korn treats him. It wasn't really a breakup though. It wasn't a "never come back" or something like that.
Later, Tonkla leaves Win in bed alone and is thinking of their first time and holding the cat collar. Probably thinking all kinds of things about their relationship, but that doesn't say "I don't love him anymore" to me.

4 minutes the series
your wip just called. hey man your wip just called. its asking where you've been man.
I've also been seeing people say win loved tonkla, which I think is furthest from the truth. Infatuated and slightly obsessed yes but love I highly doubt it. And also I've seen people say tonkla stopped loving korn based on the scene where korn came to his house after God knows how long and because of how he told him all the things he did during their last scene before their deaths, which is something I also highly doubt.
If you wouldn't mind I would like to see your thoughts on this :)
I think you're right that it is more about infatuation and obsession for Win. Win is so difficult because we don't see any of his motivations directly. We have to read into what we do see, which is just an instant interest in Tonkla and an attraction to him. Maybe he thinks it's love or care, but he doesn't even really know Tonkla.
I think it's something that is very open to interpretation, and people can decide what they think about it.
But to me Win's attachment to Tonkla feels very objectifying. Not just in a sexual way, but in that Tonkla is more of an object than a person to Win. Like, Win is supposed to be a principled cop who actually believes in justice. He thinks of himself that way. And Tonkla, who is a sad, pretty man being wronged by the justice system, is more like a symbol or representative of the victim he feels he's protecting or working for.
As for Tonkla's feelings for Korn, they were together for years. I think it took a lot of strength for him to tell Korn to leave, to set some of his own boundaries around how Korn treats him. It wasn't really a breakup though. It wasn't a "never come back" or something like that.
Later, Tonkla leaves Win in bed alone and is thinking of their first time and holding the cat collar. Probably thinking all kinds of things about their relationship, but that doesn't say "I don't love him anymore" to me.
It's fanfiction it doesn't have to be perfect it doesn't have to be accurate this is a hobby you're doing this for fun it's okay if it isn't perfect and polished you're doing it for fun [talking to myself in the mirror]
I know I'm very late but I don't understand why so many people had so much vitriol against korn and claimed that he took advantage of tonkla while he was extremely vulnerable but in the same breath rooted for win as if he didn't also see an obviously grieving and emotionally vulnerable person ( who was also on drugs I assume ) and decided to sleep him
oh my GOD, anon, that was one of my biggest frustrations!!!
Not only was Tonkla also vulnerable when Win visited him, Win is a cop and Tonkla was the family member of the victim! If all we're going to do is look at potential power dynamics and stop the analysis right there, Win was far worse than Korn!
But we don't stop there because that's a superficial, boring way to see characters when we're capable of seeing how complex and layered the situation is. Tonkla used Win, he chose to use Win. But Win ALSO abused his position!
My impression is that Korn hate came from a few places and some of it was motivated by ship/stan war type attitudes. So there were people who were hating on KornTonkla because it took time away from GreatTyme, and I don't think there was necessarily much defense or preference for WIn there because they were still mad Tonkla got all that screen time.
Then there were people who hated Korn because Fuaiz and JJay are a branded pair and that's who they wanted to see together, and some of them made the assumption that the branded pair would be endgame so they put Korn in the bad guy role and interpreted everything he did the worst way possible. That's where preference for Win based on any kind of weird moralizing made no sense at all.
I'm not saying everyone who hated Korn fell into those two groups, but they were the really annoying ones.
Worst pain

Battle of the Writers | Ep 9 Seven different angles, I can be your fantasy
whenever people want to make kink/consent negotiation in fiction an issue of morality i just want to scream about what the fuck a story is, which is CHANGE initiated by CONFLICT, not a guide to healthy, ethical living
I am glad someone wasn’t afraid to produce this toxic mess I can watch every Sunday for entertainment.
down with found family. UP with FOUND DIVORCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i have a lot of work to do to get all my info organized correctly but this is so satsifying now that it's working

watching bad guy my boss is like i'm 20-something again and buying random yaoi dvd's to watch with friends at a con and the entire time we're baffled and turned on and we can't stop watching
"Bad Guy My Boss" is basically: my boss - who pays me well and respects my work - is unfortunately a big, rude asshole but also hot af and horny on main and I have a crush on him since years and now he suddenly thinks I am the tastiest meat around.
It feels like I watch a tacky erotic novel but with damn good cinematography and soundtrack. It's amazing.
He's not gods strongest soldier but he's so funny about it!


i should watch something else this guy is in beacuse i need to know if i love this absolutely repulsive character in Beyond Evil just because the actor is so charasmatic

none of my KPTS fics are abadnoned but some of them require multiple months and years of stewing in my mind and being shuffled around with various other priorities before they'll be finished 😑
BUT Teach Me How to Feel Real is going to be done by the end of the year if I have to shut myself away and order takeout for a week solid to get it done
But tbh i think fasai has some inner ”evil” going on w herself too lmao 🤣🤣😭 I actually think she's also capable of k wording someone.. I mean it runs in the blood i guess.. I remembered how much I wanted to see a fasai and tonkla face off ... that would be so interesting and intense.... these beauties are fighting eo for Korn.. Lol.. 😀😆
I definitely think she's capable!!
I think I agree with @impala124 that if she thought killing Tonkla would lose her control over Korn she probably wouldn't. But I do see her as a controlling abuser and one who is perfectly capable of deciding to kill him if she thought he was a threat to her control over Korn.
this is so true, i might have underestimated Tonkla in a Tonkla vs Fasai situation

A question to everyone:
What if Korn and Fasai got married, do you think his relationship with Tonkla would continue?
Everyone! What do you think??
Personally I don't think either of them are able to actually make the break with one another even under those circumstances. But if Fasai knows about it I wouldn't put it past her and her father to get rid of Tonkla one way or another.