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Fixations on fictional subjects in the form of rants, writing prompts, head canons, and so on. We'll see where this leads us. (They/Them) (The banner is from r/place 2023)I make impulsive posts because I get struck with ideas late at night and don't schedule my posts because I like seeing my mistakes in real time /hj.

993 posts

'Two Enter, One Leaves' Gacha Trend

'Two Enter, One Leaves' Gacha Trend


Hi, yes, I have discovered a trend. My problem is though is that it includes assumed death (or kermit sewer slide) or just straight up shows it, but. Gacha is a kids game and therefore most of the viewers on gacha videos are children. Technically you could say that 'your content is for more mature audiences' but unless you explicitly say it in the video or in the title (but god knows children probably dont read the full title) then the blame is technically on you. Otherwise though, then it is on the viewer for continuing on despite the warnings (though it's a little complicated for how it works with children since they're still kinda learning..?)

But who started the trend thinking that itd be a good idea?? guys

I dont even think all of them give a proper TW for whats shown and then it sets a bad example. Either it triggers someone legitimately, or it tells someone that putting that in their own video is fine and that they dont need to put a trigger warning or do anything special with it.

Hasn't it been like a few years now?? I've not been keeping up to speed with wtf is going on in the community but I think a lot of us should be more mature now, but then there are people setting bad examples to more newer people in the gacha community that then leads into a spiral and just-


Theres sexual trends, there's sewer slide trends, KIDNAPPING--

i cant


Remember I think there was this Clarity trend where someone pushes someone else off a roof?????

Then there was that whole kinda phase (trend?) where everyone was acting kinda depressed and having the fuckin bracelets that be red to show S/H and they wear all black, with probably a hoodie???

then theres this one trend that shows a kid being kidnapped and then this other character (main oc here) going on a skateboard and assumedly stopping the dood

theres so many trends that are kind of a problem :')

  • ai-chaneko
    ai-chaneko liked this · 2 years ago

More Posts from Fictionfixations

2 years ago

what happened?????

I'm just seeing Doc's tweets from like a few hours ago in a reblog on tumblr from a blog i follow so then I go to his twitter and I see that yeah, those tweets are there and something something about the chat reporting system and I'm so fucking confused but people reblogging the post have tags supporting doc or that the chat reporting system is fucked or something and I just


Guys what did I miss D:

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2 years ago

Next Life Series Hopes and Kinda thoughts?

Honestly? I hope Scar wins the next life series, and while others could probably win too, I think it just kinda makes sense in a way?

The first one with Desert Duo, Grian won.

2nd had Scott winning, and the 3rd had Pearl, in which those two were a pair this season, and this season too Grian and Scar were a pair again, meaning out of those two pairs Scar still needs a win.

Also kinda hope Jimmy isn't the first to die though? It would be funny, but like, it can only go so long until it's tiring to both parties.

I wouldn't mind someone else winning though, but Scar does a lot, he's not completely oblivious, and he has potential, and I think I'd like it if he could show it and finally win, even if it were him and Grian teamed again [though I doubt it] and Grian was mainly seen as the one who helped him get there, because Scar still would've had to do something to get there, and I think he really needs that.

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2 years ago

Hello everyone!

I am here to announce something I've been working quite a while on now, (especially on scheduling and planning), and that is...

Drum roll if you may......

The Maniacal Double Life Server!

A friendly to all, double sessioned, cross platform, double life life server!!

(That's in desperate need of players.)

And you can learn more about it by either joining the discord server linked below, or going down even further to the "read more" option.

Have fun!

Now I'm sure your a little bit confused on one part: "Double-sessioned".

And what I mean by that, is that we will have two sessions each "recording day", that way players in very seperate timezones can play!

Which is why we need more players in the first place, because we lack enough players to make both sides equal/have a amount of players that would last longer than two seconds with the soulmate pairs.

Session 1 runs from 2-4pm (CST) & Session 2 runs from 6-8pm (CST), making them each 2 hours long total.

And we will be starting on the 8th of August, due to scheduling concerns for most players on earlier dates.

IP and that information will be listed in the discord server. It is required you join it in order to play, sadly, because most communications will be through VC.

Let's just say we couldn't get the voice plugin to work.. haha.

Anyways, if you have any further questions don't be afraid to let me know, (I am very tired atm and bound to have missed something) and uhm, yeah!

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2 years ago

Helluva Boss S2 Ep1 Thoughts


Stolas as a kid is adorable and the way he just squeaks like a toy when someone pats him on like the head or puts something on his head (when the butler puts the crown on his head he just squeaks like a toy and its so fucking cute)

on an unrelated note, i find the framed art piece thing of stolas being an egg with a crown on top adorable (AND THEN theres the progression and can i just say his stuffie just being with him? ADORABLE-)

His dad is a piece of shit.

I MEAN COME ON- Not even bothering to know your son's name before you go meet him to tell him his responsibilities? AND THEN asking the butler in FRONT OF HIM what his name was (well whispering BUT THE FUCKING AUDACITY-)

hate him so much

also stolas having a crush on blitzo????? aYOO??? It went *THAT* far?

(also Fizzaroli[?] and Blitzo being brothers confirmed? I dont know if it was confirmed anywhere else besides guesses by the fandom)

I mean well possibly? They were together and I think in season 1 finale theres a photo I think of Fizz, Blitzo, and what I think is his mom?? i cant remember ngl and currently sleep deprived writing this

Honestly though back on track to the story, when Blitzo proposed the idea of a treasure hunt game where they basically steal stuff- i was honestly fearing that something bad was going to happen. but i guess it didnt because whats a few riches compared to your son being out of your way for a day? haha. his dad is a bitch and im so fucking glad Stolas grew up to be better.

Can I mention though that Blitzo's dad just guilt tripping him and shit to steal it even though he's scared of getting caught just for the sake of them being able to do well better. From what I've seen I think it's good enough as it is and I feel like he was just being fuckin greedy.

Also I hate Stella- i don't even think I need to say why. It's clear isn't it? AND EVEN WHEN YOU REALIZE THATS HOW ITS BEEN--




it really gives more insight into what was going on, what happened, blah blah blah

also Blitz just kinda using that night to get Stolas' grimoire really didn't hit well with me. I know though that he still somewhat cares (considering he didn't just leave Stolas tied up and actually gave him a good time)

its just awful

id hope the divorce goes smoothly but nothing really goes well in this show besides probably m&m

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2 years ago

SCU x DSMP Crossover Series talk


unrelated thought but like

so my SCU x DSMP Crossover series where I have it called 'OVOH' or 'Only Violence on Humans'

would it be funny if Dream was the only human there

I mean I don't know who I want to have Tommy meet and include but like

what if everyone was a hybrid or of some magic kinda origin and Dream was just the only human so as to say 'only violence on dream' lmAO

thatd probably not work though because thered probably be some character thatd be of human origin ? I mean there's Wilbur but technically he'd be ghostbur so not human-- do I *want* to revive him? I dont even know how I'll get to that because this Tommy I'd like to think is more calculated in general.

He's smart and takes things into account and kinda plans it out from there. He's not like C!Tommy who is kinda more reckless and loud mouthed, sometimes stating things without thinking them through, but the reason C!Tommy tried to kill Dream while he was in prison was kinda due to recklessness (don't get me wrong, his plan was pretty cool though and ALMOST worked- cant blame him for not being able to hold back long enough, not when the idea of his abuser finally being killed by his own hands is so close.)

SCU!Tommy already doesn't like Dream of course, but would see no reason to go back when Dream is already in prison, and try to kill him?? I mean Dream hasn't even really traumatized him and he, I quote, "doesn't remember" (we know the real answer). Can I mention too that ABSOLUTELY NOBODY knows what happened in exile? Dream and C!Tommy were the only ones who knew to what extent it went, and even Dream would probably leave some parts out or say things with bias, being like 'he deserved it' or some shit like that. Wilbur does not know because Ghostbur thought it was just a vacation, and therefore Revivedbur would be under the same impression until C!Tommy said otherwise

SCU!Tommy in fact would not say otherwise if Ghostbur referred to the exile as 'vacation' because SCU!Tommy would not know the difference, and would also not know what was true or not, as having not been warned of the ghost's forgetfulness of bad memories. (But I don't know if Ghostbur and Sam have interacted long enough for Sam to know? And it'd be weird to just have a huge paragraph lore-dumping when it just.. doesn't fit.)

Unless Dream breaks out

except I literally haven't watched the Prison Break stream?? I know Ran died because that was everywhere, and I've seen some stuff of his ghost but like zero idea how he escaped

but so

SCU!Tommy would probably pick up on what Ghostbur talks about about Alivebur to somewhat gain an idea of that Alivebur wasn't a good person

and later probably when Ghostbur would mention about maybe wanting to be brought back to life.. SCU!Tommy technically has no reason to. Alivebur would know C!Tommy more then SCU!Tommy does and therefore would know when something is wrong and completely blow his cover, but Ghostbur is easy to manipulate.

I'd like to think Tubbo would know Tommy enough to do that as well, but I'd say they have also been far enough from each other for there to be a change. Tubbo being more mature, and Tommy being.. different. I think they managed to talk it out at one point, though I didn't see the stream, but I do think that the exile really.. put a bit of a distance, a block between them.

He'd most likely from what I'd like to think probably be hesitant to point out anything that might be different then the Tommy he knows.

TW: mention of cannibalism, manipulation (there are a shit ton of paragraphs over this)

I think though.. The only one who can give a true answer to what happened, would be Dream, who had been there since the beginning, despite how much he lies and would take any chance he gets to have control over the other.

I bet with time he'll come to realize that this Tommy isn't his, and that's all the more fun isn't it? To play with someone different yet so familiar. Who ticks almost the same way, who can act the same too if the cards are played right, yet so so different in the same ways.

SCU!Tommy will probably come to realize that Dream has the answers.

The question is if he'll go in pursuit of it, I mean SCU!Tommy fuckin despises Dream with the small amount of time spent around the other.

But SCU!Tommy is still a kid, isn't he?

Dream would probably fucking break him once he realizes exactly how he works.

I dunno, figure out how SCU!Tommy craves flesh, use it against him, make him starve until he's so fucking desperate, to be able to get inside his head and control him, and of course the rest of the SMP would have zero idea of Tommy's zombie self, because they believe that he doesn't remember, not that he is a different person entirely.

The thing is, is that I like manipulation. I want to write about it because it's a weird unhealthy obsession I have. My only problem though is that I can't actually write good manipulation.

Honestly I've only ever been on the victim's side of manipulation, and maybe that'd be enough, considering I'd be writing from the victim's POV, but I have to write the manipulator's actions, how he talks, how he'd be thinking and then correlate that to what he's showing, and I think- Dream can't help himself when he has control. It's just a thrill, that he can't stop himself from showing. I think he's a bit of a prideful and egotistical man.

I'd like to say that during when SCU!Tommy was in prison, Dream seeing SCU!Tommy kinda freeze up at the mention of Dream reviving him, with his weak '..what?'

And he got ahead of himself, sprouting bullshit about how he is a god, controlling life and death.

Maybe with C!Tommy it would've broke him, realizing just how much control the masked dickhead has- maybe it would've made him afraid.

But SCU!Tommy is not like that. He does not care, and instead gets annoyed at him. SCU!Tommy does not have as much experience dealing with Dream as C!Tommy does.

Basically figuring out how Dream thinks and acts and putting that into writing, as well as figuring out how SCU!Tommy, or at least my headcanon version of him acts in response to Dream is.. complicated, to say the least.

SCU!Tommy is not weak, and Dream's need to intimidate him and make him feel small and weak for that bit of control will irritate him. That is not to say that SCU!Tommy cannot be broken enough to be weak to the other, but that SCU!Tommy is strong in his own right, and will not be easy to break, like C!Tommy before, who was a spitfire of insults but broke during exile.

They are both manipulators, SCU!Tommy and Dream, but Dream is the one who is more extreme out of the two. SCU!Tommy is more to befriend them, to gain their trust before backstabbing them, nothing more.

Dream is the one to gain total control of them, break them until all they can do is rely on him, depend on him to survive, to just fucking live, where he takes everything away that isn't him, where he punishes and breaks until they are molded to just fucking listen and do as he says, and only him.

Can I mention too that SCU!Tommy has really only been seen to target assumedly adults (I doubt any children are alive actually.)

Meanwhile Dream is targeting children, minors. Sure, he does the occasional manipulation of an adult, but his is very much worse.

SCU!Tommy will probably fucking HATE people like Dream, but he knows when to act onto that hatred and when not to. [SCU!Tommy saying to Charlie that he doesn't deserve his brain. something something, SCU!Tommy assumedly backing down for now and rejoining him until at a later time where he's JUST about to reach his goal, to strike back with his army.]


bro i really wanna fuckin write disc duo lmao and i know that people can do out of order oneshots in series because ive seen some where they do a oneshot of something far off in the future and then later make one that happens before that one but like aAAaa

but I dont know the full storyline lOl

how does Dream get out of prison (or how do we get Tommy in the prison with a viable reason?) it cant even be that soon either because Sam would probably stop him -


SOBS I JUST REALIZED I MADE HIM HAVE 2 HEARTS IN THE PART 2 ??? BUT HE LOST ONE LIFE DURING THE PRISON BREAK I THINK- BRO I READ IT TOO D: 'Killed by Dream in Pandora's Vault on February 4, 2022.' AND READING THE WIKI, ITS WAY AFTER THE PRISON BREAK?? (the prison break was on like november or something is this why the lore is so fucking confusing ?? i feel like ive missed everything)

guys why did no one tell me


I might have SCU!Tommy meet Ghostbur though next? I dont know, Ghostbur's like everywhere and I dont know who to have him meet next D:

i dont think his priority either is learning about what happened since it isn't necessary tho? considering hes going with not remembering ..?

He'd probably just go off on his own to survive

do you think Tubbo's compass that leads to Tommy would lead to him? no wait isnt it a lodestone compass

or am i wrong? cause otherwise it would point Tubbo to the hole of Logsteshire

so it means nothing basically- what even happened to the compasses??

aGGHhh why is this so hard to think of

i think i have to settle for requests D:

anyway, uh..

also I have no idea what C!Tommy's doing, unless for some reason the SCU universe completely resets and goes all back again but I don't have the creativity to think of what SCU!Tommy was doing before he met Charlie, and assumedly had already escaped long before, as he acts with experience.

i dont know how old SCU!Tommy actually is though, but I'd assume he's a minor?


also writing this has finally given me an idea of how I want SCU!Tommy to act onto his zombie urges (maybe when starved long enough he loses all self control and just fucking goes after the first thing he sees thats living.) its a fucking thrill that fills him and its addictive.

no doubt tho he will probably stock up enough once he realizes the creepy crawlies that are out at night and (when he realizes that those zombies are not the same as his, and therefore removes his guilt) probably just fuckin kill them all for their flesh.

Maybe SCU!Tommy doesn't even care about zombies? maybe he used to be human- he had a family, SBI maybe and Wilbur had gone on a reality show with a fake name, and the others were.. MIA somehow.

Maybe. And maybe he was only with the zombies because he was a mix of both human and zombies, and therefore did not fit on either side (oddly reminds me of Tokyo Ghoul)

BUT thats really hitting headcanon territory lmao, but I have already been hitting there aghhh

but I dont wanna go too far

I probably wont lol. like I said, I dont have the creative juices for C!Tommy POV in SCU

anyway thats enough talk before i spoil too much of the series but I probably already have lol
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