Double Life Smp - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

A common theme I think you'll find with me is that I really do like drawing them with flowers.

A Common Theme I Think You'll Find With Me Is That I Really Do Like Drawing Them With Flowers.

I'm home, I found you some new flowers. Hope you like them.

Inktober Day 6: Bouquet

I also do enjoy flower symbolism. (Based on quick Google searches)

Daisies: Loyalty/Loyal love; can also represent keeping a secret between friends

Daffodils: Forgiveness or Appreciation

Camellias: Love, Adoration, and Longing

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2 years ago

Oh my goodness, this is incredible!!! Absolutely adorable!! I love your color choice and character poses, so fun of motion! They look so happy together, my heart!! And I agree, love that shirt desigh!!

Also I'll happily spin you!!!😏💃

Desert Duo Dancing! Some Girl Wanna Spin Me Around Like This? /j

Desert duo dancing! Some girl wanna spin me around like this? /j

Grian skirt design by @b1ttersweet-dreams ! I love their design sm

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9 months ago


Characters: Grian, Scar, mentioned Ren, mentioned Martyn, mentioned BigB

Fandoms: Third Life SMP, Double Life SMP

When a bird is threatened, they puff up their wing feathers to make themselves appear larger.


“Why do you always do that?” Scar asked.

“Do what?” Grian responded.

“Whenever Ren or Martyn, or any of Dogwarts or the Crastle are around, you always puff up your wings.”

“Oh.” Grian flushed slightly. “It’s a bird thing.”

“Tell me!!” Scar pestered.

“Well, whenever a bird is feeling threatened, it puffs up its wings to appear larger to predators. I didn’t even realize I was doing it, actually.”

“Awww,” Scar cooed. “Is the little birdie afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?”

“Shut up!” Grian shoved him, the wings on his head curling in front of his eyes in an attempt to hide his blushing face. “It’s just an instinctual thing!”

“Alright,” replied Scar, sounding conceited. “But…” He hesitated. “You never fluff them up around me…?”

Grian blushed harder, face turning red. “I… I guess my instincts don’t see you as a predator…” he replied, muffling his face in his sleeve.

“R-really?” Scar asked. “I mean, I’m red and all, and you aren’t allowed to attack me unless to defend your-“

Grian cut him off by taking his hand in his own. “Scar. Look at me.”

Scar obliged, lifting his head to stare at Grian, red eyes meeting green.

“I trust you Scar. More than anyone else. I know you would never hurt me or lie to me, and I would never do anything to you either. I trust you.”

Scar stuttered a meager protest but was cut off by Grian repeating himself once more.

“I trust you Scar. My instincts trust you. I will always love you, and I will always trust you because I know that I will not betray you, and you will not betray me.”

Scar smiled as he looked back up at Grian, their eyes meeting, red on green.


Yellow eyes met yellow as Scar looked up at Grian, smiling a false smile that Grian had only ever seen pointed at enemies.

“Wait how did you get these cookies?” Grian asked, glancing down at the treats in his hand. A few feathers pointed slightly out of place and wings raised so slightly that Scar almost couldn’t tell. Anyone else would not have noticed the small tells, but Scar and Grian knew everything about each other, from long nights of smiles and wing preening and sand and untold secrets that became told in each others’ embrace.

“I made 'em,” Scar replied. "They're for your secret soulmate."

Grian startled, a small blink that was almost imperceptible. His wings puffed up to much larger than their original size, his head wings curling slightly in front of his face as if to make it so Scar couldn’t see his eyes subtly glance towards the door.

“I don't know what you're talking about.”

I tried to make as many parallels between the two parts, and you should be able to see them all. I spent way too long on this, and also looked up the words they actually said during the secret soulmate scene. Anyways, I'm really proud of this!!

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2 years ago
Double Life Aftermath Emotions. Feel Free To Draw And Add On To This With Your Own Thoughts And Feeling

Double life aftermath emotions. Feel free to draw and add on to this with your own thoughts and feeling of the finale.

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2 years ago

sometimes i think about how THOROUGHLY impulse latched onto bdubs in double life. how impulse was almost like, uncanny levels of cheerful, and was clearly almost trying not to look at anything that might be wrong. how you could see that falling apart a little as he and bdubs got to red lives. and then, that final death, the way it showed bdubs as having killed him in his death message. and then i think about impulse from third life and impulse from last life and think. it must be overwhelming, for someone like impulse, to suddenly have the full attention of bdubs deciding that you're his special little guy. for once, you're the lucky one. you have bdubs right here. you have this guy who is basically known for being loyal to an insane degree to like, one person ever. do you think impulse just wanted to hold onto that. no matter what else was happening. no matter what else was wrong. do you think impulse just wanted to come first for once. to be trusted by the person he cared about for once. to be unconditionally by someone's side for once. because i do. i think that. i think traffic!impulse very much would have wanted to finally be trusted, to be valuable. and i think he would never forget that death message. the fact that at the very end, this person still stabbed him in the back. don't you think? do you ever just think about impulse,

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1 year ago
Screenshot Redraw From @closet-thing's "cmon Marianne + Stronger" Animatic! [click For Quality :)]
Screenshot Redraw From @closet-thing's "cmon Marianne + Stronger" Animatic! [click For Quality :)]

screenshot redraw from @closet-thing's "cmon marianne + stronger" animatic! [click for quality :)]

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2 years ago


Alright, so theory/compiling of evidence. Please note the following could all be considered spoilers.

Many life series people have ended streams early today or canceled (Martyn, Impulse, Jimmy, Cleo, and Tango)

Impulse is a really bad liar and was about to raid Martyn but remembered he was about to end "what a weird coincidence"

Jimmy said he needed to end the stream so he could "record a different series" and then corrected himself saying "I mean thing"

Scott, Bdubs, and Impulse have all changed their skins to double life or their basic skins (ones they use for life series)

Grian said last month that we might get a new life series "in March"

Cleo had to cancel the stream due to a "group recording"

Please tell me if I'm missing something becuase I'm going a little crazy! :)

If anything this just shows that the people who watch the life series are all just detectives at heart

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2 years ago
I Am Going Crazy Waiting For The New Season Of The Traffic Light/life Series So I Made A Collection Of

I am going crazy waiting for the new season of the traffic light/life series so I made a collection of “stickers” from previous seasons (they are based off Grian, Scar, Bdubs, and Pearl’s life series perspectives!)

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2 years ago

Alright, 12 hours to go here are my life series season 4 theories. I've been wondering what the clocks mean along with everyone else, I personally think it could be nothing but that gives me nothing to wonder about so... What if instead of 24 hours it is 24 minutes. They start with 24 minutes on a timer in session 1 and lose a life every time they run out (resetting the timer until final death, 3 more or less?) But if they get a kill their timer resets without them losing a life and possibly permanently increases the amount it resets to (one kill adds 5 minutes give or take). So now if their timer resets it resets to a higher amount than 24.

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2 years ago
Pearl Is Fine If You Kill Her And Her Friends But If You Even Think About Touching Her Pets She Will

Pearl is fine if you kill her and her friends but if you even think about touching her pets she will never stop coming for you…

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2 years ago

Trafficblr is #1 lol

I honestly think that the fact that #1 is trafficblr which is higher than MANDALORIAN more people on Tumblr are talking about a Minecraft youtube series than a tv show with 3 seasons that they spent 102 MILLION on in one season LMAO I love this fandom :)

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