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Fixations on fictional subjects in the form of rants, writing prompts, head canons, and so on. We'll see where this leads us. (They/Them) (The banner is from r/place 2023)I make impulsive posts because I get struck with ideas late at night and don't schedule my posts because I like seeing my mistakes in real time /hj.

993 posts

YTTD Thoughts

YTTD Thoughts

i cant even try to think of every trigger. YTTD is a death game. There are children. I'm warning you there, be fuckin careful, and if you don't think you can handle it please skip this post.

So- Honestly I forgot about this for awhile because I don't actually interact in the YTTD fandom (I wouldn't even be surprised if I ended up missing some update for like the next chapter part thingy)

but then I was scrolling on my tumblr and saw a YTTD crack post and realized 'oh yeah'

and now I'm here

Honestly??? That game was all sorts of fucked, and not in the mean and offensive way. I mean..

So I'm not gonna lie and say I remember everyone's name, because I don't, BUT WHAT THE FUCK-

okay, yes, hi, death game- I liked Danganronpa, I liked this too- EXCEPT EVERYONE WAS AT DIFFERENT AGES???? Well not everyone everyone, BUT THERE WERE CHILDREN- Children, Adults, Elders, HOLY FUCK

And then remember professor whats his name? THAT FIRST VOTE WAS SO FUCKING FUCKED

it gives me shivers just thinking about how the metal of the collar burned at him until his head gave way and he became decapitated, head falling into his student's arms


i didnt really think about it though because i was in focus mode, meaning i dont realize how triggering shit is until i go back to think about it (also because not much actually triggers me, ive become desensitized to this shit)

but holy shit.




okay i think i was dumb because -- okay so i think his card made it so he had to be voted out to win and i dont think he got voted out ?

but i was dumb and i didnt realize who had which card until joe said something about how i didnt vote for him and realized ..



jesus fuck

and then i think in the next part where we got to the next floor or something ? ?? so .. i kind of liked it, with the minigames, though it was hard as fuck and only served to make me even more nervous? (THAT DANCE GAME WAS NOT POSSIBLE WITHOUT RECORDING IT ISTG- WHAT THE FUCK ??? i even tried writing it down but i couldnt do it so i googled it and people were literally just recording it and going back to see what it was ???)

but so the coin thing

with the hallucination thing- i think there was a sanity bar? something like that. I actually didn't wanna go to the other doll person who I think set the bar back down or something- and honestly, I don't actually like horror, well playing horror, and theres very few horror games that I can deal with, but like.. I liked the hallucinations. Also I think I got a bad ending because it was too high and looking at the wiki I did ? I think Gin found me or something but I was gone.

So then I went back to my save and went to the person thingy and got rid of it and then i found out i kinda liked that ? i dont know, i have very messed up and unhealthy intentions when i play games and when my character is unstable and shit i make it worse

i really liked the bad ending i got when i think i did the thing three times ?

i like angsty stuff no matter how much it makes me cry

i actually dont remember which chapter and part had what in it but so

one of the things where we were in trial

okay so many things happened the fuck ? okay wait no i think.. so the one with the least and the one with the most points were fuckin put on this wheel thing ? (GIN SOBS) Because so Gin didn't want to take anyones tokens like the fuckin sweetheart he is

but i


that was awful because i was actually attached to gin hard and i just.. NOOOOO

there was so much shit happening there i just cant (I ALMOST TOOK TOO LONG?? IM SORRY)

and then, okay so so later wtiht e h

i dont remember where but in a trial we had to vote either Kanna or Sou. (there was another option but that led to a bad ending according to the wiki)



and so i

im a sucker for villains i voted kanna off BUT IT WAS SO HARD- AND WE COULDNT VOTE ANYONE ELSE?? SOBBING


i just.

im so fucking sorry kanna

it was awful i cant

but then theres more and like

okay so there was Midori in this thing and we were in this game I think it was named like some food thingy- banquet or some shit i dont remember but we were preparing with the other dolls of i think of people who used to be alive that were connected to us then

uhm. i fucked up the minigame lol so my counterpart kinda died (I DIDNT REALIZE HOW TO PLAY????? sobs i missed something and so i think i overcharged someone)

but so then there were these coffins (before that I think Keiji was fuckin trapped in the coffin? AND BURNING OR SOMETHING? I DONT REMEMBER I THOUGHT HE WAS DEAD AND I THINK HE SURVIVED SOMEHOW LIKE HOLY SHIT)

but so there weere teh coffins and another game

where you had to guess and had to try to get midori- i dont.. so there was i think a light hint thing that told you whether there was a doll or a human inside, but i dont remember what midoris was.. i think both midori and gin (YES BECAUSE I THINK GIN WAS IN THERE AND WE COULDVE KILLED HIM)

and i just


no cheats buds


bro i think i got almost literally every other doll besides midori and gin

and then i think.. maybe eventually I got midori? i think gin survived thankfully, i dont think i could forgive myself if i killed gin (I dont actually remember- i did record my gameplay and I might have to go back and shit but like i dont even want to know, man)


okay so there was so much more shit with this whole sibling thing with Alice and Reko (I think either both of them died or one of the other did i dont fucking remember what happened- which i know is possible but i just dont remember what i got unlucky with. I think Alice died.. ?)

and theres other stuff

like the fucking MAGNETIC CEILING IN THAT ONE ROOM AND THERE WAS I THINK REKO OR SOMETHING WHO WAS TRAPPED- oh wait i think reko died (because the metal collar that everyone has remember)



theres so many fucking choices that you could do that its just

holy fucking shit man sobs

yttd was a bumpy ass rollercoaster of twists and turns

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More Posts from Fictionfixations

2 years ago

Allay!Ghostbur Headcanon

Allay!Ghostbur where he sees Wilbur one day and decides to 'adapt' his form, becoming Ghostbur he'll meet wilbur of course, but he'll have the blue little wings and the child-like innocence, who will then teach him that its not good to copy people, and that you need consent, in which wilbur gives ghostbur his consent (cause he feels bad since the allay just want to be friends, to be talked to, not down to) and then gives him a different name like ghostbur? i dont know man its all headcanon-y because i mean i havent actually seen the allay much in the game, nor do i know how it works, but like..

ghoSTBuR also ghostbur would probably have.. white blue-ish tinted eyes?? like just full on, no pupil thingies? i dont remember the name of it his voice could probably echo too (maybe hed sound like a kid)

the possibilities man, aaAaa

but so this is also headcanon-y by itself because of having the Allay be able to 'mimic' people, to take their forms and learn things that way considering they do have a conscience ? but childish regardless, being gullible and completely oblivious until someone teaches them

theyd probably show themselves to the person they copied pretty often though in hopes of being able to communicate and making friends!!

there are some things they cant change though, like idk, the wings? maybe the eyes too, i dont know, maybe there are like little 'wisps' of particle-y shit coming from them? something that makes them so distinctly not-human but quite similar- like almost like how the fae look human except theres always that little thing that makes them not, like the wings, the bell-like laughter, the pointy ears, sharp teeth, maybe even the eyes.

its still up in the thought process but i wanna get this out before i forget lol

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2 years ago

why does this make sense-ish

honestly i feel a little like we're overthinking it, like uhh

game theory trying to find lore in like Unus Annus and Markiplier saying something about people trying to find and see something that isnt there or something like that, cant remember the exact words D:

but i see

also holy fuck the lores just getting more complex trying to actually make sense of one thing LMAO???

confused af about Fundy's existence (from Wilbur n Sally.. ??)

okay so. one line has actually gotten the thoughts working

Confused Af About Fundy's Existence (from Wilbur N Sally.. ??)

so actually i dont know if thats part canon but for an odd reason ive seen that in multiple fics and stuff that happens a lot thats similar as fuck is usually canon?

so.. i just (this is so cursed, im sorry if this wasnt actually canon sobs)

having gone through body science stuff in school a bit ago i now realize that this makes zero sense, because if he were to reproduce asexually, then logically, whoever is reproduced out of that would be an exact copy of wilbur since thered only be one set of genes

BUT he fucked a salmon (or did a salmon fuck him? im so confused sobs) BUT REPRODUCES ASEXUALLY?? which doesnt make sense because reproducing asexually means only one parent but if you were to reproduce sexually thered be like reproductive organs for that purpose... i dont know man there are cursed stuff where wilbur got pregnant with fundy?? I DONT KNOW WHY IT HAS TO BE PHRASEd SO WEIRDLY-- i dont know man but i hear the toe on the most

i cant believe this is the part of the dream smp lore that is stumping me the most

..besides philza canonically fucking a smart fridge … ??????

ALSO ALSO can we talk about how wilbur either fucked or was fucked by a salmon, their child had been reproduced asexually (again, dont know if thats canon but it might as well be sobs.)

AND THEN CAME OUT A FUCKIN FURRY FOX HYBRID ?? but there was a salmon and a human/siren/avian-hybrid, whatever people imagine wilbur as a hybrid of as the parents?

no but guys what

can anyone give me an explanation that genuinely makes sense

i mean a lot of people imagine sally a salmon-hybrid but i think that wilbur has stated somewhere that it is indeed a fish and not a hybrid or something? I DONT KNOW ANYMORE my memory cannot be trusted.

theres like so many scenes in so many different fics where tommy says that wilbur fucked a salmon and wilbur corrected him saying that she was a salmon-hybrid and i just


i dont think theres a logical reason to this

i think its just better not to question the logistics of how the fuck that happened..?????


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2 years ago

confused af about Fundy's existence (from Wilbur n Sally.. ??)

okay so. one line has actually gotten the thoughts working

Confused Af About Fundy's Existence (from Wilbur N Sally.. ??)

so actually i dont know if thats part canon but for an odd reason ive seen that in multiple fics and stuff that happens a lot thats similar as fuck is usually canon?

so.. i just (this is so cursed, im sorry if this wasnt actually canon sobs)

having gone through body science stuff in school a bit ago i now realize that this makes zero sense, because if he were to reproduce asexually, then logically, whoever is reproduced out of that would be an exact copy of wilbur since thered only be one set of genes

BUT he fucked a salmon (or did a salmon fuck him? im so confused sobs) BUT REPRODUCES ASEXUALLY?? which doesnt make sense because reproducing asexually means only one parent but if you were to reproduce sexually thered be like reproductive organs for that purpose... i dont know man there are cursed stuff where wilbur got pregnant with fundy?? I DONT KNOW WHY IT HAS TO BE PHRASEd SO WEIRDLY-- i dont know man but i hear the toe on the most

i cant believe this is the part of the dream smp lore that is stumping me the most

..besides philza canonically fucking a smart fridge … ??????

ALSO ALSO can we talk about how wilbur either fucked or was fucked by a salmon, their child had been reproduced asexually (again, dont know if thats canon but it might as well be sobs.)

AND THEN CAME OUT A FUCKIN FURRY FOX HYBRID ?? but there was a salmon and a human/siren/avian-hybrid, whatever people imagine wilbur as a hybrid of as the parents?

no but guys what

can anyone give me an explanation that genuinely makes sense

i mean a lot of people imagine sally a salmon-hybrid but i think that wilbur has stated somewhere that it is indeed a fish and not a hybrid or something? I DONT KNOW ANYMORE my memory cannot be trusted.

theres like so many scenes in so many different fics where tommy says that wilbur fucked a salmon and wilbur corrected him saying that she was a salmon-hybrid and i just


i dont think theres a logical reason to this

i think its just better not to question the logistics of how the fuck that happened..?????


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2 years ago

Longing for home / DSMP x No Trauma Fic [Tommy-centric - SBI Found Family] / Thoughts
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Honestly.. I've cried so many fucking times. First of all, HOLY SHIT- okay so basically this fic is Tommy getting into another dimension where its before the DSMP happened and Phil actually stayed instead of leaving and Techno is not an anarchist (..probably.?)

and wilbur is not insane

and ijust

okay spoilers but like (AND TW for Death, corpse mention)

HOLY SHIT??? okay so Tommys just grown so fucking much, ExCUSE ME??? hes matured, hes healing, and he just, watching him say goodbye to everyone made me cry so hard, because I just.. yknow I didn't want him to go but its understandable, because eventually comes a time you have to leave something, and when that happens, you cant really put it off yknow? Even if there were some good times in there with your closest friends, you have to do what you have to do to find closure, to finally be able to feel safe and content, because those memories will still remain. Even if you leave, they will still be there, forever and always.

and then it turned out other tommy was fucking dead WHICH HOLY SHIT? AND THEN WILBUR FINDING THAT DEAD BODY (holy shit it was graphic and not graphic at the same time but graphic enough to where i felt very unsettled. yknow the few things that ive found that scare the fuck out of me have been bugs and dead bodies. ive been to a funeral once haha and I couldn't handle staring at it, so Wilbur having seen other Tommy's dead body all bloody and messed up, horrifying in such a way that never shouldve happened.. jesus fuck man.)


pardon me but DREAM?? OKAY SO I HAVENT READ PART TWO YET BUT ILL PROBABLY MAKE A THOUGHTS ON IT no promises.. but like i dont want to forget what happened in this one cause ive been binging it for like awhile and im sleep deprived at the same time with all my tears (it keeps bringing me to tears, i just cant)

so ive just been kinda sobbing and hiccuping and kinda glad i cry quietly because bro i was bawling my eyes out lmAO

i will miss tubbo though. I understand though that other tubbo will never be his tubbo, but will still be there regardless, and i think.. it kinda helped? i mean otherwise he might just have a tubbo-sized hole in his heart u-u

i do appreciate the dsmp wilbur understanding eventually though instead of never learning and making the same mistakes- understanding that if Tommy is happy with the other version, that he'll leave.

theres just so much healing and understanding in this fic and i love it and i really think there should be more because a lot of people just dont make it realistic, and I know that thats a hard thing to do, to show healing in a slow yet realistic pace, in a way that you can see it, that it doesnt seem out of character and that you can see that growth as time goes on, but i think this fic did it pretty well.

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2 years ago

for some reason im only just realizing that the 3rd life series is called the traffic series and that theres a trafficblr (no one told me this sobs???)

this is funny as fuck to me i love this fandom

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Here Are The Results! Thank You To Everybody Who Contributed To The Original Survey ^_^
Here Are The Results! Thank You To Everybody Who Contributed To The Original Survey ^_^
Here Are The Results! Thank You To Everybody Who Contributed To The Original Survey ^_^
Here Are The Results! Thank You To Everybody Who Contributed To The Original Survey ^_^
Here Are The Results! Thank You To Everybody Who Contributed To The Original Survey ^_^
Here Are The Results! Thank You To Everybody Who Contributed To The Original Survey ^_^
Here Are The Results! Thank You To Everybody Who Contributed To The Original Survey ^_^
Here Are The Results! Thank You To Everybody Who Contributed To The Original Survey ^_^

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