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403 posts
Fleshbagplsdonthurtme - Still Confused About Everything - Tumblr Blog

Look at this look I made this
Hey yea don’t mind me hyperfixating on a new thing

Sometimes you just gotta ride with your new friend and get hit with the vibes

Sometimes you just gotta vibe with your friends

“It’s just a frog?” thats what I named this, boom, frogs are pretty cool tho.

Look its a little baby

Who’s ready for the ride cuz I ain’t - I don’t know who the ice king dude is but I already love him

Hey so like no thank you

look at that beard

Hello please accept this drawing of baby boi who’s eyes 


Baby pls for the love of god- don’t do that

Honestly hearing Scott die always messed me up as a kid.

I’m sorry but if you don’t have a manifest ready to kill for you then you’re doing it wrong

You know there might be a slight chance that Claire might be tense around mirrors, since you know, happened.

Merlin? Gunmar??? Nope never heard of them but have you heard about the boys? Who are completely safe and fine?

Keep the flame going for those we have lost to suicide.