Tarot reader/oracles/intuitive and spiritual messages
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Pick a pile their feelings for you!
Please read energy first to see if this is the right pile for you and figure which person you are A or B based on the energy!🥰
Happy reading! Lmk which pile and which person you have picked😙
If you would like to book a personal reading please check my services on my pinned post.

Pile 1 - Apology

Person A - fire ant energy
You might feel in this connection the need to be “cool” and “chilled out” however there’s a fire inside you that’s slowly but surely spreading in your feelings for this person, there’s undeniable love that’s coming to the point you can’t ignore it anymore, you seem to have a sort of childlike personality when it comes to your person and can’t help but feel giggly around them, which at times finding yourself doing so you could be thinking “wth this isn’t me lemme stop” but there’s definitely a call for you to swoon this person, or open up your feelings towards them for once and for all, feeling the need to go all in without a strategic plan at hand, you could be told a lot of times that you do things impulsively and for some people this isn’t their cup of tea, you could’ve grown up being told often to settle down or to “think before you speak!”
A lot of fire energy in this pile , you could have Aries Leo or Sagittarius placements, definitely giving the vibes of “do it now think later”, along with this a little bit of water signs energy came up, person A you could have Fire and Water in your chart/big three.
Person B - Buffalo energy
You usually would like to describe yourself as someone that’s quite grounded, reliable, knowledgeable and i feel your family and friends can vouch this for you as well on this, however recently you could’ve hit a bump on the road where it’s quite hard for you to be as productive as once was, being scared of jumping head first into things and new challenges due to the anxiety of things splurging out of control or going through another tower moment unexpectedly, in turn found a routine, you’ve been sticking to it and even though it might seem quite too repetitive for you, it is your safe haven, it’s where you know what to expect, at times might even find yourself not as sociable either, feeling like you can’t give out to someone else right now when barely being able to give yourself the experience and fun you deserve, there’s the energy of exhaustion here.
A lot of Earth energy here Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn with a little bit of fire. These could be present in your placements.
Fire ants feelings towards person B
In your feelings currently and how you see your connection, you could be seeing them as someone that you want to rile up or start a conflict with them to at least get something out of them, to see what limits you could push until they open up more , person A I can tell you’re feeling left out by your person, feeling that you’re not being heard about certain things or that they’re way too nonchalant for you, feeling at times that they’re like a robot, just doing the bare minimum not only for this connection but in their life as well, doing just enough, being on a strict routine of a eat, sleep, work or school and repeat and this is something that could be out of your normal usually or you could be the type of person that’s more open but feeling the need to be restrictive in case you chase them away if you push too much.
How person B ( Buffalo) feels towards their person - you feel yourself drifting away from your person, and not only just them but to others too, and finding solitude in isolation, finding being at peace is being by yourself and learning how to love yourself, I do see you putting a lot of work into yourself which is progressing into the right direction, however when it comes to your person you feel that perhaps they don’t understand why you can’t just “snap” out of this rut, as it requires intensive inner work, but at the same time you understand you shouldn’t leave everyone in the dark making you feel more guilty, worried it’ll cause arguments or conflicts or being forced to be something you can’t be right now and neither are truly.
Overall for both -
I do see person B coming towards person A with some sort of explanation with why they drifted away and for some of you they even went ghost, Person A I promise you will get the apology that you’re eager for, Person A it’s time to let Person B know how you feel about them, I feel they do need that boost from you, try to let them know the struggles you have also previously gone through and try to let them know that there is a lending hand when they need it as they feel they’ll bother you by coming clean of their situation, ultimately I see you both coming to a understanding of how each of you can contribute towards each others needs but it will take some time, that’s a factor here, but working slowly will get everything on track.
Pile 2- self love

Person A- Nightingale energy
Person A you as the energy of nightingale, you usually are someone that usually can be upfront, not being afraid of speaking up, telling people what’s on your mind when it’s in the right times and even when it can be at the most wrongful times 😅, but there is something about your voice that makes people listen, either you can be someone that’s very convincing/ persuasive, you could even be one to sing and others love to hear it, you are giving the energy of someone that doesn’t usually stand out or you might feel it so, but people are attracted towards you either way, you could’ve been told before you have this alluring energy about yourself.
Person B - Energy of the stingray
Person B, coming up as the energy of the stingray you are someone that usually likes to take on a challenge, you can be eager around wanting to grow and very adaptable to your environment and schedules, however you’ve been stuck in your ego recently and I know , I know I don’t want to call you out but I have to, your using your ego to protect yourself, perhaps you feel that you have put in a lot of word in yourself prior and now you don’t feel the need to change all over again to make someone else happy, and that’s all within your rights, but there’s w need for you to escape from the mental trap you have put yourself in, the external is not as bad as your mind is playing it to be, and it’s okay to come back to reality.
Persons A feelings towards person B
You could’ve started off as friends with person B, starting things slowly and then all of a sudden coming to surprise that the both of you have been hiding feelings this whole time, there’s an unexpected energy here between the two of you, this could’ve come from you being shocked that the two of you even ended up together, but I’m also seeing a state of shock around some kind of ending when it comes to the two of you, for a big part of pile 2 and person A I would be surprised if you haven’t lost Person B and are currently going through a breakup or no contact, person A seems to feel a lot of regret and pain when it comes to their person , and they feel guilt around something here, Person A could’ve been the one that possibly walked away from Person B but that won’t be for everyone of this pile, reverse it as it resonates, but heavy energy around Person A walking away from something here and not being sure if that was the best decision to make, there’s a stagnant energy around Person A where they can’t move forwards from a person B but at the same time it doesn’t look like they want to, they would’ve rather work things out than have to come to that for some of you if you are person A I can definitely tell that you didn’t want to have it come to that.
How person B feels towards Person A
Person B is coming up as someone that’s very stuck mentally, emotionally quite unstable when it comes to their feelings for A, they currently don’t feel comfortable being around Person A due to not feeling like themselves unfortunately around Person A, they feel that the both of you have changed tremendously since the two of you have known each other and they’re not sure on how to fix things, they’re currently focusing on self care and loving on themselves, and it seems that as off right now they feel the need of taking a step back from this connection and bring distance into it.
Overall energy- it looks like the both of you will be prioritising your own selves at this time, and quite significantly unfortunately drifting away from each other, trying to build routines and growth separately.
Pile 3- Justice

Person A - golden egg energy
Person A is giving the energy of an old friend, someone that you have known for a very long time, and you find comfort in them, either this is you to and for person B or you have been told often that you give off a sense of familiarity to everyone you meet, you bring a sense of comfort and quietness, you could yourself person A be quite a timid person or someone that doesn’t usually budge into peoples business or you wait for others to talk to you first before you approach anyone, you are definitely someone that has a lot of layers to themselves and it takes a lot for you to “crack”😅 or open up to others, you can only be who you truly are around the ones you love most and that’s when you find it easiest to let loose.
Libra energy, water energy, you could have these in your placements.
Person B - Snake energy
Person B you are someone that could at times be described as someone that’s creative, ambitious perhaps you work in a creative role, such as art, landscape, architecture, design, etc, perhaps you are someone that finds themselves expressing themselves through actions rather than their words or perhaps writing it down, or poetry, you could be someone that has a lot of passion and love towards someone but when it comes to voicing it, you could be finding it hard and choose other ways to show them rather by talking, at times out of balance you might find yourself being quite a flighty person, showing up and going as you please, starting out new things but never finishing them before you start something new.
Earth energy for Person B, along with water.
How person A feels towards person b
Person A - there’s a lot of emotion from them when it comes to person B, almost like they see Person B the snake for who they truly are and not who they try to show the world, person A is definitely the one that notices all the small things about person B such as how they act when they are nervous or how they’ll perhaps blink Weirdly when uncomfortable, very little things that at times person B never even noticed, Person A is definitely giving provider type of vibes towards B and they look out for them alot, even though at times they don’t fully feel this being reciprocated, either way they feel balanced in this connection.
How person B feels towards person A
The snake person B is a charmerrr, they know how to work in ways to surprise person A, and they feel the need of wanting to try new things to come out with, there is definitely heavy feelings between the both of these energies, which are very equal and person B really feels in Union with person A at times, they even feel like they’re looking at a mirror when they see Person A, the snake energy wants to come through and show person A new opportunities, new adventures and they are also very logical they go about things, they feel the need to have everything ready and Perfect around them, the snake person sees the golden egg as someone that will always have a soft space in their heart and has plans on keeping it that way if they can.
Overall energy for both - you both feel like this is a match made in heaven, and both are mirroring each other in ways you thought could never be possible, this connection is very promising, you both balance each other amazingly.

𝓢𝓶𝓪𝓵𝓵 𝓶𝓮𝓼𝓼𝓪𝓰𝓮𝓼 𝓯𝓻𝓸𝓶 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓼𝓮𝓪𝓼𝓸𝓷𝓼 𝓸𝓯 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓬𝓱 𝓸𝓻𝓪𝓬𝓵𝓮!
𝓟𝓵𝓮𝓪𝓼𝓮 𝓼𝓱𝓪𝓻𝓮 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓯𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓶𝓸𝓻𝓮 𝓹𝓲𝓬𝓴 . 𝓟𝓲𝓵𝓮𝓼 𝓯𝓻𝓸𝓶 𝓶𝓮 🤍
Hey hope you're doing well
My question: Have I already talked to my FS?
Got a no xx
Hello, nice to meet you, hope you're doing well and enjoying this summer🌞🏝️ Can I get a yes/no reading?
Will SPS confess his feelings to me?
Got a maybe leading to no, but they definitely want to confess something just they can’t grasp on the right timing
Hello! How are you? I would like to join your yes or no game :)
Question: will i meet my future spouse this year?
Thank you so much ! - gsp
Got a no xx
Hello i here for your yes/no, my question is will you be successful in art/entertainment career (singing,acting,modeling)? My inicials are S.B.
My sign is pisces
My pronouns are She/her
Thank you
I got more of a maybe on this one x
Hi, I hope life's been treating you well. I wanted to participate in yes/no tarot game. My question is:
Is SA in another relationship?
I got a no x
Hello ! May i have a yes or no reading?
Could I be happy with my marriage life ?
Thank you !
Yes xx

𝓢𝓶𝓪𝓵𝓵 𝓶𝓮𝓼𝓼𝓪𝓰𝓮𝓼 𝓯𝓻𝓸𝓶 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓼𝓮𝓪𝓼𝓸𝓷𝓼 𝓸𝓯 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓬𝓱 𝓸𝓻𝓪𝓬𝓵𝓮!
𝓟𝓵𝓮𝓪𝓼𝓮 𝓼𝓱𝓪𝓻𝓮 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓯𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓶𝓸𝓻𝓮 𝓹𝓲𝓬𝓴 . 𝓟𝓲𝓵𝓮𝓼 𝓯𝓻𝓸𝓶 𝓶𝓮 🤍
Hi how are you? May I request a reading on how people see me at first glance? Thank you! :)
Hii, the only free reading I’m doing is a yes or no, if you would to book this reading please dm me

Should you wait or move on?
Pick a pile

Are they coming back? Pick a pile 💚
Take a breath and let your intuition pick the right pile/ butterfly for you!
Let me know which one you have picked🫶🏼

If you would like to book this reading privately, please contact me through dms !🫶🏼 and check out my pinned post💚
Do I know my romantic soulmate?
Tfa ♌️
Thank you
Heavy on the yes
Hi.. idk how many questions we are allowed to ask
TFA ♌️
1) have I met my romantic soulmate?
2) do I know them?
3) Do I know my future boyfriend?
Thank you so much
It’s 1 question per person,
Please let me know which one of these your most curious of and I can answer !xx🥰
Hello, how are you? I hope you are very well! May I have a yes/no reading from you? I would like to know if my future spouse lives in another country please
My name is Tatiana. Initials: A.T.G.A
Thank you so much for your time 🌼🩷
Hii Tatiana I got a yes for your question!
Hope you are doing well
My question: Is my fs ethnically different than me?
Thank you in advance
You’re welcome! It is a yes x
Are they coming back? Pick a pile 💚
Take a breath and let your intuition pick the right pile/ butterfly for you!
Let me know which one you have picked🫶🏼

If you would like to book this reading privately, please contact me through dms !🫶🏼 and check out my pinned post💚
I belong in every room I desire to be in. I am an incredibly valuable asset to the companies I work with. I am smart, capable, and willing to put in the work that is needed to achieve all of my goals and dreams.
“Someone you haven’t even met yet is wondering what it’d be like to know someone like you.”
— Iain Thomas

Should you wait or move on?
Pick a pile