Taroteverydamnday - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

A hot take on tarot and tarot readingsšŸŒššŸŒ


Hey you guysā¤ļø it's been a long time since I've posted on here. I had a lot going on and i have so much to share with you guys. I'm officially a clg student and I've been trying to figure out how this clg stuff works and i can safely say, I've figured out enough at this point. I will be becoming more regular now onwards by posting at least once a week so that you guys don't feel like you're following a dead account. I will admit I've been active on Tumblr but didn't post as I felt very disconnected with astrology and tarot. I felt like i didn't wanna do it because I had a lot of things going on and was trying to figure my self out but came to a realisation about my inclination towards spirituality and the reason why I created this account. Thankyou all for being by my side and still viewing my content, engaging with me and following. I'm eternally grateful for it and wish to repay you all back by bringing life to this accountšŸ§æšŸ«€šŸ¤šŸ™

Soooooooooo, let's start off with something that may rub ppl the wrong way butšŸ˜˜

A Hot Take On Tarot And Tarot Readings

So I started getting into tarot a while ago and have been following and engaging liking and all alot of tarot pages on this app, which i will say are very good. Like alot of the readers on here are very goodšŸ§æ and not just here but also on YouTube.

All of these opinions are my own thoughts and observations and NOT a fact so šŸŒ¼

šŸŒŗ i feel like a lot of ppl who turn to tarot readings do not accept what the readers say because they don't want to hear anything other than their expected thoughts.

šŸŒŗ Alot of the tarot accounts on YouTube and Twitter tend to sugar coat what the cards are saying. In the sense, that they will somehow manage to manipulate even the most straightforward reading to cater to the audience instead of being upright with it. Like the cards will say one thing and the reader will either completely change the meaning of it or try to manipulate the meaning. Nowwwww, ik alot of yall will say that sometimes the intuition is just different than the meaning and i agree but I'm talking abt the ones who straight up manipulate tarot for views and engagement and such ppl are clowns who should stop this kinda nonsense for their 2 min fame and learn how to be honest.

šŸŒŗ Now, you see, there's a reason all these tarot readers on this plateform tend to tell you to use your discernment and get in touch with your intuition and it's because spirituality today, is not limited to only a certain group. Anyone can get into tarot and astrology but not everyone is spritual and give 2 stones about its art and essence. These ppl will try to manipulate the fuck out of you so that you either stop using your intuition and discernment orrrrr start trusting them too much to a point where you rely on them energetically, if you know what I mean.

šŸŒŗ You should take tarot and astrology with a grain of salt. Remember, nothing is set in stone. It always changes and that is the beauty of it. Speaking from personal experience, it is very easy to get addicted to tarot readings. I remember, i started off with one video and then got hooked to it and stopped using my own discernment. Now, i tend to use my discernment and remember that at the end of the day, the power lies in my hands.

šŸŒŗ Continuous use of tarot readings will make out of touch with reality and your own intuition. I remember i used to feel very mindless after consuming alot of tarot readings and thay was because I was living in my own dillusion that got created because of excessive tarot readings. So go for tarot readings but don't become chronically dependant on it.

šŸŒŗ it is fine if you don't agree with a reading but do not go around disrespecting the readers who are genuinely doing it for you and put actual effort into their content.

A Hot Take On Tarot And Tarot Readings


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3 years ago

New witchy thread!:

Show me your favourite oracle card/tarot card! It can be because of the artistry of the card, the meaning, or simply that it comes up regularly in readings!

Heres mine:

New Witchy Thread!:

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2 years ago

My ask a question is open the first 20 people will receive a free reading off of mešŸ¤© in exchange for detailed feedback! Exchanges also open! If you are a reader as well!

Disclaimers - have to be following me!

- sharing this post and my pinned!

- comment a little emoji to attract more people!

- you can either leave your question under this post or go through my ask a question button no anonymous though!x

My Ask A Question Is Open The First 20 People Will Receive A Free Reading Off Of Me In Exchange For Detailed

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2 years ago

How they felt last time they saw you! Pick a pile

Disclaimer- itā€™s a collective so might not resonate to everyone or 100 fully resonate, remember to take what resonates and leave what doesnā€™t, if the pile you have picked makes no sense it means itā€™s not for you at this time, maybe try a different pile!

pictures are from Pinterest

1. 2. 3

How They Felt Last Time They Saw You! Pick A Pile
How They Felt Last Time They Saw You! Pick A Pile
How They Felt Last Time They Saw You! Pick A Pile

Pile 1

Okay so in this pile it looks like this connection was very hard and took a toll on the both of you guys mental stability and left you feeling shaken up last time they saw you, for some of you this could be someone that you work with or you have met in a social circle such as a party or someoneā€™s birthday for some of you could even be a work event, in regards to how they felt last time they saw you I will say they didnā€™t feel the greatest, they felt hurt by you or rejected in some way or another, they felt like they can finally see the truth about this connection and what it is, for some of you youā€™re the one thatā€™s come to this realisation and had a tower moment happen between the two of you, which both of you feel that you canā€™t turn back from, a lot of pain and deceit in this pile overall.

Pile 2

Very cute energy from this pile, last time your person saw you they felt so fulfilled and happy with you, this pile is giving me first dates vibes, so this could be a person youā€™ve met recently for the first time ever and you both enjoyed each others company, for some of you this could be a same sex relationship, your person felt like they are in the right time and place with you, feeling excited about being able to get the opportunity to get to know you, getting butterflyā€™s while writing this Bcz itā€™s that adorable! They felt over the moon, saying that actually possibly either one of you last time you two saw each other expressed how much you love the moon or you guys bonded over that, couldā€™ve even met in the evening and watched the sunset together thereā€™s something about the sky being here, and a beautiful kinda warm night! Whoever this person is they felt very lucky šŸ€ last time they saw you.

Pile 3

Pile 3s Iā€™m picking up on 2 different energies/stories here so take these as they resonate this could even be 2 people that are in your energy or thereā€™s 2 different energies of you guys that are clicking on this!

The 1st one is this person Is someone that last time they saw you I donā€™t feel like you saw them yourself back, almost like they saw you walking somewhere and they never approached you, for some of you your person even saw you in their dream, however when it comes to their feelings its almost like they felt very scared of you, feeling a lot of anxiety and intimidation in their feelings when it comes to you, not wanting you to also see them, feeling like they have to be in the shadow and being worried youā€™ll notice them, scared of rejection, for some of you they couldā€™ve even dreamt that you rejected them!

Now for the other energy thatā€™s come through this is a past person or an ex, and for the majority of you itā€™s coming up that the last time you two saw each other was when you two ended things, seeing two figures with their hands covering their faces, like they are crying, a lot of pain here and two hands not wanting to let go of each other but picking of that feeling that they have to, feeling helpless, not being able to figure out a solution anymore, your person felt alot of regret and beating themselves up over not being able to fix things, very sad pile which is making it hard for me to even continue reading this but if you have picked pile 3 and your person is an ex or a past person youā€™re still grieving, trust me they are also feeling the same way as you :(.

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2 years ago

What can the fire signs expect this week! 7/02ā€“ 14/02.

ā™ˆļø ā™Œļø ā™ļø

Seeing you guys feeling abit bored this upcoming week, craving excitement and adventure, you might find yourself this week kinda feeling isolated from your friends or family, feeling that everyone is busy and no one has a lot of time for you, some of you guys might even be grieving a connection that ended recently and you feel that you have no one to talk it through with, finding yourself making spontaneous decisions such as booking flights or overspending alotttt (be careful with your money!) or overindulging in things that you know might not be good for you, feeling rebellious and planning how to bring yourself out of your comfort zone which is never a bad thing but be careful of people taking advantage of that or pushing your limits.

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2 years ago

Your next relationship! Pick a pile āœØ

Disclaimer- please take what resonates leave what doesnā€™t, take a big breath and choose which one you think has your message for you,if you feel that it doesnā€™t resonate or you feel it doesnā€™t fit your narrative, feel free to pick a different pilešŸ«¶šŸ¼

Your Next Relationship! Pick A Pile

Pile 1 - selenite

For some of you this is a same sex relationship, seeing that when you will be meeting this person it looks like either you will have just gotten out of a relationship or they have, so this connection will have a lot of healing that the two of you will be bringing to each other, it looks like this person is someone that will be teaching you a lot of lessons surrounding heartbreak, a very raw relationship brought to you to help you grow, to fully understand what it is what you are needing to heal in yourself, as in this pile Iā€™m seeing some of you feeling that youā€™re unlucky in love or you might feel that in love matters you havenā€™t found anyone thatā€™s fulfilling to you, and this is due to you not learning your lessons, jumping from one relationship to another, and this person is also the same, you both are very mirrored from the good aspects to the bad past experiences and struggles, this will be a very challenging journey, but you both will be together to kinda recognise the patterns in each other in yourself if that makes sense and in turn switching that button into realising how to fix things or how to collaborate in a relationship, and helping each other , some of you might even be meeting them abroad or long distance.

Pile 2

Okay guys this is someone that you have manifested for a long time for some of you seeing that you have done it accidentally by thinking of what your ideal sp person is however most of you I feel that you have been manifesting this person using specific methods, in a way very logical the way you went about it, but your next relationship will be so harmonious and it looks like your partner will be one that would be the main provider in this relationship, very masculine energy whenever youā€™re a female or a male it doesnā€™t matter, it just that your future next person is all about taking care of you, putting their needs aside as long as you are the one thatā€™s happy, seeing you though having some trust issues from previous relationships but thatā€™s what they will be there to help you with, theyā€™ll be able to guide you into knowing that not everyone can be a horrible person to you, l a lot of travelling and fun activities in this pile, you could be dealing with a Earth sign or a fire sign, itā€™ll start of as something quite innocent, none of you thinking that this could turn into a relationship especially you,slowly But surely stealing each others hearts and not looking back.

Pile 3

This is someone that will come into your life very unexpectedly, this isnā€™t someone that you know through friends, itā€™s a whole brand new person, you could be meeting them at the most random places such as your normal shopping trip going to get milk for example and you bump into themšŸ¤£, this person I love their energy they are full of excitement and joy, very spontaneous and will sweep you of your feet, picking up weirdly that they are a good cook so this person could be working as a chef of some sort or even meeting them at a restaurant that they work at! They will love spoiling you through gifts or monetary ways, very calculated individual, it looks like this person is not very talkative as in not someone that would be all up in your face type of way but they pay attention to all the small things, when you least expect it to learn all the small quirks there are about you to make sure that they can do those things right, this person is a charmer and very mentally strong, and emotionally intelligent, theyā€™ll be able to tell if youā€™re not okay just by one look.

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1 year ago

How is your absence making them feel? Pick a pile!

Iā€™m back with another pick a pile and weā€™re doing a ā€œhow is your absence making them feel, no contact. Do they miss you? Are they coming back?

Take a deep breath and let your intuition guide you towards the right pile for youšŸ¤

1. 2. 3.

How Is Your Absence Making Them Feel? Pick A Pile!
How Is Your Absence Making Them Feel? Pick A Pile!
How Is Your Absence Making Them Feel? Pick A Pile!


For a big part of you guys this no contact period couldā€™ve started due to either one of you giving out silent treatment, or they are the type of person to be giving out silent treatment when an argument/ conflict occurs, but your person is feeling stuck nonetheless they know now, they shouldā€™ve expressed how they felt first hand instead of ghosting on you, or giving you silent treatment until you stopped trying to fix things, because for a majority part of you guys, seeing that there mustā€™ve been a clash of opinions that mustā€™ve happened and theyā€™ve all of a sudden turned cold on you even thought most of you were open to discussing it further, they wouldnā€™t budge and thought that they were in the right, anyways since then theyā€™ve been feeling stuck if they should come back towards you,not with an apology though, they miss what you two used to have and they feel that they missed out on a good thing, but regardless of this their pride wonā€™t let them come through with an apology, theyā€™re very much in their feelings and you are someone thatā€™s living in their head rent free, but too stubborn and prideful to make a move towards you, theyā€™re also feeling guilt and shame for how they reacted/ went about this and thatā€™s another thing thatā€™s holding them back, as they feel that you will be rejecting them, they feel very burdened and lost without you in their life though,very specific message but if you have shared playlists with this person before they check it to see if youā€™re listening to anything that would remind you of them, they will be coming back with an offer towards you but ngl it will take a whileeee, possibly a couple more months until they feel that this whole thing is forgotten about.


Whoever this person is, you did a good thing, going no contact with them, because it looks like to me, this is someone that was in a way kinda of an emotional vampire, they would dump and dump all of their troubles and traumas onto you, but when it came to you needing to talk to someone they were never there for you to the same extent or at all for the looks of it, they do feel very unbalanced without you in their life, and they miss getting advice from you specially, they feel that youā€™re someone thatā€™s very emotionally mature, for some of you, you could also be working as a therapist or in similar sectors? Very specific so take what resonates, but theyā€™re feeling jealous, if this was a relationship and youā€™ve broken up with this person, they think youā€™ve met someone new and thatā€™s fuelling their codependency, they want to go back to the moment you two have met and get a redo, do it all over again, but Iā€™m not seeing you taking them back ngl, you look like you have moved on from this and you felt that it was never enough to begin with, expect a phone call/message sooner than you think, theyā€™re obsessed.

Pile 3

Picking up on message a little bit similar as to pile 2, so if you have been thinking of pile 2 as well or been attracted to that one, possibly give that one a read as well, but from the looks of pile 3 your person feels left out in the colddddd by you, cut out, cold Turkey, some of you couldā€™ve even blocked this person, picking up on an angry feeling from the collective that picked pile 3šŸ˜…, with the lovers being here though thereā€™s a lot of love thatā€™s mutual between the two of you, for some of you this couldā€™ve been a very long term relationship that,crumbled all of a sudden or you feel that after youā€™ve done so much for this person theyā€™ve packed up and left without giving you any notice prior, but your person believes that this ending thatā€™s gone on between the two of you will turn into a new beginning, seeing your person working on themselves currently wanting to become the best version of themselves,and then come back towards you? They feel like they have to prove something here, and they want to feel that they can make you proud, seeing your person realising that the grass ainā€™t green where they donā€™t water it though and start missing what they had with you, now that they canā€™t see you,touch or talk to you itā€™s getting very lonely for them and nothing that they were chasing prior compares, this person really loves you pile 3 and they regret everything, they want a reconciliation as soon as possible.

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1 year ago

Are they coming back? Pick a pile šŸ’š

Take a breath and let your intuition pick the right pile/ butterfly for you!

Let me know which one you have pickedšŸ«¶šŸ¼

Are They Coming Back? Pick A Pile
Are They Coming Back? Pick A Pile
Are They Coming Back? Pick A Pile
Are They Coming Back? Pick A Pile

If you would like to book this reading privately, please contact me through dms !šŸ«¶šŸ¼ and check out my pinned postšŸ’š

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1 year ago

š“¢š“¶š“Ŗš“µš“µ š“¶š“®š“¼š“¼š“Ŗš“°š“®š“¼ š“Æš“»š“øš“¶ š“½š“±š“® š“¼š“®š“Ŗš“¼š“øš“·š“¼ š“øš“Æ š”€š“²š“½š“¬š“± š“øš“»š“Ŗš“¬š“µš“®!

š“Ÿš“µš“®š“Ŗš“¼š“® š“¼š“±š“Ŗš“»š“® š“Ŗš“·š“­ š“Æš“Ŗš“暝“® š“Æš“øš“» š“¶š“øš“»š“® š“¹š“²š“¬š““ . š“Ÿš“²š“µš“®š“¼ š“Æš“»š“øš“¶ š“¶š“® šŸ¤

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1 year ago

Pick a pile their feelings for you!

Please read energy first to see if this is the right pile for you and figure which person you are A or B based on the energy!šŸ„°

Happy reading! Lmk which pile and which person you have pickedšŸ˜™

If you would like to book a personal reading please check my services on my pinned post.

Pick A Pile Their Feelings For You!

Pile 1 - Apology

Pick A Pile Their Feelings For You!

Person A - fire ant energy

You might feel in this connection the need to be ā€œcoolā€ and ā€œchilled outā€ however thereā€™s a fire inside you thatā€™s slowly but surely spreading in your feelings for this person, thereā€™s undeniable love thatā€™s coming to the point you canā€™t ignore it anymore, you seem to have a sort of childlike personality when it comes to your person and canā€™t help but feel giggly around them, which at times finding yourself doing so you could be thinking ā€œwth this isnā€™t me lemme stopā€ but thereā€™s definitely a call for you to swoon this person, or open up your feelings towards them for once and for all, feeling the need to go all in without a strategic plan at hand, you could be told a lot of times that you do things impulsively and for some people this isnā€™t their cup of tea, you couldā€™ve grown up being told often to settle down or to ā€œthink before you speak!ā€

A lot of fire energy in this pile , you could have Aries Leo or Sagittarius placements, definitely giving the vibes of ā€œdo it now think laterā€, along with this a little bit of water signs energy came up, person A you could have Fire and Water in your chart/big three.

Person B - Buffalo energy

You usually would like to describe yourself as someone thatā€™s quite grounded, reliable, knowledgeable and i feel your family and friends can vouch this for you as well on this, however recently you couldā€™ve hit a bump on the road where itā€™s quite hard for you to be as productive as once was, being scared of jumping head first into things and new challenges due to the anxiety of things splurging out of control or going through another tower moment unexpectedly, in turn found a routine, youā€™ve been sticking to it and even though it might seem quite too repetitive for you, it is your safe haven, itā€™s where you know what to expect, at times might even find yourself not as sociable either, feeling like you canā€™t give out to someone else right now when barely being able to give yourself the experience and fun you deserve, thereā€™s the energy of exhaustion here.

A lot of Earth energy here Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn with a little bit of fire. These could be present in your placements.

Fire ants feelings towards person B

In your feelings currently and how you see your connection, you could be seeing them as someone that you want to rile up or start a conflict with them to at least get something out of them, to see what limits you could push until they open up more , person A I can tell youā€™re feeling left out by your person, feeling that youā€™re not being heard about certain things or that theyā€™re way too nonchalant for you, feeling at times that theyā€™re like a robot, just doing the bare minimum not only for this connection but in their life as well, doing just enough, being on a strict routine of a eat, sleep, work or school and repeat and this is something that could be out of your normal usually or you could be the type of person thatā€™s more open but feeling the need to be restrictive in case you chase them away if you push too much.

How person B ( Buffalo) feels towards their person - you feel yourself drifting away from your person, and not only just them but to others too, and finding solitude in isolation, finding being at peace is being by yourself and learning how to love yourself, I do see you putting a lot of work into yourself which is progressing into the right direction, however when it comes to your person you feel that perhaps they donā€™t understand why you canā€™t just ā€œsnapā€ out of this rut, as it requires intensive inner work, but at the same time you understand you shouldnā€™t leave everyone in the dark making you feel more guilty, worried itā€™ll cause arguments or conflicts or being forced to be something you canā€™t be right now and neither are truly.

Overall for both -

I do see person B coming towards person A with some sort of explanation with why they drifted away and for some of you they even went ghost, Person A I promise you will get the apology that youā€™re eager for, Person A itā€™s time to let Person B know how you feel about them, I feel they do need that boost from you, try to let them know the struggles you have also previously gone through and try to let them know that there is a lending hand when they need it as they feel theyā€™ll bother you by coming clean of their situation, ultimately I see you both coming to a understanding of how each of you can contribute towards each others needs but it will take some time, thatā€™s a factor here, but working slowly will get everything on track.

Pile 2- self love

Pick A Pile Their Feelings For You!

Person A- Nightingale energy

Person A you as the energy of nightingale, you usually are someone that usually can be upfront, not being afraid of speaking up, telling people whatā€™s on your mind when itā€™s in the right times and even when it can be at the most wrongful times šŸ˜…, but there is something about your voice that makes people listen, either you can be someone thatā€™s very convincing/ persuasive, you could even be one to sing and others love to hear it, you are giving the energy of someone that doesnā€™t usually stand out or you might feel it so, but people are attracted towards you either way, you couldā€™ve been told before you have this alluring energy about yourself.

Person B - Energy of the stingray

Person B, coming up as the energy of the stingray you are someone that usually likes to take on a challenge, you can be eager around wanting to grow and very adaptable to your environment and schedules, however youā€™ve been stuck in your ego recently and I know , I know I donā€™t want to call you out but I have to, your using your ego to protect yourself, perhaps you feel that you have put in a lot of word in yourself prior and now you donā€™t feel the need to change all over again to make someone else happy, and thatā€™s all within your rights, but thereā€™s w need for you to escape from the mental trap you have put yourself in, the external is not as bad as your mind is playing it to be, and itā€™s okay to come back to reality.

Persons A feelings towards person B

You couldā€™ve started off as friends with person B, starting things slowly and then all of a sudden coming to surprise that the both of you have been hiding feelings this whole time, thereā€™s an unexpected energy here between the two of you, this couldā€™ve come from you being shocked that the two of you even ended up together, but Iā€™m also seeing a state of shock around some kind of ending when it comes to the two of you, for a big part of pile 2 and person A I would be surprised if you havenā€™t lost Person B and are currently going through a breakup or no contact, person A seems to feel a lot of regret and pain when it comes to their person , and they feel guilt around something here, Person A couldā€™ve been the one that possibly walked away from Person B but that wonā€™t be for everyone of this pile, reverse it as it resonates, but heavy energy around Person A walking away from something here and not being sure if that was the best decision to make, thereā€™s a stagnant energy around Person A where they canā€™t move forwards from a person B but at the same time it doesnā€™t look like they want to, they wouldā€™ve rather work things out than have to come to that for some of you if you are person A I can definitely tell that you didnā€™t want to have it come to that.

How person B feels towards Person A

Person B is coming up as someone thatā€™s very stuck mentally, emotionally quite unstable when it comes to their feelings for A, they currently donā€™t feel comfortable being around Person A due to not feeling like themselves unfortunately around Person A, they feel that the both of you have changed tremendously since the two of you have known each other and theyā€™re not sure on how to fix things, theyā€™re currently focusing on self care and loving on themselves, and it seems that as off right now they feel the need of taking a step back from this connection and bring distance into it.

Overall energy- it looks like the both of you will be prioritising your own selves at this time, and quite significantly unfortunately drifting away from each other, trying to build routines and growth separately.

Pile 3- Justice

Pick A Pile Their Feelings For You!

Person A - golden egg energy

Person A is giving the energy of an old friend, someone that you have known for a very long time, and you find comfort in them, either this is you to and for person B or you have been told often that you give off a sense of familiarity to everyone you meet, you bring a sense of comfort and quietness, you could yourself person A be quite a timid person or someone that doesnā€™t usually budge into peoples business or you wait for others to talk to you first before you approach anyone, you are definitely someone that has a lot of layers to themselves and it takes a lot for you to ā€œcrackā€šŸ˜… or open up to others, you can only be who you truly are around the ones you love most and thatā€™s when you find it easiest to let loose.

Libra energy, water energy, you could have these in your placements.

Person B - Snake energy

Person B you are someone that could at times be described as someone thatā€™s creative, ambitious perhaps you work in a creative role, such as art, landscape, architecture, design, etc, perhaps you are someone that finds themselves expressing themselves through actions rather than their words or perhaps writing it down, or poetry, you could be someone that has a lot of passion and love towards someone but when it comes to voicing it, you could be finding it hard and choose other ways to show them rather by talking, at times out of balance you might find yourself being quite a flighty person, showing up and going as you please, starting out new things but never finishing them before you start something new.

Earth energy for Person B, along with water.

How person A feels towards person b

Person A - thereā€™s a lot of emotion from them when it comes to person B, almost like they see Person B the snake for who they truly are and not who they try to show the world, person A is definitely the one that notices all the small things about person B such as how they act when they are nervous or how theyā€™ll perhaps blink Weirdly when uncomfortable, very little things that at times person B never even noticed, Person A is definitely giving provider type of vibes towards B and they look out for them alot, even though at times they donā€™t fully feel this being reciprocated, either way they feel balanced in this connection.

How person B feels towards person A

The snake person B is a charmerrr, they know how to work in ways to surprise person A, and they feel the need of wanting to try new things to come out with, there is definitely heavy feelings between the both of these energies, which are very equal and person B really feels in Union with person A at times, they even feel like theyā€™re looking at a mirror when they see Person A, the snake energy wants to come through and show person A new opportunities, new adventures and they are also very logical they go about things, they feel the need to have everything ready and Perfect around them, the snake person sees the golden egg as someone that will always have a soft space in their heart and has plans on keeping it that way if they can.

Overall energy for both - you both feel like this is a match made in heaven, and both are mirroring each other in ways you thought could never be possible, this connection is very promising, you both balance each other amazingly.

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1 year ago

Iā€™m back with a new PAC!

Went away for a little while but Iā€™m here with the hopes to stay and be more consistent!šŸ’“


Pile 1 to 3 , left to right ā˜”ļøšŸ’šŸ‰šŸ“šŸŒ“šŸŒ± as always remember to only take what resonates and leave the rest šŸ’“

Im Back With A New PAC!
Im Back With A New PAC!
Im Back With A New PAC!

Pile 1ā˜”ļøā˜‚ļøšŸŒ‚

ā€œI hadnā€™t healed from my previous relationship before I met you, I let my fears get the better of meā€

ā€œOn the outside I might look that I have moved on or that Iā€™m having the best time of my life, but believe me behind closed doors I always think about youā€

Find a message from me in the song ā€œa different wayā€ by Lauv

ā€œNo there wasnā€™t and there isnā€™t anyone elseā€

ā€œ I know you donā€™t trust me anymore, but I want to try again?ā€

ā€œI always stalk your social mediaā€

ā€œMy friends and family are still asking me about youā€

ā€œI have heard some gossip about you, not sure how to feel about itā€

ā€œI have the ring stillā€ message from a fire sign placement

ā€œYou was right all along, I just hated to admit it to youā€

Pile 2 šŸ’šŸ“šŸ‰

ā€œ I know I said I wasted my time but I didnā€™t mean it, I just wanted to hurt you backā€

ā€œIā€™m afraid youā€™re getting over usā€ message from a water placement

ā€œI miss you in my bed first thing in the morning, youā€™re sleepy eyes are the cutestā€

ā€œDonā€™t give up on meā€ Earth sign placement

ā€œI wasnā€™t in it just for the sexā€

ā€œno matter how much I try, I know your love canā€™t be replaceable, I know that nowā€

ā€œI want you to be one that staysā€

ā€œYouā€™re so scary when you get madšŸ˜…ā€

ā€œIā€™m falling even deeper than beforeā€

Pile 3 šŸŖ“šŸŒ“šŸŒ±

ā€œI think about you all the time, itā€™s draining meā€

ā€œI still have and listen to the playlist youā€™ve made me to this dayā€

ā€œYour words cut deeppppā€ message from a air sign

ā€œYou had me feel something that nobody did beforeā€

ā€œWhen I close my eyes all I see is youā€

ā€œNo you wasnā€™t a rebound, I actually think I fell for you even more than I ever did for my exā€

ā€œI know I gave you mixed signals, I didnā€™t know what I wanted back then but now I do, will you give me another chance?ā€ Message from a Aries smrv

ā€œIā€™m thinking about reaching out to you, letā€™s not rush things this time aroundā€

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