Requests : CLOSED! - 16 - He / Him - I have autism and really bad anxiety so I'm sorry if I come across as awkward or rude, I don't mean to be! Call me out on it and I'll try to rephrase my words.
104 posts

(also I write for them wink wink nudge nudge)
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More Posts from Fun-k-board
Spider-Man Into / Across The Spiderverse Gwen Stacy Headcanons!
Note(s): This is a complete projection on my part, if you disagree then you do you

Gwen in my head is transgender, mainly because I dislike the Gwen's Peter Parker is transgender headcanon as it's only basis is 'skinny boy is bullied so must be trans', despite the fact that every single Peter Parker was bullied and skinny before the spider bite?*
Gwen doesn't like many holidays, especially birthdays, she's just never been much of a fan because of the pressure to love and accept every gift given even if it's something she hates.
She gets along with Spiderbyte really well, they both like video games and have frequent gaming sessions even though Margo is way better than her at them.
She's not Christian but she still prays every dinner with her dad, it's just something that brings them closer together.
Sometimes when drumming Gwen gets too into her feelings, forgets she has super strength, and completely breaks the drum kit. This happens so often people think she's too destructive to be in their bands, she's unfortunately well known after a leaked video of her completely demolishing a drum set.
When she was younger she had a very promising ballet and modeling career, she was even about to get professional jobs, but then the spider bite happened and she had to quit. Sometimes, Gwen wishes she didn't, because she really enjoyed and still enjoys both of them.
Gwen hates visiting the spider HQ because most of them have lost a Gwen Stacy, she doesn't feel like herself when speaking to most Peter's and avoids a lot of them. Not only that, but she can't speak to most Peter's because she lost hers, most spiders can't relate to that, and she's only been able to bond with Miles over it.
Her dad is on the fence with Hobie, as much as he agrees that the system is corrupt, heck he even left because of how much it negatively affected his relationship with his daughter, he also feels that Hobie is too 'radical' in his beliefs. Gwen disagrees heavily and this spawns some arguments between them.
Her dad thinks Miles is great for her, him and Jefferson are sort of friends and chat over barbeque, he also has a tense friendship with Rio and they talk about Gwen a lot, for the better or worse.
Gwen really wanted to impress Miles' parents and tried to learn Spanish to do so, her pronunciation was way off and her sentences were all over the place, Rio may or may not like her less after that.
She's never had many friends besides the Spiders and Peter, so she struggles a lot with speaking to anybody's parents or functioning properly in other people's houses, she's more used to people at her house.
Peter used to stay at her place almost every night and she misses having him at her house, she always stays at Margo, Pavitr, Hobie or Miles' house, and vice versa.
She collects pins, random ones, pretty much any that look pretty. She has an 'i eat kids' one with bibble from the Barbie fairy movie on it, she wears it to family gatherings and her dad side eyes it constantly.
Gwen isn't too good at art, she's horrible at anatomy and the only reason she wants to learn is so her and Miles can spend more time together.
She really likes the taste of some spicy food, but can't handle the heat. The aftertaste is always supreme but she turns into a tomato after one bite and coughs if she eats any more.
Gwen looks up to the MJ of Peter B Parkers universe, she also likes to babysit Mayday even if it always ends in total chaos.
*I don't hate thinking Peter is trans in general, heck I think he's trans in all universes, I only have a problem when people get annoyed at the headcanon of Spider-Man Peter and in general Gwen being trans, and are only fine if it's Spider-Gwen's Peter because he's dead.

How people are treating Hobie Brown, and British punks / people as a whole, reeks of classism, privilege and plain ignorance. It's so painfully obvious when somebody who has no clue about punk history, or even the basic idea of poverty in Britain, writes about or speaks about Hobie and his universe.
Let's also discuss the way people immediately assume Hobie is a thief who has no hygiene, and how that's a god damn issue. There is NO mention in the comics or movie of him not washing himself or being a kleptomaniac, not only that, but aren't wicks hard to maintain? It's obvious he doesn't use 3 in 1.
This assumption of Hobie is racism and that much is obvious, but is also rooted in classist beliefs and common stereotypes about punks used to demonise the movement. People also threw around this 'headcanon' in the first movie with Miles, it's a CLEAR pattern.
Don't even get me started on cishet people in this fandom and how heteronormative / homophobic people are in regards to Hobie. 'B-But Hobies universe is the 70's 🥺🥺 he'd hate gay and trans people...👉👈' Do your god damn research?? The punk and LGBTQ+ movements have always been closely intertwined. I have seen a comic panel where Hobie literally kisses Captain Anarchy, but even if that isn't real and was edited, he is still friends with Captain Anarchy, who's a confirmed gay man.
All in all, please, for the love of god, just treat Hobie Brown like you treat Peter Parker. Treat him like the well written character that he is. He's not some racist, classist stereotype you can push your bigoted beliefs onto.
Just wait until I get onto how misogynistic this fandom is toward Spiderbyte and Spidergwen, don't get me started because I will make another post.

I like polls it's honestly really fun to make them because I'm so indecisive ( ̄ヘ ̄;)
All of these characters exist in my universe, the extra Spider-Man excluded, and the one that's chosen as a love interest is for my alien spidersona, not my main one. The ones who aren't chosen will be my main Spidersonas friends in school as I don't want a love interest for my main spidersona.
I'll post the drawings tomorrow!
Some extra information on my universe's Sinister Six members.
First post here

I'm tempted to do entire fics on them but- I need to stop before I start overwhelming myself and getting too excited.
Doctor Olivia Odell
Likes - She's always had a strange fascination with ballet, always adores any dances that include sea themes, or long flowy silk.
Dislikes - Any vehicles, cars, helicopters, even bicycles make her nervous and uncomfortable because she has no control. Olivia used to walk everywhere, now, her tentacle situation can help with that.
Favourite food - Fruits, specifically strawberries and blueberries, she loves salads because they can be so diverse with what foods are included.
Least favourite food - Anything spicy, she's always preferred colder foods, and so something hot in temperature let alone flavour is just not her thing.
How does she text? - Usually her texts have very good grammar, even in crisis, she doesn't text often and prefers to use emails in which they're very professional and well structured.
Nationality - English.
What does she think of her fellow Sinister Six members? -
I... Have mixed feelings on the Green Goblin, I believe that his obsession with perfecting... Whatever he was trying to do, was rather immature, and not well thought out, but, I can understand his need for scientific discovery.
Frederick? His connections are useful, and his dedication to his family is admirable, but it gets in the way. He has a soft spot for those younger than him, which, to be fair, is a lot of people.
Marlene is far too bright, my eyes sting just looking at her. She's also very young and unsure. Her powers, however? Now, that's interesting.
Miguel, much like Frederick, has family issues that are too distracting, but, at least he's much more willing to be a firm leader and get the job done.
Mysterio... What do I say about Mysterio?... He's... His illusions are definitely useful...
Norman Osborn
Likes - He likes shiny objects, anything that can spin, and screams. They're loud, they drown out the voices.
Dislikes - Those two boys... He can't remember how he knows them, but he knows it's painful to see them.
Favourite food - Steak.
Least favourite food - Anything with too much grease.
How does he text? - Doesn't bother to check for spelling errors, punctuation, or grammar, and he's barely coherent. Yet, he insists on texting the Sinister Six group chat regularly.
Nationality - American.
What does he think of his fellow Sinister Six members?
Pretty hair, like little tentacles.
Sand is irritating, all over my skin... He does it on purpose, I know it.
Bright, loud... Perfect to listen to... Not fun to talk to.
Too quiet... He reminds me of... Of...
Shiny, I like the helmet, it spins.
Frederick Miller
Likes - Playing dolls with his daughter, he can't afford much, but his wife passed down a dollhouse with some cute little wooden peg dolls that they play with after school.
Dislikes - Soft beds, he's always preferred a hard surface to sleep on, maybe that's why his back is so horrible.
Favourite food - He likes cereal. It's cheap, the most important meal of the day, they give you a lot of what you need, plus, you can add anything to it.
Least favourite food - Honestly? Anything with an expensive price tag, the cheaper, the better it tastes.
How does he text? - He can't actually write too well and so uses the speech to text feature, it makes his texts get misunderstood regularly.
Nationality - American.
What does he think of his fellow Sinister Six members?
Olivia is strange, she's not a bad co-worker but she's intense. I don't know if she likes me, and I don't know if I like her. At the end of the day, she's just another criminal I gotta work with.
Uh... That guy...? Green Goblin, was it? He's... He's definitely a... Uhm... Person...?
Marlene reminds me of my kid, they're bright, fun, and honestly? I feel bad for them, they shouldn't be in this business, at all, from what they've told me, it was a complete accident.
Miguel, he's strict, commanding, but that's until you share a beer with the guy. He's damaged, I feel for him. Although, that doesn't make me like waking up at five AM any more.
I don't like how Mysterio acts around Marlene. He's just... Weird... At least his technology is useful.
Marlene Diegel
Likes - Ballet and classical music, they're very important to the history of theatre and the entertainment industry in general.
Dislikes - Dull colours and costumes that aren't flashy, in their opinion, if you're going to be a villain you may as well dress the part.
Favourite food - Cake, the ones with heavy icing and cherries on top.
Least favourite food - Chicken, especially with bones in it.
How do they text? - Lots of emoticons and exclamation / quotation marks, she's never professional texting even when it's about a serious mission.
Nationality - German.
What do they think of their fellow Sinister Six members?
I wish I was as smart as Olivia, I admire her, really, but she's honestly not very fun to be around. She's quiet, and kinda boring, but at least her tentacles can hold stuff for me.
Green Goblin gives me the creeps, he's literally green, I thought he was some kind of alien at first. I can't imagine purposefully doing that to yourself.
Frederick is nice to me, I don't know why, but he feels like my dad, or my brother, or just my friend, even if we never get to sit down and talk much, I always enjoy when we do.
Miguel also reminds me of my dad, but how he actually was, and not the feeling of a dad. He's very strict and he kinda scares me sometimes, but he's not doing it in a bad way, or at least I don't think he is?
Mysterio's got a fish bowl for a head, I admire the flair, especially the cape, but it is a little ridiculous, and that's coming from somebody with lighting patterns all over their clothes. There's something about him though, I can't place my finger on it!
Miguel Dominguez
Likes - Taking videos and photos, he originally wanted to be a photographer before joining the army, and he's never managed to get back into the hobby professionally.
Dislikes - Watching sports, he despises how boring it is and how you aren't even doing anything while watching.
Favourite food - Pizza, specifically with jalapenos, barbeque sauce and pineapple, it adds a spicy kick and an interesting flavour combination, which boosts his energy.
Least favourite food - Spaghetti, it was his wife's favourite, even the smell makes him sick to his stomach.
How does he text? - He uses emojis a lot and isn't well versed in how people typically use them, so tends to come off as strange. Very good grammar, but occasionally he will sacrifice a bullet point or capital letter once and a while.
Nationality - Mexican.
What does he think of his fellow Sinister Six members?
Olivia's smart, she put this scorpion tail on me, but, I know what it looks like when someone is being told to do something. That's all I'm sharing.
Green Goblin's more like a pet than a human, why would a man reduce himself to such an animalistic state of mind is beyond me. At least he follows orders, I suppose.
Frederick is a good, hardworking, man. Despite how he acts at first, he is very family centered, and I feel as if we both have an understanding of our relationship as co-workers.
I don't think Marlene's cut out for this line of work.
I appreciate Mysterio and his illusions, the technology is impressive, and he's even added advancements to my tail on more than one occasion. But, he's a bit too... Eccentric, for our missions.
Quinlan Blanchfield
Likes - Baking, specifically after a long day of working behind the stage, the lights, the music, it all gives him a rush, and baking cools him down.
Dislikes - The colour blue, it's always just annoyed him, it's too soft.
Favourite food - Cokie dough, and cookies, but, he's working on trying to convince Olivia to help him find a way to safely consume cookie dough, so far she's uninterested.
Least favourite food - Anything that's salty, he never adds salt to his baking, no matter how much it'll improve it.
How does he text? - Uses words that any regular person would need a dictionary to decipher, he's never had a spelling error or incorrect grammar, yet he also uses emojis occasionally.
Nationality - French.
What does he think of his fellow Sinister Six members?
Olivia is impressive, her advancements are far beyond any others, and I'm not just saying that because her boss funds us and our living situations.
Green Goblin interests me, his state of mind, or lack thereof, his costume, everything is such a point of intrigue, I can't wait to learn more when he starts to regain his memories.
The sand guy? He's annoying, I'm starting to think he's spilling sand into my costume on purpose.
Marlene...? No comment.
Miguel is a great leader, he's strong, strict, everything about him is intense, I admire him, I really do, but his schedules and god, the diet? Don't get me started.