
52 posts

Save Yourself First

Save yourself first

Mikey x gn!reader

Angstish, no comfort, SPOILERS for the newest chapters. Battle of Three Deities fight end spoilers and etc. Y’all know what I mean if you’ve read the manga. IF YOU HAVENT READ THE MANGA AND DONT WANT TO BE SPOILED DONT READ

You and Mikey were lovers, now exes. Reader is the second time leaper(?) traveler?

Character deaths mentioned, hospitals, passing out, fighting

You’re too busy saving everybody else, to save yourself

Save Yourself First

Eyes which were once full of life, stare into Mikey’s with emptiness. Your body was shaking from how worn out it was from fighting all sorts of gang members and especially from the fight against South that happened just a few minutes ago. “They look just like me” he thinks, as he stares at you, laying bloody on the ground, holding onto a wound that was deeper and far worse than he thought. It seemed as if all light that you once had, was gone. Like you finally gave up trying to save everyone. Mikey squats down and looks at your face up close. You had more scars now, he noticed. They were littering your skin, telling stories of the many things you’ve seen. You were taking deep and shaky breaths, fear was radiating off of you, but so was defeat, as if you were waiting for him to finish what South started. You were waiting for him to kill you. Get rid of you. As if you were a mere toy which was now useless. And as Mikey gets lost in his thoughts, taking in the way your body looks now, he feels himself slipping out of his mind. Something darker looming over his head. Taking over his mind, soul and body.

You close your eyes for a few seconds, trying to calm down your breathing. But it was all so hard. You were hurting inside and out. Tired from all of the fighting that you had to go through. You always put everyone else above yourself. Saving them from all of the bad things that were happening around all of you. In the end, you couldn’t manage to save three people. Your dearest friends Baji Keisuke, Draken and lastly - yourself. Though you didn’t really care about the last one. You felt guilt consuming your body, thinking about the two lost souls.

Grasping onto hope and believing that your friends would somehow realise that you need help too, you never tried to even help yourself. Save yourself from everything. Keeping yourself on the lowest pedestal. Hoping they would extend their arm towards you and lend you a helping hand. They never did.

Let it all go. The thoughts whisper. And Mikey does. He closes his eyes and feels his heart getting emptier by the second. Seeing you slowly close your eyes, slipping into darkness, his hand reaches his chest, the place where his heart should be and he lets out a sigh. He promised himself to save you one day. Repay for everything that you’ve done. But he failed to do that.

“Ken-chin.. I feel empty.”

Mikey loses himself to himself. As he blacks out, he doesn’t remember anything. He doesn’t remember killing South, hurting Takemichi, Senju disbanding her gang. He doesn’t remember holding your bleeding body in his arms. He doesn’t remember bringing you to the hospital. He doesn’t remember laying on the roof of the hospital, waiting for the doctors to tell him you’ll be okay. And he doesn’t remember going to the place he now has to call home, Kokonoi and Sanzu waiting for him inside.

And once you opened your eyes, body limp in the hospital bed, thoughts ponder in your head. Why did you come back once again? Why did Takemichi? What were you two thinking? Then memories come rushing back. You were killed by a Bonten member. A vivid memory of Kakucho holding up a gun to your head and shooting you, flashes in front of your eyes. A tear rolls down your face. This whole thing. Time traveling.. it was never a blessing. It was a curse. You lost yourself long ago. You were now just a mere shadow of who you used to be. And you grab onto the sheets that were on top of your body, keeping it warm in the middle of a, strangely, cold July’s night. You look to the left and notice a calendar hanging on the wall. July 9th. You were out for two days. Probably because of blood loss. You think to yourself and close your eyes for a couple of more seconds.

Mikey keeps looking through the window of his room. It was raining. Seemed the perfect weather for his mood. He looks down at the object that he was holding in his right arm and feels his heartbeat get faster for a second. A photo from a few years ago, lays there in his palm. You standing to his left, kissing his cheek and Draken standing to his right, holding up a peace sign. Suddenly his vision gets blurry and the picture gets wet.

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More Posts from G0kotta

3 years ago

Hello. Your platonic brother Haitani and sister reader was so cute. Can I ask headcanons with them at school and they see their sweet 6 years old sister popping in the empty classroom they're hanging out during lunch time. She wanted to see them and walked from her school to them (the school are 2 train stations apart. Thanks!

Shenanigans of the youngest Haitani

Thank you sm!<33

Haitani brothers x younger sister!reader


Hello. Your Platonic Brother Haitani And Sister Reader Was So Cute. Can I Ask Headcanons With Them At

Ran hits Rindou in the back of his head and grunts about how they can’t miss school again. Rindou just rolls his eyes and sits back on the chair of the classroom they were hanging out in. They were both angry at the world and pissed off at each other. Not only were they forced to go to school, they forgot to pack lunch and forgot to take money with them. And now they couldn’t beat anyone up for lunch money, because they surely will get thrown out of their school.

The Haitani brothers have been skipping a lot of classes and rarely showed up to school. The principal called their parents and threatened to expel them. That led to their parents screaming their heads off at the two brothers and causing a ruckus. Ran and Rindou had no choice, but to start going to school again. And, because of all the skipping, they had to write exam after exam and take a lot of tests. It was a headache and a nightmare.

Their sister started to feel lonely. She didn’t see her brothers anymore. Not even in the evening. They would sit in their room and study. And when they weren’t studying, they were running around Roppongi. And her days weren’t any better than theirs. Their parents yelled at her too for no reason at all. And her brothers weren’t there to comfort her! School was going bad too, since she was getting bullied by a couple of girls in her class.

That day she had enough. She left school without saying anything to the teacher (It wasn’t uncommon, she usually left alone, or sometimes her babysitter would accompany her). She just had to think of something. What could she possibly say to her brothers to justify what she was doing right now? She was walking towards their school, which was way farther than hers. Thought luckily after twenty minutes of walking, she bumped into her babysitter walking with her friends. That escalated to the babysitter grabbing the little girls hand and walking besides her, leaving her friends behind.

She was listening to (Y/N) vent about how she misses her brothers and how they were giving her none of their time.

“Y’know. I can give you some of the cupcakes we baked yesterday! I packed them for lunch, but I already ate with my friends. You can give them to your brothers. That could justify as a reason for why you came to see them, right?” The older girl let go of her tiny hand and searched for a little box, packed with six cupcakes and gave them to (Y/N). “We’re here. I’ll wait for you outside, okay? And then we can walk back home.”

(Y/N) ran into the school, looking for her two older brothers. Which were found in an empty classroom, sitting alone and glaring at each other. Their souls almost left their bodies after seeing their six year old sister in their school. Ran quickly stood up, the chair he was sitting on falling behind him, and grabbed (Y/N)’s hand softly.

“What are you.. How did you even get here?!” Rindou stood up as well, his heart racing.

“Don’t worry! (Babysitter’s name) walked with me! I was having a bad day and missed you two. You weren’t spending time with me at all this past week!” She pouted. “Oh and here! Cupcakes we baked yesterday. They’re really good!” She handed Ran the box.

And as much as they wanted to be mad at her, their crumbling stomach spoke otherwise. They knew that they were ignoring their sister for way too long. They engulfed her in a big hug and promised to give her as much attention as possible, once they were back home.

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3 years ago

There will be one more part to this and that’s it. Prepare for fluff and angst



Sano Shinichiro x gn!reader and platonic!Wakasa, Akasahi, Benkei x reader

Prom is coming up and Shinichiro still hasn’t got a date. Thought you don’t have a date either. A coincidence? Maybe, though I think it’s fate.

Fluff flufffff, Shinichiro being awkward

Around 1k words


You let out a sigh and walk into the art club classroom. You had to fetch yourself a coffee, because you almost fell asleep while painting and were so close to ruining the painting you’ve been working on for weeks. Four voices catch your attention and a huge smile adorns your face, as you realise your favourite people finally came. One look to the left and you see that they’re already as comfortable as ever, the table filled with snacks. They smile and wave at you, telling you to sit down with them for awhile, before going back to the painting that now stood forgotten on the other side of the classroom. You sit down next to Shinichiro, Benkei sitting to your right, and take a sip of your coffee.

“What’s up, Sano?” You tilt your head slightly. “You look kinda.. off? What’s on your mind?”

“The guy still hasn’t got a date for prom.” Wakasa laughs.

“Oh? Is prom happening soon?” You furrow your brows and try to think hard if you’ve heard anything about prom. Not that you could remember, though you don’t really listen to stuff like that, not having much time to stress over what you should wear and who you should go with.

“You..You don’t know that prom is happening next week?!” Shinichiro’s eyes widen and his mouth hangs open.

“Close your mouth, Sano. Or else bugs will fly into it.” You smirk. “No. I don’t remember hearing anything about prom. Probably because I always sit in this damned classroom.” A sigh leaves your lips. “Not that I’m complaining. It’s kinda cozy here.” The guys nod, agreeing with it. They couldn’t disagree with you, they’ve been coming here for five months now.

“And nobody asked you out? Y’know, as their prom date?” Akashi raises his brow, confused.

“Uh, no? I’m not really.. good looking? And anyone’s type? I also just always sit in silence and don’t really talk to anyone else, besides you guys and the other members of the art and sewing clubs. Which consists of only girls who are way younger than me. I would be surprised if the others even knew that I exist.” You chuckle.

“Don’t you wanna go to prom?” Wakasa takes a bag of chips from the table and opens it. “Most people dream of it since they were children. And also stop lying to yourself. We all know you’re good looking.” He rolls his eyes.

“Why didn’t you go to the prom that your school held, huh, Wakasa?” You grab a candy bar that Benkei brought you. “You’re not the only one who doesn’t care about prom. And as I just said no one has asked me to go with them. So I’ll just stay at home, laying in my comfortable bed.” You let out a dreamy sigh. “Gahh, I wish I was in my bed right now..” The guys just roll their eyes at you and look at a pouty Shinichiro, who looks on the verge of tears.

“I’ve asked five girls! Five! And they all rejected me.” He hits the table, which causes Akashi to scold him.

“Do you really wanna go that bad?” You look at him shocked. You knew Shinichiro has been dreaming of having a love life for the longest time now. Thought he never really looked like that much of a romantic. And prom? For some reason you thought he would rather spend his time driving around with his bike and causing ruckus with the other guys.

“Yes!” He whines and slumps on the chair he was sitting on. He grabs the bag of chips from Wakasa’s hands and pours the remaining chips into his mouth. Wakasa hits him in the back of the head, causing Shinichiro to slightly choke. He pretends to actually seriously choke and starts shaking in his chair, which makes you giggle at his dumb antics. He sees you laughing and smiles, stars shining in his eyes. He couldn’t believe how beautiful you looked. He kept telling the guys how you look like a god/goddess of beauty. And how he wished he had your talent, so he could paint you. Thought that also wouldn’t fully show how gorgeous you are. In his eyes, no words, paintings or anything could actually show the beauty you hold. He wishes he was a poet so he could write a whole book of poems just about you. The other three guys just stared at him and shook their heads. Shinichiro was so dumb. He asked other people to go to prom with him, but not you.

“Well if you want to go that bad.. and you if you don’t get a date by then.. I could go with you?” You raise an eyebrow and throw a smile his way. “I’d keep you company.”

“Y..You would?” He gasps. “No!”

“No?” You repeat, confused. “You don’t wanna go with me?” You were slightly disappointed.

“That’s not what I mean!” He groans and hides his face in his hands. “I was supposed to y’know.. do a promposal or whatever they’re called! I do wanna go with you, but I didn’t even ask you properly.”

“You didn’t even ask me, dumbass.” You facepalm. “I just did.” You stood up from the chair and stretched a bit. “So are we going together, or no?”

“Yeah!!” He excitedly answers and them clears his throat, and makes his voice deeper. “I mean yeah, sure.” You let out a laugh and put on your earphones, walking towards the unfinished painting.

“I’ll be waiting for the prom then, bee boy.”

3 years ago


Wakasa Imaushi x gn!reader (1.1k words)


Just an fyi, English isn’t my mother language

Years after (Y/N)’s and Shinichiro’s deaths, grandpa Sano finds tapes filmed by his passed grandson.


The three men sat on a couch, looking straight at the black screen of the TV. They have been in that exact position for about ten minutes now. Not one of them daring to move, not wanting to disturb the silence.

Akashi Takeomi's house was big and had a lot of space. It felt too empty for Wakasa's liking. He enjoyed plants, shelves full of books, pictures hanging on the walls and other stuff laying around the house. He actually preferred smaller houses. It felt more like.. home. This felt more like an expensive hotel that you would usually stay in for a week or less while traveling.

It felt especially empty now since Takeomi only lived here with his younger sister. She was out shopping and the guys decided that now was a perfect time to open the box that was given to them about a month ago. The box itself was a bit torn in a few places. It also had a lot of dust on it. They knew that grandpa Sano didn't open it. He didn't feel the need to. He himself had said: "It's written on the box. 'Memories with friends'. It's for you to see and remember, not me."

None of them were mentally ready for what they'll see, but they knew they wanted to hear the voices of their passed friends once more. And if that meant to look through old tapes, that haven't been touched in years, then so be it. Benkei took a random tape and put it in the old VHS player that Takeomi found in his basement. Music started playing and a few seconds after that, static reached their ears. But quickly after that a video started playing.

"Shin what are you doing?" A quiet voice was heard.

"I decided to start filming memories. We can look back at these tapes like fifty years later when we have amnesia or something." Shinichiro giggles and as he turns the camera towards himself, his messy, black hair taking up half of the screen. He then puts the camera down and turns it towards two other people.

(L/N) (Y/N) was laying down on Shinichiro's bed and looking at the screen of their phone, a small smile and blush adorning their face. Benkei was sitting on the ground near the bed. He tilted his head as he looked at Shinichiro. But as soon as (Y/N) looked towards the camera and opened their mouth, the video ended.

They sit in silence and Takeomi lets out a quiet chuckle, taking a drag out of a cigarette laying between his fingers. "Of course he accidentally cut the video short. That dumbass."

Benkei takes a different tape.

Sunset and blonde hair were the first noticeable parts of the new video. And then the person's purple eyes. It was Wakasa. He was standing on a bridge, leaning on the rails. Wind was ruffling his hair. Next to him stood (Y/N). They were shaking their head at something Wakasa said and punched his shoulder. Takeomi and Benkei were in a deep conversation as well, standing further away from the other two.

Shinichiro's breathing could be heard from behind the camera. He then zoomed into Wakasa and (Y/N) and started making annoying kissing sounds. After a few seconds he started laughing at himself and put the camera on the ground. Shinichiro mumbles something, but it was incoherent. He then starts running towards his friends, wind messing up his hair, that was now free from all the gel he used. Shinichiro looks towards the camera lens, making a few dumb poses. His friends already used to him acting like that, don’t even pay mind to his dancing figure. He then suddenly runs towards the camera and it falls over, pointing to the sky. Shinichiro let’s out a loud “fuck!”

The video ends.

The three men start to feel the tension in the room. Wakasa felt shivers run down his spine as he thinks about that specific day. It was the day he was supposed to confess his feelings towards (Y/N), but got too scared to do so.

He regretted not confessing ever since.

Benkei takes one more tape, whispering about how this will be the last one for now. None of them knew if that box would be ever touched again. Maybe after a couple of more years. When the pain won't be as bad. And the wounds in their hearts were healed more than they were now.

The third video was of all of them in a carnival. They all still clearly remember that day. They felt so free. The stress caused by the gang they were leading, was clouding their minds that year. (Y/N) heard about the upcoming carnival and suggested it. After some thinking the four guys agreed.

The different coloured lights were illuminating their faces. Wakasa was looking at (Y/N), while they were talking about something. They were extremely into the conversation, their arms flailing around. Wakasa was just nodding as if to show that we was listening to every detail that came out of their mouth. Takeomi and Benkei were looking at Shinichiro with weird expressions on their faces. Benkei quickly snatched the camera and pointed it at a smirking Shinichiro.

"What has gotten into you?" Takeomi asks and Shin just shakes his head slightly.

"You'll understand later." He snatches the camera from Benkei's hands and puts it close to his face. He then whispers as quietly as possible, so that the guys wouldn’t hear anything. And they didn't, since the music from the carnival blocked out everything Shinichiro had whispered.

"(Y/N) will finally confess to Wakasa today." He then points the camera at the two people walking in front. They were walking very close to each other. Wakasa had a huge smile on his face, while (Y/N) was giggling like an idiot.

But that night they never confessed. Wakasa had to leave early, because of family troubles. And (Y/N) never found an opportunity like that again. 

Three months after the carnival (Y/N) got killed by a rival gang member.

Four months after the carnival, Wakasa was kneeling in front of (Y/N)’s grave, confessing his undying love for them.

Five months after the carnival Shinichiro left the gang, realising it just wasn’t the same without them.

A few years after the carnival, Shinichiro was killed in his bike shop by two of his younger brother’s friends.

Wakasa turns off the TV and sits straight. His body was tense. The three men were once again staring at a black screen, not daring to move an inch.

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3 years ago

Unrequited love

And it's all fun and games/'Till somebody falls in love/But you already bought a ticket/And there's no turning back now

We all have seen fanfictions about toxic relationships with the TR boys. But what if it was a bit different? Reversed? Instead of you chasing them, it’s them chasing you. No matter how toxic you are.

18y/o(Haitani Ran/Smiley/Haitani Rindoux gn!reader)

Toxic!reader, a bit suggestive in Ran’s part?idk one night stands are mentioned.

Unrequited Love

Haitani Ran

Unrequited Love

Ran had always been cocky and had an inflated ego. But who could blame him? With his good and unique looks, tall height, lean, but muscular body figure, he was a love interest for most. Girls were crushing on him and his younger brother.

But that’s all it was. Crushes. He never gave a chance to anyone, deeming himself way too good for the lowlifes chasing after him. One night stands were the usual for him. Getting anyone he wants with just a few pick up lines and flirty looks. And he was completely fine with all of that. Why should you stress over a relationship, when you can have a one night stand whenever and then move on with your life as if nothing happened.

But that quickly changed, when a new student strutted their way into his school. Your head held high, a huge smirk adorning your face. (L/N) (Y/N) was a sight to behold. You looked like fine art, that everyone enjoyed to look at, but were too afraid to touch. It was obvious. One look at you and they could see it in your eyes. You were out of everyone’s league.

After just a few months, (L/N) (Y/N) was given the title of the school’s biggest heartbreaker. But the students still tried, hoping that they somehow have caught the attention of the beauty known as you.

Ran had to agree. You were breathtaking. But it was after his brother had been rejected by you, that he decided to try asking you out by himself. Used to getting whatever he wanted, he walked up to you and gave you a cocky smile, and a wink. But instead of being greeted with a smile, or a shy wave, he got greeted by a glare and a scoff.

“Not interested, Haitani.” Was all you said before turning around and walking away, leaving Ran standing in the middle of the hall alone and confused.

Ran had never felt rejection in his life. He always got anything and everything he wanted. And that’s all it took for him to completely fall for you. After that, he kept running after you, even after you pushed him away, warning him you’re not interested in a relationship.

And when you finally started flirting back with him, he felt as if he was in heaven. Walking like a dog on a leash after you. Even when his brother warned him, that the school’s heartbreaker was leading him on, he didn’t care. Loving the small bits of attention he got from you.

It was when (L/N) (Y/N) got bored of him and found another plaything to lead on, he finally got back into his senses and realised what was actually going on.

That was the first time Haitani Ran realised what a heartbreak felt like.

Smiley/Kawata Nahoya

Unrequited Love

His friends warned him. They saw all of the red flags from the start. Hearing stories about the infamous (L/N) (Y/N) and how they used whoever they thought was interesting, until they got bored.

But Nahoya never once listened to them. Thinking he knew you better than anyone else. It was him dating you after all. Not his friends. They didn’t know about the intimate moments you two had. The cuddles, long kisses, dancing in the kitchen of the Kawata household while cooking a meal for the both of you.

Of course, there were moments when he saw some toxicity in your actions, dismissing it with a “we all are a bit toxic.”. Even after you said you needed a break from him, after a small argument. Even after you threw around comments that one day you’ll leave him. He just didn’t care.

“Have you heard the quote ‘all red flags look like regular flags when you’re wearing rose coloured glasses’?” His brother asked him one day.

“No.” Nahoya answered and turned his back to Angry.

Their friends were supposed to come over soon, after hearing the news from his brother through a text message. Nahoya caught you kissing another person and all you did was throw him a small smile. After he broke up with you, you just shrugged your shoulders and walked away, not even trying to explain anything. You didn’t beg for forgiveness, or even apologise.

“Guess you should’ve listened to your friends.” Was all you said, before walking away.

Nahoya knew that he won’t forget you. You were his first true love. And he knew that one day, he’ll come crawling back to you, begging for your attention. You were unforgettable. And he had hope that one day, you’ll love him as much as he loves you.

Haitani Rindou

Unrequited Love

His brother shook his head, looking at his frowning younger brother. You two were fighting again. He could tell with his older brother senses. He tried to make Rindou break up with you, but he couldn’t. He wouldn’t.

It was a matter of time when you would do that yourself. Because they both knew you will. The charming smile you gave to anyone who looked your way, your flirty manners and an outgoing personality, clashed with Rindou’s. He disliked the fact that you were flirting with other men and women. But you always angrily shifted the blame on him.

Saying things like ‘oh you don’t trust me?’ ‘I thought you knew that I could never cheat on you!’ ‘I might flirt with others, but at the end of the day, I’m still dating you, right? I’ll always come back to you. Or did you forget already?’

He knew you were toxic. He knew that from the start. The way you held yourself higher than anyone else. Judging anyone crossing your way and then sending them a fake smile and a wink. He saw the way your personality shifted when you finally got bored of using someone. The way you would snap your fingers and snarl at the person, saying mean comments about them and how boring they are.

Rindou knew, that one day you will be doing that to him. But for now, he was hoping that you’ll change. For him, preferably.

He took the phone out of his pocket and wrote a quick message, before sending it out to you.

“I’m sorry. It’s my fault. Can we meet up? I miss you.”

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3 years ago


Classic and stupid horror movie scenes (Mikey, Rindou, Sanzu)

English isn’t my mother language

Gore/a tiny tiny bit suggestive on Sanzu’s part, but not NSFW/blood/knife use/guns/alcohol use/death



A classic “I’m in the shower and can’t hear someone enter the bathroom, until it’s too late”


Maybe it was the alcohol running through your veins, or maybe it was the loud music playing from the speaker that you connected to your phone, maybe even a mix of both, but it felt as if you were somewhere else. As if you were flying around in the skies, feeling as free as ever. Like you were a young bird, that finally left it’s nest.

But not much later, the euphoric feeling turned into something else. The feeling of freedom and happiness, turned into a disgusting headache that you couldn’t shake off and everything in your view started spinning even more. It made you want to vomit every drop of the alcohol you drank.

Somehow you ended up in the shower, the speaker now laying on the side of the sink. You don’t even remember when you walked into the bathroom. Warm water was running through your face and body, slightly washing off the feeling of being drunk. But it still didn’t completely sober you up. You slowly lifted you hand up to your face and slapped yourself.

“Sober up, dumbass. C’mon.” You whine. And as the song was coming to an end, you heard the bathroom door close.

Your body froze up. Goose bumps ran through your body and your breathing became harder. You live alone. And no one should come over or visit you today. Even if they did, what kind of freak would walk into your bathroom?

Maybe you’re hallucinating? You did drink a lot.

But before you could even move a muscle, the shower curtains were pushed to the side, revealing a masked man standing in front of you, holding a knife in his hand.

A loud scream was blocked out by the loud music, as you were pushed down in the shower, hitting your head in the process.

The clear water turned red and in the last thing you saw before blacking out, was the man taking off his mask. His black and emotionless eyes boring into yours.

“Mikey..?” You whisper as everything turned dark.

“Good to see you again, (Y/N).” He smiles slightly. “I warned you, didn’t I? If you ever try to leave me, I’ll kill you.”


A classic “dumb cheerleader runs away from the killer and somehow ends up tripping over nothing and falling down.”


At first you thought it was a stupid joke, or a prank. You had no need to worry, downing another bottle of beer. Your friends tried to reason with you, explain in a hurry that there’s a killer somewhere in the house, but you just laughed at their faces and waved your hand around.

“I’m not that stupid.” You smirk at them and they all share a look, deciding to just let you be.

You don’t believe them. Not until you hear a horrifying scream from one of your friends, who just left the house. As you look through the window, you see them getting stabbed. There’s already a blood puddle forming around them and you see the light leave their eyes more and more after every stab.

You slowly walk backwards and the killer lifts his head, turning it towards you. He tilts it to the side a bit and menacingly waves.

You turn around and start running, adrenaline in your body making you even faster than usual. You see a house phone on a table and you grab it, dealing 911. Your hands were shaking and so was the rest of your body, the memory of witnessing your friend being stabbed multiple times and dying, still fresh in your mind.

Unlucky you. There’s no service.

You throw the phone and start running towards other people, but they were too drunk to even move. Others already ran away from this damned house.

If only you listened to your friends.

You run out of the house and go towards the dark woods, hoping that the tall trees can hide your body from the killer. It was night time already, so it’ll be easy to hide, right? You hear footsteps behind you and that makes you move even faster, the want and need to live running in your thoughts. You were too young to die. Too pretty.

But suddenly you trip over something and your body hits the dirt. And as you try to stand up again, someone grabs you and holds you to their chest. A knife was placed to your neck.

“Move an inch and I’ll fucking slit your throat.”

That voice.. You’ve heard it before. And your eyes widen in realisation. Haitani Rindou. The younger of the two infamous Haitani brothers. They were always known as the trouble makers of the school. Neither of them had friends, since everyone was scared of them.

“What a dumb bitch.” He continues. “A cheerleader dressed up as a bloody cheerleader for halloween.” He takes off his mask with one hand, the other still holding the knife to your throat.

He then leans towards your ear and whispers.

“Ironic don’t you think?”


A classic “Oh wow, a house in which many murders happened? That’s crazy. Let’s check it out.”


You walk towards the abandoned house, that was barely standing. It was all over the newspapers, and the news on the old TV in your home. Killings happened here a few months ago and the killer still hasn’t been found. There have been people who visited this place and went home, not finding anything cool, except for the dried up blood on the floor, walls and even ceiling.

After trying to talk your friends into going with you, which was unsuccessful, you decided to just go alone. Your bag was hanging on your shoulder, it had a couple of cameras, a butterfly knife and some pepper spray in it.

The plan was simple. You walk in, hide the cameras, leave. Then you’ll come back after a few days and look if you got anything interesting. You won’t even take longer than fifteen minutes there.

You walk into the building and stand still for a few seconds. Not hearing anything suspicious you start walking again. Looking around the house and trying to figure out what places were the best to hide the cameras.

And as you take out the first camera and put it down, you feel something metal touch the back of your head.

“Move a muscle and I’ll fucking blow your brains out.”

You freeze up.

Shit. Why the hell did you think this was a good idea again?

He grabs the back of your shirt and throws you on the floor.

A tall guy, with symmetrical scars on the sides of his mouth and pink hair was staring at you. Smirking.

“Well, well..” he let’s out a fake sigh. “Isn’t this just sad. You saw my face. I’ll have to kill you.”

“Please don’t..” you mutter. “I won’t tell anyone! I promise! Please, I’ll do anything..”

His smirk gets wider.


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