This world is just a canvas to our imagination. Everything you can imagine is real. .....It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong.......What we wish, we readily believe, and what we ourselves think, we imagine others think also.
641 posts
I like what I see, I want what I like, I own what I want and what I own loves me.
For lizzy
Who doesn't just want to be good?

I also use women as a sex object; maybe I'm kinky. However, I like to talk to them as well.
Oliver Reed

Are vampires kinky? I didn't know.
Roger Ebert

There's never any time for anything that's remotely kinky, and even when I try to send some kinky stuff, it always gets shut down.
Guy Sebastian

I paint stupid things; that's what I do. I can't think of anything more boring than a really beautiful thing. You have to mess it up. There has to be something a little kinky to keep their attention.
Billy Al Bengston
The magic of things is that in the end they are all fleeting, you don't really own anything like your own arm. Those we believe we possess possess us, especially our passions.
Passion that creates suffering, a fusion of longing coupled with desire to forget.
It's not me who controls passion, it controls me. Every dom of self-importance and self-indulgence thinks he leads the sub, but far from it, it leads him.

Once someone has awakened the desire in you, they can lead you on a lead even if they have the collar on at the end of the lead.
Part of the game is that you only ever sell the illusion, never yourself. A concept of self-promotion with a passion.
You only ever look at the moon but you never set foot on it. I like what you do, it's like a shop full of anticipation for all people who like to look at the moon.
Don't get me wrong it really is a pleasure to look at you but a coffee in a kinky bar in reality is always my first choice.
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The world is full of topics, good bad, beautiful and exciting things happening everywhere whether it's just political, social, cultural whatever it is I was made aware of by you and wrote a post about, thank you!
in the end, even if it's just a like or a reblog, the goal is achieved, we have reached someone out there in the anonymous.
Thank you all whoever and wherever you are.

I wish us a pleasant life in peace and freedom for all people at the price of understanding.

A self-determined life in any form of freedom includes respecting the boundaries of others and enjoying the boundlessness of Equals.
You find the picture repulsive and believe your judgement is more important than the freedom of the artist!
Wrong view of things....
You have to be able to withstand the freedom of others in a democracy.
Freedom is when one stands up for the freedom of others to achieve and defend the equality of self-determination for everyone in any sociological-cultural-economic environment of a society.
What I don't like is not the measure of things, but what I don't care about.
In times like these, there is a great deal of attention being paid to the culture of agitation for the sake of agitation, not in order to advance issues that are really important.
Little things are blown up by propaganda without any substance in the name of a protagonist who feels absolutely right.
Facts are felt and stylised into truths to the point of grotesqueness. It's no longer about togetherness but about "whoever doesn't think like us is the enemy" and not across national borders but the enemy's feelings in their own society. This has the potential to destroy states without an enemy from outside.
Unity makes small things big, discord makes big things small.
Always recognise the intention behind a supposed message - this only works if you gather facts from different sources and get a complete picture. The world is not black and white or zero and one, it is a place of complex interrelationships combined with facts about causes and effects. And not simple propaganda with simple finger-pointing.
When a burglar breaks into a museum at night with just a torch. 🔦 then comes across a large painting by Picasso and focusses the cone of light from the torch on just a section of the painting. He only sees part of the picture and could claim that the painter only painted feet.
The whole picture gives you a view of things and always consider where it is hanging and why.
What do I do as a politician when I have no facts?
I am therefore completely free of facts and have neither key figures nor scientific findings based on meaningful data!
I play a bit of a seed game:
You take two states one the fear, two the anxiety and then you wait until the seeds sprout and harvest the yields: the power
Never forget to play off certain layers against each other. Preferably the poor against other poor people. Or those down there against those up there, never forgetting to emphasise that even if you belong to those up there, you are one of those down there.
That always works!
And as written it has to be completely fact-free and therefore a lie, it's not about truth but about polarising.
For and against, even if it's complete rubbish. Only the result counts, you have to throw dirt at the opponent you're trying to damage, the main thing is that something sticks.
A few nice examples that were certainly never demanded, but are sure to divide and polarise - why facts if you just want to get into power? Selecting opponents as targets to cover with propaganda on topics that are actually completely absurd.

The Greens in America want to ban meat completely and increase the price of meat by 1000 per cent by law.
The Democrats want children to be able to determine their own gender from the age of 12, even against parental guardianship.
Migrants from Central America, together with the majority Mexican residents, plan to manipulate the election with the help of the deep state in favour of Biden.
Donald Trump sold really important secret documents about the national distribution to the Russian state for an undisclosed exorbitant amount of money because they blackmailed him. Based on explicit film footage in a Russian luxury hotel room of truly heinous sexual acts involving several people, some of whom were allegedly underage.

You read it and doesn't get round to checking it out, but immediately goes against the excited machine and the invented scandal is in reality.
Welcome to the present day!
Why work together on issues that could be resolved on the basis of competences and compromises if it's all about power?
Education is a means of recognising facts and distinguishing them from non-truth. If there is no evidence and only stories, then it usually just sucks,
Read and compare sources, if there is only one source and only rumours it is usually bullshit!
Fortunately, penguins are always well-dressed, which is something you sometimes miss with idiots.
There's another cruel difference: penguins 🐧 eventually die out, idiots don't.
On my own behalf, I always enjoy reading your blog @x-heesy

There is almost no kiss in film history that was so beautifully fake.
The passion is evident in her hands as she grasps his hair wildly yet tenderly. This moment is pure magic in the eye of the beholder. It must have been a great event that opened the eyes of many a couple in their twenties. Films have and will always influence us and can open up the world for us to discover other perspectives.
Asphalt is a silent film by Joe May. Betty Amann and Gustav Fröhlich play the leading roles. It premiered on 12 March 1929 at the Ufa-Palast am Zoo in Berlin. The film was banned for young people.

Asphalt (1929) Joe May, Albert Steinrück, Else Heller, Betty Amann, Gustav Fröhlich

Asphalt (Joe May, 1929)