Fake Check - Tumblr Posts

Just had someone try to pull the Fake Check scam on me on Insta, and I almost fell for it. Be careful! I blocked this person now.
To all parents, your sons are only special if you treat them like your daughters and vice versa.
Don't protect your daughters, educate your sons to treat women with respect.
Touching only with consent.
No means no.
But it is a fake...


The video was taken from surveillance cameras. Three girls on the Paris metro were exposed to “harassment” (group sexual assault), which is a common crime in Paris by some young men to lure girls into these places… but unfortunately for them, the girls who were attacked this time were from the special paratroopers squad. In the French army… and well trained!
The Communist Party and its functionaries dominate political life at all levels of the highly centralised "party state". Political opposition movements are suppressed and their representatives prosecuted. Meanwhile, the power of President Xi Jinping, which is accompanied by a heightened cult of personality, has reached a new high.

Well, that would be something for the misanthropic ex-president of the disunited states of america. he as the great leader of the nation with a parliamentary yes-man system.
This would seal the usa's decline as a superpower and make the rise of the XI unstoppable.
First, XI grabs Taiwan while trump professes in his infinite ignorance of history that the welfare of XI is his right and does not affect the economic interests of America.
Thank you for being a friend!
The man who understands dictators and their leaders. What's all this nonsense about discussing culture in democracies when you can do everything better for yourself and the people around you.
Putin has history books rewritten for schools and universities. Ted Cruz has books banned in schools.
Fathers of an idea who ultimately do not differ in their view of society. Neither of them wants responsible, enlightened, self-determined citizens.
When books are banned or history books are rewritten, the approach is never to protect the citizens but only to preserve the power of individuals.
Wherever they burn books they will also, in the end, burn human beings.
Heinrich Heine
Education is the friend of propaganda. Anyone who can think for themselves and can form an overall picture based on different facts from different sources is unfortunately useless for populist propaganda.
Just ask the British what happened to the oh-so-much money they supposedly had to pay to the EU after they went through with brexit.
Oh, the money didn't exist and the bus with the cool print was just propaganda from the brexit supporters.

However, there was a problem with this fact: it was patently untrue. Technically, the UK paid a gross £19.1bn into the EU budget in 2014, which equates to just over £350m a week. But thanks to Margaret Thatcher's hard-nosed negotiating skills in the 1980s, the country also receives a huge rebate of around £4.9bn, which never leaves Her Majesty's Treasury. The British also benefit from billions in various EU subsidies to the public sector. Add it all up and the UK's net contribution is around £9.9bn, just over half the amount touted by Brexit supporters. The total drops even further if you include things like the research funding the EU provides to UK universities.
You could have read about it in various sources, including books, but what the heck, gut feelings and felt facts are cooler!
There's a really clever saying: those who can read have a clear advantage.

Thanks to @rmonti55 and everyone who helped me get 50 reblogs!
A fact-based view of the world is the foundation of an enlightened mind.
Satire paired with facts contributes to the formation of political will and is an antidote to the professional dissemination of false information. The oh-so-loved centre of propaganda to divide people into social groups that should no longer work together for the good of the nation. But for the benefit of individuals who will be the real winners in the background.
Thanks again to all if we remain silent the world loses

It's interesting that he is releasing his own alliance for attack.
If you have allies like that, you don't need enemies.
I assume the Chinese laughed their heads off and thought taiwan was ours as soon as the Orange Man was in power.
What is a conspiracy theory?
Conspiracy means that people get together in secret. These people are called conspirators. They want to achieve a common goal. However, the goal often harms other people, so they keep it secret. A conspiracy theory is an assumption about such a conspiracy.
In a conspiracy theory, there are assumptions and thoughts about how something could have happened. There are assumptions about what a group of conspirators might have done or planned.
People who believe in a conspiracy theory are also called conspiracy theorists.
There is a well-known conspiracy theory about the first moon landing, for example, which states that the first landing on the moon did not take place. The film footage of the moon landing was made in a film studio. But that is wrong. There are satellite images on which the landing sites of the astronauts can be seen. You can also see materials that were left behind during the landing.
A conspiracy theory mixes reality and invented facts.
How can you recognise conspiracy theories?
Conspiracy theorists ask:
Who has benefited from something? If they have found someone, they believe that they are to blame. Sometimes certain people are also said to be guilty! An example: In many shops you are now supposed to pay with a debit card. You are supposed to pay without cash. Some conspiracy theorists therefore say that powerful people in the financial world have always wanted to take cash away from us. They are now achieving their goal because you are supposed to pay with a debit card. Therefore, these people from the financial world are to blame for the coronavirus.
Conspiracy theorists think that those who profit from a crisis must be to blame.
Another conspiracy theory says that Bill Gates is responsible for the coronavirus. He and his wife Melinda Gates are said to have created the coronavirus. They want to rule the world and control humanity through compulsory vaccinations.
Bill Gates is very rich. He founded the computer company Microsoft. He has been campaigning for health protection for many years. For example, he has given a lot of money to the World Health Organisation.
Conspiracy theorists believe that he is only doing this to rule the world and to make a lot of money from vaccines. Some conspiracy theorists also believe that Bill Gates wants to misuse the fast mobile internet 5G. They believe that he wants to use it to control people. In this conspiracy theory, Bill Gates is the bad guy.
However, it is often impossible to make a clear distinction between good and evil. Many things have both good and bad sides. Many things have different sides. They are complex. Opinions and decisions are also complex. Opinions have good and bad sides. Decisions can harm some people and the same decision can benefit other people. Conspiracy theories do not take this into account. They make a clear distinction between good and evil. Conspiracy theorists say:
- There are conspirators who are evil.
- There are victims who are good.
Conspiracy theories therefore simplify difficult questions.
Most conspiracy theories have these three characteristics:
1. nothing happens by chance, everything was planned
A group of conspirators acts in secret.
2. nothing is as it seems
You only realise what is really going on when you recognise the secret group. This group has planned everything. When problems arise and questions are asked, conspiracy theorists give similar answers. They say that there is a secret plan behind the conspirators' group.
3 Everything is connected
Institutions and people work together that you would never have thought.
These characteristics also show that conspiracy theories cannot be true:
1. there are coincidences in our world.
2. not everything in our world can be explained very simply.
3. not all events in our world are connected.
Why do people believe in conspiracy theories?
People feel the need to explain things in the world. But some things are difficult or even impossible to explain. For example, the coronavirus crisis is difficult to explain. The coronavirus crisis can therefore be frightening. Many things can cause fear. Conspiracy theories always provide simple explanations for difficult topics. So they can take away some people's fear. Or they can give them a sense of security. People then have the feeling that they know what's going on and have found an explanation. Or they have found someone to blame through the conspiracy theory. Although this reduces fear, it is a false sense of security.
Some conspiracy theories are harmless: if you don't believe in the moon landing, you don't endanger those around you.

But other conspiracy theories can also cause fear. For example, they can cause fear of the supposed group of conspirators or the end of the world. These conspiracy theories then harm the people who believe in them.
Some conspiracy theories are also dangerous for many people. For example, some people are against vaccination. Conspiracy theorists spread the false theory that vaccination causes autism. If many people believe in this theory, perhaps many people will no longer have their children vaccinated. Dangerous diseases, such as measles, can then spread more quickly.
If people believe that the corona crisis does not exist, this can also be dangerous. These people then don't follow the precautionary measures. They don't wash their hands as often and don't keep their distance. This puts themselves and other people at risk.
People are more likely to believe in conspiracy theories if they are unable to deal with uncertainty. The theories then provide security. During the coronavirus crisis, many people feel insecure. Nobody knows exactly how the coronavirus crisis will continue. That's why conspiracy theories are appealing to many people at the moment.
People feel the need to explain things in the world. However, some things are difficult or even impossible to explain and can be frightening. Conspiracy theories always provide simple explanations for difficult topics.
People feel the need to explain things in the world to themselves. However, some things are difficult or impossible to explain and can cause anxiety. Conspiracy theories always provide simple explanations for difficult topics. (© Pexels )
Where do conspiracy theories come from?
There are three reasons why someone invents or spreads a conspiracy theory:
1. some people believe they have discovered an important piece of information.
They want to do something good for the world. They think they are helping other people with their conspiracy theory. They are convinced of their conspiracy theory themselves.
2. some people make or spread theories because of their political views
They often do not believe in the theory themselves. For example, they invent a theory that says: citizens of a country should be exchanged for refugees. So perhaps some citizens of the country are then against refugees. Such theories are often supported by right-wing or racist groups.
3. some people spread theories in order to make money.
They spread conspiracy theories on YouTube, for example. They then earn money from advertising when many people click on their page. Or people spread conspiracy theories and then sell remedies that are supposed to help against something. Some people spread the false theory that the government is mixing poison into the drinking water. They then sell pills that are supposed to help against the poison. However, the tablets are useless and sometimes even harmful. These three reasons can also be combined. People who believe in a conspiracy theory may also want to make money from it. People who have invented a conspiracy theory may eventually believe in it themselves.
How do you deal with people who are convinced of a conspiracy theory?
Some people firmly believe in a particular conspiracy theory. In such cases, it no longer helps to say: "What you believe is a conspiracy theory." Rather, it can help to ask:
"Where does your information come from?"
"Why do you believe that?"
"Why do you believe a certain author over others?"
Perhaps the person will then think about it and eventually believe less in the conspiracy theory.
It's different for people who don't believe in conspiracy theories at all or just a little. You can explain to them how conspiracy theories work and which ones there are. We have tried to do this in this article.
Where can you find information?
There are many fact-checks on certain TV channels and on the internet.
Once you have fact-checked a theory, you will know better. You can then say something against a conspiracy theory in conversations, in news apps or on the internet. Or you can ask people why they believe in a certain theory. This way, more and more people will know what conspiracy theories are and what can be done about them.

Tell me the truth

Do you remember what that is?
that's what the world used to strive for.
The truth everyone knows what the truth is no matter how long they've lived without it.
Nobody forgets the truth People only get better at lying.
Satan more or less
We are not talking about feelings, truths that are reinforced by the confirmation of one bubble of perception.

A self-determined life in any form of freedom includes respecting the boundaries of others and enjoying the boundlessness of Equals.
You find the picture repulsive and believe your judgement is more important than the freedom of the artist!
Wrong view of things....
You have to be able to withstand the freedom of others in a democracy.
Freedom is when one stands up for the freedom of others to achieve and defend the equality of self-determination for everyone in any sociological-cultural-economic environment of a society.
What I don't like is not the measure of things, but what I don't care about.
In times like these, there is a great deal of attention being paid to the culture of agitation for the sake of agitation, not in order to advance issues that are really important.
Little things are blown up by propaganda without any substance in the name of a protagonist who feels absolutely right.
Facts are felt and stylised into truths to the point of grotesqueness. It's no longer about togetherness but about "whoever doesn't think like us is the enemy" and not across national borders but the enemy's feelings in their own society. This has the potential to destroy states without an enemy from outside.
Unity makes small things big, discord makes big things small.
Always recognise the intention behind a supposed message - this only works if you gather facts from different sources and get a complete picture. The world is not black and white or zero and one, it is a place of complex interrelationships combined with facts about causes and effects. And not simple propaganda with simple finger-pointing.
When a burglar breaks into a museum at night with just a torch. 🔦 then comes across a large painting by Picasso and focusses the cone of light from the torch on just a section of the painting. He only sees part of the picture and could claim that the painter only painted feet.
The whole picture gives you a view of things and always consider where it is hanging and why.
And then the wolf introduced his voice and bore the signs of the sheep ....
In the well-known fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats" by the Brothers Grimm, the wolf deceives the little goats by eating chalk so that his voice becomes higher and softer and thus resembles the voice of the mother goat.
Here it is the same problem but the other way round - the orange-coloured man speaks to their unfiltered longing for a simple world by saying what they have previously only spoken quietly at the regulars' table. And what has now become socially acceptable through him: all the hatred, the prejudices, the simple truth that only he tells and knows the truth. They love him because he creates enemy images that can be identified as visible targets for anything and everything that goes wrong. Even if it's not true,
it's just so wonderfully easy to feed the perception bubble with the I am one of you version.
Yes, he is one of theirs because they share the same world view, even if he is a thousand times richer than they are. He speaks for them and they speak through him.
Every cult leader can take a leaf out of his book.
He practises pure greed, hatred, envy and mistrust and spreads mistrust so that he ultimately became their Teflon-coated saviour.
Who cares about complicated connections based on facts from different sources when you can throw rumours at your political enemy in the form of shit that could be true.
President Biden is old a statement as sustainable as the sea consists largely of H2O
All the economic aspects and facts speak in favour of Biden, but he is H2O.
“Nothing’s happening”
As always, a small remark without major consequences.

There were times when presidents resigned because of wiretapping their political opponents.
We don't think Nixon deserved the name tricky dick from today's perspective.
Where has moral decency and the social norm for reprehensibility gone?
What do you have to do to be held accountable - a coup d'état attempt is not it?
American is quite correct - in the case of child abuse, that's really the only thing that could stop him!
Unless a nasty question is a 14 year old who looks like a twenty year old can also get away by him?
Really nasty comment, but that's probably the only thing that could stop him. We don't insinuate that he would do that and we believe he knows his limits even though his limits don't have anything to do with decency.
The man has no moral compass and yet everyone who would like to get rid of the "woke" moral compass loves him.
What do I do as a politician when I have no facts?
I am therefore completely free of facts and have neither key figures nor scientific findings based on meaningful data!
I play a bit of a seed game:
You take two states one the fear, two the anxiety and then you wait until the seeds sprout and harvest the yields: the power
Never forget to play off certain layers against each other. Preferably the poor against other poor people. Or those down there against those up there, never forgetting to emphasise that even if you belong to those up there, you are one of those down there.
That always works!
And as written it has to be completely fact-free and therefore a lie, it's not about truth but about polarising.
For and against, even if it's complete rubbish. Only the result counts, you have to throw dirt at the opponent you're trying to damage, the main thing is that something sticks.
A few nice examples that were certainly never demanded, but are sure to divide and polarise - why facts if you just want to get into power? Selecting opponents as targets to cover with propaganda on topics that are actually completely absurd.

The Greens in America want to ban meat completely and increase the price of meat by 1000 per cent by law.
The Democrats want children to be able to determine their own gender from the age of 12, even against parental guardianship.
Migrants from Central America, together with the majority Mexican residents, plan to manipulate the election with the help of the deep state in favour of Biden.
Donald Trump sold really important secret documents about the national distribution to the Russian state for an undisclosed exorbitant amount of money because they blackmailed him. Based on explicit film footage in a Russian luxury hotel room of truly heinous sexual acts involving several people, some of whom were allegedly underage.

You read it and doesn't get round to checking it out, but immediately goes against the excited machine and the invented scandal is in reality.
Welcome to the present day!
Why work together on issues that could be resolved on the basis of competences and compromises if it's all about power?
Education is a means of recognising facts and distinguishing them from non-truth. If there is no evidence and only stories, then it usually just sucks,
Read and compare sources, if there is only one source and only rumours it is usually bullshit!