This world is just a canvas to our imagination. Everything you can imagine is real. .....It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong.......What we wish, we readily believe, and what we ourselves think, we imagine others think also.
641 posts
It Might Be Worth Considering That Not Everything Is As It Seems.
It might be worth considering that not everything is as it seems.
It is not uncommon for two or more people to desire the same outcome, which may manifest in different ways.

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That's the better idea of absolutely irresponsible managers, courts and other gun fetish vending machines that give out ammunition in exchange for a money card and an ID check, even with face recognition. (Well that helps to identify the killer right after the killing rampage).
Who wants to carry a lot of ammunition with them when they can buy it at the crime scene?
Buying a lot of ammunition in a gun store might make someone suspicious, but it's not like anyone wants to look in the supermarket when the young man dressed in black with the strained face is stocking up on ammunition.
Hello, I would like to have a few cigarettes and where is the ammunition machine? Was the testimony of the lone survivor when the officer asked him can you say what you saw or heard before the rampage started.
We have nothing against guns for the simple reason that the ones that are in circulation can no longer be taken away from dysfunctional people. But new weapons should only be issued with a mental aptitude test and a suitable background check.
What's the problem terrorists from abroad also get a background check before they can enter the US to stop them.
Well now comes the sad truth: fellow Americans kill more people at home than terrorists ever did.
Ammunition vending machines have no place in supermarkets, or what's next - schools, movie theaters, gas stations, hospitals, churches?
The lazy asses should drive to their weapons supermarkets - it's much more masculine!
Really now ammunition with baby diapers if then we want to be able to buy everything there! Weed, porn literature, sex toys of course from vending machines with ID check!
You really don't have to fulfill every wish of the weapons industry when the heads of many politicians are already up to their necks in the ass of the weapons industry, oh well then we understand it with so much darkness you can no longer see reality.
@scopophilic1997 A blog that captures the magic of the moment because nothing is more fleeting than graffiti.
Thank you and enjoy the ride!

scopOphilic_micromessaging_992 - scopOphilic1997 presents a new micro-messaging series: small, subtle, and often unintentional messages we send and receive verbally and non-verbally.
The university management's fear of freedom of expression.
Question of injustice in the context of a book in front of students is probably against the paying students from Islamic countries? Or is it simply an attitude of those with no backbone?

There is nothing that shows more that America is finally realizing the dream of the religious immigrants of May Flover" and co. than the abolition of the right to abortion.
There is nothing that shows more that America is finally realizing the dream of the religious immigrants of mayflover and co. than the abolition of the right to abortion. The Bible Belt and all religious extremists have been able to attract politicians who implement a perfidious agenda at the end of which: the equality principles of the French Revolution are fuched up.
A set of religious pseudo-rules which are then packaged as laws and lead to inequality, exclusion and the undermining of human rights.
To then implement your entire idea of a God-pleasing society in which there is no room for humanity, feelings or spiritual freedom.
Greetings to the taliban, they did the same thing but dressed differently.
Their vision of the American future ultimately leads to disaster.... and now, sadly, we must turn to the term in biblical proportions.
Women's rights gone, sexual orientation completely rolled back to Bible level, nature protection rights gone, climate change no longer exists, Europe no longer needed as an ally, taxes for the rich gone, taxes for companies gone, health insurance gone, self-inflicted poverty therefore also gone, ...
China and Russia are already looking forward to Taiwan and Ukraine finally being up for discussion again.
Nobody prevented Hitler and we know the result!
Don't tell us you didn't know, it's right in front of you all.
Every step shows the direction in which it should go, taking away the right to abortion, criminalizing homelessness, criminalizing migrants, banning books, filling important positions in the state with like-minded people, bending the law, spreading propaganda and lies to divide the people.
The first coup attempt had no consequences for the instigators, what do you think will happen if the highest elected power carries out a coup from office this time?
If he is elected, he has power over all three areas of power in the state, if there is resistance, the tables will turn and all those fighting for freedom will become terrorists.
Freedom is slavery best regards from Georg Orwell
A fundamentalist religious pure capitalism oriented unjust system becomes reality.
The much vaunted old values are nothing but a bunch of glorification of the predominance of the white heterosexual fundalmist man, where women are equal in the upbringing of children.
Every time we hear or see a distortion of reality from this highly dangerous person we think education is the first step to recognizing morally reprehensible agendas.
Hatred, division and marginalization are means to an end of gaining power, not means to bring prosperity to an entire people.
Metrics, facts and science are benchmarks of truth.
*A generation later, by the way, the descendants of the settlers killed the chief's son, whose father had unfortunately fed the hypocrites, and cut him up into many pieces as a disgusting example and put him on public display throughout the territory at Thanksgiving.
Thansgiving is the last filthy celebration censored and glorified into a national lie of cultural appropriation of land, property and destruction of lives in cruel ways.
Those who can read have a clear advantage, mod

Light and shadow, the recognition of the messenger is not necessarily the understanding of the message.
Humankind is the only species that lacks the cognitive capacity to prevent historical misbehavior that has resulted in human catastrophes in the past and may potentially do so in the future.
If you ask us, the eternal repetition of the same catastrophe over time, which only leads to catastrophes because of the same wrong decisions, is ultimately the hell that mankind has created.
We do not know any animal that considers itself intelligent that could not be more stupid.
An alternative hypothesis is that this is a cosmic joke in which the forces of good and evil perpetually engage in a never-ending battle, ultimately canceling each other out.