Afghanistan - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

“there are a lot of children in afghanistan, but little childhood.” 

please consider donating/sharing this list of trusted organizations to help those in need. please add to the list as well.

women for afghan women 

afghan aid

sanitary products for displaced afghan women

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3 years ago


The Crowdsourced Doc With Everything From Petitions To Donations To How To Offer Legal Or Other In-kind

The crowdsourced doc with everything from petitions to donations to how to offer legal or other in-kind services to where vent your anger at this clusterfuck.

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3 years ago

assistance for Afghan refugees and internally displaced people

As many of you know, the reason I was basically absent from Tumblr for more than two weeks was because I was working as part of several volunteer groups to try to coordinate evacuation for the many friends I have in Kabul. Because of the extent to which the international community fucked up the evacuation— with the tiniest fraction of people eligible for US and international resettlement actually being rescued, while the rest were left to suffer reprisals— this proved impossible for most. Now a lot of people have been left to flee legally or illegally to neighboring countries and rely on humanitarian aid while they wait for their visa or resettlement applications to be processed. This likely means that they will be unable to support themselves and their families for more than a year, as the visa/resettlement process is an unbelievable nightmare. Some of these are families who were already displaced, having fled their homes for Kabul as the Taliban advanced, and who are therefore starting out with no home and no income. 

Problematically, the crisis in Kabul has unfolded so quickly and the political situation in Afghanistan is such that international aid organizations are simply not [yet] in a position to provide direct support to these families right now. Volunteers on the internet have mobilized to provide donation-funded top-ups for phones, which is essential to help people plan evacuations, handle visa applications, and contact scattered loved ones, but there is no way to get cold hard cash to people so they can feed and house themselves.

I am currently working with a few people to raise money for families I know in order to help them get across the border and support themselves for the foreseeable future. Because GoFundMe is flagging all Afghanistan-related fundraisers, we’re doing this informally— we’re just collecting money and passing it on to people I personally know, as a friend. Also, the best way to get money to people in Kabul at the moment is through hawaala rather than banks, and that is easier through this method.

If you would like to contribute, you can CashApp us at £kmferebee. I’m happy to add you to an email list through which I can share receipts and details about the families in question. If you have doubts or questions, I’m also happy to address those.

And if someone you know is currently trapped in Kabul or the surrounding area, I’m also happy to provide information, referrals, and connections for them if you send them to me, or direct them to verified volunteers who can help.

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2 years ago

On 15 August 2021, one year ago this Monday, the city of Kabul fell to the Taliban. I’m marking this anniversary because it is an event that shattered the lives of so many people I know— people who continue to persevere in the face of fear, despair, uncertainty, and grief. 

A huge amount of journalism has been produced about the U.S.-coalition withdrawal, the fall of Kabul, the abandonment of Afghans, and the humanitarian crisis that is ongoing in Afghanistan right now. Here, I’ve gathered just a few pieces that I particularly recommend. Please consider reading these.

George Packer: “The Betrayal.” The Atlantic. 

ProPublica: “Hell at Abbey Gate: Chaos, Confusion, and Death in the Final Days of the War in Afghanistan.” ProPublica

Eliza Griswold. “The Afghans America Left Behind.” The New Yorker. 

Dan Lamothe and Alex Horton. “Documents reveal U.S. military’s frustration with White House, diplomats over Afghan evacuation.” Washington Post. 

Ben Smith: “How the U.S. Helped, and Hampered, the Escape of Afghan Journalists.” The New York Times. 

James Landale and Joseph Lee: “Afghanistan: Foreign Office chaotic during Kabul evacuation - whistleblower.” BBC. 

Mark Townshend: “‘Shameful’: Afghans who helped UK abandoned to a life of fear under the Taliban.” The Guardian. 

“Last Days in Afghanistan: Reflections on the U.S. Withdrawal.” The New York Times. 

Christina Goldbaum and David Zucchino: “Taliban Rewind the Clock: ‘A Woman is a Helpless and Powerless Creature’” The New York Times. 

Alive in Afghanistan: a ProPublica initiative to continue covering stories from Afghanistan. 

Zan Times: A woman-led human rights-focused news site covering life in Afghanistan under the Taliban.


I don’t want to participate in the portrayal of Afghanistan, and Afghans, as exclusively a nation and people of suffering. Some of the funniest people I have known in my life are Afghan. The Afghan students I know have continued posting on Facebook and TikTok even as their nation fell and they became refugees. They write poems. They read poems. They make memes. We should care about Afghanistan not because it is so extraordinarily indigent or abject in some sense, but because it is not: because there is so much to it that is lost through the act of not-caring.

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6 months ago

R.I.P. The 2976 American people that lost their lives on 9/11 and R.I.P. the 48,644 Afghan and 1,690,903 Iraqi and 35000 Pakistani people that paid the ultimate price for a crime they did not commit

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10 years ago
A Girl Touches Her Mothers Prosthetic Leg, After She Lost Her Real One In A Land Mine Explosion, At The

A girl touches her mother’s prosthetic leg, after she lost her real one in a land mine explosion, at the ICRC Ali Abad Orthopedic center in Kabul, Afghanistan. (Photo Credit: Jerry Lampen)

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9 years ago
The Big Lie That Helped Justify America's War In Afghanistan
The United States trumpets education as one of its shining successes of the war in Afghanistan. But a BuzzFeed News investigation reveals U.S. claims were often outright lies, as the government ped...

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3 years ago


“there are a lot of children in afghanistan, but little childhood.” 

please consider donating/sharing this list of trusted organizations to help those in need. please add to the list as well.

women for afghan women 

afghan aid

sanitary products for displaced afghan women

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3 years ago
Mariam ... Laila .... Mille Splendidi Soli ...

Mariam ... Laila .... Mille splendidi Soli ...

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3 years ago

Keeping in mind what's happening in Afghanistan rn, I want everyone to know that the Taliban do not represent what Islam stands for. Pray for Afghanistan

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6 months ago
A Photo Of Teheran (Iran) Before Khomeini And Kabul (Afghanistan) Before The Taliban. Where Are The Headscarves
A Photo Of Teheran (Iran) Before Khomeini And Kabul (Afghanistan) Before The Taliban. Where Are The Headscarves

A photo of Teheran (Iran) before Khomeini and Kabul (Afghanistan) before the taliban. Where are the headscarves and veils, the nikabs and the burkas?

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6 months ago

R.I.P. The 2976 American people that lost their lives on 9/11 and R.I.P. the 48,644 Afghan and 1,690,903 Iraqi and 35000 Pakistani people that paid the ultimate price for a crime they did not commit

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3 years ago
This Dang Dummy President George Dubya Bush Been Back On The Boob Tube Lately. Hes Been Spreading The

this dang dummy President George Dubya Bush been back on the boob tube lately. He’s been spreading the same old bs that besides painting lotta garbage nowadays, he is also a compassionate conservative, unlike the Republican party of today. Cept he forgot to add that hes responsible for plenty of torture, death and war. But other than that I’m sure hes a real saint...

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3 years ago

hi guys muslim aid is raising money for aid in afghanistan, following the news. donate if you can, pray if you can’t. the minimum donation is £3.

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8 months ago

Team Tomorrow - Save the Children

Team Tomorrow - Save the Children
Save the Children
Join Team Tomorrow - a community of passionate people who care about creating positive, lasting change while making a collective investment

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6 months ago

DONATE TODAY: SAVE A LIFE - Save the Children

DONATE TODAY: SAVE A LIFE - Save the Children
Save the Children
I just donated to Save the Children to transform children's lives and the future we share. Join me.

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3 years ago

This is out of the blue! I am Afghan and I am currently living in Afghanistan. Today (15 Aug 2021) the Taliban entered the capital city of Afghanistan which is Kabul. The government is going to change to an Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. They ruled in Afghanistan for 5 years, 20 years ago. I've heard stories about them since I'm 19 and luckily was not yet born. And let me tell you the stories were terrifying, but they were just horror stories to me and I never thought that I'd be living under their regime, but here we are.

Let me tell you something shocking: girls can only study up to 6th grade. The future of female students in universities hasn't been decided yet. According to what I've heard they go from house to house and ask for girls and women (12 to 45 year olds) for marriage.

As they are just pieces of crap, I don't really believe that they'd let us have mobiles or use the internet. I really hope this isn't my last post in here! But if it is I want to let the world know of what they've done and what they're doing.

Don't forget us!

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2 years ago
Germany ‘evicting’ Afghan refugees to accommodate people fleeing Ukraine
Hundreds of Afghan families have reportedly been evicted in Berlin to make way for Ukrainian refugees
Germany Is Displacing Afghan Refugees to Make Way for Ukrainians
Foreign Policy
Hundreds of Afghans who fled the Taliban have been evicted as an even larger flood of Ukrainian war refugees arrive.

The original source has a paywall, but there’s an article on Foreign Policy about the same subject.

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