Face Fart - Tumblr Posts

6 years ago

First Time With Him

“Hey babe you ready for tonight?” Your new boyfriend Tony texts you.

You and Tony have been waiting for tonight, because tonight is the night that Tony and you would finally have sex with him. But the only thing you could think about was trying to hide your secret fetish from him. Your secret fart fetish. All you wanted was for him plow his giant ass on your face and fart. They probably smelled like rotten eggs or even hot garbage that had been left out in the hot sun for days. But you wouldn’t know cause he never seemed to fart around you.

“Yeah, I am,” you finally text back to him. “Got any ideas of what’s going to happen? Like if you want to be adventurous and try new things?” You text him trying to see if Tony was interested in trying farting in your face.

“Nah, it’s just our first time. No need to be adventurous. We will have loads of next times to try stuff.” He quickly replied to you with.

Disappointed you decided to just lie in bed and nap, but even just the remote thought of Tony farting kept you awake with an aching boner.

You finally fall asleep, but you’re woken up by something.


A fart had been laid right on top of your face with an ass suffocating the entirety of your head.


An even larger one erupted out of the stranger’s ass; with this fart packing even more of a kick.

You decide to finally stop enjoying this and buck whoever this is off of you. But as you start, you can hear them laughing and you the person say, “Aww, baby you don’t like that? Too bad!!! There’s a hell of a lot more coming!” He grinds again and


The longest one yet and even more smelly than the earlier ones. It soothed you but you still needed to get him off of you. So you keep bucking but than the man says, “Come on babe, you never could never beat me wrestling, what makes you think you can win now?”

That’s when you recognized his voice. The man was Tony, and the discovery of this soothes you, but it also turns you on.

You push his ass off of your face, finally, and you look at him. He also turns back and looks at you over his huge shoulder. You then look slowly down Tony’s hot, muscular, sweaty back and you come down to the prize. His ass was colassol and his hole was beautiful.

You look back up at him and he asks “Ready for more?” His stomach than gurgled with pain, he was holding in some bad gas.

You nod.

And with that he grunts and releases help into your nose.


They were some of the loudest farts you have ever heard and the worst ones you have ever smelled. And the best part was that they were all going into your nose and mouth.


Each one followed with his own loud grunt and panting. It took a lot of energy to push out those farts, so he is probably going to have to fill up on beans later so you guys can do this all over again tomorrow, and the day after that, and the day after that, and so on til he runs out of gas (which is never happening).

“Last one of the night. I promise to make it good,” He groaned loudly and a while minute of horrid, putrid, rancid ass fart came from his glorious butt. And he fell over to his side.

Oh boy, can't wait to that tomorrow, and the day after that, and the day after that, and so on.

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6 years ago

Josh in my Life

Disclaimer: This is a continuation of my first story A Faceful at Vidcon. You don't need to read it to understand this story, but it will be appreciated.

After Vidcon, I decided to move into Josh's house and live with him. This was one of the best decisions I have ever made in my entire life. Me and him are a perfect match. Josh is funny, kind, loyal, and even has a good paying job. But best of all, he has the best ass in the history of the world and the worst smelling farts and shits of any human. Whenever we fuck, I always enjoy putting my face in between Josh's beautiful, round ass cheeks. The sex was so amazing the first time we fucked, I went from eleven inches to sixteen. Josh's ass is just flawless in every possible direction.

Since I'm retired from the agency and Josh is a youtuber at home, we do crazy, sexual things at home. At times we would tape my head into his ass and stay like that for the entire day. Him sharting in my mouth; me as his own personal diaper (except for pee). Another thing is him just sitting on my face whenever he records videos without underwear and pants. But the best thing is when we play games.

I don't mean video games, even though we do play those together, I mean our own games. My favorite is a different version of hide and seek. I hide and he seeks. Whenever Josh finds me, it's another fart in my face the next time we fuck. I will often hide badly on purpose just so he can fart in my face. However one time a game of hide and seek went too far...

I was hiding and so I decided to hide in the master bathroom. It's absolutely disgusting in there: shit on the counters and walls, toilet unflushed, and tub stained with semen and ass-prints. I decided to hide in the tub because that was the only place big enough.

I hid there for a few minutes until I heard footsteps coming towards the bathroom. The doorbell rattled and twisted and the door flew open. "The one day I don't have Drake as a diaper is the day I drink milk," Josh angrily muttered to himself. I could here his stomach growling in aching pain when he stepped in. I don't know why Josh had milk today. He usually does that just to prank me with diarrhea when we are fucking and we agreed we are not doing it tonight. I then heard him sit down on the toilet with his stomach growling and him groaning from the pain. "Aww, fuck!" He yelled. It must be taking a while for the diarrhea to pass through his ass cheeks since they always block the way normally. But then he exploded with diarrhea blasting out of his ass. He then screamed in pain. It splashed the curtain and walls. Even hitting the ceiling and dowsing me with diarrhea. But then the smell hit me. It was the worst one to come out of his ass ever since the first night he suffocated me in an hour long fart. It have me an instant erection and gagged me. I hated it, yet loved it. Large farts could be heard coming out of his ass. They were deep rolls of thunder and I could here the gas in the pipes of the house. I could hear Josh panting and screaming in pain. "No not more!" He would often scream. This went on for a long time until I heard the toilet begin to overflow. And then I got an idea. And so I moved in the tub banging my dick against it.

Josh then instantly opened the shower curtain and saw me covered in diarrhea, with a smile on my face. He then grew a sinister smile and held in the diarrhea. He then stood up and walked over into the tub shakingly and said, "I found you," he then looked over to the over flowing toilet and said, "This toilet has over-flowed, I guess I'll just use my back up one," he said as he turned towards me with a huge grin on his face. He then sat down and covered my face completely. I could see his closed hole with diarrhea leaking out of it. Josh then said, "Get ready," and then the diarrhea came out with 10x the force, filling my mouth and nose, and shooting from the sides of my head. Josh screamed in pain from his asshole seeming to be splitting open from the diarrhea. He then started farting and they were long and sounded bubbly and wet. I could literally see Josh's hole flap open and close whenever he farted.

It had been about twenty minutes of this loved torture until I decided I wanted Josh ass on my dick. "Josh, get on my dick!" I yelled at him. "Did you just command me?" Josh asked me. The one thing Josh can't stand is someone bossing him around, especially during sex, so I knew I was in big trouble. "I think you did. And I think you will need to be punished," he said and sat down onto my face and released an ungodly fart. It was bubbly, raunchy, and sputtered and it lasted for a solid five minutes. It had me coughing, but even more horny and turned on.

Josh then got up and said to my dick, "Aww, I was hoping you would had already came, even though I hadn't touched your dick, " and that sat down. It was cowgirl style and began to bounce on it. I had already immediately came as soon as he went down the first time. He started farting again but since his asshole so loose, they were low and sounded bass-like. He also began to have more diarrhea except think one was chunky and looked delicious. I asked Josh if I could eat his ass afterward and he said, "Of course. Anything for my big, brawly man," he then grunted and more chunky diarrhea came out and I couldn't stop cumming inside him. He then got up and sat back down onto my face. His hole was stretched so much that it was the same size as my mouth and so I covered it completely. And so I ate his chunky diarrhea and I could taste my own cum. There was a lot of gas still left in Josh, so big and loud one minute farts would come out of him. Each one was rancid and filled my cheeks and mouth. "Let me practice my dancing in your face," He maniacally laughed out. I felt his great ass shake and the clapping of his cheeks on the side of my head. I took my face out of his ass and I was mesmerized. All I could see was a ginormous ass clapping, browned out by all his shit. Clumps still clinging on to the insides of his cheeks. "I'm gonna lick that ass clean!" I cheerfully yelled. "I'll like to see you try!" Josh quipped back laughing. He grunted and BBBBBBBBBRRRRRRRRRRRRRRTTTT!!!!! A huge shart messing his ass that I just tried to clean, but challenge accepted.

This had gone on for a while until we got tired. We then just lied in the tub full of diarrhea and cum.

"Drake. Last fart," Josh said to me and I crawled over to his ass, exhausted. I then opened my mouth over Josh's hole and a very bass-like fart left his anus. It was brief but still packed a punch.

"Drake," Josh said to me. "Yeah, Josh," I responded with. "We should do this again," he whispered to me. "Oh, fuck yeah," I finally said.

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6 years ago

Leston Fart FanFiction

"Hey, Preston you almost done yet?" I asked him. "No, sorry man," He replied back. Preston was working very hard to get videos out today, since we needed to catch a flight in a few days. He also had to edit them since his editors are unable to get the raw footage. So, ever since he woke up and had breakfast, he had been making videos non-stop. All he has been eating are snacks like chips, candy, and even popcorn. He told me he wanted popcorn even though we both know that it destroys his digestive system.

"Are you done now?" I sounded like an impatient toddler. "Lachlan ask me that one more time. I dare you," Preston responded with. "Are you done yeeeeeeet?" I groaned the entire sentence while hitting the side of the doorway. "Know something Lachlan get over here!" Preston said that we if he was Scorpion. He offered the chair and I sat on it, with him sitting on me. Preston's ass felt great, with it being so round and muscular, yet soft. "Woah, dude this is a PG channel," I said to him. He shushed me, and said to be quiet. When all of a sudden, Preston released a powerful fifteen second right onto my dick. The smell was bad, but I wanted more. Unannounced to Preston I had a fart fetish, and out of all the pack, I wanted him the most. His farts were loud and powerful and sounded bass-like. Not to mention he had the best ass in the world to deliver said farts. I quickly got up and ran to the doorway, trying to hide my growing erection. Preston laughed and said, "Those chips are evil."

I still stood at the doorway looking at Preston and his huge ass. I wanted to eat, sniff, and fuck it all at once. But I was so busy staring at Preston's ass that I didn't realize he was doing the outro to his last video before his dinner break. I quickly ran down the hall and into the bathroom to hide that I was staring at him all this time. I soon heard footsteps, come closer, and the door knob shake and rattle. "Lachlan, you in there?" He asked. "Uh yeah, Preston. Just fixing up my... face," I awkardly responded with. "Well, hurry up! I'm about to nuke that bathroom," He yelled at me. I wanted to see what I would be missing so I set up my phone to record behind the toilet. I then opened the door, and Preston came bursting through, cropdusting, and stripped down and sat down on the toilet. PPPPPPPRRRRPLOPLPLOPPLP!!! A huge wet fart came out Preston's ass and shook the toilet and filled the entire room. His ass was so big that it covered the whole toilet and kept most of the smell from escaping, but it still smelled awful. I ran out, with a boner and with proper air still in my lungs.

After that near-death experience I went and got some Chipotlè. Yes, I was basically asking for death at this point, but I so badly wanted to smell Preston's farts. When I got back Preston went back to recording one more video, and said he'll be done soon. With no time waste I went into the bathroom and smelled the toilet. It smelled bad even though Preston could have left a while ago. I then reached behind the toilet to find that Preston was only on the toilet for three minutes. Sure I had gotten some nasty farts, but I wanted more. I also locked the bathroom door and masturbated to the smell and video. His farts were loud and sloppy on the toilet, with loud plops that sounded like bombs just in between the large farts. Preston's loud grunting leading up to the earthquake-like farts was also a huge turn on if mine.

After I had climaxed, I cleaned it up and went back to Preston's office, staring at his ass. It was really sweaty since he was in such an intense game and then... "Just gotta get these emeralds and..." He released a monster of a fart that went on for around thirty seconds. "Not going to be able to edit that one out, and Oh My Gosh that smell!!! Someone crack open a window or something." He said while coughing. "Don't worry I got you mate," I said to him as I walked over to his office window. The smell was rancid, way worse than the toilet's. I began to get an erection and I opened the window, where the fart ran out of. "Well, there goes the ozone layer," I said trying to get a reaction from Preston. But nothing.

I kept staring at his sweaty crack all the way until the last outro. We then went and ate dinner with Preston having some of my share. After I had gotten up to throw my garbage away, Preston released a one second fart that sounded like an explosion. Its smell was the worse one yet with it making me throw up. But it still turned me on and I had a boner by the time I was done vomitting. Preston was also over at the couch laying down and I cleaned up the trash he left behind trying to hide my boner.

When I sat down on the couch I had grabbed a pillow to hide my boner. But while we were watching the movie Preston kept in glancing over to me. He was up to something as he crawled over to me slowly. He was basically on top of me when he threw away my pillow, and asked seductively, "Is there something in your pocket of are you just happy to smell me?" I couldn't answer out of pure shock. "You really think you're good at hiding things? I saw you staring at my ass all day, and you trying to record me on the toilet. If you wanted me you could've just asked," he finished. "But you're... m-m-married and I didn't... uh... want to ruin that..." Preston cut me off by kissing me and said, "This may be wrong, but a little wrong never hurt anyone." When he finished he leaned in for another kiss and I accepted it. Closed eyes and all. "Keep your eyes closed," he whispered to me and that I did. But I soon opened my eyes when I felt him moving and I opened them to a faceful of Preston's underwear. It was wet and stained with sweat and farts that had sputtered. "I can feel the popcorn kicking in," Preston said to me and as he sat on my face. It was a short fart, but it was juicy and smelled awful. Mixed in with the sweat and his musk, it smelled worse than the ones before. My boner got harder and he started to play with it. "It's nice and thick, just the way I like them," he said. Now, not to toot my own horn, but I do have a very girthy dick that would stretch anyone's hole. "And just the way I like you," I said in between sniffing his ass. "Shut up, Lachy," and Preston sat down with all his force and pushed out a large fart. It filled me up fully and was really wet and rank.

"More!" I began to beg him. "Don't worry, more is on its way," he reassured me as he ripped a bassy fart into my nose. But it still wasn't enough and so I began to rip open his underwear. *RIIIIIIP* I tore the backside of his underwear, making it into a jockstrap. His ass was even bigger out of his underwear and was perfectly smooth. Not to mention it was as hairy as any hole could be with it looking like a complete forest of hair and shit. "How dare you! These were mildly expensive," Preston said, "Now you're gonna have to pay," he finished with a sinister voice. He grabbed me and pulled me to the bathroom where he stood over the toilet with his ass stretched out. I knew what he wanted me to do, so I went under him as he sat down onto my mouth and nose and he let out the worst smelling fart that night. "That's just my baby one, get ready for my big daddies," This made me cum all over the floor as he ripped a deep sounding fart. He kept letting them out without any hesitation with some even coming out as a turd or with sputter. "I still have more, time for your dick to get in on some of the action," Preston said. With that he got up and sat next to my dick stroking it with his ass cheeks still farting on my dick as we made out. I was covered in shit and he still kissed me. I then stuck my dick up his ass without him realizing it and Preston ended up moaning loudly while still farting. I was now the dominant one fucking him up in the ass, breaking it. "Faster! *moan* Faster! *Moan* Faster Daddy!" He pleaded me. It was a dream come true that he called me "daddy". It felt as if I was growing inside of him, and I pounded him faster with stretching out his hole to the limit. "UUUHUUUUUHHHHHHHH!!!!! Harder!!! UUUUUUHHHUUUUHHHHHH" Preston moaning at the top of his lung is what really made me cum. His jockstrap was soaked in his own cum as I was still going strong and Preston farted all my cum back onto my dick as I put it back in his hole. Him farting out my cum onto my dick and me putting it back in, went on for a while, with him moaning each time. It felt like forever we were doing this, but that's because we just wanted more and more of each other. Tired, my dick became too sore and his ass became too tired from being stretched out. He still had loads of cum in him and it took him a while to shoot it all out. Preston let it all out into my pubes and said, "Good luck cleaning that," he kept bouncing the cum in. He then let out an SBD and it reeked. "Please don't make me cum anymore." He glared at me and then PPPPRRRHHHHHHHTTT!!!! He ripped another large fart and I stuck my new erection back into his ass and he said he'll stop after one more fart on my face. I agreed to this and Preston moved onto my face and let a rip. FFFFFFFFFFFFRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRHHHHHHHHHTTTTTTTTTTTSSSSSSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHH! A ten minute long fart shot out of his ass into my face. I didn't have the energy to fight it and I soon passed out.

When I awoke, it was dark, humid, rancid, and shit was everywhere. I couldn't move my head at all. "Help!" I screamed, "Help!". "No one can hear you Lachlan," It was Preston. I knew I was in his ass. "You have been out for two months, and you missed a lot," He began. "My wife found me asleep with you and she divorced me. The court ruled a half and half split, with me keeping the house. However, I live here alone now with everyone thinking I'm a dirty scumbag. Also, no one knows you are alive. Everyone thought that my nuclear fart killed you, but it didn't. I paid the hospital to pronounce that you died from an unfixable ruptured lung and lack of oxygen. But that means you live here with me alone. I still make YouTube videos but people now barely watch them, because of my controversy. Everything in my life changed, because you couldn't take a simple fart. And because of that I thought I should help you build up a resistance to them. So, you are going to be stuck in my ass whenever I'm in this house, and you are going to like it!" PPPPPPRRRRRRRRHHHHH!!!!!!! He ripped a ginormous, bassy fart directly into my face. I sniffed it all up. It smelled bad, but I knew it could be worse. "Hey get used to that, because whether you like it or not you are stuck with it. Oh by the way I don't need use the toilet anymore for shits, cause I have you for that too." He finished with. "But do I still get to break your ass?" I asked him. "Yeah but you are gonna need a bigger dick to make up for what you did, so be expecting pills and toys that will help you with that." Preston responded with. PPPPPPPRRRRRRHHHHHTTTTT!!!! He ripped another large bassy fart that left some skidmarks. It felt as if I could feel his whole ass shake and rumble from it. "Also I have started a new diet that makes me gives more gas and gas relief pills. So, be prepared for hell," PPPPPPPPRRRRRRRRRRRTTTTT!!!!!! He interrupted himself with a large thunder sounding fart. "Okay nice warm up now time for the big boys," He said when his fart finished. PPPPPPPPPRRRRRRRHHHHHHHHHHTTTTTTTTSSSSSS!!!!!!!! A turd came out with that one and he bounced on my face. I began to gulp it down while Preston kept farting. BBBBBRRRRRFRRFRFFRRRRRRRRRHHHHHHTTTT!!!! Another bassy fart that sounded a jet engine made me and his ass shake. "Oh, hell yeah!!! I can smell that from here," Preston said to me while laughing and grinding his ass against my face. "Aww yes!!! I'm gonna ride your face forever!" BRRRRRRT! "And it feels so fucking good!" Preston screamed. PPPPRESLSPSLSPSLSPSLSPSPSLRRRRRRRRRRTTTTSSSSSSSSS!!!!! It was so hot and steamy inside his ass, it really began to suffocate me and deprive me of oxygen. "Your new air is now whatever I give you!!!!!" BBRRRRRRRRT!!! "Good night, Lachlan," He laughed and PPPPPPPPPHHHHHHHHHHHHRRRRRRRRRLIPLOOOPLPLLPLOPLOOLOPLO LOPPOPSSSLSLSPLOSPSLSOLSLSOSSPSLOSPSPSOSLSLOSP!!!!!!!

This was all I could ask for. No responsibilities, only smelling Preston's ass and pounding him with my larger dick?! And best of all I didn't do anything, he did everything. This was truly a dream come true.

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6 years ago
After Constant Asking And Begging I Had Finally Convinced My Idol Rimo To Go On A Date With Me. He Had

After constant asking and begging I had finally convinced my idol Rimo to go on a date with me. He had the best ass in the world and was pretty cute to go along with it. I can just imagine my face completely submerged in his ass, and blowing air up into it to help him produce massive farts.

He asked me about going to eat Taco Bell, but I decided not to. I instead took him to a diner. I could tell he didn't want to be there. He kept looking around and not listening to me. "So, what's your favorite food?" I asked him to get a conversation started. "Nothing really. I mean I eat a lot of beans, because of my diet so maybe that," Rimo replied lazily. He really didn't to be there, but his diet interested me. "Wait, what else can you eat in your diet?" I questioned him. He looked at me with a bored face, but still answered, "Onions mainly. Along with cabbage, apples, cauliflower, broccoli, and other kinds of fruits and vegetables with fish. I also have to eat the majority of that list raw," he finished with. This made my eyes light up. He must be gassy all the time and it must be awful smelling.

Our waitress handed us our food and we finished them quickly. Rimo had a three-bean and cheese burrito and some beer, while I had a hamburger with some fries. I asked him if he wanted anything more, and he told me that he wanted a milkshake. So, I ordered the drink and I went to the bathroom. When I got back Rimo was already half way through his shake and asked me to finish it. I took the offer and chugged it down. After that, we had left the restaurant I began to feel light headed and nauseous. I began to lose my balance and Rimo caught me. "Woah, you okay dude?" Rimo asked me, "Don't worry I'll take you somewhere, so you can rest," Rimo assured me as I fell asleep in his arms.

I was still partially awake, but I couldn't tell what was going on around me. My eyes remained closed and I couldn't move at all, but I still could sense what was going on. The car soon stopped, and Rimo dragged me out of my seat. I couldn't do anything as he pulled me up his drive way and into his house. As we went inside, the smell and air pressure was immensely different from outside. It smelled like rotten eggs mixed with hot garbage, shit, and sweat. The air was also thick and humid, and I heard Rimo take a deep breath and say, "Aww, home sweet home," he proudly boasted. "Come on, slave," Rimo yelled and dragged me by my hair.

While Rimo was dragging me I could hear keys and locks shake and doors open. In each new room it would smell worse and worse. Soon I felt us going down the stairs and the smell intensified to an astronomical state. It felt as if I was about to be suffocated in gas. I then felt Rimo stop and pick me up and strap me into a chair. He plugged my mouth shut and put a gas mask on me. "Now just wait until you wake up my little fart sniffer," he whispered into my ear.

I lied there for what seemed like hours, until I was able to open my eyes and look around. The gas mask made it hard because it was foggy, but I could still make out some things. The room had a single light that was one and it seemed as if I could see the smell. There was a window in the top corner of the room, but it was too foggy to see outside. There was hole at the bottom of my mask and a tube running from it on the floor. I could only imagine what Rimo was going to do to me.

"Finally! You're awake," Rimo exclaimed. I jumped in fear and turned towards him. He was fully naked with a bowl of some food. "I have been holding these farts in for what seemed like years," Rimo said as he walked towards me. "I honestly thought it was going be hard to get you in here, but guess not," He continued, "My stomach has been fucking with me all day! I mean what do you expect when your diet is specifically made for causing the worst possible farts? But soon I can let them loose, and I can't wait for you to sniff every last one of them," He began to gorge on the food on his plate as he walked over to where I was sitting. He grabbed the tube and stuck it up his ass and grabbed a chair. The smell just coming from his asshole was already strong and he hasn't even passed any gas. He sat backwards in it with his ass sticking out to me. His hole and ass were huge, so I could tell he has been doing this for a while. I began to get an erection while staring at his hole and ass because they were so big. Rimo then finished his bowl and yelled," Get ready!"

With that he contorted his face and grunted; BBBBBBBBRRRRRRRTTTTTT!!!!! A large fart left his body and entered my gas mask. The smell was absolutely wretched and disgusting. It smelled like eggs and sweat with rotting fruit. PPPPPPPPPLOLPPLOPLOLLPPPLOP!!! He released another fart get smelled like hot garbage and skunk. I hated it at first, but I could feel my erection getting even harder. "Oh, your still hard?" Rimo said observing my dick. "Guess that means you like it and want more," and he grunted pushing out another fart. It was really humid and it fogged up the gas mask. I couldn't see outside the mask anymore. BBBBBPPPPPPPPRRRTTT!!!! Rimo ripped another fart and it felt as if I was on drugs; the smell was making me nauseous. I'm pretty sure the lack of oxygen was getting to me. But then I realized I was hard and that the smell wasn't so bad. If anything I began to find them attractive and soothing. But I guess Rimo noticed this and began to fart more into the tube. BBBBBRRRRRRPPPPPPTTT!! Another fart flies out of his ass and I really began to enjoy them. PPPPPRRRRRRTTTTT!!!! Rimo is definitely not holding back. He's pushing farts out at an all-time high and I was enjoying sniffing them up. My boner was now aching for release and I could feel this would be my biggest cumshot in forever.

"Damn it! You shouldn't be enjoying this!" Rimo yelled at me, "It's suppose to be torture!" He screamed at me in what sounded like a demonic voice. I spat out my gag and, "It is torture that your not letting me fuck that giant hole of yours while you fart." I said to him while laughing. I could tell he was shocked at my response, and there was an awkward silence between us. "Be right back," Rimo said as ran up the stairs. I waited for a while and the air from outside the mask began to flow in. It was less strong and was thinner than the one I was breathing. I despised it! I just wanted more of Rimo's smell, not the cleaner air. I heard footsteps coming back down and Rimo laughing. "This should get you to go down!" He said maniacally. I then heard him chug something and I gained a boner in anticipation to what will happen. I heard Rimo drop the jug and laugh. "This is my bomb. You sure you want to take this on?" He asked me. "Yes, but sit on my dick while you do it please," I responded with. "Deal," Rimo said back. And so Rimo sat down on my dick and put the tube up there with it. My giant cumshot was ready. I heard his stomach gurgle and his grunt and...


Rimo let out a full, straight hour of gas. Not once did he falter in his steady expulsion. The smell was so bad it was indescribable. It was like his own unique smell, that was worse than all the the rest. It felt as if the entire world was rattling from the magnitude of his fart. My dick was cumming for a solid minute, just pumping more and more into him. I could tell that Rimo was having the time of his life. My dick felt nice inside him and he was moaning so loud that all I could here was his fart and moaning.

After the hour, I was still living and sniffing it up. Rimo turned around at me in shock. His eyes were wide with delight and confusion. "You survived My signature Fart!?" He yelled amazed. "Hell, yeah. And I'll do it again." I whispered to him seductively.

Rimo took of my mask and began to kiss me ferociously, while sitting on my lap. I began to breathe in the normal house air, and I began to gag. "Uh, I hate this regular air. It's not thick, humid, or smelly enough. I need more of you," I told Rimo. "Then let me fix that," he replied. He stood up and farted even more. PPPPPPPRRRRRRRTTTTTTT!!!! BBBBBBBBBBBRRRRRRTTTTTT!!!!! PLOPLOPLOPPLOPPPLOPHHHHHHH!!!! Each one filled my lungs and I was addicted. I couldn't stop sniffing them. "Here I have an idea," Rimo said as he started to release me from his chair. As he freed me he put his hand on the back of my head and began to move. We went upstairs and he got a belt lying around and strapped my head to his ass. He released farts all day long and it felt like my boner was going to fall off.

This lasted for years. I even had an ass supply whenever he had to leave the house. He got an oxygen tank and filled it with his own gas, so I could sniff and lick that when he wasn't home. He fed me real food, but I mostly relied on his ass to supply those needs. He never uses his bathroom, and rather just goes where ever he must in the house.

And for me, this was paradise. Being in Rimo's ass all day is a dream. It's absolutely magical, but sniffing and eating whatever he has to offer me. Nothing and I mean nothing! Can be better than this.

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6 years ago

José's Party

"Hey, u ready 4 my party 2night? Its at my house," José texted me. I was in complete in shock that someone as cool as José would invite to a party. At his house too! José was one of the best people in the world! He was nice and generous, along with kind and loving. He had a huge future ahead of him and rich parents that spoil him, but he is still humble and thoughtful of other people. Not to mention he had the biggest ass in the world and all I want is for him to just sit down on my face and let it rip! He was my total crush, but he had a girlfriend(stupid Vanessa) and was a senior! He would never date me; a boy; a freshman. "Uh, sure. I'm coming," I replied back to him with. Did I really just say "uh," in a text? I'm absolutely hopeless. "Great! C u there. ;)," José said back. Wait, he went a winky face! What does it mean though? Does he like me? Was he hoping I would say yes?

"Dinner's ready!" My mom yelled. "Coming!" I yelled back. There is no way she's going to let me go to a party, I'm going to have to sneak out.

Later that night, I said good night to my mom and snuck out my window. I put a bunch of pillows as a decoy, just in case she comes to check up on me. It also was a hassle getting down the roof outside my window, because I had to carry my swimsuit for the pool I knew José had.

I walked over to his house, since he just lived up the mountain. Usually you could hear everything from the top of its peak and the entire town would be able to hear it. As I made my way up the mountain I heard music and people screaming and shouting, along with loud splashes. I soon turned the corner to the front of José's house and the utter chaos of this party.

As I walked up the driveway I texted José asking where he was. "I'm in the back," he texted me. So I made my way to his backyard and I could already people were judging me, and looking down at me (literally). I could tell right away that I didn't belong.

As I made my way into the backyard, I heard someone call me, "Hey, over here!" I turned my head and saw José in the hot tub with Vanessa, another two girls and a guy. "Come on over," he yelled and I went over to him and the gang. "Guys, this is my freshmen friend," they all waved with smiles (except for Vanessa) and said "Hi." I waved back and smiled, being polite to everyone. "Hey, this is, Becky, Grace, and Benjamin," he paused and Vanessa gave him a nasty look. "And my girlfriend, Vanessa that you should already know." Actually we haven't formally met, José only had talked about each other to the both of us. "Nice to finally meet you, Vanessa," I said as she glared at José. It was very awkward as there was no conversation and it was just listening to the mayhem happening around us. "Hey, you can join us if you want to," José said breaking the silence. I said sure and left to go change. When I got back and sat down in the hot tub we all began to talk and laugh. It turns out that the group really got along with each other. The only problem is that Vanessa didn't talk at all, and rather just stared at José with a deep hatred in her eyes.

But that changes when Benjamin ripped a fart with bubbles coming up. "Ewww," Most of us yelled out in digust, except for José who was laughing. "Stop It José, it's not funny," Vanessa finally said. "So, she does speak," I replied with, but ended up with Vanessa death staring at me. "Oh, come on Ness. You know your boyfriend can rip louder ones," Benjamin spoke out against Vanessa. I had got an idea. "I highly doubt that," I said. "He doesn't strike me as a gassy dude," I finished. Everyone looked at me as if I was crazy. "Is that a challenge?" José asked me. "Yes," I replied with. "Oh no, we're doomed," Benjamin said. I laughed while the others quaked in fear as José scrunched up his face. Some time went by and nothing happened, so we all relaxed until a ton of bubbles came up around José. The smell was horrendous and it chased us all out of the jacuzzi and grabbing our towels because we were cold. Well I grabbed mine to hide my boner from sight.

After that we all changed into our clothes with Grace and Benjamin leaving. "Hey lets all go up into the peak," José suggested. We all agreed, but Vanessa was still not having it. After we made our way up to the peak, José's stomach was hurting and he said everyone to get in front of him. We all knew why, so we did. As we got to the top of the mountain José asked how many people we think he could wake up from here. We all said he that he couldn't and we found out why his stomach was growling so much. He ran over to the tip of the cliff and ripped an ungodly fart that sounded like an explosion. We were all mutually disgusted. "That's it José! We need to talk alone," Vanessa screamed out.

With that Grace and I went down the mountain, but we could still hear Vanessa arguing with José. "First it was this party, where I just wanted it to be simply the two of us. Then, you invite a freshmen over, because you two are 'just friends'. And I already told you that this fart fetish thing is just way too far. That's it we are through!" Grace and I were in complete shock at that last statement and agreed that we will never talk about it.

"Yeah, I have to go. See you later," Grace said as she crossed the street down to her house. And than it was just me. My own lonely self walking down a mountain at 1:30 am in the morning. "Hey! Wait!" A voice yelled from up the street. It was José. "I'm sorry that you heard all that. Vanessa can be a little much," he was obviously depressed and was about losing Vanessa. But I really needed to know about the fetish. "So, is it true. Your... fart thing," I carefully asked him. "Um... yeah I guess so," he began, "I enjoy farting on people, it turns me on... so... yeah?" José finished. I stopped and looked back up the mountain. "Hey, I know a way I can cheer you up," I said to seductively and nudged him back up the mountain. I smacked his ass and he was pleased with it and we ran up the mountain. I had to stop a few times because José's stomach was hurting, but that just made me even more excited.

We broke into his house and ran upstairs as quickly as we could. And as soon as we got into his bed, he pulled down his pants and sat down on me with all his force, bare ass. It was hairless but was a dark brown from his shits. "Get ready!" José yelled as his stomach gurgled. I felt his cheeks clench around my face and BBBBBBBRRRRRRHHHTTTT a monstrous fart left his ass and went into my mouth. "Aw, fuck yeah!" José yelled out. He was moaning and laughing loudly. "Vanessa would have never let me to this!" PPPPPPPRRRRRRRTTT. I was ready to cum without him touching my dick at all! "Oh, I see you need some relief," José said as he took off my pants. He began sucking my dick and kept fart in my face, causing me to shoot my load into his mouth. BBBBBBRRRRRPPPPPTTTTTTTTT José ripped a large airy fart in my face that lasted for about 15 seconds and smelled as if he was about to crap himself. This made me shoot my second load. "Hey, are you okay with shit?" He asked me. I gave him a thumbs up and BBBBBRRRRRRPPLPLTTTTTT a smooth brown turd came out with a ginormous fart.

We soon became to tired to carry on, and I had to leave him. José was passed out on the bed, but it still didn't stop him from farting. How farts sounded different when he slept. They used to have a high pitch and sputtered a lot, but now they sound like deep rolls of thunder with a sloppy/wet sound at the end. I decided to take a few whiffs before I left.

As I inhaled his last fart, I got up and walked home. It was still dark and I wasn't sure if I still had shit on my face. I had to get in through the front door using the spare key on the front porch. I went into the bathroom and washed my face and went to bed. I fell asleep immediately and that completed the best day of my life.

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6 years ago
You Loved Antonio And His Ass. You Guys Had Great Sex But It Could Be So Much Better If He Would Do One

You loved Antonio and his ass. You guys had great sex but it could be so much better if he would do one thing. You want him to fart on you, but you were too nervous to ask him.

But soon you had gotten the chance when he was sleeping and began to sniff his ass. It smelled bad. You kept sniffing it, until he finally farted. It sounded like a firecracker and smelled like eggs. You began to eat at his underwear as he kept farting. Each one smelled like a mix of eggs and skunk.

Eventually you wanted more so you pulled down his underwear and began to eat his ass. His hole was clean, but still smelled bad. Your boner begged for relief, but you didn't want to remove your hands from his ass. But then Antonio let out a monster fart. It lasted 10 seconds and it was juicy. It was your biggest cumshot in forever.

You decided that was enough, and began to pull your head out of Antonio's crack. But you felt something on the back of your head. "No, stay in there. It feels nice," Antonio told you and ripped another huge fart. You were shocked but decided to stay and keep eating and smelling. "Uh, I could get used to this, BBBBRRRRRTTTTT" Antonio said.

"Good slave boy. Very good," he moaned. You were happy with that title, and your guys' new lifestyle.

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6 years ago
"You Sure You Want Me To Fart On You Baby? I've Got To Warn You, I'm Pretty Rank," Matt Asks You. You

"You sure you want me to fart on you baby? I've got to warn you, I'm pretty rank," Matt asks you. You nod in submission and you laid down. You were at his heels when you see his ass around in his cute underwear.

"You Sure You Want Me To Fart On You Baby? I've Got To Warn You, I'm Pretty Rank," Matt Asks You. You

"Are you really sure? I once made a guy throw up," Matt said. "I'm sure babe," you tell him. "But what if I shit on your face? I don't want to do this," he pleaded you. "Matt! Just please do this," you scold him. "Okay," He said defeatedly. You heard his stomach gurgle,"Get ready!" He groaned.

"You Sure You Want Me To Fart On You Baby? I've Got To Warn You, I'm Pretty Rank," Matt Asks You. You

PFFF. A tiny fart came out of Matt. It didn't even smelled like anything. "Come on Matt! Push it all out!" You told Matt. He let out a sigh of defeat and fixed his underwear. "I'm sorry," he whispered. BBBRRRTTTTTT!!!! He farted very loudly. This one smelled like complete shit and you asked him if he did. "Nope," he replied. "Just the way they smell," he finished. PPPPPPPRRRSSSSSSS!!! Another huge hissing fart came out of Matt's ass. You begged for more and moved his underwear so you could see his hole. PPPPPRRRRRRRTTTTT!!!! Matt groaned from the pain of pushing that one out. You then see his hole open and a smell assaults your nose. It was a nice SBD. You can tell Matt was enjoying this. "Something is stuck in there, can you help me?" Matt asked seductively. You looked at him and he has a smirk on his face. You smiled and abliged. Your lips met his hole and you began to blow air up his butt. He thanked you and said to be ready. BBBBBBBRRRRRRRPLOPLLPLOPLOP!!!!! A ginormous poop flew out of his ass and he collapsed onto it. All of it was on your face and you began to eat away at it. "Oh, hell yeah!!! I could get used to this," Matt laughed grinding his ass onto your face.

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6 years ago
Ryan's Thick Ass Just Beckoned You, And You Always Wanted To Answer The Call, But The Chance Never Came.

Ryan's thick ass just beckoned you, and you always wanted to answer the call, but the chance never came. It just sat there. Waiting for you to come penetrate it and sniff all its farts. Whenever you thought about it, your dick rose. All you wanted was to cum inside him and smell all his gas. You want him to moan and fart so loud the whole world hears it. You wanted the world to know that you fucked him. That's all you want in life and you know nothing will stand in the way.

The opportunity came when you visited his home state on a business trip. You were in a big city and you knew he lived more out in the country. So, you took every chance to go out and find him. You also kept track of his instagram and snapchat just in case he said where he was. Days went by until you finally found him. He was shopping for groceries and you finally laid your eyes on his magnificent ass in real life. It was ginormous. Seemed even bigger than the photos and you were ready to pounce. But blindly going at him in public isn't smart, so what you decided to do was play safe now, but get him later. He was shopping for sugary snacks as you snuck up behind him, pretending to be getting some too. But you were standing right behind him when he squatted and farted. It was loud and wet and gave you a boner immediately. It smelled like shit and he probably did since there was now a noticable lump in his jean shorts. "Damn it! Not again!" Ryan yelled angrily. He stood up and looked around to see you. "Oh my God! I'm sorry," he said all red and embarrassed. "For what? That was great!" You replied. He was shocked and looked down to see your ginormous boner and licked his lips. "You need someone to help you clean up that mess?" You asked while grabbing his huge ass. Your hands were below his underwear and you could feel his turd. It was slimy and gooey and his soft cheeks felt great. He gave you a smirk and said, "Yeah and the ones I'll make later."

With that you could no longer wait. You licked your fingers clean, and bought his groceries for him, mostly because there would be less judgement for someone who has a boner rather than someone who pooped themselves. Outside you gave him your number and you guys decided you'd meet up in your huge hotel room. It was all white and you loved the idea that you guys would get it all dirty.

You cleaned the room to be as clean as it could possibly be. The white was radiant and beautiful. The purest white you had ever seen and you were cover it with your future husband's shit and ass.

You told Ryan to come on an empty stomach, so you could feed him chili. The chili was your own recipe to make anyone a farting machine. Filled to the brim with beans, onions, red peppers, etc. If this chili makes Ryan kill you with his farts and poop, then this was the best death you could ask for.

Soon you heard knocking at the door and you opened it to Ryan. He was sweaty and leaning against the door frame with his eyes closed shut. "Oh! Hey, Ryan your here early," You greeted him. His eyes shot open and he yelled, "I'm going blow and nuke everyone in this hotel, get into my ass!!!" He turned around and took off his shorts and underwear. He fell back onto me and closed the door. I was completely submerged into his ass and his messy hole. I heard him scream in pain and it happened.


An hour long fart shot of his ass and into my face. It was rank, but it changed in smells as it went on. First it was eggy, next it was cheesy, then it smelled like sewage and hot garbage, and finished with a mix of sweat, shit, and his own B.O. I was in complete heaven and I was cumming throughout the entire hour. When it finished he lifted his ass and it made a squishy sound. "Thanks for enduring all of that," he told me and helped me stand up. My legs were jelly and I fell over multiple times. Each time Ryan taking advantage and using his butt as my cushion and every time putting my face in between his cheeks and farting.

Wow, this guy will never run out of gas. "You can eat the chili in the counter if you want to," I said while lying on the floor. Ryan looked at it and dragged me along with my face in his crack. He grabbed the chili and began eating. "Oh, hell yeah!! Eat my ass!!!" He moaned loudly. BBBBRRRRTTTT!!! He ripped another large fart and continued eating. He was blowing both threw the bowls he ate and farts he gave. I loved to watch his hole flap open and close. "Know something," he said in between mouth-fulls, "I got very lucky when it came to genetics. I got this fat ass and something very rare. My digestive track turns my food into gas pretty..." he grunted and pushed out a heavy fart, "quick," he finished. "So you're basically the perfect man for me?" You said, dazed from the gas. Ryan stopped eating and it became extremely quiet except for the grumbling of his stomach. "Only sexual-wise," he said. It tone was depressed and he put the bowl full of chili down. It felt like hours. You decided to continue eating his ass until Ryan spoke.

"Lets just get this over with," Ryan said blatantly and let go of me. When I got up he asked, "where's the bed?" He didn't even make eye contact. We made our way to the bedroon and I showed him the bed and he just crawled in. "Come on. Get in," he said bored with his ass in the air. I dove in and ate him out but it didn't feel so good knowing he wasn't into it. I asked him to fart but he didn't respond. Instead he moved down and rubbed his ass against my dick. I understood what he meant and began to pound him in hoping this would cheer him up, but all I got at most was a few moans here and there. After I came (for the twentieth time today) I laid beside him.

"I got to go," Ryan finally said getting up and putting on his underwear. "But why," I asked. "Nothing," he told me. "That means there is something," I concluded, "What was it? Was it something I did or said? Am I not long enough for you?" I questioned him. "Know something! Yeah it was something you said! 'So you're the perfect man for me?' Are you serious! I'm a person not a peice of meat! You didn't even know me except for that I had a big ass and nasty farts!" Ryan scolded and threw a pillow at me. I felt ashamed and embarrassed, because it was true. I planned to have an entire life with him, but I barely knew him. I was so blinded by my lust for him that I didn't think straight and rationally about this. I slapped my for forehead in disbelief and Ryan could tell he was right. "I knew it. You guys are all the same," He said disappointed. "No! I'm not!" I yelled standing on the bed. "We can get to know each other now! I like to cook and eat food, go cycling, and to dance in clubs!" You spatted out. You were in such a panic you weren't even sure if that was true or not. "Oh my gosh, now I love you forever!" He said sarcastically. He had put his shirt and underwear on. "Is there anything I can say to make you stay?" I asked. "No, there isn't!" Ryan responded with, struggling to put his pants on. "Please, at least one more fart," I pleaded. It was then Ryan's gut started to gurgle. His entire stomach as been inflated, and it looks as if he is about to pop. "I think something bad is going to happen," I said scared. Ryan then looked up at me and said, "Tell you what. I'll give you a chance and date you for a little bit if you can handle this fart. It's going to be my biggest one in life and is going to stink. It might last hours, or days, or even weeks," I looked at his ass and told him, "Get that ass onto my face," Ryan took off his pants and underwear and sat down on my face. And he let it rip.


1 entire week inside Ryan's ass. It was dark and humid in there with the absolute rotten smells that would come out of his ass. It felt as if the world was shaking from his fart. How I survived was incredible. I didn't get dehydrated because of Ryan's fart being so wet at some points I was able lick up all the moisture and not to mention I devoured his turds. My boner was so hard it felt as if was going to fall off. I was also dragged around on my knees, stuck inside Ryan's ass. Ryan tried to work out with me in his ass, but that didn't work, and since he kept eating, the fart went on for far longer than it should have. But not complaining about that for sure.

When it was over Ryan didn't get up. "I know you want to stay in there, so I'll give you a choice. Either you stay in my ass forever and we live happily ever after, or we just part ways and we don't talk ever again," He lifted my head out of his ass. It felt so weird to see light and smell fresh air again. I looked at him and saw a bowl of chili in his hand. I looked down at his stomach and it looked bigger than when the fart started. I smiled at him and he smiled back at me. "I'll stay with you forever," I said excitedly. "Then French kiss my ass like you mean it," he told me. I went back in and I felt his hole and stomach shake from the pent up gas he had inside him and I kissed his hole. With that his hole pulsed and the whole same week, started right back up again.

And it happened again, and again, and again, and again.

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