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Ive Checked Every Day To See If A New Chapters Up And I Almost Screamed With Happiness When I Found This
I’ve checked every day to see if a new chapter’s up and I almost screamed with happiness when I found this one!!
This is one of my favorite fics ever!!!🥰💚💙
Heart Of Glass
Masterpost link for Reelin’ In The Years: Here
“Morning, Sunshine.”
Dean walked into the hospital room carrying two duffels, mostly filled with clothes and stuff Cas may like but also some hex bags for protection. Lucky for him his little brother is dabbling more into witchcraft and can successfully make them a charm too.
“I got you a present.” Dean dropped the bags on the one plastic half couch that he has been using as a bed the last two days before walking over to drop a kiss on the top of Cas’s head. “It’s for protection.”
Cas hummed as his eyes fluttered closed for a few seconds, a little drugged out, before looking up a Dean with a half glare. There was no fire behind those eyes—just a worried stare. “I thought I told you to go home. Get proper rest.”
“I’m fine.” Dean dismissed him as he raked his fingers through Cas’s hair to push it back and away from his face. “Do you want your present or not?”
“Of course.”
Dean saw Cas try to reach for him with his bandaged hands but winced as pain probably shot through him. Dean carefully laid his hand softly on top of his. They are working on a spell to heal him hopefully, but Rowena was busy running Hell to answer her phone. Still, Sam says he could probably get it done in a few days. They just have to hunt down some ingredients.
Dean wasn’t telling Cas until it was a sure-fire plan, but he didn’t want Cas to remember this painful time. He already has enough to deal with without visible scars to remind him.
“It’s um,” Dean digs his hand into his jean pocket as he clears his throat. “Since I’m keeping your um…grace, for now, I think you can have something of mine to wear.”
Dean pulls out the amulet necklace that Sam gave him as a kid. He knows that maybe the chain doesn’t mean much to Cas— he probably hates it considering Chuck and all that shit—but it was all Dean could get his hands on last minute.
“Sam charmed it, so it’ll keep you safe from demons since we haven’t gotten you or the kid inked up yet. Um, Jack got one of my old bracelets, but I figured you’d want something to twirl around your neck.”
“And you’re giving this to me?”
“As a gift?”
“Yeah, Cas. Why you don’t like it?”
Cas smiled as he sat himself up way too quickly and got dizzy in the process. He lifted his bandaged hands to grip his head before muttering, “Can you make the bed into a chair again, please?”
Dean helped Cas with his bed before sitting beside his boyfriend, who already had the necklace in his blistering red fingers. Dean watched his face for a reaction, but Cas only looked like he was studying it between his swelling fingers before he held it out for Dean to take.
He was about to take it as a rejection, and he had a speech ready if this did happen, but then Cas firmly ordered, “Put it on me.”
“You forget a word there, buddy?” Dean chuckled while he took the leather chain to drape over his boyfriend’s head until it fell against his chest.
Cas looked down at it before he slowly grazed it with his fingertips. Then he looked up at Dean with watery eyes and a soft smile. “Please. I forgot, please.”
“Yeah,” Dean reached to kiss the single tear off his cheek. “But I forgive you this one time cause you got a little scratch.”
[Continue Reading Under the Cut]
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More Posts from Gayhuckleberryinatrenchcoat
Okay but HOW THE FUCK do I explain this show and the impact it has on my mental health to my elderly therapist who’s never heard of it?!
How do you unpack not only this show BUT EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENED SINCE NOVEMBER within a 50 minute therapy session?!
Tell me please, I’m literally begging you!!
this is all so insane and genuinely delightful.... i love that in order to decipher a single thing that ever goes on with this NOW DEFUNCT show you have to be in the trenches...... the amount of words it would take to explain to any normal person that two guest stars who haven’t appeared in the show for a decade are currently tweeting back and forth at each other and random fans - in the form of role-playing in-character fan fiction - about booking valentine’s day weddings at the bar their characters ran..... with hints towards (but no confirmation of) a marriage between a character who confessed his love and left the show forever directly afterwards and another character who d*** in the last episode and never addressed his own feelings........ ANYWAYS dean and cas are probably getting married on twitter is a thing i can truthfully say without suffering from a complete detachment from reality..... holy hell... when we say supernatural is a phenomenon that will never be repeated or matched ever again lmfao...
Cas calls Dean beautiful all the time, making the hunter blush and duck down to press quick kisses to Cas’ lips as he mutters “am not” against Cas’ mouth, but any time Dean murmurs the word into Cas’ skin, the angel shies away, burying his head into the pillow or ducking his gaze. “Cas, you’re so beautiful,” Dean whispers, fingertips rubbing soft circles along the inside of Cas’ wrist as he places tender kisses along Cas’ jawline and up behind his ear. Cas stiffens, shaking his head and half turning away. Finally the words slip from Cas’ mouth. “You just think this vessel is beautiful. Not me.” Dean feels his heart shatter in his chest; suddenly wondering how long Cas has been holding onto these thoughts on inadequacy that were vastly untrue. “What are you even talking about, Cas?” Dean asks, voice wavering on the words, because oh God, how can Cas even think he’s anything but breathtakingly gorgeous? “Attraction to this vessel. The beauty you see is just this body and not-“ Cas doesn’t even finish the sentence before Dean is yanking Cas into his arms, shushing him with an ever-so-gentle peck to the lips. “You’ve got it all wrong, Cas. Look at me. Please,” Dean says, tipping Cas’ chin with his forefinger and thumb until Cas’ gaze locks with his. “You’re gorgeous. Yes, this vessel is beautiful, but God, Cas, I never thought anything even remotely like that in the beginning when it was Jimmy. All I see when I look at you now is you. This,” Dean said, ghosting his fingers across Cas’ cheek, “This is you. All I see is you. And you’re absolutely stunning. Just Cas. Not Castiel the Angel of the Lord. Not Jimmy who died years ago. Just my Cas.” Dean presses a lingering kiss to Cas’ temple, collecting his words before speaking again. “When I call you beautiful, I don’t just mean this, though,” Dean murmurs. “Yes, I’m attracted to you physically. But your beauty is so much more than that. Cas, you’re beautiful because of the way you linger your kisses when you’re tired, which is just honestly freaking adorable. It’s the way you get up early just to make Sam some ridiculously healthy smoothie for when he gets back from his run. It’s the way you instinctively put Jack behind you in a fight to protect him even though that kid is more powerful than the rest of us combined and he doesn’t need physical protection. It’s the way you laugh at my jokes even though they’re never funny. The way you smile and it’s like seeing your Grace shining through until everything is seeped in radiating happiness. How you make PB&J sandwiches when you’re worried about something, as if that can ease the nervousness. How natural you are at hunting. How you fell into my life yet you clicked into place like you were the only thing I was ever missing; the only thing I was waiting for. Every time I look at you, it’s all those things I see. All the things I love about you that shine brightly every moment of the day. All those things are yours, and they make you beautiful. So so breathtakingly beautiful.” And when Dean finishes talking, tears are shining in Cas’ eyes, one spilling out until it tracks down his cheek. Dean strokes the tear away with the pad of his thumb, before bringing Cas’ wrist up to his lips and pressing a soft kiss to Cas’ pulse point. “So goddamn beautiful.” Cas can’t form words; all he can do is gently tug Dean down and kiss him, over and over and over again, murmuring his love for Dean against the hunter’s lips.
Your wedding drabbles are the cutest thing ever🥺🥰
Reading this just make me.. like horny, but for cuddles🥰 (I don’t know if there’s a word for that😄)
The first thing Dean does when he wakes up is squeeze his eyes shut even tighter. Memories flood over him and it's almost too perfect to bear. His heart absolutely aches with thoughts of the wedding. Was yesterday even real?
Slowly, Dean cracks one eye open and he's grounded by the sight of Cas wrapped around him, legs tangled and chests pressed together; not just a sensation but an actual physical presence. Cas' hand is settled on Dean's chest, wedding ring resting right over Dean's heart. Out of the corner of his eye he can see their suits draped over the chair in the corner of the hotel room along with the rose Dean has pinned onto Cas' lapel perched delicately on the nightstand.
Oh God. It really was real. This. Them. They're married.
Dean's heartrate must kick up with his faster breathing because Cas' eyes flutter open. The second they do, Dean moves to capture Cas' lips in a breathtaking kiss. Cas' hand instantly moves to cup the back of Dean's neck; metal ring pressing against Dean's warm skin. They break the kiss slowly, panting short breaths against each other's lips in between little pecks and lingering touches.
"Good morning, husband. Can't believe I get to say that," Dean murmurs, kissing Cas' nose before shifting to nuzzle into Cas' neck.
"Husband," Cas whispers in awe, almost as if he were experiencing the same pleased shockwaves Dean had felt when he'd woken up a few minutes prior. Cas' eyes wander down to the ring on his finger, before catching sight of the matching one on Dean's. Linking their fingers together, Cas brings Dean's hand up to his lips and presses a lingering kiss to the band on Dean's finger. "I'm never going to tire of calling you husband."
Dean tugs Cas down into more lazy kisses, and God it feels so good. Cas has this little starstruck smile on his face every time they stop kissing and it makes Dean's heart skip a beat.
"Good morning," Cas finally murmurs, a little dazed after they've made out for a good half an hour. "Can the honeymoon start tomorrow?"
Dean props himself up to look at Cas, brushing his fingers through his husband's messy hair. "Thought you wanted that beach getaway today?" Dean asks.
"I do." Cas lingers on the words, smiling tenderly as the words echo his 'I do' from the wedding yesterday. "Right now, I just want this with you. Your arms around me. Your lips on mine. Just you and me. Don't wanna leave this bed."
And Dean gets it. Cuddles and lazy kisses leading to making out all day. Wrapped in each other's arms and just enjoying the bliss of being newlyweds. God that sounded perfect. The beach honeymoon could wait until tomorrow. Right now, ordering room service and laying in each other's arms and kissing the day away was all they could ever dream of.
Right? Don’t tell me this show never was about love or sexuality as well. Sure, it wasn’t the main focus of the show, but IT DID HAVE LOTS OF QUEER COUPLES AND A VERY GAY DECLARATION OF LOVE FROM CAS.
So don’t tell me that this shit ain’t canon cause it is.
I’m so sick of being gaslit.
hey so. In case anyone was wondering holding a wedding for two beloved characters who just happen to both be men isn't ~making it all about sexuality~ and it's also not disrespectful to tell this story, especially when it is a part of canon. (fellas is it disrespectful to.... continue telling the story they intentionally set into motion?) we ARE upholding the integrity of the show, the canon love (of all kinds) between all these characters, the themes of free will and breaking the narrative, etc. misha himself told us to write our own endings. we are not entitled children. we are a hurt and largely queer fanbase who is trying to move on, reclaim the narrative, and treat our characters better than canon could. I am tired of being taken advantage of for engagement, completely disrespected, and then called entitled. we can trend internationally without any effort. we are a large and powerful base that has been taken advantage of and disrespected for a decade. We aren't spoiled.
Couldn’t have said it any better!
Okay, I wasn’t going to say anything, but I can’t keep these thoughts to myself.
The stories we create are valid and YOU are valid, your sexuality is valid, your beliefs are valid. Supernatural is OUR story now, we can do what we want with it, we can create any story we want, we can write our own endings, or continuations of the horrible ending we got.
You are allowed to feel hurt by what was said on Twitter, you are allowed to be mad and angry. We were queerbaited again. Please don’t invalidate your feelings about what’s occurred just because some actors said it wasn’t real. We came together as a fandom on Valentine’s Day, and we made something beautiful, and it WAS REAL. No one can take that away from us.