Destiel Fanfic - Tumblr Posts

11 months ago

Dean Winchester I know what you are

Dean Winchester I Know What You Are
Dean Winchester I Know What You Are
Dean Winchester I Know What You Are
Dean Winchester I Know What You Are
Dean Winchester I Know What You Are
Dean Winchester I Know What You Are
Dean Winchester I Know What You Are
Dean Winchester I Know What You Are

Dean Winchester being normal about Castiel's lips challenge

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7 years ago

Destiel One-Shot: Boyfriend

Series: Supernatural

Characters/Pairings: Destiel, Dean, Castiel, Gabriel, Sam

A/N: I wrote this shit instead of going to church this morning. I guess I'm going to hell. At least I'll get to meet Luci.

Summary: Gabriel tells Castiel to call Dean his boyfriend and Castiel doesn’t know the real meaning. Keep reading if you wanna know what happens:

“I need to get back to dean.” Castiel said anxiously.

Gabriel rolled his eyes. "What is he your boyfriend?”

Castiel cocked his head to the side. “What’s a boyfriend?”

Gabriel looked like he had just won a 500 dollar gift card to the It'sugar store. That was Gabriel's favorite heaven.

Castiel took a step back cautiously. Gabriel slung his arm around Castiel's tense shoulders, grinning ear to ear.

"It’s a term for someone you are especially close to." Gabriel explained. "Aren’t you and Dean close?"

"Yes we are close.” Castiel nodded. He had a more profound bond with dean, he’d told them as much. Castiel hoped he didn’t offend Sam, but the truth was the truth.

Gabriel nodded but still had that bright grin on his face. He must be happy to teach Castiel about new human terminology.


Castiel was quite frustrated. Dean was blaming himself for something stupid that wasn’t even his fault. Again.

Him and Sam where trying to cheer Dean up to no avail.

"Why do you even come when I call?” Dean asked sadly, nursing his 5th bottle of beer.

Castiel thought for a moment. Maybe he should use that term Gabriel had suggested, to be more human like Sam and Dean maybe that would cheer them up!

"Because your my boyfriend.” Castiel stated.

Dean choked on his drink and Sam’s eyes looked like they were about to pop out of their sockets.

Castiel was confused. Why where they reacting like this?

Dean set down his beer and looked at Castiel, eyes wide.

"I’m right here guys.” Sam said looking exasperated.

"Is that not the proper term for our relationship?” Castiel asked, he was severely confused.

Sam turned to him an eyebrow raised, and Dean looked like someone had gut punched him.

“Cas, what exactly do you think the term means?” Dean asked carefully.

"That we are close.” Castiel attempted a casual shrug though he was still confused, why where humans so complicated?

Dean shook his head. "No it’s not what they told you it was.”

"Oh." Castiel frowned.

Gabriel was very ‘in the know' on human interactions, so he was confused that Gabriel had gotten it wrong, and that Castiel might have offended Dean.

Castiel looked down. "My apologies Dean.”

"It’s alright, Cas.” Dean shrugged, but Castiel noticed that his cheeks were slightly pink.

Was it hot in here? It was hard to tell since Castiel was in his vessel.

"What’s the correct meaning of the term?” Castiel asked curiously.

Dean stiffened and Sam hid his mouth behind his hand in what sounded like a cough.

Dean waved him off. "Uh doesn’t matter.”

"I want to know, so I don’t accidentally use the term wrong again and offend someone like with you.” Castiel pouted.

"You didn’t offend us, just caught us by surprise.” Sam said gently, a grin spreading across his face. What was it with long haired men and grinning?

"But what is the real meaning?” Castiel asked earnestly.

"Uh, I uh, don’t know how to explain it.” Dean scratched the back of his head.

"I’ll google the definition!” Sam volunteered happily. Dean glared at him.

Castiel was glad Sam was happy to help, but Dean seemed strangely defensive about this, like when someone got to close to his pie.

Sam pulled out his laptop, opening it, but Dean slammed it shut.

"It’s dead.” Dean stated.

Sam started to protest but Dean looked him in the eye and stated loudly. “Your. laptop. is. dead.” While staring Sam down.

“Okay…” Sam looked a little unnerved and smug at the same time. Humans.

"You see its uh, boyfriend, is the term to describe someone you have a romantic like relationship with.” Dean explained awkwardly.

"Oh.” Castiel felt heat rising to his cheeks. He was deeply embarrassed.

"Who told you the wrong definition anyways?” Sam asked.

"Gabriel, it is strange, he is usually right about these things.” Castiel frowned.

Dean muttered something about where Gabriel should stick his Angel blade.

"Yeah I’m pretty sure he was pulling a prank on you.” Dean chuckled.

Castiel scowled. He had thought he could finally trust Gabriel but no!

Castiel made a mental note to never trust Gabriel again.

"Don’t worry about it, Gabriel pranks everyone.” Sam almost sounded bitter. Had Gabriel done something to him? Maybe he put toothpaste in Sam's oreos.

Dean clapped Castiel on the shoulder. “You can call me your best friend how about that.”

"Okay.” Castiel muttered looking down, still embarrassed.

"Lets go get cheeseburgers. Hopefully that’ll cheer us both up.” Dean offered and Castiel brightened.

Cheeseburger were good, that Castiel knew without a doubt.

They left and for some reason Sam made no move to come with them. He must not be hungry.

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3 years ago
I Find It Funny That Destiel Is Trending #1 When BLM Has Been Trending #1 For Months And It Took 100

I find it funny that Destiel is trending #1 when BLM has been trending #1 for months and it took 100 000 Destiel fanfics to break that streak.

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7 months ago

This is your sign to have your funniest friend edit your fic from a series they know almost nothing about because then you get beautiful comments like these:

This Is Your Sign To Have Your Funniest Friend Edit Your Fic From A Series They Know Almost Nothing About
This Is Your Sign To Have Your Funniest Friend Edit Your Fic From A Series They Know Almost Nothing About
This Is Your Sign To Have Your Funniest Friend Edit Your Fic From A Series They Know Almost Nothing About
This Is Your Sign To Have Your Funniest Friend Edit Your Fic From A Series They Know Almost Nothing About
This Is Your Sign To Have Your Funniest Friend Edit Your Fic From A Series They Know Almost Nothing About
This Is Your Sign To Have Your Funniest Friend Edit Your Fic From A Series They Know Almost Nothing About
This Is Your Sign To Have Your Funniest Friend Edit Your Fic From A Series They Know Almost Nothing About
This Is Your Sign To Have Your Funniest Friend Edit Your Fic From A Series They Know Almost Nothing About

Thank you for this @the-fruitpunch-clown

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6 months ago

Reading fanfiction is crazy. Like what do you mean the 110k word story I just read about stupid little gay guys is technically longer than the first Hunger Games book.

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Hey, I saw your "Wanting to watch Supernatural fast so I can read Destiel fic" post and if you wanted to get a head start and not feel too stressed I just wanted to point out that you can go into the filters and in "Date Updated" set the "To" section to the same date your latest episode aired—That way you get a lot of the fics and none of the spoilers.

(You might already know that and have other reasons for wanting to finish but I thought I'd mention it just in case you did not as I know I myself didn't for the longest time)

Otherwise and likewise I wish you the best with the watching and the school and may the seemingly endless fanfics in your future bring you much delight in the coming years<3

Honestly I did know u can do that. It just didn’t cross my mind till people pointed it out to me in the replies😭😭 I’ve been told to read redemption road (?? I think that’s it??) after I finish season five in particular so uh yeah I’ll not be finishing the show before I fall into the rabbithole

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7 months ago

near-fall by songsandstories - Castiel/Dean Winchester UST fanfic

I had the pleasure of an alpha-read sneak peek at this fun, funny and poignant Cas/Dean UST ficlet from songsandstories. I'm new to Supernatural, having just watched it for the first time, and I've not got around to reading much of the fandom's fanfic yet, but I'll take a solid guess that Dean's internalised homophobia and feels-repression over Cas aren't often written this deliciously, maddeningly, heartbreakingly, tellingly dense in the face of opportunity.

(Just. Bloody. Well. Kiss. Him!)

"It’s always been there, part of their friendship but playing at a lower volume than whatever else was going on when they were dying or about to die or the only things preventing catastrophe. Not something that demanded attention. But in the three months since Cas has been back, the volume has turned up with every glance, every word exchanged, every casual touch. Dean just can’t make out what the damn song is."

Near-fall By Songsandstories - Castiel/Dean Winchester UST Fanfic


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January 2024 Destiel Fic Recs

Here are some of my favourite Destiel fics posted in January 2024. The point of this rec list is to shine light on some new fics that otherwise might go drowing in the ocean of Destiel fics on ao3.

cure of all, this fruit divine by hurtygurdyman

Father, I am sorry my nature does not come easily to me. I know neither how I was made nor why I feel so alone.Cas draws a line in the soil that will one day become the Mississippi River. He looks up at God with a feeling in his gut he doesn’t want to name. spnflash day 4: envy.

This one is very short and poetic. (868 words)

i'm half-doomed, and you're semi-sweet by 13zepptraxx

“Thanks,” he whispers still, allowing Castiel’s hand to reside on the side of his face. He could shrug it away, and he knows he probably should, because right now he and Cas are tiptoeing along a line set a long time ago, one that they both silently agreed they should never cross. Across this line is uncharted waters, unknown consequences, no semblance of what will become; but it’s important to note that Dean wants to cross that line, all the time, every single day. He yearns so badly for it; so he’s taking this moment, this blurring of the line. Tomorrow they can go back to only looking at one another when the other is looking elsewhere, and stealing touches in the form of healing or in a quick pat on the shoulder that turns into a balled fist as they walk away. Tonight, Dean will allow himself to be weak.

Everything about this fic is just perfect. The fucking hours I spend going through every fic posted in january were worth it just for this one, honestly. (1,642 words)

What a Brave Little Ant You Are by withthekeyisking

The first time man-in-charge Cas shows up at Bobby's place, Dean promptly flips the fuck out and shoots him.By the fourth time, Dean doesn't bother reaching for his gun.

Season 7 godstiel, very interesting dynamic. (2,320 words)

Baker Company Pie by S1nging_Y0u_S0ftly

Castiel remembers a recipe from the Great Depression, and decides to bake it for Dean. It's a water pie, something he'd had a few times as a child and remembers it being edible. It will have to do.

This is a coda fic for Ninety One Whiskey, and if I loved 91w as much as I did, you'll love this one as well. (2,570 words)

Nobody Here But Us Chickens by ImYourHoneyBee

Dean has been trying out endearments inside his head for years. He can’t help it. Some sentences feel wrong on his tongue without one, the unsaid words jumping over themselves to leap out of his mouth like living things. It took him a long time to label it love, but what else could the urge be when Cas makes him feel so much? When Cas is hurt, Dean's gruff, “You good?” needs a comma and a ‘sweetheart’ at the end. Calling out in a dank, dusty storage room for a hand with hauling boxes or needing a clarifying eye on an obscure, potentially magical trinket wants to start with a questioning, “Hey, honey?” He can almost taste it, dripping off his tongue sweet and wanting, casual in its intimacy. Sometimes, Dean slips up. “Good morning, sunshine,” while passing Cas a doctored-up cup of coffee in his favourite mug has become a morning ritual. It’s innocuous enough to get away with if he doesn’t think about it too hard. Sometimes, he tries his best to make it sarcastic, but it inevitably comes out too sincere. Cas hasn't caught on yet, though, and Sam has stopped shooting him questioning side-eyes, so Dean's pretty sure he's pulling it off. The problem is that it’s not enough. It’s never enough. 

Very fluffy, they are soo soft in this, I love it. (4022 words)

45 by soft_pine

Dean's 4th, 5th, and 45th birthdays.

The contrast between those birthdays just chef's kiss! (1,158 words)

found it here in your love by nevernevergirl

Dean's birthday doesn't go as planned. Cas is definitely not throwing a tantrum about it. (In which learning to live your life after nearly two decades of saving the actual world is a process. They're doing it together, though.)

Another Dean's birthday fic, I actually read this one his birthday :). (2,779 words)

Don’t Let the Sound (of Your Own Wheels) Drive You Crazy by Eightbitpale

Like a crazy person, like this is new information, Dean thinks: there’s an angel of the lord in my passenger seat. One day I brought him home with me and he hasn’t left since. Cas sighs loudly, and turns a little in his seat to look at Dean head on.

“You’re thinking very loudly.”

“Don’t read my thoughts, Cas”, Dean replies on autopilot, knowing even as he says it that that’s not what the angel meant. There’s a beat of silence between them where Cas just lets the tension hang, knowing all too well that the steely look he’s currently beaming into the side of Dean’s head is enough to make him crack eventually. Dean cracks. “I guess I was just thinking that some shit never changes, y’know?”Its been a long drive. Dean is thinking loudly.

I love the way this one was written, the atmosphere was really special.(3,917 words)

I (22m) am concerned about a coworker (30sm) but am wary of getting too involved in his life by bitterred

A coworker at the Gas-N-Sip that Castiel works at has noticed some weird things about him and decided to write into /r/relationships for advice. "I (22M) have a coworker (mid-30s, I think, M) and this dude (I guess I’ll call him Steve, it's anonymous enough) is more than a little weird. We work at a convenience store/gas station. It’s like he doesn’t understand any pop culture reference, at all, but talks about stuff from ancient history (like, literally, stuff that is in the bible) like he knows it happened for sure."

Short reddit fic about a one of Cas' coworkers perspective on Dean. (492 words)

but honey, most of them are true by Owco

Sam overhears some gossip between two hunters at a bar. He is surprised to learn that it’s all true. Set sometime after Exodus, around Let the Good Times Roll.

A very funny and unique take on the "Sam finds out about Dean and Cas"- trope. (2,996 words)

If you read and enjoy these fics make sure that you leave kudos and/or write a comment! Some of these stories are first fic the author posted on ao3 and they deserve all the love and motivation.

(And please feel free to point out any mistakes I might have made with the links and stuff... hope you enjoy! See you next month for the february recs.)

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6 years ago
I Finally Set Up An AO3 Account. Https:// I Love To Write So

I finally set up an AO3 account.   I love to write so might as well have a shelf to show my stories off. My style is usually fluffy goodness and smutty fun. Sometimes just fluff or just smut...but for the most part it is a happy mixture of both. Hence the user name I came up with. Love  PR24 mixed together. A little bit of real heart plus a bit of naughtiness.

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6 years ago
With The Death Of His Wife, Dean Winchester Is Now A Single Dad To His Son, Jack. He's Also A Famous

With the death of his wife, Dean Winchester is now a single dad to his son, Jack. He's also a famous singer. On a trip to visit his brother, Sam, Dean's life will be altered thanks to a pair of blue eyes, a kind heart, and a calendar of himself shoved down a certain angel's pants. It's a very warm & fluffy story about love, forgiveness, second chances, and family. Enjoy the story here:

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6 years ago
Photos Needed For A Destiel Story Im Going To Be Posting To AO3. Here Is The Link: Https://
Photos Needed For A Destiel Story Im Going To Be Posting To AO3. Here Is The Link: Https://
Photos Needed For A Destiel Story Im Going To Be Posting To AO3. Here Is The Link: Https://
Photos Needed For A Destiel Story Im Going To Be Posting To AO3. Here Is The Link: Https://
Photos Needed For A Destiel Story Im Going To Be Posting To AO3. Here Is The Link: Https://
Photos Needed For A Destiel Story Im Going To Be Posting To AO3. Here Is The Link: Https://
Photos Needed For A Destiel Story Im Going To Be Posting To AO3. Here Is The Link: Https://

photos needed for a Destiel story I’m going to be posting to AO3. Here is the link:

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6 years ago
We All Make Mistakes...every Last One Of Us. So Why Would Cass And Dean Be Any Different? They Have One

We all make mistakes...every last one of us. So why would Cass and Dean be any different? They have one amazing night together...and It will create a child. It will create, Jack. If only that was the end of the story...if only they could live happily ever after from that point on...but life isn't usually that simple is it? This is a story about not giving up, about holding on to love as long as you can, and about getting to start over & over again. An A/B/O romance (read all tags)

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6 years ago
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Checking Out by  l_P_o_R_v_2_e_4

Summary: (A Destiel/Sabriel NSFW Story): A year ago in Lawrence, Kansas, Soulless Sam made an appearance. Now when the guys have a case there and Sam has to hide, it’s up to Dean to do all the leg work. Using Sam’s brains and hacking skills, Dean gets himself hired as personal assistant to the head librarian at the Lawrence University Library. Castiel Novak may come across as just a stuffy bookworm, but Dean soon finds out his new boss is so much more. And when Gabriel Novak comes to take his brother out for lunch, one more thing Soulless Sam did comes to light…or should I say SOMEONE Soulless Sam did. Gabe has been searching for the tall fucker since six foot four Sam Winchester rocked his five foot eight inch life. Can love be found on the shelves of a library? And can an entire box of candy canes fit inside the stretched rim of a man’s ass? You’re going to have to click this link to see. …trust me, it's soooo worth checking out.

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6 years ago
Masterpiece By: L_P_o_R_v_2_e_4
Masterpiece By: L_P_o_R_v_2_e_4
Masterpiece By: L_P_o_R_v_2_e_4
Masterpiece By: L_P_o_R_v_2_e_4
Masterpiece By: L_P_o_R_v_2_e_4
Masterpiece By: L_P_o_R_v_2_e_4
Masterpiece By: L_P_o_R_v_2_e_4
Masterpiece By: L_P_o_R_v_2_e_4
Masterpiece By: L_P_o_R_v_2_e_4
Masterpiece By: L_P_o_R_v_2_e_4

Masterpiece by: l_P_o_R_v_2_e_4

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Castiel Novak wasn’t just a top, nor was he just a bottom. Those archaic rules drove him absolutely insane. Especially since it seemed seventy-five percent of the gay population still followed them. To cut through all that bullshit, Cass joined a dating website catering to gay males who only switch. Cue the music and turn the spot lights to shine down onto Dean fuckn’ Winchester, the freckled adonis, painter, lover of classic cars, rock music, and everything else Cass was searching for. Could a connection forged through a computer screen make it when the two men meet face-to-face? Would it end up a disaster, or turn into a masterpiece?

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6 years ago
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Keys to my Heart by l_P_o_R_v_2_e_4

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It was just a normal day in Lawrence, Kansas. Dean Winchester was enjoying a slice of blueberry pie when a disheveled, bare-foot man walked into the Ladybird Diner. With one simple act of kindness, both Dean and Castiel Novak’s lives will be forever altered. Who knew a blueberry pie, a dancing baby stick, and some monkey noises could be the keys to their heart.

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6 years ago
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Survey says...DAMN! by l_P_o_r_v_2_e_4

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It’s been a lifelong love affair between the Novaks and the game show Family Feud. During a game night at Chuck's house, they finally agree to send in an application for the show. After many months of waiting and going to auditions they received the post card in the mail saying they were in. Would they do as good as they hoped or would the returning champions, the Winchesters, kick their ass? Pull up a comfy recliner, grab some popcorn and a cup of Earl Grey…Family Feud the Supernatural version is about to begin.

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6 years ago
Our Song By L_P_o_R_v_2_e_4
Our Song By L_P_o_R_v_2_e_4
Our Song By L_P_o_R_v_2_e_4

Our Song by l_P_o_R_v_2_e_4

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Dean was a collector of sex toys. He had every kind and color of things to insert up his ass. It was second nature for him to go into work with something buried within. Especially on the days he had a meeting. He had an important one on Thursday with an SOB called Castiel Novak. He was definitely going to need some inside help for that one.

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6 years ago
Angel Mine By L_P_o_R_v_2_e_4
Angel Mine By L_P_o_R_v_2_e_4
Angel Mine By L_P_o_R_v_2_e_4
Angel Mine By L_P_o_R_v_2_e_4
Angel Mine By L_P_o_R_v_2_e_4
Angel Mine By L_P_o_R_v_2_e_4

Angel Mine by l_P_o_R_v_2_e_4

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A few weeks ago, Dean had been battling an archangel for control of his own body. But thankfully Jack had been able to eject the douche bag, and everything seemed to go back to normal. That was until Cass went missing and wasn’t answering Dean’s phone calls. Having just gotten the angel back from the empty, Dean refused to let another day go by without getting some answers. It’s a story ten years in the making…filled with a love that's taller than the Chrysler Building. (6000 words)

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6 years ago
Under The Moonlit Sky By L_P_o_R_v_2_e_4
Under The Moonlit Sky By L_P_o_R_v_2_e_4
Under The Moonlit Sky By L_P_o_R_v_2_e_4
Under The Moonlit Sky By L_P_o_R_v_2_e_4
Under The Moonlit Sky By L_P_o_R_v_2_e_4
Under The Moonlit Sky By L_P_o_R_v_2_e_4
Under The Moonlit Sky By L_P_o_R_v_2_e_4
Under The Moonlit Sky By L_P_o_R_v_2_e_4
Under The Moonlit Sky By L_P_o_R_v_2_e_4
Under The Moonlit Sky By L_P_o_R_v_2_e_4

Under the Moonlit Sky by l_P_o_R_v_2_e_4

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Dean has many secrets. It’s just par for his life on the road with his family. They’ve spent over twenty years hunting things and saving people. All because John Winchester was on a mission to kill the demon that murdered Mary. The hunter’s life isn’t the most ideal but it does have a few perks. Well if you are as kinky as Dean. He likes to go on hunts because he enjoys fucking the monsters that they find. Of course, he kills them right afterwards so no one finds out. He has other hidden kinks as well. During one of his “secret” nights out he’ll meet a blue-eyed stranger who will change his life forever. Based on the above comic posted to a Destiel group. (32,000+ words)

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