We are a world-wide Christian ministry sharing daily messages that God is real and that he cares about YOU and YOUR LIFE.
586 posts
Are You AWARE? If You Are Like Most People, You May Think That You Are. Though You May Be In The Regular
Are you AWARE? If you are like most people, you may think that you are. Though you may be in the regular habit of reading news on-line, watch what is happening on TV – daily read a newspaper and generally are up on what is happening in the world, the country and your community you certainly are well INFORMED, but according to the words of Jesus you are not AWARE.
The definition of 'Aware' is to warn, admonish, heed, (or) watch out. If that is the case, then watch out and warn about what?? Today’s scripture is a warning about the blindness that many have, namely that without being healed from sin and the curse of death, they will be lost in an eternity caused by their blinders of choice.
The Bible says that “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God” (Romans 10:17) but in order for Faith to take root, you must take off your blinders, open your ears, sharpen the mind, and be receptive in the heart.
Are you 'AWARE?' If not, turn back from your regular habits! Look instead at the Word of God and SEE what is real and good and pure that God is promising you in His assurance of eternal life and starting seeing what really is important.
God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You
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Driving down the Interstate one day I saw this sign and was struck by the simplicity of it. It is a straightforward statement that requires a response.
That’s it. 'Present' isn’t an option. The statement requires you to accept or reject - and your answer says a lot about who and where you are.
If it is TRUE, that means the Bible is what it says, there is a God, Jesus did die for your sins, and your eternal state depends on following what Christ said about salvation.
If it is FALSE then nothing matters, and you can continue to live your life anyway you please.
It may or may not be an election year, but every day is an election day.
How are you voting today?
God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You
Let’s face it…if you wanted to become what people often ridicule these days as a 'Holy Roller,' then it would look completely embarrassing and stupid to your friends, family and peers to worship a 'make believe friend' like god. So if for some weird reason you were to change your mind and actually become a Christian, you would not want to do that because you would be embarrassed and ashamed, YES?
OK! I get that and that makes perfect sense. Christians appear to be a bit wacky in that they believe weird stuff like Noah’s ark, stories about a talking donkey, and Jesus raising himself from the dead. It’s perfectly logical to not want to associate with any of that, and if you did, you’d be ashamed to be associated with Jesus…but what does the Bible say about people like that?
In today’s scripture quote, Jesus very clearly says that if you are ashamed of Him, He will be ashamed of you as He stands before the throne of God and the whole host of holy angels in heaven. So even if you maybe/kinda casually agree that this Jesus/God/Bible stuff is probably true or mostly so, but you don’t have the time to get into it — or even more important — would be embarrassed and ashamed to admit it to everyone that knows you, judging by this quote you might be in a position someday that you may not want to be in.
Again, as today’s quote from the Gospel of Mark says, it is His WORD that people are ashamed of, and His Word says to turn to Him as the only way to save your soul out of this world and transport you into the next. Yes, this is a big step and from the standpoint of those around you will appear un-scientific, illogical and EMBARRASSING to associate yourself with what appears to many as a bunch of silly fables.
Friend, life is all about choices. Do you choose to follow Christ, regardless of the ridicule, or are you more comfortable going with the crowd? Either He IS who He says He is and promises what He says He promises, or he isn’t. No one can make that decision for you. So the question is:
“Have you decided to follow Jesus, or follow the crowd?”
God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You
God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves Youoar is 2022, and a good question that most people never realize is, “Two-Thousand and Twenty Years after WHAT?”
As the picture here shows, many older buildings indicate the year with the letters “A.D.” which is Latin for “ANNO DOMINI” or “The Year of our LORD.” While this was a common practice for centuries in writing and historical documentation, over the last fifty years this often has been slyly and subtly changed to the letters CE.
We are living in an age that the Bible says are 'The End Times' where the name of God will be blasphemed, mocked, and minimized. Instead of honoring God as the LORD over man, Christ’s coming to earth has merely been marked as the 'CE that is, the — Christ Event.' The definition of “event” is a 'happening, occurrence, incident, or an affair.' In doing so, it has reduced the coming of Christ like to a previous news story that was simply a marker in time - much like we refer to December 7th or September 11th.
Friend, Jesus Christ is THE LORD and He is the FIRST and the LAST of ALL TIME. He was not merely an 'event' but the creator and LORD of all that is — including you and me and all of creation. He is the “Chief Cornerstone.” (1 Peter 2:7)
Are you honoring Him today as LORD, or is this just “2022”?
God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You
If you are an old 'Car Guy' then the Chilton’s Manuals were your best friend. Back in the day when cars were purely mechanical, these manuals provided step-by-step instructions on how to repair every part of a car from the distributor to the differential. So in order to fix a car, having this 'car bible' was a must.
However, there is a 'Life Manual' that also provides step-by-step instructions on how to heal everything, from loss to life, and that is God’s “Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth” Manual and that is the BIBLE. In it you will find everything you need to fix everything in life from head to toe.
Like today’s scripture reference exhorts us, keep the Bible in front of you at all times, and speak its words out of your lips because when you decree and declare its Promises and Principles you will indeed have “Great Success”…and no sockets or wrenches are required!
God Bless Your Day, Jesus Loves You
An article on TheDailyBeast.com on February 5, 2020 quoted a statistic that was SO SHOCKING that it not only floored me but saddened me to the core as to the current moral state of our people, nation and world. that it not only floored me but saddened me to the core as to the current moral state of our people, nation and world.
They reported that in a nation in which 139 million voted in the last presidential election that 141 million votes were cast for the best pornographic movie in 2019 on the largest sex-video web site in the world. Also, according to this self-same article, these five young women pictured here are the top 'stars' of the adult film world. Not so coincidentally another news article on-line the same day touted proudly that porn stars would now be featured models in a major runway fashion show in New York. If these sex actresses are (or are not) familiar to you, please read on.
We now live in a world, as indicated by today’s insightful and prophetic verse that all that was once considered virtuous has turned vile, where being “straight” is out of step with the times while lewd thoughts, language, dress, and actions are not only accepted but celebrated.
While many that read this may not know or be familiar with any of these women, sadly some of you may, and if you do – and especially if you have confessed Christ as your Lord – you have followed the path of perversion from goodness above. If so, you need to turn now and REPENT (literally change your mind) and seek forgiveness.
This epidemic of a sex-crazed culture and thinking always leads to spiritual destruction. For those on this path, it will never satisfy and will lead to an addiction that will continue to spiral down lower and lower into the denizens of Hell if you let it. But there is good news...
Christ can and does deliver us from ALL sin – no matter how small, large, venial or vial. Make the decision and promise God that RIGHT NOW to never look at these putrid images again!! Change your mind, turn away from the bitter and turn to the sweetness of wholeness and holiness in God. Seek Christ, Get Forgiveness, and Receive His Grace.
Turn your eyes upon Jesus - not JUNK! It is never too late to live a sweet and not bitter life.
God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You