We are a world-wide Christian ministry sharing daily messages that God is real and that he cares about YOU and YOUR LIFE.
586 posts
When Most People Think About Jesus, They Imagine A Kind Loving Man Who Was A Master Teacher And Miracle
When most people think about Jesus, they imagine a kind loving man who was a master teacher and miracle healer. Pictures depict him as a shepherd gently tending lambs, blessing children, and feeding thousands with a kind loving look in his eyes. While He came peacefully into Jerusalem riding a donkey to the adoration of crowds spreading green palms as a carpet before him, even when suffering in agony at the crucifixion, He doesn’t curse his tormentors, but forgives them. In His whole life He is the personification of Peace, Love, and Forgiveness, however His Second Coming to earth will be quite a different story.
Thou He rode into Jerusalem on a donkey as the Prince of Peace, the Bible tells us that at His return He rides in on a white horse as a conquering judge. All those that are still on earth at that time will not meet a loving PRINCE of Peace, but a judging LORD of Glory For those not prepared to meet the Judge, it will be a day of disastrous destiny that will be their first day of an eternity that will be the opposite of “peace.”
If you are one of these people and have read this far then please realize that there is a time when all those that are not friends of God will not be treated not with Peace, Love, and Forgiveness, but with Harshness, Rebuke, and JUDGEMENT.
Jesus IS coming back to reclaim His authority over the earth to establish his kingdom, so if you do not know Christ and have not received the Peace, Love, and Forgiveness that he offers, do so today. There is no better time than the present because we all have no guarantee of tomorrow.
Prepare to meet Jesus as your KING, not your Judge.
God Bless Your Day, Jesus Loves You NotesOnLife.org
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We are all God’s children, but are you a Natural child of God or an Adopted Child of God? There is an important difference, and here’s why…
While you can legally disown a natural-born child, you cannot “un-adopt” an adopted child, and this same legal principle applies when you are adopted into God’s family.
You see, when we are Naturally-Born into this world, all of us ARE 'God’s children,' but when you are Spiritually-Born (“born again” as Jesus said in John 3:3) and today’s verse also states, you then become an ADOPTED child of God.
Friend, Christ died on the cross to redeem us from death as a natural-born child so that we could become spiritually-born children to be able to be adopted into His eternal family! If you have not accepted His outstretched hands to be adopted by Him, receive His offer of adoption today, and you will never be forsaken!
God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You NotesOnLife.org/archive
Have you noticed that the word “sin” is rarely ever used today and simply ignored? The question is why, and the answer is because this world has fallen so far away from God’s Law that we’ve become anesthetized to it. It’s time for us to take a look at it!
Sin is anything contrary to God’s moral law and is any action that harms the relationship we have with God or with another person. It’s choosing to act in any way that pulls us away from God just as it did when Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit. Consequently, their disobedience caused us to inherit their sinful nature. From the very beginning, God designed us to respond to Him in a way that is in agreement with His nature, but sin breaks that connection - refuses that gift - and rejects God.
Since all sin is the rejection of God and His authority, sin automatically excludes us from His presence. But the good news is that when we come to the Lord Jesus to forgive us with a true repentant heart, we are forgiven, and a sense of freedom is released inside our souls. In other words, we have a brand-new clean slate on which to live a righteous life in God’s eyes. You see, when we give our hearts to Christ, the Holy Spirit indwells in us causing our sin nature to lose its grasp making us no longer its slave.
My friend, our human nature is weak causing us to be tempted, but we must fight sin as long as we live in this world. Thanks be to to Jesus Christ who died to take the place of your sin and mine so that we can approach the throne of grace with confidence knowing that coming to God and confessing our sins will allow us to renew our relationship with Him.
If you have never come to Jesus and asked for forgiveness of your sins, pray this prayer:
Dear Heavenly Father, I come to you right now with all that is within me asking you to forgive me for my sins. Please wash them all away and help me to live my life pleasing in your sight from this day forward. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You
What did you just say, Pastor Wayne?!? Are you serious?!?!
Yes! The Resurrection Christ, and the belief that Jesus rose from the dead IS A BIG LIE....that is, FOR MOST PEOPLE. This single issue of the so-called “Christian Religion” is the one thing the majority of people cannot believe or accept and is the #1 stumbling block for accepting the message of the Gospel.
Ask the average person and they will concede that the Bible is a general historical description of events that happened in ancient Israel, and most likely would also concede that Jesus was both a real historical figure and an influential teacher and a good man. Beyond that, this raise-from-the-dead business is not only false, but also not possible or believable.
Are you one of those people? If so, consider this...
Billions of people have experienced “the likeness of his resurrection” in their lives through miracles, healings, answered prayers, and a profound sense of inner peace. The comparisons of Christian believers is universal – across all nations, ethnicities, and ages. Without going into a lot of technical and theological detail, the integrity and message of Christ - as well as the Bible - has been proven over and over again to be not just historically accurate, but also within its overall message.
So where does this lead YOU if you still do not believe this raise-from-the-dead business? It is a challenge to re-evaluate WHY you feel that way. Investigate it for yourself; don’t just pass this off. If it is true, it is the key to not only this life, but the next life as well.
God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You NotesOnLife.org/archive
Are you worried about your life or what’s coming next? if so, then find solace in today’s scripture because there is astonishing hope for everyone who believes in Christ! Jesus reminds us that He created the world and everyone in it and He is in control of everything. He promises eternal life to ALL people into his eternal home in heaven and you don’t have to demonstrate or demand anything to get there. Think about that!
While protestors are filling the streets demanding that “BLACK LIVES MATTER!!” - and that is TRUE - from God’s point of view He looks at the world and says THAT ALL LIVES MATTER!! Regardless of what does or does not happen on the earth, ALL LIVES will be in eternity one way or another, and nothing matters more than a person’s eternal state -- not their earthly state.
While there are major injustices in the world, we all need to understand that life here on earth is temporary. Instead of complaining about the unfairness of life in the world, instead embrace the opportunity to show kindness, compassion, mercy, forgiveness (and above all) LOVE for your fellow man. Rebellious behavior solves nothing and is the opposite of peace. God created man to live in harmony and peace, so instead of “If you Want Peace, Work For Justice,” turn this around and say “If you want JUSTICE, work for Peace.” JESUS CHRIST is the PRINCE OF PEACE and when you demonstrate love towards your ALL LIVES and God, He will bring justice to the world. If we do that, then all lives WILL matter.
So as tragic as some things are in the world, look at the eternal view and not just the chaotic world around us. This world is TEMPORARY but what follows is unseen. It is YOUR ETERNITY. This is what matters.
Friend, fix your eyes on the ultimate security and fulfillment that already awaits you because of the work Jesus did for you on the cross. All lives do indeed matter, but in God’s eyes Your Eternal Life Matters. Work towards God and you shall have both PEACE now and ETERNAL LIFE latter.
God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You NotesOnLife.org/archive
Did you know that everything we do outside of God’s will leave a black mark on our soul, but that the good news is that every single mark can be erased with the blood of Jesus?
Maybe you are asking how can the blood of anyone erase these marks? Well, the answer my friend is that the blood of Jesus bled out for you long before you were even born. He died 2,000 years ago on a wooden cross so that you would not have to wear those marks of sin and took all your sins upon Himself so that you could live eternally in heaven.
The blood of Jesus is pure and holy. When you come to know Jesus as your LORD and SAVIOR He washes all those marks of sin completely out of you and wipes every mistake of your life OUT just as if you never had them! When you receive this gift and accept what Christ has done for you, you will know deep inside that they are gone and you will have no desire to mark yourself in sin again.
There’s a wonderful old hymn called “Nothing But The Blood Of Jesus” that says: “What can wash away my sins? Nothing but the blood of Jesus! What can make me clean within? Nothing but the blood of Jesus! Oh, precious is the flow, that makes me white as snow. No other fount I know. Nothing but the blood of Jesus.”
If the world is pulling you and drawing you into sin that keeps continuing on and on in your life, stop right now and ask Jesus to come into your life. Come with all your heart and just say:
Jesus, please forgive me of my sins. I surrender myself to you.
When you take that step and confess your sins to him, he will lead you to a fulfilled life. Allow the Lord to erase those marks you’ve been making on your soul. Give them to Jesus and Let Him Erase Them ALL...and He WILL!
The Apostle Peter wrote:
“Knowing that you were not redeemed with corruptible things, like silver and gold, from your aimless conduct received by tradition from your fathers, but with the precious blood of Christ, as a lamb without blemish and spot.” 1 Peter 1:18
When you read the Bible, ask God to give you a deep desire to read, retain, and apply His WORD in your life. Then thank and praise God that He has made a way for all your sins to be forgiven. God has a better plan of hope, love, provision waiting for you when you decide to receive God’s forgiveness, and experience His love. Come and follow Jesus. Apply the SIN ERASER to your life!
God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You NotesOnLife.org/archive