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4 years ago
A Critique Of The Three Comings Of Christ

A Critique of the Three Comings of Christ

By Eli Kittim

Mainstream Christianity holds to the three comings of Christ. This modern eschatological position is so bizarre that it has actually devised not one, not two, but three comings of Christ. Some offshoots of this doctrine have additional comings. Here’s a brief summary of this view:

1. First Coming = Christ’s Incarnation, believed to have been witnessed in the first century c.e. (cf. Lk 2.11).

2. Second Coming = Christ will *invisibly* return for the rapture of the faithful (cf. 1 Thess. 4.16-17).

3. Third Coming = Christ will return once again and will be followed by a great multitude of saints (cf. 1 Thess. 3.13).

By contrast, I propose that there’s only *one* coming mentioned in the New Testament (NT), which complements the *one* coming mentioned in the Old Testament (OT).

The Gospel Genre

This is the starting point of all the hermeneutical confusion, which sets the tone for the rest of the Christian Canon. The gospels are not biographies or historiographical accounts. As most Bible scholars acknowledge, they are largely embellished theological or apocalyptic documents that show a heavy literary dependence on the OT. So, the assumption that the gospels are furnishing us with biographical information seems to be a misreading of the genre, which appears to be theological in nature. In comparison with the expository writing of the NT epistolary literature, which is explicit and didactic, the literary style of the canonical gospels can only be described as a theological genre of historical fiction!

The epistles apparently contradict the gospels regarding the timeline of Christ’s birth, death, and resurrection by placing it in eschatological categories. The epistolary authors deviate from the gospel writers in their understanding of the overall importance of eschatology in the chronology of Jesus. For them, Scripture comprises revelations and “prophetic writings” (see Rom. 16.25-26; 2 Pet. 1.19-21; Rev. 22.18-19)! According to the NT Epistles, the Christ will die “once for all” (Gk. ἅπαξ hapax) “at the end of the age” (Heb. 9.26b), a phrase which consistently refers to the end of the world (cf. ἐπὶ συντελείᾳ τῶν αἰώνων in Dan. 12.4 LXX; Mt. 13.39-40, 49; 24.3; 28.20). Similarly, just as Heb. 1.2 says that the physical Son speaks to humanity in the “last days,” 1 Pet. 1.20 (NJB) demonstrates the eschatological timing of Christ’s *initial* appearance with unsurpassed lucidity:

“He was marked out before the world was

made, and was revealed at the final point of


The 70-Weeks Prophecy of Daniel

Daniel’s seventy weeks’ prophecy refers exclusively to the end-time and has nothing to do with the time of Antiquity. It specifically alludes to the reestablishment of the State of Israel, a prophecy that was fulfilled in 1948 (cf. Ezek. 38.8)! A common misconception is to assume that the starting point of this prophecy began after the Hebrews returned from the Babylonian exile during the 500s b.c.e. However, this prophecy refers to the end of all visions and revelations, an end-time period that will in effect “seal both vision and prophet” (Dan. 9.24). John MacArthur, in describing Dan.9.24, was once quoted as saying: “It’s got to be a final thing cause everything is a final… . Boy, that’s final stuff, isn’t it? The end, the finish, the seal, seal it up, close it up, that’s the way it is!” If it is “final stuff,” then the prophecy cannot possibly be referring to the time of Antiquity but rather to the time of the end! This prophecy also refers to “times of distress” (Dan. 9.25 NASB), a phrase which is used elsewhere in the Book of Daniel to refer to the time of the end (see Dan. 12.1). Note also that Daniel outlines the timeline of the Messiah’s *death* as occurring *AFTER* the prophesied rebirth of Israel (9.25-26) at the end of days!

The traditional Christian interpretation is further compounded by breaking up the prophecy into two parts: one part fulfilled during the time of Antiquity, the other referring to the last week of the great tribulation (GT). In other words, exegetes assume that there is a two thousand-year gap between the so-called “sixty nine” weeks and the seventieth week. However, there is no Biblical evidence of a long time-gap between these weeks, but rather a successive sequence of events that combines both *princes* within the same context of the eschatological timetable (cf. Dan. 9.24-27), thus rendering the expositors’ imposition on the text unwarranted. That’s why Isa. 2.19 puts the resurrection of Christ in the last days. He says that people will hide in the caves of rocks when “the Lord … arises to terrify the earth” (cf. Rev. 6.15-17). First Cor. 15.22-24 tells us explicitly that Christ will be resurrected in the end-times (an idea also entertained by British New Testament scholar James Dunn).

2 Thessalonians Chapter 2

The author of 2 Thess. 2 warns against deception by stating unequivocally that the coming of Christ for the rapture cannot occur “unless the rebellion comes first and the lawless one is revealed” (2.1-3). There’s a further condition that has to be met before the rapture can take place, and before the “lawless one” (i.e. the Antichrist) can be revealed, namely, someone needs to be removed from the earth. A common misinterpretation is that this must either be a reference to the *Holy Spirit* or to the *church*, which will be taken out of the way before the Antichrist can be revealed. But if it is the Holy Spirit or the church it would directly contradict the Book of Revelation (7.13-14), which foresees a great spiritual revival during the time of the GT. For instance, John the Revelator sees “a great multitude that” came “out of the great ordeal [GT]” (Rev. 7.9, 14). This multitude represents the “church” of Christ, which is obviously present, not absent, during the GT. And without the Holy Spirit no one can be saved (Rom. 8.9b). Therefore, the so-called “restrainer” of 2 Thess. 2.6-7 can neither be the Holy Spirit nor the church. This mysterious figure can only be explained by my unique eschatological view. Since I hold that the first horseman of the Apocalypse is Christ (the white horseman), it is he and he alone who is the restrainer, and after he is *slain* the Antichrist will be revealed.


Christian eschatology holds that the so-called “second coming” of Jesus will transpire either before the Millennium (i.e. premillennialism) or after the Millennium (i.e postmillennialism). First, a literal millennial kingdom would contradict the Bible because it would imply more than 2 comings of Christ, 2 apocalypses, 2 Great Wars, 2 resurrections, 2 Great Endings, and so on, as opposed to one of each, which is what the Bible teaches. Second, the endtime war that Satan is said to unleash at the end of the millennium (Rev. 20.8) is the exact same war mentioned in Ezekiel 38: Gog & Magog. Third, 1 Thess. 4.17 says that after the rapture “we will be with the Lord forever,” not just for 1,000 years. Fourth, the Book of Daniel is clear that both the Good and the Damned will be resurrected simultaneously, not successively (12.2). By contrast, the second death in Revelation 20.14 is incorporeal, NOT physical. It’s the lake of fire; a spiritual death. It’s a category, not an event. So, only 1 physical resurrection is indicated in the Bible; not 2! Fifth, the only physical resurrection mentioned in the Bible is the one that is called the 1st resurrection, presumably because it comes prior to the above-mentioned spiritual one. And this resurrection is said to occur when the thousand years are finished (Rev. 20.5). And if it’s explicitly mentioned as the first resurrection, then it means that there couldn’t have been an earlier one. So then, how could the same people who would not be resurrected “until the thousand years were completed” (Rev. 20.5) simultaneously live and reign with Christ for a millennium? (Rev. 20.4). They cannot be both dead and alive at the same time! Therefore, Amillennialism (i.e. the view that there will be no literal millennial reign of the righteous on earth) is not obliged to subscribe to the *three-comings-of-Christ* model!

Does Christ Return Multiple Times?

The belief in the *three comings* of Christ equally contradicts a number of NT passages (e.g. 1 Cor. 15.22—26, 54—55; 2 Tim. 2.16—18; Rev. 19.10; 22.7, 10, 18—19), not to mention those of the OT that do not separate the Messiah’s initial coming from his reign (e.g. Isa. 9.6—7; 61.1—2). Rather than viewing them as three separate and distinguishable historical events, Scripture sets forth a single coming and does not make that distinction (see Lk. 1.31—33). Indeed, each time the “redeeming work” of Messiah is mentioned, it is almost invariably followed or preceded by some kind of reference to judgment (e.g. “day of vengeance”), which signifies the commencement of his reign on earth (see Isa. 63.4).


Most people expect Christ to come from the sky. The truth is, he will come from the earth (cf. Acts 1.11). The sequence of eschatological events is as follows: Christ will appear “at the final point of time” (1 Pet. 1.20 NJB; Rev. 6.2). He will die “once in the end of the world” (Heb. 9.26b KJV; Zeph. 1.7-8, 14-18) and resurrect (1 Cor. 15.22-24; Heb. 9.27-28) to rapture the faithful (1 Cor. 15.51-52; 1 Thess. 4.15-17; 2 Thess. 2.1-3) and fight the nations (Isa. 31.5; 63.3; Zech. 14.3; Rev. 19.15)!

The difference between my view and the classical Christian perspective is that I’m convinced that there are not multiple comings and multiple returns of Christ, but *only one* decisive coming at the end of the world, which includes the resurrection, the rapture, and his appearance in the sky!

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2 years ago
Odays Verse Are Powerful Words From Christ To The Church Or Laodicea, The Last Of The Seven Churches

oday’s verse are powerful words from Christ to the church or Laodicea, the last of the seven churches listed in Revelation chapters two and three. Laodicea means literally '(the) people (are) ruling' and it is a condemnation of how Christians in that church had become lethargic about their walk with and relationship with God.

Today we are repeating this same pattern in modern day Christianity where emphasis on self, comfort, and wealth are more important than devotion to God and letting Him rule our lives, not we ourselves. The Bible clearly tells us from prophecy and scripture that these are indeed the 'End Times' and that we must all be careful in this last age to not make the same mistake as the Laodiceans and heed Christ’s warning. Instead of having 'People Rule' in our churches and personal lives, we need to have 'God Rule,' be HOT and wake up our spiritual lives to be on FIRE for Him instead of yielding to lukewarm faith like the Laodiceans.

So how do we avoid becoming lukewarm — or even worse — cold towards God?! By staying close to God’s Word! The Word is shaper than any two edge sword, and when you apply it daily in your life it penetrates deeply inside your soul down to your very bones and transform you into His image, and not your own.

Friend, your spiritual life, and the life of your church will be HOT when you stay close to God’s Word and are obedient and faithful to Him. Be always as Colossians 3:15 says to “Let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body,” and not the wanton desires of an easy life. When you do, His Peace (which means WHOLENESS) will keep you HOT, and He will never spit those that are “Out of His Mouth.”

God Bless Your Day, Jesus Loves You

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2 years ago
When Most People Think About Jesus, They Imagine A Kind Loving Man Who Was A Master Teacher And Miracle

When most people think about Jesus, they imagine a kind loving man who was a master teacher and miracle healer. Pictures depict him as a shepherd gently tending lambs, blessing children, and feeding thousands with a kind loving look in his eyes. While He came peacefully into Jerusalem riding a donkey to the adoration of crowds spreading green palms as a carpet before him, even when suffering in agony at the crucifixion, He doesn’t curse his tormentors, but forgives them. In His whole life He is the personification of Peace, Love, and Forgiveness, however His Second Coming to earth will be quite a different story.

Thou He rode into Jerusalem on a donkey as the Prince of Peace, the Bible tells us that at His return He rides in on a white horse as a conquering judge. All those that are still on earth at that time will not meet a loving PRINCE of Peace, but a judging LORD of Glory For those not prepared to meet the Judge, it will be a day of disastrous destiny that will be their first day of an eternity that will be the opposite of “peace.”

If you are one of these people and have read this far then please realize that there is a time when all those that are not friends of God will not be treated not with Peace, Love, and Forgiveness, but with Harshness, Rebuke, and JUDGEMENT.

Jesus IS coming back to reclaim His authority over the earth to establish his kingdom, so if you do not know Christ and have not received the Peace, Love, and Forgiveness that he offers, do so today. There is no better time than the present because we all have no guarantee of tomorrow.

Prepare to meet Jesus as your KING, not your Judge.

God Bless Your Day, Jesus Loves You

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1 year ago
Turmoil Is The Nature Of Todays Tempestuous World.

Turmoil is the nature of today’s tempestuous world.

Today everywhere we look we see financial collapse, fear of war and nuclear conflict, flash mobs, riots, increasing earthquakes and volcanoes, widespread corruption in government leadership and soaring inflation that has many on edge. Here’s the truth:

This is EXACTLY as the world is supposed to be at this time in history.

Yet today, just like the people in this picture casually playing golf while a fire rages nearby, many likewise are blissfully ignoring the ominous emerging signs that the Bible said would be hallmarks of the end times before the return of Christ and a period the Bible refers to as “THE GREAT TRIBULATION.”

Jesus said of this time:

“For then shall be GREAT TRIBULATION, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.” Matthew 24:21

The signs are all around us and as Christ said these things will escalate even more. By contrast the much enthusiastically anticipated 'Great Reset' promises a world where all are equal regardless of race, gender or sexual presence, the planet is free from pollution and advanced technology promises flourishing wealth and freedom, but just as today’s verse has prophesied, while now 'they spring up (prosper) like grass' in the end those without God will perish.

Friend, safety from the calamities of the world are not found in gold & silver, brass & lead, bug-out bags, bunkers, or bureucrats but in Christ alone.

The reality is the Bible is TRUE, Christ is coming again, and for those that trust in Christ, the Bible promises: “God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Thessalonians 5:9)

If you have not done so, put your trust in Christ TODAY.

God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You

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