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When most people think about Jesus, they imagine a kind loving man who was a master teacher and miracle healer. Pictures depict him as a shepherd gently tending lambs, blessing children, and feeding thousands with a kind loving look in his eyes. While He came peacefully into Jerusalem riding a donkey to the adoration of crowds spreading green palms as a carpet before him, even when suffering in agony at the crucifixion, He doesn’t curse his tormentors, but forgives them. In His whole life He is the personification of Peace, Love, and Forgiveness, however His Second Coming to earth will be quite a different story.
Thou He rode into Jerusalem on a donkey as the Prince of Peace, the Bible tells us that at His return He rides in on a white horse as a conquering judge. All those that are still on earth at that time will not meet a loving PRINCE of Peace, but a judging LORD of Glory For those not prepared to meet the Judge, it will be a day of disastrous destiny that will be their first day of an eternity that will be the opposite of “peace.”
If you are one of these people and have read this far then please realize that there is a time when all those that are not friends of God will not be treated not with Peace, Love, and Forgiveness, but with Harshness, Rebuke, and JUDGEMENT.
Jesus IS coming back to reclaim His authority over the earth to establish his kingdom, so if you do not know Christ and have not received the Peace, Love, and Forgiveness that he offers, do so today. There is no better time than the present because we all have no guarantee of tomorrow.
Prepare to meet Jesus as your KING, not your Judge.
God Bless Your Day, Jesus Loves You
This message is about as simple as it can possibly be, because both the title and the scripture both ask and give the answer.
You are a SPIRIT, that has a SOUL, that is (currently) inside of a BODY. While the body will most certainly die, the soul and spirit are most certainly ETERNAL. The question is, where will your spirt and soul be in eternity?
If you’re not sure, re-read the today’s title and John 3:15 again. The answer 'How' is found in the next verse, which is the most commonly quoted one in the Bible:
“For God so loved the world (that includes YOU!) that He gave His only begotten Son, (to die for our sins on our behalf) that Whoever believes in Him Should not perish but Have everlasting life.” John 3:16
What you BELIEVE (or don’t believe) is where you will go in ETERNITY...and where that will be is entirely up to YOU.
To Which “Eternity” do you choose to go?
God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You