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God Tells Us In His Word That There Will Be Many Trials And Tribulations In Our Lives, And If You Have

God Tells Us In His Word That There Will Be Many Trials And Tribulations In Our Lives, And If You Have

God tells us in His Word that there will be many trials and tribulations in our lives, and if you have lived long enough you know this to be true. Sometimes there just doesn’t seem to be a solution to a problem or it may not seem to ever end. You may even be a Christian who prays your heart out to God, but He doesn’t seem to hear you or care what you’re going through. What do you do then?

That’s where the test of faith comes in! There are all kinds of formulas we may have heard about how to move the hand of God, yet God’s hand will move only when He is ready and usually when we have been tested. He is not a glorified butler but He is God Almighty who instead is training His children through trials to trust Him.

Hebrews 11:1 says, “Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen.” That is, Hope is the Desire to find the answer to the problem and Faith is Knowing the answer will be fulfilled.

Don’t become weary when you are going through a trial in life. Be patient and watch to see what God is doing in and through you. This is when the Spirit of Faith is operating:

“And since we have the same spirit of faith, according to what is written, I believed and therefore I spoke, we also believe and therefore speak.” 2 Corinthians 4:13

Belief in God and what He WILL DO must always come first, so when you pray for the answer make certain you believe in your heart without doubting that God will come through because having Faith in HIM (and not in OUR faith!) will produce results.

God loves it when His children live by faith, fully trusting in Him and knowing the good He has for you is just around the corner. He wants you to live in great expectation. He is working behind the scenes putting people, things or situations in place for your good. Wait with patience and expect your answer to be His good and perfect will of you.

God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You

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2 years ago
The Hebrew Word 'Shalom' Is Generally Recognized To Mean 'Peace' Or Harmony, But Another Secondary And

The Hebrew word 'Shalom' is generally recognized to mean 'Peace' or harmony, but another secondary and perhaps more important definition is Wholeness.

When there is peace things are not split apart but instead are joined together. Dissention or divorce in marriage? The solution is coming together as one PIECE in PEACE. Conflict between countries or warring parties? The solution is united back together in PEACE with each other, not separate. In fact, whenever you see the word peace simply substitute the word WHOLENESS and this will become abundantly clear.

Instead of 'Imagine World Peace' say 'Imagine World Wholeness'. Instead of 'Being at Peace' think 'Being in Wholeness.'

You see, instead of being one whole unit in harmony, the opposite of that is to be in piece(es.) Sadly this is what has happened in families, marriages, communities and in politics. Instead of working towards being whole, people are working towards being separated and split into pieces of 'for' or 'against', or 'left' or 'right' or 'haves' or 'have nots.'

Piece will never bring Peace, and the only real chance of real Peace is the Prince of Peace. If you ask Jesus Christ who is the only real SOURCE of Peace to be your Prince-of-Peace and follow His ways, you will not only be at peace but will be made the way God intended you to fully be – in wholeness, love, and completeness.

“Depart from evil, do good. Seek PEACE (NOT Division!) and Pursue It!!” - Psalm 34:14

God Bless Your Day, Jesus Loves You

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2 years ago
As The Old Story Goes, Eve Was Tricked By The Serpent In The Garden Of Eden To Eat Of The Forbidden Fruit.

As the old story goes, Eve was tricked by the serpent in the Garden of Eden to eat of the forbidden fruit. In doing so be STOLE paradise from Adam and Eve, KILLED their relationship to God, and DESTROYED the paradise that once was their divine gift from God. This is exactly what John 10:10 says are the character traits of Satan and how he operates.

This self-same method still deceives people today by convincing people that what they 'think' God is saying is not really true, but instead based on our natural, 'rational' human minds on what seems reasonable that we also can take our own bite out of the proverbial 'apple' as we will.

Friend, Do NOT fall into this self-same trap! It is so easy today to buy into what popular culture embraces regarding sex, wealth, love, money, power, and possessions to the point that it is easy to rationalize that is OK to take a 'bite' out of any one of those things because everyone else is doing it too, but this is all a replay of the same deception!

The Bible tells us that Satan pretends to say “it’s OK” to do this, that or the other, but God is calling you to hear HIS voice, not a voice that sounds good or is what others are doing. His voice will NEVER lead you astray.

What 'Hath' God really said?

He said: Hear thou, my son, and be wise, and guide thine heart in the way. [Proverbs 23:19] Follow ME [John 12:26]

God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You

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2 years ago
The WordKNOWLEDGEis Defined As The 'acquaintance With Facts, Truths Or Principles' It Means To Perceive

The word KNOWLEDGE is defined as the 'acquaintance with facts, truths or principles' It means to perceive or understand as fact or truth; to apprehend clearly and with certainty. Knowledge is typically gained through books, research, and delving into facts.

WISDOM is defined as 'the state of being wise,' which means 'having the power of discernment and judging properly as to what is true or right: possessing discernment, judgement, or discretion.' Wisdom is typically gained from experiences acquired over time.

So, we can see that knowledge and wisdom are two different things. In one sense, Knowledge resides in the MIND, but Wisdom resides in the HEART.

The wisdom book of Proverbs points us to the differences on achieving wisdom over knowledge in order to see life from God’s point of view and how to apply His wisdom in life. When you meditate on and listen to God ’s Word; and obey it, there will always be a Positive Benefit. Proverbs 24:3 says, “ Through wisdom lives are built, and by understanding it is established.”

My friend, if you want to be wise, trust in God and make a place for it in your heart. When you do, your path through life will always be well directed.

God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You

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2 years ago
Have You Made An Investment For Yourimmortalfuture? While Planning To Secure Yourmortalfuture Through

Have you made an investment for your immortal future? While planning to secure your mortal future through IRAs and other savings, your money cannot and will not secure or guarantee your entrance into eternity – but Jesus Christ can! There is just one thing you need to do…

God’s IRA for YOU is the Immortal Resurrection Assurance plan that goes far beyond the end of your life on earth. Best of all it is free and no-cost to you because it was paid for you by the sacrifice of the precious blood of Christ when he died for your sins on the cross.

The good news is that you don’t have to save for this IRA, but you DO need to simply Believe This And Receive Your Heavenly IRA by praying the following prayer:

Heavenly Father, I confess that no matter how good I think I am, I cannot enter into eternity without your IRA of redemption through Christ. I also confess that I am a sinner and I need the redemption of Jesus’ blood that will cover and forgive me of my sins. I promise to be faithful and obedient to you always. Thank you for saving me. Amen.

God Bless Your Day, Jesus Loves You

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