Investment - Tumblr Posts
So some of the things you buy... You buy them coz of some of the things they buy you access to.

Dining Room - Great Room Example of a huge mountain style light wood floor, beige floor and vaulted ceiling great room design with beige walls, a standard fireplace and a stone fireplace
The Toxic Boomer Money Advice You Need To Unlearn

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Have you made an investment for your immortal future? While planning to secure your mortal future through IRAs and other savings, your money cannot and will not secure or guarantee your entrance into eternity – but Jesus Christ can! There is just one thing you need to do…
God’s IRA for YOU is the Immortal Resurrection Assurance plan that goes far beyond the end of your life on earth. Best of all it is free and no-cost to you because it was paid for you by the sacrifice of the precious blood of Christ when he died for your sins on the cross.
The good news is that you don’t have to save for this IRA, but you DO need to simply Believe This And Receive Your Heavenly IRA by praying the following prayer:
Heavenly Father, I confess that no matter how good I think I am, I cannot enter into eternity without your IRA of redemption through Christ. I also confess that I am a sinner and I need the redemption of Jesus’ blood that will cover and forgive me of my sins. I promise to be faithful and obedient to you always. Thank you for saving me. Amen.
God Bless Your Day, Jesus Loves You

Ready to enhance your financial wellness? Our latest article breaks down the fundamentals of various investment options available. Whether you're new to investing or looking to diversify your portfolio, this guide offers valuable insights to help you make informed decisions and grow your wealth.
Start your investment journey with confidence — read the full article now!
ok i need to rant about this, rn-
Menagerie: A collection of wild animals kept in captivity for exhibition.
Like, when Inej was referred as the — Suli Lynx
And the Fjerdan Wolf, the Zemeni Fawn, the Kaelish girl is known as the mare for her red hair, the Ravkan Fox, the Shu Serpant in the Menagerie
During the Ice Court Heist, when Inej dressed up as the Suli Lynx, initially she was not held back, because no one other than Tante Heleen knew about the true identities of the girls!!
And the fact that no one even suspected a thing about the Kaelish switch that Nina did, really makes me question whether Heleen even bothered to keep a track of all the girls or not...
So, Heleen knew about Inej because Kaz invested in her?
"I can help you." Those were the first words she’d spoken to him, standing in the parlor of the Menagerie, draped in purple silk, eyes lined in kohl. She had helped him. And she’d nearly destroyed him.

Because why not?
Международный форум «Креативная экономика — украинский start-up»
Международный форум «Креативная экономика — украинский start-up»
Международный форум «Креативная экономика — украинский start-up» 22 СЕНТЯБРЯ 2015 года г. КИЕВ, УКРАИНА ЦЕНТР СОВРЕМЕННОГО ИСКУССТВА «М17» Как конвертировать творческие начинания в деньги, Инновационные пути развития творческого бизнеса, Мировая практика, кейсы. Форум будет интересен CEO руководителям инвестиционных компаний собственникам бизнеса маркетинг-директорам руководителям пиар-служб…
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Global Business Forum - 2015
Global Business Forum – 2015
Главный международный бизнес форум года 13-14 Ноября, 2015 Rixos Almaty, Алматы, Казахстан ВПЕРВЫЕ В ЦЕНТРАЛЬНОЙ АЗИИ ВЫСТУПЛЕНИЕ ТИТАНОВ МИРОВОГО БИЗНЕСА ВАШ ЕДИНСТВЕННЫЙ ШАНС ПОЛУЧИТЬ ПЕРЕДОВЫЕ ЗНАНИЯ ОТ ВЕДУЩИХ БИЗНЕСМЕНОВ ПЛАНЕТЫ ВЫ УЗНАЕТЕ: Как оптимизировать и добиваться высокого уровня прибыльности в вашей компании Как…
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